Giải SGK, SBT Unit 8. Scary Friends Plus

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 8. Scary Friends Plus

71 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 22 :

1. Read the paragraph. Where did the writer’s family have an unpleasant experience? How did they feel at that time?

(Đọc đoạn văn. Gia đình nhà văn đã gặp trải nghiệm khó chịu ở đâu? Lúc đó họ cảm thấy thế nào?)

One weekend, my family and I decided to go on a picnic at a nearby park. We packed a delicious spread of sandwiches, fruits, and snacks, and set off with excitement. However, things did not go as planned. As soon as we arrived at the park, we realised that it was overcrowded with noisy groups and there were no available picnic tables. After we walked around for a while to search for a spot, we finally found a small patch of grass under a tree and decided to make do with it. When we started unpacking our food, we noticed that there were swarms of mosquitoes buzzing around, making it impossible to enjoy our meal in peace. We tried to ward them off with mosquito repellent, but it was hopeless. To make matters worse, the weather suddenly turned hot. We didn’t realise that we had forgotten to bring extra water until we were all sweating uncomfortably. We decided to pack up and leave earlier than planned, disappointed and frustrated with our outing. Despite our great efforts, it turned out to be our unpleasant picnicking experience, but we learned the importance of planning ahead and being prepared for unexpected challenges during outdoor activities.

Tạm dịch bài đọc:

Một cuối tuần, tôi và gia đình đã quyết định đi dã ngoại ở công viên gần nhà. Chúng tôi mang theo một loạt bánh sandwich, trái cây và đồ ăn nhẹ thơm ngon rồi lên đường với tâm trạng phấn khích. Tuy nhiên, mọi thứ đã không diễn ra như kế hoạch. Ngay khi đến công viên, chúng tôi nhận ra rằng nơi đây quá đông đúc với những nhóm người ồn ào và không có bàn ăn dã ngoại nào. Sau khi đi loanh quanh một lúc để tìm chỗ, cuối cùng chúng tôi cũng tìm thấy một mảng cỏ nhỏ dưới gốc cây và quyết định ngồi ở đó. Khi bắt đầu dỡ thức ăn ra, chúng tôi nhận thấy có rất nhiều muỗi vo ve xung quanh, khiến chúng tôi không thể thưởng thức bữa ăn một cách yên bình. Chúng tôi đã cố gắng xua đuổi chúng bằng thuốc chống muỗi nhưng vô vọng. Tệ hơn nữa, thời tiết đột nhiên trở nên nóng bức. Chúng tôi không nhận ra mình đã quên mang thêm nước cho đến khi toát mồ hôi khó chịu. Chúng tôi quyết định thu dọn đồ đạc và rời đi sớm hơn dự định, thất vọng và chán nản với chuyến đi chơi của mình. Bất chấp những nỗ lực tuyệt vời của chúng tôi, đó hóa ra lại là trải nghiệm dã ngoại khó chịu của chúng tôi, nhưng chúng tôi đã học được tầm quan trọng của việc lập kế hoạch trước và chuẩn bị cho những thử thách bất ngờ trong các hoạt động ngoài trời.

Câu 27 :

1. Look at the title of the questionnaire. Do the Risk Factor questionaire. Then look at the key. Do you agree?

(Nhìn vào tiêu đề của bảng câu hỏi. Làm bảng câu hỏi về Yếu tố Rủi ro. Sau đó nhìn vào đáp án. Bạn có đồng ý không?)


A I’m fascinated by snakes. I had a snake around my neck when I was at the zoo. It felt warm and dry.

B I touched a snake once, but I wasn’t happy about it!

C I have a phobia of snakes and I keep away from them.


A I climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower last year. It was cool!

B I’m not scared of heights if I know I can’t fall.

C I don’t like high places. I am nervous about going into a tall building!


A I read lots of horror stories, and I’m thrilled at horror films. They’re scary, but it feels good!

B I watch horror films sometimes, but only with friends.

C I have bad dreams after a scary film. I never watch them.


A I love roller coasters. I’ll try anything once.

