Giải SGK, SBT Unit 3. Cities of the future Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 3 Global Success

49 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 1 :

An exhibition of future cities

(Triển lãm về các thành phố tương lai)

1. Listen and read. 

(Nghe và đọc.)

Ms Smith: Good morning. Welcome to our exhibition: Future Cities. Here you can see models of our cities of the future. Please take a look around and feel free to ask me any questions.

Nam: This model looks very interesting. Can you tell me more about it, Ms Smith?

Ms Smith: Yes. This is a ‘green city’ designed to reduce its negative impact on the environment. As you can see, more than fifty per cent of it is made up of green areas.

Nam: I don’t see any private vehicles on the roads.

Ms Smith: Most people will use public transport such as trams and electric buses. There will be fewer traffic jams and less pollution.

Nam: So city dwellers will stop using their cars in urban areas.

Ms Smifh: That's the idea.

Nam: I like it. It seems a good solution to many environmental problems.


Mai: Let’s look at the city over there. I can see robots and lots of cameras in the streets. What's special about this city?

Ms Smith: It's called a ‘smart city’. Al technologies, such as cameras and smart sensors, will be installed to help the city operate more efficiently.

Mai: The modern infrastructure of the city looks beautiful. I’m really impressed with the high-rise buildings.

Ms Smith: Tall buildings can actually limit the carbon footprint of the built environment and help solve housing problems in big cities.

Mai: Mmm, I'm thinking of living in a smart city in the future.

Câu 13 :

2. Read the article. Circle the correct meanings of the highlighted words and phrases.

(Đọc bài báo. Khoanh tròn nghĩa đúng của các từ và cụm từ được làm nổi bật.)

By 2050 the world’s population is expected to reach 10 billion, and nearly 70 per cent of these people will live in cities. The cities of the future wili be ‘smarter’ and more sustainable to cope with a growing population and improve people’s lives.

A smart city is amodern urban area that uses a range of technologies to provide services, solve problems, and support people better. The new technologies can help save time by predicting changes in the traffic and warning people of possible traffic jams. They will also help cities operate more efficiently. For example, street lights can turn off when the streets are empty, and sensors can inform waste collection teams when the bins are full. These smart technologies will help save energy, reduce air pollution, and fight climate change.

Cities in the future will also be sustainable. They will include a lot of green space and become home to more plants and animals. Making room for biodiversity and nature can be done in various ways including underground and rooftop farming, green roofs, and roof gardens. As people will care more about the environment, most cities will use renewable and clean energy. Modern infrastructure will also be more eco-friendly. Computer-controlled transport systems like electric buses and trains will produce less greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, more pedestrian zones for walking and cycle paths will be made available for people in all neighbourhoods.

These features will make future cities more liveable and will provide a high quality of life to city dwellers.

1. operate more efficiently

A. to work better without wasting time, money, or energy

B. to control a machine without wasting resources

C. to cut a body open for medical reasons in a more careful way

2. sensors

A. devices that can react to light, heat, or pressure

B. instruments that can be played by people

C. devices for discovering rubbish

3. pedestrian zones

A. areas for cars only

B. areas for electric buses

C. areas for walking only

4. liveable

A. suitable for farming

B. nice to live in

C. good for the environment

Câu 22 :

2. Listen to an interview and choose the correct answers A, B, or C.

(Nghe một cuộc phỏng vấn và chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B, hoặc C.)

1. What is the interview mainly about?

(Nội dung chủ yếu của cuộc phỏng vấn là gì?)

A. Advantages of living in a smart city.

(Lợi thế khi sống trong một thành phố thông minh.)

B. Problems of living in a smart city.

(Vấn đề sống trong một thành phố thông minh.)

C. Attractions of urban lifestyles.

(Những hấp dẫn của lối sống thành thị.)

2. How are cameras and sensors used in a smart city?

(Camera và cảm biến được sử dụng như thế nào trong thành phố thông minh?)

