Tổng hợp 5 đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 iLearn Smart World có đáp án

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I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

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Đề 1

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.


A. education          

B. communication      

C. prediction              

D. question


A. alarm                 

B. suitcase                  

C. breakfast                

D. island

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.


A. packaging          

B. obvious                  

C. awareness              

D. energy


A. fasten                

B. network                 

C. private                   

D. invent

III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

5. Many people __________ homeless after an earthquake in Haiti a few months ago.

A. has become            

B. were become         

C. became                 

D. are becoming

6. My friend and I have decided to try a new way to learn English. We __________ an online course next week.

A. are going to attend

B. will attend             

C. will be attending   

D. attend

7. Nelson Lakes National Park is __________ popular place in New Zealand to go hiking and camping. __________ park is at the northern end of the Southern Alps.

A. the / The                

B. no article / A         

C. the / A                   

D. a / The

8. If all countries __________ to renewable energy, the environment __________ cleaner.

A. switch/ will be                                           

B. switch/ would be   

C. switched/ would be                                   

D. switched/ would have been

9. Alexander Fleming, __________ discovered penicillin, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945.

A. that                        

B. which                     

C. who                       

D. whom

10. A child __________ everything he or she wants.

A. should not give      

B. shouldn’t be given 

C. mustn’t be given    

D. mustn’t give

11. __________ enables machines to have certain qualities that the human mind has such as the ability to learn from experience.

A. Interactive technology                              

B. Artificial intelligence

C. Virtual reality                                            

D. Science fiction

12. The cost of the holiday includes __________ at a five-star hotel.

A. journey                  

B. view                       

C. site                         

D. accommodation

13. If we plant more trees, we can __________ the effects of global warming and climate change.

A. go down                

B. reduce                    

C. end up                    

D. increase

14. If the __________ reads 36.5°C, then you don’t have a fever.

A. Band-Aid              

B. microscope            

C. speedometer          

D. thermometer

15. In the 1990s, many people moved __________ and went to live in bigger cities.

A. out                         

B. away                      

C. in                           

D. aside

IV. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

16. _________ apps have certain advantages over traditional textbooks. (EDUCATE)

17. Our hotel is eco-friendly because we use recycled materials and _________ power. (SUN)

18. __________ causes many serious problems, one of which is that wild animals lose their homes. (FOREST)

V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

19. Thanks to the Internet, we can communicate with each other instantregardless of where we are.

A. Thanks to              

B. communicate with 

C. instant                    

D. regardless of

20. The puppy was born with a heart problem and was only survived for a few hours.

A. was born                

B. a heart problem      

C. was only                

D. for a few hours

VI. Read the following Facebook post. For each question, write T if the statement is TRUE, F if the statement is FALSE, or NI if there is NO INFORMATION.


Although there has been a drop in tourism in the past few years, we’re hoping to change that with the introduction of The Grand Beach Hotel & Resort. This hotel aims not only to bring back tourists to Australia’s East Coast, but to also bring in business and provide jobs to local residents. A big question we often receive is: how do we plan on doing this? Here at The Grand Beach Hotel & Resort, we have spent several years looking for the best location and we’ve finally found it. The hotel is near many popular attractions. A twenty-minute drive north will take you to a popular national park and if you travel south there are dozens of amazing beaches to visit with family or friends. We care about only the best quality of service. As a result, we have employed some of the best chefs in the area so that tourists no longer have to worry about food poisoning or poor service. Also, we have ensured we have the best security so that nothing is stolen or taken by mistake. Everyone is invited to a stress-free vacation experience! We also have a taxi service that can pick you up from the airport, so there is no need to worry about breaking down on a bus. If anyone is looking to book a hotel, please contact us. You can either call us on +61002783456, email us at grandbeach@resort.com or send us a message right here on Facebook. We hope to see you all soon!

