Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 4 - Global Success

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Unit 1. My friends 1. Từ vựng: Tên một số đất nước 2. Ngữ pháp: Hỏi ai đó đến từ đâu Unit 2. Time and daily routines 1. Từ vựng: Giờ giấc, một số hoạt động thường ngày 2. Ngữ pháp: Hỏi giờ, hỏi xem ai đó làm gì lúc mấy giờ

Quảng cáo


Unit 1. My friends

1. Từ vựng

Tên một số đất nước

2. Ngữ pháp

Hỏi ai đó đến từ đâu

Unit 2. Time and daily routines

1. Từ vựng

- Giờ giấc

- Một số hoạt động thường ngày

2. Ngữ pháp

- Hỏi giờ

- Hỏi xem ai đó làm gì lúc mấy giờ

Unit 3. My weeks

1. Từ vựng

- Các ngày trong tuần

- Một số hoạt động

2. Ngữ pháp

- Hỏi về các ngày trong tuần

- Hỏi xem ai đó làm gì vào một ngày nào đó trong tuần

Unit 4. My birthday party

1. Từ vựng

- Tháng trong năm

- Đồ ăn, thức uống

2. Ngữ pháp

- Hỏi xem sinh nhật của ai đó vào khi nào

- Hỏi xem ai đó muốn ăn/uống gì

Unit 5. Things we can do

1. Từ vựng

Một số hoạt động

2. Ngữ pháp

Hỏi về khả năng làm gì của ai đó

Unit 6. Out school facilities

1. Từ vựng

- Một số địa điểm

- Cơ sở vật chất trong trường học

2. Ngữ pháp

- Hỏi vị trí của trường học

- Hỏi số lượng của danh từ đếm được trong trường học

Unit 7. Our timetables

1. Từ vựng

- Một số môn học

- Ôn lại các ngày trong tuần (xem lại Unit 3)

2. Ngữ pháp

- Hỏi thời khoá biểu môn học của ngày nào đó

- Hỏi khi nào có môn gì đó

Unit 8. My favourite subjects

1. Từ vựng

- Một số môn học

- Một số nghề nghiệp liên quan đến môn học

2. Ngữ pháp

- Hỏi về môn học yêu thích của ai đó

- Hỏi về lí do thích môn học nào đó

Unit 9. Out sports day

1. Từ vựng

Các tháng trong năm

2. Ngữ pháp

Hỏi về thời gian diễn ra ngày hội thể thao

Unit 10. Our summer holidays

1. Từ vựng

- Địa điểm nghỉ mát

- Thời gian trong quá khứ

- Giới từ chỉ địa điểm

2. Ngữ pháp

Thì quá khứ đơn: Hỏi xem ai đó đã ở đâu tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ


Unit 1. My friends

I. Complete the sentences. There is one example

1. I am from America, so I am American.

2. She is from Britain, so she is _______.  

3. He is from Korea, so he is _______.

4. They are from Australia, so they are _______.

5. We are from Thailand, so we _______.

6. Helen and Sam are from England, so they _______.

7. Helmut is from Brazil, so he _______.

8. Akiko is from Japan, so she _______.

II. Writing: Write about you and one of your friends.

1. What’s your name?

2. Where are you from?

3. What’s your friend’s name?

4. Where is he/she from?

Unit 2. Time and daily routines

I. Find ONE mistake in each sentence below.

1. I gets up at six o c’lock every morning.

2. I has breakfast at seven o’clock.

3. I go at school at eight o’clock.

4. What time it is?

5. What do you get up?

II. Speaking: Talk about your routine in the morning

Unit 3. My weeks

I. Make correct sentences, using the given words.

1. What/ time/ it?


2. What/ you/ do/ Sundays?


3. I/ listen/ music/ Saturdays.


4. What/ day/ it/ today?


5. I/ study/ school/ Mondays.


II. Writing: Write about your week

Unit 4. My birthday party

I. Complete sentences, using the given words.

party        in        want        When’s        What

1. _______ do you want to eat?

