Tổng hợp 3 đề thi giữa học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 8 English Discovery có đáp án

Choose the word choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. Choose the correct answers. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets. Read the text and decide each statement below is T (True) or F (False). Make complete sentences using the prompts.

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Đề 1


I. Choose the word choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.


A. block                       

B. novel                       

C. your                        

D. iPod


A. reporter                   

B. technology               

C. perform                   

D. roar


A. poor                        

B. cold                         

C. pour                        

D. awful

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.


A. unusual                   

B. boring                      

C. normal                     

D. clever


A. charger                    

B. battery                     

C. dictionary                

D. electronic


I. Choose the correct answers.

6. He _______ his tablet every day to read e-books and watch music videos.

A. use                          

B. uses                         

C. is using                    

D. are using

7. She _______ taking selfies with a selfie stick. She thinks it’s strange.

A. don’t like                 

B. doesn’t like              

C. isn’t liking               

D. not like

8. Duy ________ me a gift on my birthday.

A. buys always

B. always buys

C. is always buying

D. always buying

9. She doesn’t understand why he likes _________ games on his phone all the time. She thinks it’s a waste of time and battery.

A. playing                    

B. play                         

C. plays                       

D. to playing

10. Farmers faced difficulties during the __________ as their crops couldn’t grow without sufficient rainfall.

A. drought                   

B. thunder                    

C. flood                       

D. earthquake

II. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

11. My brother __________ (play) video games every evening.

12. Right now, my sister __________ (watch) a movie on her tablet.

13. My parents __________ (use) the smart speaker to play music in the living room.

14. We __________ (use) the computer to do homework.

15. My dad __________ (prefer) to read e-books on his e-reader rather than physical books.

II. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets.

16. After the volcanic __________, a thick layer of dust covered nearby towns, causing disruptions in transportation. (ERUPT)

17. The weather turned __________ with dark clouds, strong winds, and heavy rain. (STORM)

18. The sun slowly went down below the horizon, creating a beautiful __________. (SUN)

19. The hot summer sun made the temperature rise, and it felt like a __________ day. (BOIL)

20. Japan’s high __________ helps its forests recover quickly after logging. (RAIN)


Read the text and decide each statement below is T (True) or F (False).

Surviving in the Andes

On October 13, 1972, a plane crashed into an Andes mountain. Some passengers managed to survive. Walking in freezing temperatures, the survivors sought shelter inside the wreckage. They had little food and no hope of rescue.

Two months later, three passengers named Roberto Canessa, Nando Parrado, and Antonio Vizintin decided to find help. The journey was hard and tiring. However, instead of finding an escape, they saw more icy peaks.

But hope remained. Parrado saw two snow-free peaks about 65 kilometers away. Vizintin went back to the plane due to the lack of food while the others decided to keep going. Fortunately, they found a small river and felt the warmth of the sun. The snow disappeared, replaced by colorful flowers. Canessa exclaimed, "This is the valley! This is the way out."

Ten days later, on December 21st, the exhausted men arrived in the town of Los Maitenes in Chile. A rescue team came to save the other passengers in the high Andes.

They all survived while waiting for help. The memories of the crash stayed with them, but their suffering was over.

21. The survivors didn’t have enough food in the Andes mountain.              

22. Three of the survivors decided to find help after 1 month.                      

23. Vizintin returned to the crash site because he lost hope.                                  

24. Canessa and Parrado arrived in Los Maitenes on December 21st.

25. All the passengers who survived the crash were rescued.              


Make complete sentences using the prompts.

26.  Skateboarders / not / always / wear / helmets / the park.


27. There / a mirror / next to / the bathtub / the bathroom.


28. What / you / usually / do / at the weekend?


29. Where / you / buy / your / jeans?


30. anybody / play / football / yesterday?


-----THE END-----

Đề 2


I. Choose the word choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.


A. path                        

B. dam                         

C. cave                        

D. valley


A. survival                   

B. victim                      

C. hurricane                 

D. disaster

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.