21. According to the post, there has been a drop in tourism recently.   

22. One of the hotel’s aims is to develop tourism.  

23. A national park is only 30 minutes away from the hotel.  

24. Some tourists worry about food poisoning.  

25. There have been many cases of stealing over the past few years.  

VII. Read the following prediction and choose the correct option to fill in each blank.

I come from a town where people really care about the environment. We don’t want to live in a place that is dirty and full of pollution. So, we try our best to keep it clean. It isn’t always easy, but we do the best we can! There are many places and people that are working together to help make our town and the world better. At the markets, many of the owners and managers have started to (26) _________ single-use plastics because they cause too much pollution. I think that more and more people are trying to save the environment, which is great. My school has also been trying to (27) _________ the amount of pollution it is causing. All the students and teachers are trying their best. We are all also trying to (28) _________ our trash, so that it doesn’t go to waste. There are still some things we can do better, but I’m happy with how hard we are all trying. Even at home, we are trying our best. We try to save as much water as we can, and use as little electricity as possible. It isn’t only good for the environment, but also for us! If we use less water and electricity, we (29) _________ save money! I guess what I’m trying to show you is that the (30) _________ to global warming and pollution is working together. We can all do our best individually, but as a team we can do an even better job!


A. reuse                

B. ban                         

C. protect                   

D. trash


A. reuse                

B. recycle                   

C. ban                         

D. reduce


A. protect             

B. reuse                      

C. recycle                   

D. pollute


A. will                  

B. could                     

C. would                    

D. have to


A. result               

B. attempt                  

C. solution                  

D. effect

VIII. Listen to a podcast about educational apps and complete the notes with suitable information. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR NUMBER.

There are over __(31)__ educational apps in the app store.

The speaker works as a __(32)___ .

In the speaker’s opinion, the only mind-mapping app that students will ever need is called __(33)__ .

The mind-mapping app can help students study with text, __(34)___ and drawings.

‘Khan Academy’ is a very helpful app for __(35)__ learning.

IX. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any

36. You must turn off electronic devices before take-off.

=> Electronic devices __________________________.

37. You borrowed the books from the library. You have to take good care of them.

=> You have to take good care of the books ________.

38. Not everyone uses electric cars. The air is polluted.

=> If everyone _______________________________.

39. The weather was bad. They had to delay the flight. (SO)

=> _________________________________________.

40. Yesterday, my car stopped on my way to the company. (BROKE)

=> Yesterday, while I __________________________.

--------------THE END--------------

Đề 2

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.


A. personal             

B. different                

C. interesting              

D. fantastic


A. improve             

B. fluent                     

C. practice                  

D. virtual

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.


A. ban                    

B. damage                  

C. landfill                   

D. material


A. microscope        

B. mode                     

C. globe                      

D. login

III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

5. I found this book on my desk when I came to my English class yesterday. It __________ by one of the students in the earlier class.

A. was leaving            

B. have left                

C. was left                  

D. was leave

6. This is the place in New Zealand __________ they made the film The Lord of the Rings.

A. which                    

B. that                        

C. where                     

D. on which

7. I’m going away for a few days. I’ll phone you __________ I get back.

A. if                            

B. whether                 

C. until                       

D. when

8. Some people believe that tourism has a negative effect __________ the environment.

A. in                           

B. on                          

C. with                       

D. for

9. I was at the airport by 6 a.m. but I didn’t need to get there so early because my flight was __________.

A. taken off                

B. landed                   

C. delayed                  

D.  missed

10. Remember to leave the building quickly when you hear __________.

A. the fire alarm         

B. fire alarming          

C. boat trips               

D. elevator call

11. Look! This language app is so cheap – just 4 dollars! I think I __________ download it to practice pronunciation.

A. am going to                       

B. am not going to     

C. will not                  

D. will

12. He’s __________ a table for two at their favorite restaurant on Valentine’s Day.

A. rented                    

B. registered               

C. booked                  

D. called

13. The doctor attached a monitor __________ the mother’s stomach so that she could listen to the baby's heartbeats.

A. to                           

B. into                        

C. with                       

D. on

14. Microplastics that are __________ from plastic water bottles can cause serious health problems.

A. dumped                 

B. got rid                    

C. released                 

D. leaked

15. When we were in Canada, we __________ almost every day.

A. were going skiing                                      

B. have gone skiing

C. went skiing                                                

D. used to skiing

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

16. Rent equipment must be returned to the front desk before the center closes.

A. Rent equipment     

B. be returned            

C. to the front desk    

D. closes

17. Hai Phong is the place which I was born and grew up.

A. the place                

B. which                     

C. born                       

D. grew

V. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

18. One _________ to environmental problems is to raise people’s awareness. (SOLVE)

19. Edinburgh is an excellent place with lots of tourist _________, such as museums, castles, botanic gardens and old churches. (ATTRACT)

