Giải SGK, SBT Unit 2. The generation gap Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 2 Global Success

48 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 12 :

2. Read the article. Match the highlighted words with their meanings.

(Đọc bài báo. Nối các từ được đánh dấu với nghĩa của chúng.)

Over the past two centuries, different generations were born and given different names. Each generation comes with its characteristics, which are largely influenced by the historical, economic, and social conditions of the country they live in. However, in many countries the following three generations have common characteristics.

Generation X refers to the generation born between 1965 and 1980. When Gen Xers grew up, they experienced many social changes and developments in history. As a result, they are always ready for changes and prepared to work through changes. Gen Xers are also known as critical thinkers because they achieved higher levels of education than previous generations.

Generation Y, also known as Millennials, refers to those born between the early 1980s and late 1990s. They are curious and ready to accept changes. If there is a faster, better way of doing something, Millennials want to try it out. They also value teamwork. When working in a team, Millennials welcome different points of view and ideas from others.

Generation Z includes people born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, a time of great technological developments and changes. That is why Gen Zers are also called digital natives. They grew up online and never knew the world before digital and social media. They are very creative and able to experiment with platforms to suit their needs. Many Gen Zers are also interested in starting their own businesses and companies. They saw so many people lose their jobs, so they think it is safer to be your own boss than relying on someone else to hire you.

Soon a new generation, labelled Gen Alpha, will be on the scene. Let's wait and see if we will notice the generation gap.

1. experienced

a. to try or test new ideas or methods

2. curious

b. went through 

3. digital natives

c. to employ

4. experiment

d. wanting to know about something

5. hire

e. people born in the era of technology

Câu 23 :

An opinion essay about limiting teenagers' screen time

(Bài luận nêu ý kiến về việc giới hạn thời gian dùng thiết bị điện tử của thanh thiếu niên)

1. Work in pairs. Complete the notes using the sentences (A-D) in the box.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hoàn thành các ghi chú bằng cách sử dụng các câu (A-D) trong hộp.)

A. The gap between teenagers and parents may become wider.

(Khoảng cách giữa thanh thiếu niên và cha mẹ có thể trở nên rộng hơn.)

B. Too much screen time is bad for teenagers' health.

(Quá nhiều thời gian trên màn hình có hại cho sức khỏe của thanh thiếu niên.)

C. Too much screen time can damage eyesight, reduce sleep time, and cause weight gain. 

(Quá nhiều thời gian trên màn hình có thể làm hỏng thị lực, giảm thời gian ngủ và gây tăng cân.)

D. Teenagers may think their parents are not fair to them.

(Thanh thiếu niên có thể nghĩ rằng cha mẹ của họ không công bằng với họ.)



Reason 1: Teenagers have little time left for homework.


Teenagers spend too much time watching online videos, checking social media, or playing computer games.

Reason 2: (1) _____________________________________.


(2) _____________________________________.


Reason 1: Quality of screen time is more important than quantity.

Examples/Facts/Explanations: Teenagers can learn a lot of useful knowledge and necessary skills through online educational games and videos. 

Reason 2: (3) _____________________________________.


(4) _____________________________________.


Câu 24 :

2. Read an opinion essay and match each paragraph with the correct description.

(Đọc một bài luận và nối từng đoạn với mô tả chính xác.)

A. Second reason for supporting this view with examples and facts

(Lý do thứ hai để hỗ trợ quan điểm này bằng các ví dụ và sự kiện)

B. Conclusion summarising the writer's point of view

(Kết luận tóm tắt quan điểm của người viết)

C. First reason for supporting this view with examples and facts

(Lý do đầu tiên để hỗ trợ quan điểm này bằng các ví dụ và sự kiện)

D. Introduction to the issue and the writer's point of view

(Giới thiệu vấn đề và quan điểm của người viết)

Should parents strictly limit teenagers' screen time?


Many teenagers nowadays spend too much time on digital devices. I firmly believe that parents should strictly limit their screen time for two reasons.


First of all, teenagers who spend a lot of time on screens are less likely to finish their homework. If parents limit their screen time, teenagers will have more time not only for learning, but also for outdoor activities.


In addition, too much screen time is bad for teenagers' health. Looking at a computer or smartphone screen for a long time can damage their eyesight and cause headaches. Too much screen time may also lead to sleep and weight problems.