2. _______ your birthday?

3. My birthday is _______ March.

4. I _______ some lemonade.

5. I invite a lot of friends to my birthday _______.

II. Writing: Write about you birthday party.

You can answer questions below:

1. When’s your birthday?

2. Who do you invite?

3. What do you want in to eat/drink in your birthday party?

4. How do you feel (happy/excited/bored...)?

Unit 5. Things we can do

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Can she _______?

A. cook

B. cooks

C. cooking

2. I can _______ a horse.

A. ride

B. play

C. swim

3. Can he draw? - No, ________.

A. he can

B. he don’t

C. he can’t

4. Marry can’t _______ the guitar.

A. make

B. ride

C. play

5. My sister can’t cook ______ she can draw well.

A. because

B. so

C. but

II. Speaking

1. What can you do?

2. What can your friends do?

3. What can’t you do?

4. What can’t your friends do?

Unit 6. Our school facilities

I . Rearrange the given words to make a correct sentence.

1. in/ is/ school/ town./ My/ the


2. many/ your/ school?/ How/ there/ computer rooms/ are/ at/ your


3. school?/ Where’s/ your


4. are/ buildings/ my/ There/ two/ school./ at


5. is/ playground/ big/ There/ school./ at/ my/ a


II. Writing: Write about your school.

You can answer questions below:

1. Where is it?

2. What does is have? (bulding, garden, playgrounds, compter room, canteen...)

Unit 7. Our timetables

I. Look and write the questions and answe them. 

II. Speaking: Talk about your timetable

1. When do you have lessons at school?

2. When do you have maths/Vietnamese/English?

3. What subjects do you have today?

Unit 8. My favourite subjects

I. Put the words in the correct order.

1. Science/My/ subject/ favourite/is/

2. favourite/ is/ What/ subject/ your/?

3. does/ she/ Why/ like/ Music/? 

4. to/ I/ be/ want/ a/ Maths teacher/.

5. art/ a painter./ I/ because/ want/ be/ to/ I/ like

II. Speaking: Talk about your favourite subject

1. What subjects do you have today?

2. What’s your favourite subject?

3. When do you have it?

4. Why do you like it?

Unit 9. Our sports day

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Odd one out.

A. Monday       

B. Thusday     

C. Sunday       

D. October 

2. Odd one out

A. sports day   

B. badminton      

C. football       

D. basketball     

3. ____ is your sports day? – It’s in May. 

A. How   

B. When   

C. Who

4. ____ your sports day in June?

A. Do      

B. Is      

C. Are

5. My sports day is _____ July.

A. in       

B. on       

C. at

II. Writing: Write about your school’s sports day.

You can answer the questions below to write:

1. When is your school’s sports day?

2. Where does it take place?

3. What do students to there?

4. Do you take part in? If yes, which sports do you play?

Unit 10. Our summer holidays

I. Complete the sentences. Use the given words.

last       in       was        were      campsite

1. Last summer I _______ on the beach. I built many sand castles there. 

2. Linda was at the _______. She went camping with her classmates. 

3. They ________ in Bangkok last month.

4. I was in Tokyo _______ summer with my family.

5. Were you _______ Sydney last weekend? 

II. Speaking: Talk about your last summer trip.

1. Where were you?

2. Who did you go with?

3. What did you do?

4. How did you feel?


Unit 1. My friends

I. Complete the sentences. There is one example.

1. am American

2. British

3. Korean

4. Australian

5. are Thai

6. English

7. is Brazilian

8. Japanese

II. Writing: Write about you and one of your friends.

Suggested answer:

My name is Hoai Anh. I’m 9 years old. I’m from Viet Nam. Yuri is one of my friends. She comes from Korea. She’s 9 years old, too.

Unit 2. Time and daily routines

I. Find ONE mistake in each sentence below.

1. gets => get

2. has => have

3. at => to

4. it is => is it

5. What => What time/When

II. Speaking: Talk about your routine in the morning.

Suggested answer:

I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I get dressed. I have to wear school uniform. I have breakfast at 6:45. I go to school at 7:00.