A. sunset                      

B. degree                     

C. sunshine                  

D. thunder


A. landslide                  

B. earthquake               

C. lightning                  

D. typhoon


A. pioneer                    

B. volcanic                   

C. eruption                   

D. tsunami


IChoose the correct answers.

6. My phone’s dead. Can you give me the ____?

A. battery                                                    

B. speaker                    

C. charger

D. earphones

7.  Let’s look for ____ in the forest, such as spiders and bats!

A. leaves                                                     

B. wildlife                                                   

C. bears

D. pets

8. A ____ means that everywhere is under water.

A. drought                                                   

B. flood                                                       

C. rain

D. landslide

9. There are old stuffs stored in the _______ long time ago.

A. washing machine                                       

B. laundry room                                           

C. bathtub

D. basement

10. I can’t eat this chesse. It’s ________!

A. tasty                                                        

B. disgusting                                                

C. yummy

D. affordable

II. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

11. They finish downloading some songs from the internet. They decide _______ (make) a playlist for their party.

12. While we _____________ (do) some shopping last week, we _____________ (see) our favourite singer.

13. Yesterday _____________ (be) Saturday, and I _____________ (meet) my friends in town.

14. How often ________ she _______ (go) to the gym?

15. The powerful tsunami in 2004 __________ (cause) widespread damage in coastal areas of several countries in Southeast Asia.

II. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets.

16. They prefer to use their phones instead of a digital camera to take pictures because they think it’s more _______ . (TIME)

17. She likes to watch music videos on YouTube. She thinks they are very _______. (ENTERTAIN)

18. She has a hobby of collecting ________ technological devices like a smartphone-controlled paper airplane. (USUAL)

19. She likes listening to music on her ________ when she is doing her homework. (SPEAK)

20. Jane’s mother is so _________. Her outfits in 80s are still not dated now. (FASHION)


Read the text then write A (Smart fork), B (Smart toothbrush) or C (Selfie toaster) next to each statement.

Unusual gadget

Some technology gadgets are very common and useful, but some technology gadgets are very strange and unusual.

A. A smart fork

This is a fork that can connect to your phone via Bluetooth. It can measure how fast you eat. It can also flash lights to remind you to slow down if you eat too quickly. Some people think this gadget is clever and helpful. But some think it is annoying and unnecessary.

B. A smart toothbrush

Do you want to prevent dental problems? Then you might need a smart toothbrush. It can connect to your phone via Bluetooth. It can track how long you brush and which areas you miss. It can also give you feedback and tips to improve your brushing technique. Some people think this gadget is useful and reliable. But some think it is boring.

C. A selfie toaster

This is a toaster that can toast your face on a slice of bread. You can upload your photo to the toaster via a USB cable, and it will burn your image on the bread. Some people think this gadget is fun and entertaining. But some think it is silly and wasteful.

21. This gadget can receive photos from your phone via a USB cable. 

22. This gadget can track the time you spend on brushing your teeth.

23. This gadget has lights on it.

24. This gadget is to prevent dental problems.

25. This gadget burns your image on the bread.


Rewrite sentences keeping the same meaning. Use the given words in the brackets.

26. I can’t wait to go shopping on Saturday! (FORWARD)


27. Abby finds reading books boring. (DISLIKE)


28. The young would rather use smartphones to take photos than use cameras. (PREFER)


29. It is necessary to charge your phone before it reaches 20%. (NEED)


30. It is Lan’s decision to buy her son a tablet instead of a computer for his birthday present. (DECIDE)


-----THE END-----

Đề 3


I. Choose the word choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.


A. charge

B. touch

C. watch

D. chemistry


A. coast

B. condition

C. social

D. volcanic

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.


A. victim

B. peninsula

C. eruption

D. disaster


A. perform

B. unusual

C. connection

D. gadget


A. reliable

B. event

C. hurricane

D. typhoon


IChoose the correct answers.