A. To collect information about city dwellers and their activities.

(Để thu thập thông tin về cư dân thành phố và các hoạt động của họ.)

B. To collect information about the government and some companies.

(Để thu thập thông tin về chính phủ và một số công ty.)

C. To improve city dwellers’ safety and security.

(Để cải thiện sự an toàn và an ninh của cư dân thành phố.)

3. Why does Ms Stevens feel lonely?

(Tại sao cô Stevens cảm thấy cô đơn?)

A. Because she doesn’t interact with many people.

(Bởi vì cô ấy không tương tác với nhiều người.)

B. Because she can't use the smart devices.

(Bởi vì cô ấy không thể sử dụng các thiết bị thông minh.)

C. Because she doesn’t like her neighbourhood.

(Bởi vì cô ấy không thích hàng xóm của mình.)

Câu 26 :

2. Read the article below and match its parts with the correct descriptions.

(Đọc bài viết dưới đây và nối các phần của nó với những mô tả đúng.)

_______ A. Introduction - A short paragraph stating the issue and what the article will cover

(Mở bài - Đoạn văn ngắn nêu vấn đề và nội dung bài viết)

_______ B. Title - The topic of the article in a few words

(Tiêu đề - Chủ đề của bài viết trong một vài từ)

_______ C. Body paragraphs - Each presenting a main point for or against the issue, supported by facts, examples, or explanations

(Các đoạn thân bài - Mỗi đoạn trình bày một điểm chính ủng hộ hoặc phản đối vấn đề, được hỗ trợ bởi các sự kiện, ví dụ hoặc giải thích)


_______ D. Conclusion - A summary of the main points and sometimes the writer’s opinion


(Kết luận - Tóm tắt những điểm chính và đôi khi là ý kiến của người viết)

[1] Living in a smart city: GOOD or BAD?

[2] If you live in a smart city, you will probably agree with me that life is not all good as some people may think. So what are the pros and cons of living in a smart city?

[3] The good thing about smart cities is that they are very modern. Smart technologies make people’s lives easier by reducing household chores. Besides, the city infrastructure which includes sensors and cameras collects information about people and their activities, and uses it to provide faster, cheaper, and better services.

[4] On the other hand, living in a smart city has some disadvantages. Some smart technologies are difficult to use and without training, city dwellers might find them useless. With cameras everywhere in public spaces, people also have limited privacy. They are worried that their personal information might not be protected, and they might become victims of cybercrime.

[5] In conclusion, living in a smart city has both advantages and disadvantages. However, I think these urban areas offer great promise. The issues should be dealt with in the years ahead as the world’s population keeps growing, and more people are moving to big cities.

Câu 30 :

1. Read the text on page 36 and decide in which city you can do the following.

(Đọc văn bản ở trang 36 và quyết định bạn có thể làm những việc sau ở thành phố nào.) 

1. book a parking space via a mobile app

(đặt chỗ đậu xe qua ứng dụng di động)


2. have a medical check-up online


3. use your bank card to pay for traveling on the bus or underground


4. unlock your bike from one station and return it to any other station in the city


5. use a mobile app to help you choose the best route to cycle in the city



Cities around the world are becoming smarter, and you can do many things that seemed impossible in the past.

In Singapore, the mobile app allows you to locate a nearby car park easily, book a parking space, and make a payment. You can also extend your booking or receive a refund if you leave early.

New York City (US) has one of the largest bike-sharing systems called Citi Bike. Using a mobile app, you can unlock bikes from one station and return them to any other station in the system, making them ideal for one-way trips.

In Copenhagen (Denmark), you can use a mobile app to guide you through the city streets and tell how fast you need to pedal to make the next green light. The app can also give you route recommendations and work out the calories you burn.

In London(UK), you don’t have to buy public transport tickets. You can just touch your bank card on the card reader when you get on and off the bus or the underground to pay for your trip.

In Toronto (Canada), you can book an appointment and see a doctor online a from your own home. You can also receive prescriptions and any other documents you need, all online.