Unit 3. My weeks

I. Make correct sentences, using the given words.

1. What time is it?

2. What do you do on Sunday?

3. I listen to music on Saturdays.

4. What day is it today?

5. I study at school on Mondays.

II. Writing: Write about your week

Suggested answer:

I go to school from Monday to Friday. I often play badminton with my friends on Wednesday afternoon, when my lessons finish. I stay at home and do housework on Saturdays. I go swimming or go to cinema with my brother on Sundays.

Unit 4. My birthday party

I. Complete sentences, using the given words.

1. What

2. When’s

3. in

4. want 

5. party

II. Writing: Write about you birthday party.

Suggested answer:

My birthday is on July 17th. I invite not many people, just my close friends at school. I like to have a birthday cake for my birthday party. I also want some snacks such as chips, fried chicken. Some coke or lemondade is great for drinks. I feel so excited and happy to see my friends on my birthday.

Unit 5. Things we can do

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. A 

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. C

II. Speaking

Suggested answers:

1. I can play the guitar and I can ride a bike.

2. My friend, Linh, can cook very well. Hung can dance beautifully.

3. I can’t sing.

4. Linh can’t dance. Hung can’t cook.

Unit 6. Our school facilities

I . Rearrange the given words to make a correct sentence.

1. My school is in the town.

2. How many computer rooms are there at your school?

3. Where’s your school?

4. There are two buildings at my school.

5. There is a big playground at my school .

II. Writing: Write about your school.

Suggested answer:

My school is in the city. It’s big. There are three big buildings at my school. There are 20 classrooms. It has two computer rooms, a beautiful garden and a big play ground.

Unit 7. Our timetables

I. Look and write the questions and answer them.

1. What subjects do you have today?

    I have maths and Vietnamese.

2. What subjects do you have today?

    I have music and English.

3. What subjects do you have today?

    I have science, History and Geography.

4. What subjects do you have today?

    I have art and maths.

5. What subjects do you have today?

    I have English.

6. What subjects do you have today?

    I have Vietnamese, History and Geography.

II. Speaking: Talk about your timetable

Suggested answers:

1. I have lessons at school from Monday to Friday every week.

2. I have maths on Mondays and Thursdays.

I have Vietnamese on Wednesdays and Fridays.

I have English on Tuesdays and Thursday.

3. Today I have maths, English and art.

Unit 8. My favourite subjects

I. Put the words in the correct order.

1. My favourite subject is Science.

2. What is your favourite subject?

3. Why does she like Music?

4. I want to be a Maths teacher.

5. I like art because I want to be a painter.

II. Speaking: Talk about your favourite subject

1. Today I have maths, P.E and English.

2. My favourite subject is English.

3. I have English on Wednesday and Friday.

4. I like English because I want to talk to my English friends more and I want to study abroad in the future.

Unit 9. Our sports day

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. A

II. Writing: Write about your school’s sports day.

Suggested answer:

My school’s sport’s day is in September. It takes place in my school’s yards. Students and teachers play a lot of sports. Students play badminton, basketball, football. Teachers play volleyball and tennis. I and my classmates also take part in the sports day. We play basketball and football.

Unit 10. Our summer holidays

I. Complete the sentences. Use the given words.

1. was

2. campsite

3. were

4. last

5. in

II. Speaking: Talk about your last summer trip.

Suggested answers.

1. Last summer I was in Tokyo.

2. I was there with my family.

3. We visited a lot of beautiful places and tried delious dishes.

4. I was so happy and excited.

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    Listen and number. Listen and draw lines. Listen and complete. Choose the best answer. Look. Read and decide True or False. Read and choose A, B or C. Choose the correct answer. Read and decide each sentences below is T (True) or F (False). Read and complete. Use the given words. Write suitable answers to the questions, using the words in the brackets.

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