Đề số 5 - Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 2 - Tiếng Anh 7 mới

Đáp án và lời giải chi tiết Đề số 5 - Đề kiểm tra học kì 2 - Tiếng Anh 7 mới

Quảng cáo

Đề bài

I. Listen and fill in the blank with one suitable word.

Never before in history, have there been so many people on Earth as right now. Our numbers have skyrocketed from 1 billion in 1800 to 2.3 billion in 1940, 3.7 billion in 1970 and 7.4 billion in (1) _______. The world population (2) _______ fourfold in the last century, so what can we expect for the next century? And what does population growth mean for our future? Will there be mass-migration? (3) _______ slums and megacities covering continents? Diseases and pollution? Chaos and violence over energy, water, and food? And a human species focused only (4) _______ sustaining itself? Will population growth destroy our way of life? (5) _______ is this prophecy just ungrounded panic?

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

6. A. seatbelt               B. bread                      C. ahead                      D. healthy

7. A. volunteered        B. convinced               C. appeared                 D. starred

8. A. fossils                 B. wants                      C. looks                       D. helps

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

9. A. advantage           B. atmosphere             C. motorbike               D. generate

10. A. manner             B. tourist                     C. machine                  D. action

11. A. renewable         B. artificial                  C. unfortunate                        D. continuous

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C, D to complete the sentence.

12. Fossil fuels are very common in our society but they _________ the environment.

A. renew                                 B. provide                               C. waste                      D. pollute

13. In the ancient world, people __________long distances just on foot.

A. travel                                  B. used to travel                      C. traveling                 D. use to traveling

14. The athlete completed the race _________ his pain.

A. despite                                B. although                             C. nevertheless            D. without

15. _________ is this table made of? It’s made of wood.

A. How                                   B. What                                   C. Whom                    D. Which

16. My favorite singer __________ at 7 p.m. tomorrow. I will spend time for his show.

A. performs                             B. will performing                   C. is performed           D. will be performed

17. My grandfather __________ after by my sister when I am not home.

A. will look                             B. will be looked                     C. looks                       D. will be looking

18. I know Louis is _________ friend. He’s also a friend of_________.

A. your - my                            B. your - I                               C. your - mine             D. yours – mine

19. She has ____________ patience than her coworker.

A. less                                     B. fewer                                  C. little                        D. few

20. David and James will be learning Japanese at this time next week, __________?

A. won’t they                          B. will he                     C. aren’t they              D. does he

IV. Find out one mistake in each sentence below.

21. We didn’t (A) used (B) to have (C) a colorful TV, but (D) we do now.

22. The ending (A) of (B) the film is satisfied (C). All audiences are (D) very sad.

V. Supply the correct of the word in brackets to complete these sentences.

23. He is a _________ man. He is lazy and drunk all day. (disappoint)

24. What an excellent actor. He makes the movie ________ wonderful. (amaze)

25. It is a sky ________ system; it’ll stop everyone from crashing. (safe)

V. Read the passage and decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

Fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) are very important tin the production of energy, although they produce a lot of carbon dioxide that harms the environment. However, they are rapidly running out because they are non-renewable energy sources.

People are looking for cleaner and safer alternative sources of energy. For example, solar energy is unlimited and is easy to get. In some countries, people put solar panels on the roofs of houses and buildings for heating and hot water. In addition, hydro power is cheap and plentiful. They are increasingly used to generate electricity. Although nuclear power is also clean and abundant, it is dangerous and may cause serious accidents.

Viet Nam still relies heavily on fossil fuels for energy at the moment. Before other renewable sources of energy become popular in Viet Nam, we need to limit energy consumption to protect our environment.

26. Fossil fuels are running out. _______

27. People put solar panels inside their houses for heating and hot water. _______

28. Both hydro power and nuclear power are abundant. _______

29. Nuclear power is dangerous and may cause accidents. _______

30. Viet Nam is using more renewable resources than fossil fuels. _______

VI. Choose the suitable word to fill in each blank in the following passage. There is an extra word.

Therefore           able             driverless               at               However                      will     

Travelling in the future will (31) ………… be much easier and safer.

People may travel in a driverless car. Even old and disabled people will be (32) ………… to use it, because the car can drive itself. However, a (33) ………… car will be expensive.

People can choose to go on foot on moving pavements. A Swiss company has invented a system of high-speed moving pavements. People will go through the streets (34) ………… up to 15 kilometres per hour just by standing on the pavements. This will reduce travelling time of pedestrians and traffic jams effectively. (35) …………, more people will leave their vehicles home.

VII. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.

36. Our environment will treat humans in a way that humans have treated it.

=> Humans …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

37. We can find several skyscrapers in the city but we hardly find one in the rural area. (less)

=> We ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

38. Will Kevin arrive here before 4 o’clock?

=> Kevin ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..?

39. My brother still went to school yesterday although he was sick. (sickness)

=> My brother  …………………………………………………………………………………………………

40. How far is it from our school to the nearest beach in our area?

=> What ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


------------------THE END------------------

Lời giải chi tiết


1. 2016

2. increased

3. Overcrowded

4. on

5. or

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. A

10. C

11. B

12. D

13. B

14. A

15. B

16. A

17. B

18. C

19. A

20. A

21. B

22. C

23. disappointing

24. amazingly

25. safety

26. T

27. F

28. T

29. T

30. F

31. will

32. able

33. driverless

34. at

35. Therefore

36. will be treated by our environment in a way that humans have treated it.

37. have less chance to find a skyscraper in the rural area than in the city.

38. will arrive here before 4 o’clock, won’t he?

39. My brother still went to school despite his sickness.

Hoặc: My brother still went to school in spite of his sickness.

40. is the distance from our school to the nearest beach in our area?

Hoặc: is the distance between our school and the nearest beach in our area?

Quảng cáo

Tham Gia Group Dành Cho 2K12 Chia Sẻ, Trao Đổi Tài Liệu Miễn Phí
