Giải SGK, SBT Unit 4. ASEAN and Vietnam Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 4 Global Success

49 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 11 :

2. Read the news items and choose the most suitable headline for each one. There are TWO extra headlines.

(Đọc các mục tin tức và chọn tiêu đề phù hợp nhất cho mỗi mục. Có HAI tiêu đề bị thừa.)

A. Don't miss this opportunity to represent your country!

(Đừng bỏ lỡ cơ hội này để đại diện cho đất nước của bạn!)

B. Travelling to ASEAN countries

(Du lịch các nước ASEAN)

C. Equality in sport for ASEAN women

(Bình đẳng trong thể thao cho phụ nữ ASEAN)

D. Korean and ASEAN students

(Sinh viên Hàn Quốc và ASEAN)

E. Volunteers needed to take part in cultural exchanges

(Cần tình nguyện viên tham gia giao lưu văn hóa)

1. ___________________________

To raise awareness of ASEAN and promote cultural exchanges between the youths of Korea and ASEAN, the ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) regularly organises an ASEAN School Tour Programme. Last week, the AKC welcomed 121 Korean and Asian students from six schools. They learnt about ASEAN members, and discussed why ASEAN was important to Korea, and how to strengthen ASEAN-Korea relations. The students also took part in a variety of cultural activities such as singing traditional songs and making ASEAN posters.

2. ___________________________

The Ship for Southeast Asian andJapanese Youth Programme (SSEAYP) is looking for participants. Organised by the government of Japan and supported by the governments of Southeast Asia, this journey will last for 50 days and will bring together over 300 youths from ASEAN countries and Japan. Young people will have the opportunity to take part in exciting discussions on current social and youth issues, and eye-opening cultural exchanges. They will also receive training to help them develop problem- solving and leadership. skills. The journey starts in Japan and participants travel to five ASEAN countries.

3. ___________________________

An ASEAN talk show on women in sport took place in December. Its goal was promoting gender equality in and through sport. It featured 10 female sports representatives from 10 ASEAN countries. The talk show also discussed the rights of sports people with disabilities. All participants agreed that women and girls should be given more opportunities to play sports and represent their countries at international events. The talk show was live-streamed on the ASEAN webpage.

Câu 21 :

3. Listen to the conversation again and choose the correct answers A, B, or C.

(Nghe đoạn hội thoại một lần nữa và chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. Phong and other _________ are preparing a welcome event for the foreign students.

(Phong và các _________ khác đang chuẩn bị một sự kiện chào mừng cho các sinh viên nước ngoài.)

A. teachers (giáo viên)          

B. Youth Union members (Đoàn viên thanh niên)            

C. classmates (bạn cùng lớp)

2. The group of Korean and ASEAN students will spend ___________ at their school.

(Nhóm sinh viên Hàn Quốc và ASEAN sẽ dành thời gian ___________ tại trường của họ.)

A. one day (một ngày)           

B. three days (ba ngày)          

C. five days (năm ngày)

3. Phong thinks the event will be an excellent opportunity for students to make friends with young people from _______________.

(Phong nghĩ rằng sự kiện này sẽ là một cơ hội tuyệt vời để sinh viên kết bạn với những người trẻ tuổi từ _______________.)

A. Indonesia           

B. ASEAN countries (Các nước ASEAN)           

C. Korea and ASEAN countries (Hàn Quốc và các nước ASEAN)

4. During the visit, students will discuss how they can help ________________.

(Trong chuyến thăm, học sinh sẽ thảo luận về cách họ có thể giúp ________________.)

A. contribute to the event (đóng góp cho sự kiện)          

B. develop their focal communities (phát triển các cộng đồng trọng tâm của họ)

C. build an ASEAN community (xây dựng cộng đồng ASEAN)

5. Lan suggests calling on ______________ to send in ideas for activities.

(Lan gợi ý kêu gọi ______________ gửi ý tưởng cho các hoạt động.)

A. young people in the region (thanh niên trong vùng)

B. all the students from his school (tất cả các sinh viên từ trường của mình)

C. ASEAN students (sinh viên ASEAN)

Câu 23 :

A proposal for a welcome event

(Một đề xuất cho một sự kiện chào mừng)

1. Read the following proposal and match the headings (1-4) with the paragraphs (A-D). 

(Đọc đề xuất sau đây và nối các tiêu đề (1-4) với các đoạn văn (A-D.)

1. Details about the event (Thông tin chi tiết về sự kiện)

2. Conclusion (Kết luận)

3. Introduction (Giới thiệu)

4. Goals and benefits (Mục tiêu và lợi ích)


To: The Head teacher of Ha Noi High School

Date: 10 January

Prepared by: Youth Union

A. _______________________

Next month, a group of students from ASEAN countries will visit our school. We put out a call for ideas for activities to welcome our guests. One of the best ideas is holding a Vietnamese Traditional Games Festival.