6. They __________ a picnic when the heavy rain poured down. They had to seek shelter.

A. had                         

B. have                        

C. were having             

D. have had

7. A ________ is a very strong wind. 

A. drought                                                   

B. tsunami                   

C. hurricane

D. volcanic

8. She uses a/an _________ to  learn about new words. She thinks it’s very useful.

A. remote control          

B. iPod                        

C. Internet                    

D. electronic dictionary

9.  There was a great _________ in the sky yesterday.

A. waterfall                  

B. sunset                                                      

C. path

D. dust

10.  She _______ uploading her pictures to Instagram. She hopes to get many likes and comments.

A. look forward to                                        

B. looking forward to    

C. is looking forward to 

D. Both A and C are correct.

II. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

11. While he _______ (study) the map, she was checking the trail markers to ensure they were on the right path.

12. _______ he ________ (see) any wild animals during his safari trip in Africa last month?

13. He doesn’t like ________ (go) out at the weekends. He prefers ________ (stay) at home.

14. Listen! It ________ (rain) outside.

15. She always ________ (check) her phone’s battery before going out.

II. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets.

16. It’s ________ outside. You need to dress warmly enough before you go out. (FREEZE)

17. We’re not allowed to use our phones at ______________. (MEAL)

18. My new laptop is a MacBook – a famous worldwide technology brand. So I think it’s _________ enough to use. (RELY)

19. A selfie stick is _______ when you want to take a photo of a big group. (USE)

21. The typhoon last year was terrible because of its massive _________. (DESTROY)


Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Imagine you have a smartphone and you want to stay in a hotel. What if you don’t need a hotel key, or even have to wait at the Registration desk, to enter your room? You can just use your phone to open the door! That’s the idea of a hotel company that wants to send digital keys to guests’ phones via an app instead of giving them the normal and easy to lose plastic cards. Guests could arrive and go straight to their rooms without waiting at Reception Desk. The hotel company has more than 1,000 hotels in many countries. It plans to try the system soon at two of its hotels – one in New York City and one in California. The app will work with new iPhone models and new Android phones. The app will use Bluetooth to unlock the room with a touch. The hotel company thinks this will be the new way that people will want to enter a hotel.

21. In their new invention, what will the company send to guests?

A. digital key               

B.  plastic card              

C. QR code

22. With the new invention, what do guests need to do to receive rooms?

A. Wait at Reception Desk                             

B.  Take plastic card      

C. Nothing

23. Which is NOT TRUE when you use this app? 

A. It gives you a physical key.                        

B. It can be installed in both iPhone and Samsung mobile phones.      

C. You can go into your room without seeing receptionist when checking in.

24. Where will the company try the new system?

A. New York City         

B. California                

C. Both A and B

25. What does the app use to unlock the room?

A. Wifi                        

B.  Bluetooth                

C. QR code


Rearrange the given words to make complete sentences. Do not change the given words.

26. shelter / approached / As / inside / sought / people / storm / homes. / the / their


27. the / sunset / watching / I / at / sea. / swimming / dolphins / the coast, / saw / the / was / I While / in


28. after / survivors / struck. / earthquake / The / for / searched / rescue / the / team


29. camping / could / open air / the / us. / we / the / of / around / in / all / sounds / hear / wildlife / While


30. the / The / food. / providing / disaster / natural / by / of / were / the / victims / volunteers / helping


-----THE END-----

  • Đề thi giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 8 English Discovery - Đề số 3

    Choose the word choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. Choose the correct answers. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets. Read the text and choose the correct answers. Rearrange the given words to make complete sentences. Do not change the given words.

  • Đề thi giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 8 English Discovery - Đề số 2

    Choose the word choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. Choose the correct answers. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets. Read the text then write A (Smart fork), B (Smart toothbrush) or C (Selfie toaster) next to each statement. Rewrite sentences keeping the same meaning. Use the given words in the brackets.

  • Đề thi giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 8 English Discovery - Đề số 1

    Choose the word choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. Choose the correct answers. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets. Read the text and decide each statement below is T (True) or F (False). Make complete sentences using the prompts.

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Tham Gia Group Dành Cho 2K11 Chia Sẻ, Trao Đổi Tài Liệu Miễn Phí