20. Many learning apps are not only enjoyable but they can also improve the __________ of learners. (CREATE)

VI. Read the following prediction and choose the correct option to fill in each blank.

I know that we can’t really predict what will happen in the future, but I still think it is (21) ________ to try! I think that schools will be very different from what they are now. I think that there will be robot teachers in every classroom and for every subject. There will even be robot students, but the real human students won’t be able to tell who is a robot and who isn’t. The robot students will act as spies to make sure that the human students are studying in class, and not playing around. If a human student tries to (22) ________ in a test, the robot student will sound an alarm! Okay, maybe it won’t be that extreme. Actually, I don’t think that schooling in the future (23) ________ that different. I do think that there is going to be lots of technology used in schools, though. We already have an (24) ________ in our classroom, which is basically just a big touch screen attached to the teacher’s computer. I think that there will be more online classes so that schools don’t have to spend money on physical classrooms. That would be great! Then I could wear my pajamas to class every day. Then again, I do like seeing my friends at school… and (25) ________ could get quite boring. Thinking about it, I suppose I am happy with the way school is right now!


A. boring              

B. bored                     

C. funny                     

D. fun


A. cheat                

B. take                        

C. achieve                  

D. access


A. might be          

B. is going to be         

C. will be                   

D. is


A. whiteboard                                          

B. artificial intelligent

C. interactive board                                 

D. app


A. e-learning        

B. pajamas                  

C. classrooms             

D. friends

VII. Read the following passage. For each of the questions, write T if the statement is TRUE, F if the statement is FALSE and NI if there is NO INFORMATION on it.


Although you may have busy lives, helping the community is something that you should always make time for. Giving back not only helps you feel good, but it also brings many benefits to those around you. By participating in those meaningful voluntary activities, you can also make new friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even develop your career. There are many ways to give back to the community. Cleaning up your neighborhood is helpful to both the community and the environment. By picking up trash and doing some yard work, you can make your area a more pleasant place to live. Neighborhood cleanup is proof that even small acts of kindness can make a huge difference. Another way is to care about your neighbors and the people around you. By taking some time to get to know your neighbors, you can find out more about the challenges they face and develop ways to help them. Whether the solution is planning a budget, doing some grocery shopping, or even having a brief chat, a little effort can make a real change in their lives. If you have some extra money on hand, then consider donating a small amount to a local charity. Before you do, however, make sure that your charity of choice is a real one. Even by donating your unwanted possessions, you can help someone in need. You may also consider donating unwanted items to charity shops, or contributing unused food to a food bank.

26. Helping the community is beneficial to both the community and the volunteers.  

27. You can help the neighbors simply by spending time talking to them or helping them buy groceries.  

28. You can make donations to charity only when you have a lot of money.  

29. It is not easy to find a real and reliable charity to give donations to.  

30. Donating fruits and vegetables is not a good idea.  

VIII. Listen to a radio show about advice on How You Can Become an Inventor and complete the notes with suitable information. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR NUMBER.


Never quit! Around __(31)___ percent of people fail on their first try.

Find a __(32)___ or a mentor. Learning from someone else who has done it is very important!

Always try __(33)___ your ideas. This will help you find success.

The final tip – be __(34)___ . (creative)

If you find it difficult, take a shower. __(35)__ percent of new ideas happen in the shower.

IX. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.

36. Members can keep their personal belongings in lockers.

=> Members’ personal belongings ___________________.

37. I’m not a scientist. I want to create vehicles that run on trash and waste.

=> If __________________________________________.

38. John Starley created the modern bicycle in 1885. He was an English inventor.

=> John Starley _____________________________________.