B. _______________________

The event will take place in the school stadium. tt will start at 9 a.m. and will last for three hours. The event will be hosted by grade 11 students, who will make all the arrangements for the activities. These will include Vietnamese traditional games such as bamboo dancing, tug of war, and stilt walking.

C. _______________________

The event will help our guests learn about our culture by watching and playing Vietnamese traditional games. Taking part in fun games is also the best way to break the ice, make friends and create bonds with people.

D. _______________________

We really hope you will consider this proposal as we think that it will be beneficial to both local students and guests.

Câu 28 :

1. Read the text and complete the table below.

(Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành bảng dưới đây.)

In ASEAN, besides welcoming the New Year on January 1, there are several cultures that. celebrate New Year's Day later in the year. For example, Viet Nam, Singapore, Indonesia and parts of Malaysia follow the lunar calendar so their New Year festivities often take place in January or February. Lunar New Year is a time for them to honour ancestors, get together with family and friends, have a big family meal, and wish one another prosperity for the year to come. The streets and houses are decorated, and fireworks are lit to scare away bad luck. There are also parades, street parties, and art performances in the new year celebrations.

People in Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar celebrate the arrival of the New Year according to the Buddhist calendar. Their New Year's celebrations are in April. People in these countries follow traditions such as offering rice to Buddhist monks to show their respect and receiving wishes for good luck and health from them. They decorate their homes, cook traditional dishes, and splash each other with water. There are also art performances, folk games, and dancing.

In these cultures, it is believed that water will wash away bad luck and ill health from the old year and allow people to start the new year fresh.


Lunar New Year

Buddhist calendar


(1) ______________________

Laos, Cambodia, Thailand & Myanmar


January or February

(2) ______________________


(3) ______________________

(4) ______________________

Câu 41 :

1. Read the text and choose the best answers.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Puppets bring ASEAN together

Puppetry is an old (1) __________ in Southeast Asia, which is not just for children, but for audiences of all ages. Puppets in the (2) __________ vary in size and style, and their colourful designs are often crafted by the artists themselves. Puppet performances are also influenced by different (3) __________, styles and skills. For example, performances in Malaysia and Thailand start with a battle while in Indonesia speech is very important. However, these differences didn’t stop puppetry artists from ASEAN countries to (4) __________ and begin the ASEAN Puppets Exchange Programme in 2014.

Despite the different cultures and languages, the programme has managed to develop a united yet diverse (5) __________ of ASEAN artists. Since 2014, there have been many workshops (6) __________ local puppet traditions. In addition, professional artists from one country have the opportunity to visit and (7) __________ community artists from another country, or work with other professional artists to create joint performances. They all come together because of their love of puppetry and telling stories through puppets. Their live puppet shows continue to entertain, (8) __________, and bond people in ASEAN.


1. A. type

B. art form

C. performance

D. stage


2. A. place

B. city

C. region

D. country


3. A. traditions

B. people

C. groups

D. manners


4. A. combine

B. start up

C. get together

D. set off


5. A. collection

B. board

C. form

D. community


6. A. beginning

B. presenting

C. ending

D. taking


7. A. coach

B. lecture

C. host

D. conduct


8. A. perform

B. express

C. educate

D. show

Câu 42 :

2. Read the text below and decide what its purpose is.

(Đọc văn bản dưới đây và quyết định mục đích của nó là gì.)

A. to entertain (để giải trí)

B. to inform (để thông báo)

C. to persuade (để thuyết phục)


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was created on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, by the foreign ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei became a member in 1984, Viet Nam in 1995, Laos and Myanmar in 1997, and Cambodia in 1999.


With nearly 700 million inhabitants, ASEAN is one of the most culturally diverse regions in the world. ASEAN is home to hundreds of different ethnic groups and a region of linguistic diversity where thousands of languages are spoken. The ASEAN has about 31 urban areas with populations of over one million. Jakarta is the largest urban area, followed by Manila, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh City.


The main purpose of ASEAN is to promote the economic growth, social progress, and cultural development of its member countries. ASEAN also aims to maintain peace in Southeast Asia and establish friendly relationships with other countries or regional and international organisations with similar aims.


ASEAN has contributed to building long-term peace, security, and prosperity in the region. It has brought all countries in Southeast Asia together and helped reduce poverty in rural areas. ASEAN is already the world’s fifth-largest economy with the third-largest labour force, and is expected to become the fourth-largest economic market by 2030. However, there are still some challenges the 10-nation organisation has to deal with to continue the success story.