B I’ll try things if they aren’t dangerous, but I’m scared of things that are really fast.

C I hate roller coasters! I prefer to have my feet on the ground.


A I’ve had lots of injections, and I’m not worried about them.

B I’m not happy about injections, but they aren’t scary.

C Injections really hurt. I’m terrified of them.


A I’ve tried these sports: climbing, snowboarding, horse riding, and now I want to go caving.

B I’m not keen on adventure sports, but I’d like to try snowboarding just once. I’m good at safer sports like tennis and swimming.

C I’m bad at sports. I’m much better at creative things, like writing. It’s safer.


Mostly A: You love danger and risk. You are a real adventurer, but you need to be careful - you don’t want to go to hospital!

Mostly B: You aren’t scared of danger and you like adventure, but you’re not keen on anything that is too dangerous. You think a bit of fear with your fun is OK.

Mostly C: Your life is a bit boring because you're nervous about risks and adventure. Try an action sport or go on a roller coaster. Maybe it’ll be fun!

Câu 34 :

1. Read the article. What is Jane Clark’s problem?

(Đọc bài viết. Vấn đề của Jane Clark là gì?)

SCREAM MACHINES – Scary or fun?

Why do millions of people love roller coasters? The answer is that people love feeling afraid when they know they’re in no real danger. But Jane Clark has never been on a roller coaster. She is frightened of heights and speed. ‘It’s ridiculous. All my friends have ridden on roller coasters, and they love it,’ says Jane. ‘I’ve always wanted to try, but I’ve never been brave enough.’ Well, Jane has decided that today this is going to change. She has bought a ticket for Oblivion and her friends are here to support her. Her heart is beating and she can’t speak as she gets in. Then they’re off. People are screaming because they’re scared, or is it because they’re excited? She screams, too. Three minutes later, it’s all over. Jane is happy. She’s done it! She’s been on her first roller coaster. ‘Words can’t describe it!’ she says.

But for some people, roller coaster phobia never goes away. Psychologist Frank Farley believes that there are two types of people when it comes to fear and risk. Some people prefer the quiet life. For others, danger and excitement make them feel alive. Their brains produce ‘feel-good’ chemicals risky situations, and they love extreme sports like climbing or paragliding. Roller coasters are great for these people because they can get the excitement without the danger. The chance of a fatal accident is one in 50 billion. Driving to the amusement park is more dangerous than riding on a ‘scream machine’!

Câu 56 :

3. Listen and draw lines from the names (1-6) to the people (a-f) in the picture.

(Nghe và vẽ các đường thẳng từ tên (1-6) đến những người (a-f) trong hình.)

1. Michael

2. Tony

3. May

4. Jill

5. Peter

6. Sally


Bài nghe:

R = Receptionist, Mi = Michael, T = Tony, Ma = May, J = Jill, P = Peter, S = Sally


R - Hello. Can I have your name please?

M -Yes, it's Michael. Michael Baldini.

R - And what happened to you?

M - I was playing hockey earlier. I'm the goalie, and the ball hit me in the face. I wasn't wearing protective gear, and I've got this bruise on my eye.

R - OK. The nurse will look at that.

M - Thanks.


R - Good afternoon. What's your name, please?

T - Tony. Tony Davis.

R - How can we help you?

T - I've been outside today ... I was sitting in the sun for a long time.

R - Oh dear. Are you burned?

T - Yes. I burn easily. It's here ... on my shoulders.

R - OK. I'll tell the nurse.

T - Great.


R - Hello. Can you give me your name?

M - It's May. May Silva.

R - And what can we do for you?

M - It's my arm.

R - OK.

M - Well, actually, it's my wrist. I sprained my wrist yesterday. I was running for the bus when I fell over. It's a bad sprain.

R - Perhaps the doctor should look at it.

M - Thanks.


R - Good afternoon. What's your name, please?

J - Jill. Jill Riley.

R - And how can I help you?

J - I've broken my leg. I broke it last week. I was climbing in the mountains near here. It was quite a serious break and I was in hospital.