39. During her trip in Delhi, Diana ate some shrimps and got food poisoning.

=> While __________________________________________.

40. I have no plan to throw a birthday party next week.

=> I’m ____________________________________________.

----------------------THE END----------------------

Đề 3

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.


A. develop             

B. rent                        

C. racket                     

D. decrease


A. achieve              

B. machine                 

C. attach                     

D. change


A. recycle               

B. compost                 

C. cattle                      

D. community

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.


A. message             

B. bedroom                

C. resort                     

D. wallet


A. conversation      

B. reasonable              

C. artificial                 

D. interaction

III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

6. Some experts believe that in 2050 most classes __________ a robot teacher.

A. is going to have     

B. are going to have   

C. will have                

D. are having

7. The Grand Canyon in the USA has always offered visitors breathtaking __________ in every direction.

A. vision                     

B. image                     

C. views                     

D. sight

8. There are many chemicals that __________ the ozone layer, one of which is CFC.

A. damage                  

B. injure                     

C. hurt                        

D. erode

9. We can see craters on the moon with __________.

A. a microscope         

B. a telescope             

C. binoculars              

D. lens

10. The Fahrenheit scale is named __________ the physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.

A. from                     

B. behind                   

C. after                                   

D. before

11. The place has quickly developed __________ a small fishing community __________ a popular tourist resort.

A. from / into             

B. from / to                

C. out of / into            

D. out of / inside

12. Many people think that learning in the future will be very different and focus __________ e-learning.

A. in                           

B. on                          

C. at                           

D. about

13. I don’t think this jacket is a good choice. It’s __________ to wear leather jackets at the moment.

A. fashion                  

B. fashionable            

C. unfashionable        

D. fashionably

14. Registration form should be __________ by guests.

A. written out             

B. filled in                  

C. filled up                 

D. drawn

15. One important advantage of online courses is that they offer __________ classes. People can decide when to learn.

A. cheap                     

B. high-quality           

C. suitable                  

D. flexible

IV. Mark the letter A,B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

16. Ben is interested in information technology and he usually listens to podcasts in this topic.

A. interested in                                               

B. information technology

C. usually listens                                            

D. in

17. When you’re preparing for a holiday, pack clothes that are suitable for a place where you’re going.

A. for                         

B. pack                       

C. that                        

D. for a place

V. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

18. This online course promises to help learners improve their problem-solving and _________ skills. (COMMUNICATE)

19. My friend is looking for a good online English course at a ___________ price. (REASON)

20. The Son Doong Cave expedition is considered difficult and you must be ____________ active with regular trekking experience. (PHYSICS)

VI. Read the following prediction and choose the correct option to fill in each blank.

Hi Khoa,

I miss you and the cats at home! I am having a wonderful time in Malaysia. I am writing to you from the resort’s restaurant right now (21) _________ there is no Wi-Fi in my room. I have a few minutes until my sightseeing tour starts so I thought I would tell you a (22) _________ story about what happened to me. The resort is very beautiful but there are monkeys running all over the place. Yesterday, while I was bending down to tie my shoelace, a monkey (23) _________ right up to me and stole my sunglasses off my head! I got such a fright! At first, I was very annoyed that the monkey had taken my sunglasses, but then he started playing with them. He actually put the sunglasses on his face, upside down! I laughed so hard (24) _________ the monkey got scared and jumped into the tree, dropping my sunglasses to the ground. When I had finished laughing, I wiped the tears from my eyes and went to (25) _________ my sunglasses from the floor. They have a small scratch on them, but I don’t mind. Now, every time I look through my sunglasses and see the scratch, I will think of this funny memory! Oh, I had better go. I don’t want to delay my sightseeing tour group.

I will see you soon!




A. because            

B. so                           

C. and                        

D. but


A. fast                  

B. quick                      

C. slow                       

D. short


A. was coming     

B. had come               

C. came                      

D. comes


A. as                     

B. which                     

C. what                      

D. that


A. pick up            

B. give up                   

C. take up                   

D. set up

VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.


