Trắc nghiệm Kĩ năng đọc hiểu Unit 2 Tiếng Anh 12 mới

Đề bài

Câu 1 :

The popular view of towns and cities in developing countries and of urbanization process is that despite the benefits and comforts it brings, the emergence of such cities connotes environmental degradation, generation of slums and squatters, urban poverty, unemployment, crimes, lawlessness, traffic chaos etc. But what is the reality? Given the unprecedented increase in urban population over the last 50 years from 300 million in 1950 to 2 billion in 2000 in developing countries, the wonder really is how well the world has coped, and not how badly.

           In general, the urban quality of life has improved in terms of availability of water and sanitation, power, health and education, communication and transport. By way of illustration, a large number of urban residents have been provided with improved water in urban areas in Asia’s largest countries such as China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite that, the access to improved water in terms of percentage of the total urban population seems to have declined during the last decade of 20th century, though in absolute numbers, millions of additional urbanites, have been provided improved services. These countries have made significant progress in the provision of sanitation services too, together, providing for an additional population of more than 293 million citizens within a decade (1990-2000). These improvements must be viewed against the backdrop of the rapidly increasing urban population, fiscal crunch and strained human resources and efficient and quality-oriented public management.

Câu 1.1

The popular view about the process of urbanization in developing countries is __________.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


Câu 1.2

The average annual increase in the number of urbanites in developing countries, from 1950 to 2000 A.D. was close to_____.

  • A.

    30 million

  • B.

    40 million

  • C.

    50 million

  • D.

    60 million

Câu 1.3

The reality of urbanization is reflected in ______.

  • A.

    How well the situation has been managed.

  • B.

    How badly the situation has gone out of control.

  • C.

    How fast has been the tempo of urbanization.

  • D.

    How fast the environment has degraded.

Câu 1.4

Which one of the following is not considered as an indicator of urban quality of life?

  • A.

    Tempo of urbanization

  • B.

    Provision of basic services

  • C.

    Access to social amenities

  • D.

    All the above

Câu 1.5

The author in this passage has tried to focus on_________.

  • A.

    Extension of Knowledge

  • B.

    Environmental Consciousness

  • C.

    Analytical Reasoning

  • D.

    Descriptive Statement

Lời giải và đáp án

Câu 1 :

The popular view of towns and cities in developing countries and of urbanization process is that despite the benefits and comforts it brings, the emergence of such cities connotes environmental degradation, generation of slums and squatters, urban poverty, unemployment, crimes, lawlessness, traffic chaos etc. But what is the reality? Given the unprecedented increase in urban population over the last 50 years from 300 million in 1950 to 2 billion in 2000 in developing countries, the wonder really is how well the world has coped, and not how badly.

           In general, the urban quality of life has improved in terms of availability of water and sanitation, power, health and education, communication and transport. By way of illustration, a large number of urban residents have been provided with improved water in urban areas in Asia’s largest countries such as China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite that, the access to improved water in terms of percentage of the total urban population seems to have declined during the last decade of 20th century, though in absolute numbers, millions of additional urbanites, have been provided improved services. These countries have made significant progress in the provision of sanitation services too, together, providing for an additional population of more than 293 million citizens within a decade (1990-2000). These improvements must be viewed against the backdrop of the rapidly increasing urban population, fiscal crunch and strained human resources and efficient and quality-oriented public management.

Câu 1.1

The popular view about the process of urbanization in developing countries is __________.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


Đáp án : B

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Quan điểm phổ biến về quá trình đô thị hóa ở các nước đang phát triển là __________.

A. Tích cực

B. Tiêu cực

C. Trung tính

D. Không xác định được

Thông tin: In paragraph 1

“despite the benefits and comforts it brings, the emergence of such cities connotes environmental degradation, generation of slums and squatters, urban poverty, unemployment, crimes, lawlessness, traffic chaos etc.”

Tạm dịch: Mặc dù có những lợi ích và tiện nghi mà đô thị hóa mang lại, sự xuất hiện của những thành phố có nghĩa là suy thoái môi trường, tạo ra các khu ổ chuột, dân thành thị nghèo, thất nghiệp, tội phạm, vô luật pháp, hỗn loạn giao thông, v.v.

=> negative view

Câu 1.2

The average annual increase in the number of urbanites in developing countries, from 1950 to 2000 A.D. was close to_____.

  • A.

    30 million

  • B.

    40 million

  • C.

    50 million

  • D.

    60 million

Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Mức tăng trung bình hàng năm về số lượng người thành thị ở các nước đang phát triển, từ 1950 đến 2000 A.D. đã gần với ___.

A. 30 triệu

B. 40 triệu

C. 50 triệu

D. 60 triệu

Thông tin:

“over the last 50 years from 300 million in 1950 to 2 billion in 2000 in developing countries”

(1,700 million/ 50 years)

=> 30 million/ year

Câu 1.3

The reality of urbanization is reflected in ______.

  • A.

    How well the situation has been managed.

  • B.

    How badly the situation has gone out of control.

  • C.

    How fast has been the tempo of urbanization.

  • D.

    How fast the environment has degraded.

Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Thực tế của đô thị hóa được phản ánh trong ______.

A. Tình hình đã được quản lý tốt như thế nào.

B. Tình hình đã vượt quá tầm kiểm soát như thế nào.

C. Tốc độ đô thị hóa nhanh như thế nào.

D. Môi trường đã xuống cấp nhanh như thế nào.

Thông tin: “the wonder really is how well the world has coped, and not how badly”

Tạm dịch: Điều đáng cân nhắc thực sự là thế giới đã đối phó tốt như thế nào, chưa không phải tệ như thế nào

Câu 1.4

Which one of the following is not considered as an indicator of urban quality of life?

  • A.

    Tempo of urbanization

  • B.

    Provision of basic services

  • C.

    Access to social amenities

  • D.

    All the above

Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Một trong những điều sau đây không được coi là một chỉ số về chất lượng cuộc sống đô thị?

A. Tốc độ đô thị hóa

B. Cung cấp các dịch vụ cơ bản

C. Tiếp cận các tiện ích xã hội

D. Tất cả những điều trên

Thông tin: Paragraph 2

“In general, the urban quality of life has improved in terms of availability of water and sanitation, power, health and education, communication and transport.” => Provision of basic services

“Despite that, the access to improved water in terms of percentage of the total urban population seems to have declined during the last decade of 20th century, though in absolute numbers, millions of additional urbanites, have been provided improved services.” => Access to social amenities

=> Tempo of urbanization is not considered as an indicator of urban quality of life

Câu 1.5

The author in this passage has tried to focus on_________.

  • A.

    Extension of Knowledge

  • B.

    Environmental Consciousness

  • C.

    Analytical Reasoning

  • D.

    Descriptive Statement

Đáp án : C

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Lời giải chi tiết :

Tác giả trong đoạn văn này đã cố gắng tập trung vào __________.

A. Mở rộng kiến thức

B. Ý thức môi trường

C. Lý luận phân tích

D. Bổ sung định nghĩa

Thông tin: Paragraph 2 trả lời và phân tích cho câu hỏi ở paragraph 1: the wonder really is how well the world has coped, and not how badly.”