R-  OK.

J - Well, it's hurting a lot again today.

R - I'll ask the doctor to look at it.

J - OK, thank you.


R - Hello. What's your name?

P - It's Peter. Peter Chan.

R - What can I do to help you?

P - Oh ... I've come about my leg. Well, it's my knees. I've cut my knees. I fell off my mountain bike.

R - Right. I'll ask the nurse to look at them as soon as possible.

P - Thanks.


R - Hello there. Can you tell me your name, please?

S - It's Sally. Sally Newman.

R - And why are you here today?

S - I've injured my finger badly. I closed my finger in a door and I think I've broken it. It could be a bad break.

R - Mmm ... The doctor should look at that.

S - Thanks.

Tạm dịch:

R = Nhân viên lễ tân, Mi = Michael, T = Tony, Ma = May, J = Jill, P = Peter, S = Sally


R - Xin chào. Tôi có thể biết tên của anh không?

M - Vâng, tôi là Michael. Michael Baldini.

R - Và chuyện gì đã xảy ra với anh vậy?

M - Tôi đang chơi khúc côn cầu trước đó. Tôi là thủ môn, và quả bóng đập vào mặt tôi. Tôi không mặc đồ bảo hộ, và tôi bị bầm tím ở mắt.

R - Được. Y tá sẽ xem qua.

M - Cảm ơn.


R - Chào buổi chiều. Xin hỏi tên anh là gì?

T - Tony. Tony Davis.

R - Chúng tôi có thể giúp gì cho anh?

T - Hôm nay tôi ra ngoài ... Tôi ngồi dưới nắng rất lâu.

R - Trời ơi. Anh bị bỏng à?

T - Đúng vậy. Tôi dễ bị bỏng. Nó ở đây ... trên vai tôi.

R - Được. Tôi sẽ nói với y tá.

T - Tuyệt.


R - Xin chào. Bạn có thể cho tôi biết tên của bạn không?

M - Tôi tên là May. May Silva.

R - Và chúng tôi có thể giúp gì cho bạn?

M - Cánh tay của tôi.

R - OK.

M - Thực ra là cổ tay của tôi. Tôi bị bong gân cổ tay hôm qua. Tôi đang chạy đến xe buýt thì bị ngã. Bong gân rất nghiêm trọng.

R - Có lẽ bác sĩ nên xem qua.

M - Cảm ơn.


R - Chào buổi chiều. Xin hỏi tên bạn là gì?

J - Jill. Jill Riley.

R - Và tôi có thể giúp gì cho bạn?

J - Tôi bị gãy chân. Tôi bị gãy vào tuần trước. Tôi đang leo núi gần đây. Đó là một vết gãy khá nghiêm trọng và tôi đã phải nằm viện.

R- OK.

J - Vâng, hôm nay nó lại đau rất nhiều.

R - Tôi sẽ yêu cầu bác sĩ xem qua.

J - OK, cảm ơn bạn.


R - Xin chào. Tên bạn là gì?

P - Tôi là Peter. Peter Chan.

R - Tôi có thể giúp gì cho anh?

P - Ồ ... chân tôi bị thương. Vâng, đó là đầu gối của tôi. Tôi bị thương ở đầu gối. Tôi bị ngã xe đạp leo núi.

R - Vâng. Tôi sẽ yêu cầu y tá kiểm tra chúng sớm nhất có thể.

P - Cảm ơn.


R - Xin chào. Bạn có thể cho tôi biết tên của bạn không?

S - Tôi là Sally. Sally Newman.

R - Và tại sao hôm nay bạn lại ở đây?

S - Tôi bị thương ở ngón tay rất nặng. Tôi đã kẹp ngón tay vào cửa và tôi nghĩ rằng tôi đã làm gãy nó. Có thể là một vết gãy nghiêm trọng.

R - Ồ ... Bác sĩ nên xem qua điều đó.

S - Cảm ơn.

Câu 62 :

4. Imagine the situations and what the people would do. Complete the reported questions.

(Hãy tưởng tượng các tình huống và những gì mọi người sẽ làm. Hoàn thành các câu hỏi được báo cáo.)