The coronavirus pandemic brought big changes into our lives, especially in the education system. As the pandemic lightened, many schools and universities predicted that e-learning would still be very beneficial in the future. Post-pandemic, we are now entering a new era — the revolution of online education. At the start of the pandemic, teachers and lecturers moved their lessons from in-person to virtual classrooms, teaching over platforms such as Zoom. Now, educational institutions can move beyond this. They will build more useful e-learning platforms that will meet the needs of students across the world to have more flexibility in their tertiary education. Students will be able to attend lessons at different times and in different formats that will suit their particular lifestyles. Many young learners and teenagers will have the option to learn new skills or a difficult school subject. Students will learn in their own time and at their own pace. Not only is e-learning more accessible, but it is more affordable. Students only need to pay for their course. There are no added expenses such as transport costs, materials or stationery. However, there are groups of people who can’t make use of this form of education. First, those who are in underdeveloped areas may have difficulty learning online. This can be due to the lack of technological devices to support computerized learning. Second, students pursuing top-notch university programs are likely to opt for the traditional form because the range of online courses for official Bachelor’s degrees can be limited. While e-learning certainly cannot fully replace traditional classroom learning, it is an excellent option for children and adults wanting to further their skills and knowledge without going anywhere.

26. What is NOT true in paragraph 1?

A. The coronavirus pandemic has considerably changed our lives.

B. The education system is not affected by the pandemic.

C. E-learning is still helpful after the pandemic.

D. The era of online learning has just begun.

27. What does “they” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. teachers and lecturers                    

B. e-learning platforms

C. educational institutions                 

D. virtual classrooms

28. Which is NOT a benefit of e-learning?

A. It provides flexibility in terms of time and place for its learners.

B. Students can choose the skills or subjects they want to learn.

C. It allows students to learn at a speed that is comfortable for them.

D. Everyone can get access to online education.

29. Why is e-learning more affordable?

A. The tuition fees for courses are lower.                  

B. Online courses are usually shorter.

C. Students don’t have to pay for transport or materials.

D. They only need to learn a few subjects.

30. What does “opt for” mean?

A. Choose                  

B. Change                  

C. Avoid                    

D. Decide

VIII. Listen and write T if it is TRUE, F if it is FALSE or NI if there is NO INFORMATION given.

31. AI stands for Artificial Intellectuals.  

32. Sophia is a robot and, therefore, cannot understand human emotion.  

33. Hanson’s wife helps him design Sophia.  

34. You can find Sophia on various social media platforms.  

35. David Hanson created Sophia purely for entertainment purposes.

IX. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.

36. You should bring an umbrella because it’s likely to rain.

=> It’s going _____________________________________.

37. Everyone was enjoying the party in the restaurant. Suddenly, the lights went out. (WHEN)

=> ______________________________________________.

38. Chemical fertilizers are a major cause of soil and water pollution, but we can’t stop using them.

=> If we __________________________________________.

39. I never forget the garden. We met each other for the first time at this garden.

=> I never forget the garden _____________________________.

40. It’s not a good idea to wear jewelry when you work out.

=> Jewelry ___________________________________________.

----------------------THE END----------------------

Đề 4

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.


A. measure             

B. decrease                 

C. teamwork              

D. steal


A. resorts                

B. develops                

C. parks                      

D. towers

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.


A. network             

B. damage                  

C. release                    

D. shelter


A. fluently              

B. safari                      

C. national                  

D. sightseeing

III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

5. Ho Chi Minh City is __________ largest city in Vietnam and __________ popular tourist destination.

A. the / the                 

B. the / a                     

C. a / the                     

D. a / a

6. Last month, a charity event __________ and money __________ to help the poor in the neighborhood.

A. organized / raised                                     

B. was organized / raised

C. organized / was raised                               

D. was organized / was raised

7. If the weather __________ fine tomorrow, I __________ Hoan Kiem Lake.

A. is / will visit          

B. will be / will visit  

C. were / would visit  

D. would be / would visit

8. In my opinion, robots __________ human doctors and teachers in the future.

A. won’t be able to replace                            

B. won’t be replaced

C. haven’t replaced                                        

D. aren’t going to replace

9. Nowadays, billions of devices are __________ to the Internet worldwide. It’s an amazing invention.

A. fastened                

B. attracted                

C. strapped                 

D. connected

10. To __________ the problem of plastic pollution, single-use plastic must be banned.

A. solve                      

B. destroy                  

C. delay                      

D. cause

11. He’s planning a trip to Hanoi and is searching __________ cheap flights and a good hotel.

A. on                          

B. for                          

C. about                     

D. up

12. __________ energy, which includes coal, oil and natural gas, supply about 80 percent of the world’s energy.