Câu 43 :

1. Read the text and choose the best answers.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

What will smart cities be like?

More and more urban areas around the world are moving towards smart development. These smart cities will be the cities of the future. They will use (1) __________ technologies to improve their infrastructure and services.

Infrastructure will become more (2) __________ and eco-friendly. This will be achieved by reducing the use of natural resources and the amount of waste. In addition, city dwellers will have access to a transport system that combines different modes of transport such as buses, underground and overground trains, and is (3) __________ and easy to use. Smart cities will also have larger pedestrian zones and more cycle paths. Poor areas will be rebuilt to make all neighbourhoods safer and cleaner. This will provide better living spaces for the growing population and improve people’s (4) __________ of living.

Most services will be offered online, and will be (5) __________ for everybody to use. People will also be able to give and receive feedback, monitor programmes and activities with the help of virtual tour worksites. In addition, many health and education services will be (6) __________ online, ensuring pleasant experience for residents. (7) __________, people will be able to book an appointment to see a doctor online. They will also receive prescriptions and all the necessary documents at home.

Improved infrastructure and efficient services will make the cities of the future more (8) __________ and will provide a better quality of life to city dwellers.


1. A. modern

B. main

C. present

D. efficient


2. A. sustainable

B. available

C. liveable

D. continuous


3. A. crowded

B. empty

C. efficient

D. renewable


4. A. degree

B. standard

C. level

D. average


5. A. convenient

B. demanding

C. comfortable

D. pleasant


6. A. taken

B. held

C. offered

D. brought


7. A. However

B. Although

C. For example

D. Due to


8. A. liveable

B. workable

C. moveable

D. usable

Câu 44 :

2. Read the text and choose the best answers.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Green spaces above our heads

Roof gardens, or gardens built on the top of city buildings, have become very popular in recent years, particularly in developed cities. It is even predicted that they will be the future of city architecture. This is because lack of space and overpriced land in cities makes it difficult to increase the number of parks and other green areas. So, what makes these ‘green roofs’ so attractive to city dwellers?

Roof gardens can improve air quality in cities. Plants take in and keep heat and light, and help to cool the environment around them. This way, green roofs help reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to heating and cooling buildings. They also help decrease dust pollution and the formation of smog, a mixture of smoke and fog, which is common in big cities.

Moreover, green roofs can provide new habitats for wildlife. They can help reduce the impact of urban development on habitat loss. For example, the City Hall in Chicago, the USA, has become home to more than 20,000 plants of over 150 different kinds. The living roof of Vancouver Convention Centre in Canada hosts 400,000 plants and 60,000 bees. Roof gardens also attract birds and insects, which increases the biodiversity in the area.

In summary, roof gardens can reduce pollution and improve human interaction with nature by introducing green space into the built environment. Connecting with nature is beneficial to our physical and mental health, and can increase quality of life.

1. What is the text mainly about?

A. Advantages of roof gardens.

B. How green spaces increase biodiversity.

C. Importance of green initiatives.

D. The future of smart gardens.


2. The word ‘overpriced’ in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.

A. too expensive

B. reasonable

C. valuable

D. overdue


3. Which of the following is NOT true about roof gardens?

A. They are built on the top of buildings.

B. They reduce dust pollution.

C. City dwellers think they are a waste of space.

D. They improve air quality.


4. According to paragraph 2, smog is __________.

A. a mixture of smoke and fog

B. a combination of smoke and heat

C. a combination of heat and fog

D. a mixture of heat and light


5. The word ‘They’ in paragraph 3 refers to __________.

A. emissions

B. green roofs

C. habitats

D. animals


6. What is on top of Vancouver Convention Centre?

A. 150 birds and 400,000 plants.

B. 400,000 bees and insects.

C. 20,000 plants and 150 bees.

D. 400,000 plants and 60,000 bees.


7. According to the text, by providing more green space, roof gardens help people __________.

A. interact with nature

B. stop urban development

C. save wildlife

D. learn about nature