Someone hacked your computer. What did your dad suggest?

He suggested that I download security software.

(Có người đã hack máy tính của bạn. Bố bạn đã gợi ý gì?

Ông ấy gợi ý tôi tải phần mềm bảo mật.)

1. You lost your phone in the shopping centre. What did your friend offer to do?

(Bạn làm mất điện thoại ở trung tâm mua sắm. Bạn của bạn đã đề nghị làm gì?)

He ___________________________________________________________________

2. Someone stole your camera on holiday. What did the police officer ask you to do?

(Có người đã lấy trộm máy ảnh của bạn khi bạn đi nghỉ. Cảnh sát đã yêu cầu bạn làm gì?)

She ___________________________________________________________________

3. You saw someone drawing graffiti at school. What did your mum tell you to do?

(Bạn thấy ai đó vẽ bậy ở trường. Mẹ bạn bảo bạn làm gì?)

She ___________________________________________________________________

4. You found a bag in the school playground. What did your classmate suggest?

(Bạn tìm thấy một chiếc túi ở sân chơi của trường. Bạn cùng lớp của bạn đã gợi ý gì?)

He ___________________________________________________________________

Câu 63 :

1. Read the article. Complete the sentences with the names Brittany, Charlie and Elise.

(Đọc bài viết. Hoàn thành các câu có tên Brittany, Charlie và Elise.)

A - Have you learned what to do in an accident? Have you ever studied first aid? If the answer is 'no', read this article and learn why first aid can be important!

B - When first-aid experts came to the King John School in Thrapston in the UK, the students learned what to do when a person is badly injured. And two girls, Brittany Bull Targett, 13, and Elise Hobson, 11, listened carefully and remembered everything.

C - Some weeks later, Brittany's friend, 11-year-old Charlie Cobley, fell off his bike near her house. As soon as Brittany heard about the accident she ran to the scene with her friend Elise. When they arrived, Charlie was lying on the ground with some serious cuts. He was unconscious and there was a lot of blood in his mouth.

D - Brittany immediately put Charlie into the correct position and moved his tongue out of the way in his mouth. 'I've never done anything like that before,' said Brittany. 'But I didn't even have to think about it.'

E - Elise then phoned for an ambulance and she was good at helping the ambulance workers to find Charlie. Both girls were very worried about Charlie and they stayed with the injured boy until he went to hospital.

F - Brittany and Elise have now got special awards and Charlie is better now. 'They saved my life,' he said. 'I don't remember falling off my bike and I woke up in hospital. I thank both of them for what they did and for helping me.'

One day, (1) _____ had a serious accident. When (2) _____ first arrived on the scene, she did some first aid, and (3) _____ called the emergency services

Câu 70 :

3. Read and complete the narrative paragraph with the words.

(Đọc và hoàn thành đoạn văn tường thuật bằng các từ cho sẵn.)

making          soaked          change          efforts           Despite

gathered       worse            planned         when

Last weekend, our family decided to go to the beach for a change. It all began on a sunny morning (1) _____ we eagerly set out for a day of swimming and sunbathing. However, things did not go as (2) _____. As soon as we arrived at the beach, dark clouds began to gather in the sky. Ignoring the bad weather, we decided to make the most of our time and quickly set up our towels and umbrellas on the sand. To make matters (3) _____, just as we were about to take our first dip in the ocean, strong winds started blowing, stirring up the sand and (4) _____ it impossible to relax. We attempted to seek a nearby shelter. Despite our great (5) _____ to wait out the storm, it only intensified, with rain pouring down in torrents. We then hastily (6) _____ our belongings and made a dash for the car. However, we were shivering with cold and (7) _____ to the skin. After we made it back to our accommodation, we spent the remainder of the day drying off and reflecting on our unfortunate encounter with Mother Nature. (8) _____ the unpleasant experience, we enjoyed being together as a family. We learned that sometimes things don't turn out the way we expect, but we can still make the best of it by sticking together.