A. Renew                   

B. Renewed               

C. Renewable             

D. Non-renewable

13. I think most people will choose to __________ online classes in the next twenty years.

A. register                  

B. sign up                   

C. attend                    

D. afford

14. Hoi An Ancient Town was recognized as a __________ by UNESCO IN 1999.

A. World Culture Site                                    

B. World Heritage Site          

C. World National Site                                  

D. World Nature Site

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

15. I was unlucky on my last vacation; my car broke down while I was driving to the airport.

A. collapsed               

B. stopped working    

C. broke into pieces   

D. worn out

16. We have made some progress in stopping causing damage to the ozone layer, but much more needs to be done.

A. harm                      

B. destroy                  

C. impact                    

D. injury

V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

17. Hoi An is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Vietnam.

A. popular                  

B. likable                    

C. unknown               

D. private

18. Is it necessary to buy a portable TV while we can just use our smartphones?

A. still                        

B. unmoving              

C. mobile                    

D. immovable

VI. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

19. __________ is a type of vacations that is designed to be environmentally friendly and to raise environmental awareness. (TOUR)

20. He really likes this new smartphone, so he bought it although the price is not __________. (REASON)

VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.

21. They should fine people who litter in public areas heavily.

=> Littering in public areas ___________________________.

22. She intends to donate clothes and blankets to the local homeless shelter.

=> She is __________________________________________.

VIII. Combine the following sentences without changing the meaning.

23. The first rocket flight happened in 1926. It marked the beginning of the space age.


24. Plastic can’t be composted at home. Therefore, the problem of plastic pollution is so serious.

=> If _______________________________________________.

25. I was sleeping in my hotel room. There was a loud bang on my door.


IX. Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits the article.

Before we decide on where to go on vacation, there are a few things we need to think about. These may include price, distance, weather, food and the environment. Do we want to visit a beautiful beach? Or do we want to go to a tropical rainforest? We might even want to visit exciting cities or resorts. However, it can be quite shocking to discover the levels of pollution (26) __________ you are on holiday. It can be even worse to know we are causing it, which can make your time to relax unenjoyable.

So, why does this happen? These problems can occur for several reasons. Sometimes it is our fault like using too much private transport, single-use plastic, or wasting water and electricity. For example, developing areas that are becoming more popular with tourists can lead to (27) __________ to make space for hotels and resorts. However, we have the ability to stop this. Each person, each tourist, can make (28) __________ difference if we try. Experts say that if there is not any effort or intervention on our part, the damage caused to the environment (29) __________ be unfixable in ten years. 

It is important to know that hope is not lost. There is much we can do to stop this problem. We can reuse, reduce and recycle. One of the most important things that we can do is to educate people on what to do. If we work together and try to protect the environment, we (30) __________  have to worry so much about the future.


A. where              

B. when                      

C. why                       

D. because


A. livestock          

B. compost                 

C. landfill                   

D. deforestation


A. the                   

B. an                           

C. a                             

D. their


A. would              

B. will                        

C. wouldn’t                

D. can’t


A. won’t               

B. couldn’t                 

C. wouldn’t                

D. can’t

X. Read the following passage. For each of the statements, Choose TRUE, FALSE or NI if there is no information.


It is no surprise that Vietnam is one of the top three destinations for tourists to visit in South East Asia. Tourism contributes significantly to the money coming into the country as well as the effect it has on the environment and population. Considering that Vietnam is an attractive destination, the country is doing its best to stay competitive in an ever-growing market by developing and creating a plan for the year 2030. While doing this, they are still focusing on their sustainable development goals, not wanting to destroy or damage the environment that brings in so many new tourists. To do so, the focus is to effectively manage and use natural resources, protect the environment and biodiversity, and actively adapt to climate change while attracting new businesses and visitors to the country.