In conclusion, I think that parents need to control the time their teenage children spend on digital devices. This will ensure that their children have time for homework and outdoor activities, and will protect children's health.

Câu 28 :


The generation gap in Asian American families

(Khoảng cách thế hệ trong các gia đình châu Á châu Mĩ)

1. Read the text and complete the notes. Use no more than TWO words for each gap.

(Đọc đoạn văn và hoàn thành các ghi chú. Sử dụng không quá hai từ cho mỗi khoảng trống.)

For people in most cultures, the generation gap in their family is mainly about differences in musical tastes, career choices, and lifestyles. In Asian American families, however, the process of adapting to American culture makes the generation gap wider.

Naturally, children of Asian American immigrants adapt to American culture much faster than their parents. English quickly becomes their first language. They accept American values such as individualism, freedom, honesty, and competition. They also start to follow American traditions in their daily lives.

On the other hand, many first-generation Asian American parents fail to adapt to the new culture. They continue to use their native language. They keep practising their traditional lifestyle and old culture. They often try to force their children to follow their native country's cultural values, such as the importance of family, respect for the elders and the community.

Due to their different attitudes to the new culture, Asian American children may have cultural values different from their parents' Asian cultural values. They may not do what their parents want them to do or what they are expected to do. As a result, Asian American parents may fail to have their children follow the family traditional values.





Adapt to American culture faster

Speak (1) __________________ as their first language

Accept American values: individualism, freedom, honesty, and competition

Start to follow (2) __________________ in their daily lives

Fail to adapt to American culture

Use their (3) __________________ language

Practise a traditional lifestyle and their old culture

Try to force children to follow native country's (4) __________________:  Importance of family respect for the elders and community

Câu 43 :

2. Read the text and complete these sentences with no more than TWO words from the text.

(Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành những câu này với không quá HAI từ trong văn bản.)

Bridging the generation gap

As time goes by, customs and traditions, which help shape the identity of an individual, change. That is why people belonging to different generations don’t usually share the same values and beliefs. The difference in politics, culture, and other areas of life is what separates the generations and is often described as a generation gap. This can lead to frequent disagreements or even conflicts between the generations in a family. Therefore, bridging the generation gap is important. Below are some tips on how different generations in a family can connect.

First, all generations should be open to new ideas. Having more life experiences, parents often think that they know what is best for their children. However, the world is changing all the time. So, parents should keep an open mind about new ideas or things that probably didn’t even exist when they were growing up. For their part, children should also be willing to listen to their parents and try to learn important life lessons from them.

Second, it is important for parents and children to make time for each other every day. Poor communication or lack of it can harm the relationship between family members. They should make an effort to listen to each other. For example, start by asking your parents about how they spend their day at work. Finding some enjoyable activities that you can all do together is the best way to strengthen family bonds.

In conclusion, healthy family love can help bridge the generation gap. Parents and children love each other for who they are, no matter what they say, think, or do. Even if people might not approve of what other family members do or say, they are still family and always will be.

1. Bridging the generation gap is important to avoid __________ and conflicts between the generations in a family.

2. Because they have more __________, parents believe they know what their children need.

3. Children should also learn important __________ from their parents.

4. The relationship between family members can suffer because of __________ or lack of it.

5. Healthy __________ means love, care, loyalty, and respect for family members, no matter what they say, think, or do.

Câu 46 :

1. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings. Use the correct form of the modal verbs in brackets.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi. Sử dụng dạng đúng của động từ khuyết thiếu trong ngoặc.)

1. It is not necessary for young people to go to university. (not have to)

→ Young people ____________________________________________ university.

2. It is important that parents be good role models for their children. (must)

→ Parents _______________________________________________ their children.

3. It is advisable for parents and children to spend time together. (should)

→ Parents and children ________________________________________________.

4. Parents are not allowed to leave their young children alone at home. (must not)

→ Parents ____________________________________________________ at home.

5. In many Asian cultures, it is the responsibility of firstborn children to look after their aging

parents. (have to)

→ In many Asian cultures, firstborn children _______________________________.

6. It is not a good idea for women to leave their jobs after getting married. (should not)

→ Women ____________________________________________________ married.

7. It is important for all family members to follow the family house rules. (must)

→ All family members ________________________________________________.

8. People are not allowed to post rude comments on the website. (must not)

→ People ________________________________________________ on the website.