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    Tổng hợp từ vựng Unit 4: Holidays and tourism Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global

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  • 4A. Vocabulary

    1 SPEAKING Tell your partner about a memorable holiday you went on. Talk about: 2 VOCABULARY Make two lists of the words below, dividing them into a) holidays and b) accommodation. Check the meaning of all the words.

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  • 4B. Grammar

    1 Read the text. What sort of company is Teen Trips? How long has it been running? 2 Read the Learn this! box. Then find examples of rules 2 and 3 in exercise 1.3 Read the holiday itinerary. Complete the sentences (1-5) with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

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  • 4C. Listening

    1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the advert. Would you like to go there? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a holiday.2 VOCABULARY Complete the travel collocations with the verbs below.

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  • 4D. Grammar

    1 Read the postcard. What country is Josh meeting Emma in? 2 Read the Learn this! box. Then find examples for rules (1-3) in exercise 1.3 Choose the correct verb forms (a–c).

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  • 4E. Word Skills

    1 SPEAKING Read the travel blog and discuss the questions. Give reasons for your answers. 2 Read the Learn this! box. Then find an example of each rule in exercise 1.3 Complete the response to the blog in exercise 1. Use each word once to form an adverb or adverbial phrase.

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  • 4F. Reading

    1 SPEAKING Look at the photos. Which do you think is the best method of travelling? 2 Read the texts quickly. Match titles (1-4) with texts (A-C). There is one extra title.

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  • 4G. Speaking

    1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask two questions each. Make a note of your partner's replies and report back to the class. 2 SPEAKING Which of the methods of transport in the photos have you tried? Which do you prefer and why? Tell your partner.

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  • 4H. Writing

    1 SPEAKING Why do people stay in youth hostels? What are the advantages and disadvantages? 2 SPEAKING Read the task. What things do you think might have gone wrong? Discuss and make a list of possible problems.3 Read the letter. Were any of the complaints similar to your list in exercise 2?

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  • 4I. Culture

    1 SPEAKING Look at the two photos. What do you know about the Aborigine and Maori cultures? 2 Read the text. What two customs do the texts mention? 3 USE OF ENGLISH Complete the text. Write one word in each gap.

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