One of the main goals that Vietnam wants to accomplish by the year 2030, is to have over fifty million international visitors. However, to achieve this, there are many areas that may need to grow to accommodate these tourists. As a result, the country wishes to create over eight million jobs to better accomplish its goals and workforce. With all the extra work and income, the country will be able to develop its infrastructure. The Vietnamese government also wants to support local businesses so that they can also develop to better provide for tourism.

31. Vietnam is one of the top three destinations in the world.

32. Vietnam’s tourism plan hopes to be complete by 2040.

33. The tourism plan wants to attract more visitors without damaging the environment.

34. The country wishes to make seven million jobs.

35. Vietnam is going to achieve its goal earlier than estimated.

XI. Listen to five speakers talking about the environment. Match speakers with what they discuss.

36. Speaker 1

37. Speaker 2

38. Speaker 3

39. Speaker 4

40. Speaker 5

A. Livestock

B. Landfill

C. Deforestation

D. Compost

E. Greenhouse gasses

----------------------THE END----------------------

Đề 5

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

1. The tourists are looking for a nearby restaurant where they can eat seafood in it.

A. are looking for      

B. a                             

C. can eat                   

D. in it

2. Global warming is caused by polluters such as carbon dioxide, methane and CFCs.

A. is caused                

B. polluters                 

C. such as                   

D. methane and CFCs

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

3. A: Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Ben Thanh Market? - B: __________

A. You’re welcome there.                             

B. It’s a very old market.

C. I know you will buy a lot.                         

D. Go straight ahead, and then turn right.

4. Librarian: This is the book you are looking for. - Student: __________

A. I couldn’t agree more.                               

B. Thank you very much.

C. Yes, sure.                                                   

D. That’s a great book.

5. Student A: Thanks a lot, Nam. Without you, I’d have been in big trouble. - Student B: __________

A. There’s so much to help.                           

B. It’s an honor to be my friend.

C. That’s what friends are for.                       

D. What a nuisance!

III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

As technology gets more advanced and life becomes easier as a result of these advances, the speed in which we live our lives continuously gets faster. We are doing more but it seems like we have less time! Luckily, we need less time to do things compared to the past. One of the biggest examples of this is in education, where we no longer have to travel or spend as much money on materials as we once did. We also have instant access to so many resources at the click of a button, whereas in the past, students and educators needed much more time to find these resources in the library or in the world.

Since the introduction of e-learning, people are now able to learn online. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you have the opportunity to learn. E-learning has made it possible to be more flexible with your education, giving you the ability to work and learn at the same time which gives new possibilities to people around the world. 

 However, there is a problem that is raised when discussing e-learning. While it does open new opportunities to people, not everyone has the chance to access it. In some poorer areas in developing countries, they don’t have the infrastructure or resources to learn online. However, there are some people such as Bill Gates who are trying to make it more accessible to poorer students.

6. How does technology affect education?

A. Teachers and students have less time.                  

B. Teachers have more classes.

C. Students read more books.                                    

D. Teachers and students can find more books faster.

7. What is NOT the benefit of e-learning?

A. People can reduce their workload.                       

B. People can study anywhere.

C. People can learn when they have an internet connection.

D. People can have new possibilities to study.

8. What does the word “flexible” mean?

A. Easy to change or adapt.   

B. Focusing.               

C. Interactive.            

D. Moving around.

9. What is one negative point of e-learning?

A. It is suitable for developing countries only.

B. It is hard to manage the resources.

C. People in poor areas do not have enough equipment for e-learning.

D. Not many people support e-learning.

10. What does “accessible” mean?

A. Able to be easily used       

B. Interesting             

C. Affordable                        

D. Within a close distance

III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.


A. future              

B. computer               

C. function                 

D. student


A. delayed           

B. missed                   

C. watched                 

D. booked

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.


A. damage            

B. release                    

C. livestock                

D. mixture


A. portable                       

B. telescope                

C. inventor                 

D. instantly

V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

15. Books __________to their place before you leave the library.

A. must be returning  

B. must be returned   

C. may return             

D. must return

16. I’m a bit pressed for time now, but I promise I __________ the presentation by Friday.

A. complete                                                    

B. am going to complete

C. will complete                                             

D. am completing

17. Miami is a magical city __________ beautiful buildings and surrounded by an amazing natural environment.

A. has                         

B. famous with          

C. includes                 

D. full of

18. If I were the mayor, I __________ single-use plastic in this town.

A. will ban                 

B. would ban              

C. banned                   

D. would have banned

19. After cleaning the cut on the finger gently, Sophia took a __________ out of her wallet and stretched it over the cut.

A. medicine                

B. first aid                  

C. bandage                 

D. Band-Aid

20. The number of students __________ from 920 to 1014.

A. increased               

B. developed              

C. decreased              

D. unchanged

21. I think online learning will be the future of education and students will attend __________ classrooms instead of going to school.

A. virtual                    

B. actual                     

C. interactive              

D. private

22. London is famous for its attractions like __________ Big Ben and __________ Tower of London.

A. a / a                        

B. no article / the       

C. the / the                 

D. the / no article

23. If we __________ our own water bottles, we can help reduce plastic pollution.

A. will bring               

B. bring                      

C. are bringing           

D. brought

24. __________ is a mixture of decayed plants, vegetables or food, etc. that can be added to soil to improve its quality.

A. Pesticide                

B. Waste                    

C. Compost                

D. Chemical fertilizer

25. Sydney, __________ attracts many tourists, is often crowded in the summer.

A. that                        

B. which                     

C. where                     

D. whose

VI. Read the following passage and fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase from the box. There are three additional words/phrases that you DON’T need.


World Heritage






National Park

If you are looking for the opportunity to go on vacation and visit sites around __(26)__the____ world, then pack your bags and get ready! Many countries are getting prepared for tourists again and online travel planning is making everything as easy as clicking a button. No more sitting at home, no more being bored and only watching TV or playing video games. It’s time to see what’s out there!

There are many exciting places that you can visit whether you like nature, culture, history or anything else in between. If you like exploring interesting places with a rich cultural history, you should think about going _(27)_ in Europe. If you are looking for a more cultural holiday, try visiting Italy, which is the country with the most __(28)___ in the world. Not interested in history? Are you more excited by nature, beaches and amazing islands? Well, then Asia is the place for you, having some of the best locations in the world to go exploring, swimming and __(29)__ . Not only that, but it is also popular for the amazing food and fascinating cultures – some of the oldest in history!

If you’re worried about spending too much money, there are some more affordable options, too. If you don’t want to stay in an expensive hotel, you can view much cheaper resorts and __(30)__ online. With just a click, you can have your new vacation planned in only a few minutes! Happy traveling!

VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.

31. She intends to use the app Hi-Hola to learn English every day.

=> She is ____________________________________________.

32. The bungalow we will stay in is located on the beach. (OUR)

=> __________________________________________________.

33. We should raise people’s awareness and provide more recycling bins. Then many people will recycle.

=> If ________________________________________________.

34. The Watt steam engine was an important invention of the Industrial Revolution. It was created in 1776.

=> The Watt steam engine _______________________________.

35. They performed Beethoven’s Seven Symphony at the concert last night.

=> Beethoven’s Seven Symphony _________________________.

VIII. Listen to a radio show about Travel Tips in 2022 and complete the notes with suitable information. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER.

Since 2019 there has been a __(36)___ percent increase in travel-related crime.

Over 400,000 people have something __(37)___ every day.

___(38)___ percent of travelers who visit France get ill.

Before traveling, you should learn the __(39)___

2022 saw an increase of __(40)__ percent in tourism.

-----------------------THE END-----------------------

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  • Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 iLearn Smart World - Đề số 8

    I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

  • Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 iLearn Smart World - Đề số 7

    I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

  • Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 iLearn Smart World - Đề số 6

    I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

  • Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 iLearn Smart World - Đề số 5

    I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

  • Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 10 iLearn Smart Wolrd - Đề số 4

    I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

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