Giải SGK, SBT Unit 6. Artificial intelligence Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 6 Global Success

47 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 1 :

A visit to a high-tech centre

(Chuyến tham quan đến trung tâm công nghệ cao)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Teacher: Hello, class. Please meet Jessica. She's a human-like robot and will be your guide today.

Jessica: Good morning, everybody. Welcome to the New Tech Centre.

Nam: Hi, Jessica. I'm so excited as I've never met a talking robot before. Let's have a photo taken together!

Jessica: OK, I'll get someone to take a picture of us, but let's go first to the robot exhibition where you'll see a collection of human-like robots from around the world. Please follow me. ... OK, do you have any questions?

Mai: They look so real! Can we interact with them?

Jessica: Yes, you can. They're all capable of answering questions and translating from different languages. Let me get this robot activated so you can talk to him.

Mai: Hello, what's your name? What languages can you speak? Where do you live?

Robby: Hello, my name's Robby. I can speak English, Vietnamese, Chinese, and German. I live in the New Tech Centre.

Mai: Wow! You're so smart, Robby.

Nam: Jessica, where shall we go next?

Jessica: Next, we'll visit the Research and Development area. Please follow me. Here scientists and engineers explore and create new AI technologies. AI has many practical applications such as facial recognition and virtual assistants.

Mai: I noticed a facial recognition screen at the entrance of the centre.

Jessica: That's right. We have all visitors' identity checked to improve the centre security. Now, what else would you like to see?

Câu 12 :

2. Read the article. Choose the correct meanings of the highlighted words.

(Đọc bài viết. Chọn nghĩa đúng của các từ được đánh dấu.)


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a huge impact on education. Here are some examples from around the world.

A. Digital portfolio

To apply for a university or a job, secondary school students usually need to support their applications with a list of relevant qualifications and work experience. Thanks to AI, they can now effortlessly do that online. A team from two famous universities in Singapore has invented an AI digital portfolio. This app collects data from the learning and working experience that students upload onto the app. Then the data is sorted into sets of skills which students can use for their job or university applications.

B. Educational chatbots

AI chatbots are being used in many schools and universities around the world. They can help keep students engaged in their learning by providing a more interactive experience. These virtual tutors can explain concepts clearly, answer specific questions, and give feedback on homework. Students can seek support from AI chatbots during and after classes so that they can understand the lessons better. They can also create groups on chatbots to share ideas about projects and activities. Engaging with each other using conversational AI can help students create a better and friendlier learning environment.

C. Virtual reality

Schools in Hong Kong are bringing fascinating learning to the classroom through the power of virtual reality (VR). This new way of teaching helps students learn valuable skills, provides 'hands-on’ experiences when studying history or geography, and limits potential dangers of chemistry or physics experiments. Guided virtual tours transport students back in time to study the history of Hong Kong or take them to tropical forests to explore endangered species.

D. Personalised learning

Experts in Israel have created a technology platform to support personalised learning. It collects data from students about what they know and do not know, analyses performances using AI, then offers them suitable assignments. This app has served as the main distance-learning platform for many Israeli secondary school students who are preparing for advanced examinations in physics. There are also thousands of chemistry and biology students who benefit from this software.

1. portfolio

A. collection of someone's prizes

B. collection of someone's work such as drawings or documents

C. collection of someone's learning and working experience

2. virtual

A. not made of natural things

B. made, done, or seen on the Internet or a computer rather than the real world

C. very similar to the real world but appearing in a different form

3. hands-on

A. doing something yourself rather than just talking about it

B. asking people to do something

C. doing something by hand

4. platform

A. a floor of a building

B. a kind of computer system or software

C. a working area

Câu 17 :

2. Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

(Làm việc theo nhóm. Thảo luận các câu hỏi.)

1. How can each application in 1 be used in education?

(Mỗi ứng dụng trong phần 1 có thể ứng dụng như thế nào trong giáo dục?)

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each application?

(Ưu điểm và nhược điểm của từng ứng dụng là gì?)

Example: (Ví dụ)

A: What do you think about chatbots?

(Bạn nghĩ gì về chatbot?)

B: I think a chatbot app is an effective application because it can help students understand difficult concepts and provide instant and personalised support throughout the course.

(Tôi nghĩ ứng dụng chatbot là một ứng dụng hiệu quả vì nó có thể giúp học viên hiểu các khái niệm khó và cung cấp hỗ trợ tức thời và được cá nhân hóa trong suốt khóa học.)

C: I agree. If available, we can use it during and after classes to clarify points and get feedback on homework.

(Tôi đồng ý. Nếu có, chúng ta có thể sử dụng nó trong và sau giờ học để làm rõ các luận điểm và nhận phản hồi về bài tập về nhà.)

A: Yes, but there are also disadvantages. Chatbots may not be able to answer complex questions that need making decisions.

(Đúng vậy, nhưng nó cũng có những nhược điểm. Nhiều chatbot có thể không trả lời được những câu hỏi phức tạp cần đưa ra quyết định.)

B: In addition, if learners always wait for ready-made answers, they may become lazy and may not develop critical thinking skills.

(Ngoài ra, nếu người học luôn chờ đợi những câu trả lời có sẵn, họ có thể trở nên lười biếng và không phát triển được kỹ năng tư duy phản biện.)

C: That's a good point. Chatbots can't replace human interaction and lack personal connections.

(Đó là một điểm tốt. Chatbots không thể thay thế sự tương tác của con người và thiếu kết nối cá nhân.)

Câu 26 :

2. Work in pairs. Use the models in 1 to make similar conversations for these situations. One of you is A, the other is B. Use the expressions below to help you.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Sử dụng các mẫu ở phần 1 để thực hiện những đoạn hội thoại tương tự trong những tình huống này. Một người là A, người kia là B. Hãy sử dụng các cách diễn đạt dưới đây để giúp bạn.)

1. A is at a museum or robot exhibition where he/she can see B in the crowd, A wants to get B's attention.

(A đang ở bảo tàng hoặc triển lãm robot nơi anh ấy/cô ấy có thể nhìn thấy B trong đám đông, A muốn thu hút sự chú ý của B.)

2. A is a scientist giving a talk on the use of AI at home. B is in the audience, and he/she wants to interrupt the scientist to ask a question.

(A là một nhà khoa học đang thuyết trình về việc sử dụng AI tại nhà. B đang ở trong khán giả và anh ấy/cô ấy muốn ngắt lời nhà khoa học để đặt câu hỏi.)

Useful expressions

(Cụm từ bổ ích)

Getting attention

(Thu hút sự chú ý)


(Làm gián đoạn)


(Trang trọng)

• May I have your attention, please?

(Bạn có thể chú ý được không?)

• Could I ask you a question?

(Tôi có thể hỏi bạn một câu được không?)

• Can I have a few seconds/a moment of your time?

(Bạn có thể dành cho tôi vài giây/một chút thời gian được không?)


(Không trang trọng)

• Look!/Listen!/Watch!

(Nhìn này!/Nghe kìa!/Xem kìa!)

• Excuse me!

(Xin lỗi!)

• Sorry to bother you.

(Xin lỗi đã làm phiền bạn.)

• Hey!

(Chào!/ Ê!/ Này!)


(Trang trọng/ Bán trang trọng)

I'm sorry for interrupting/to interrupt, but I don't quite understand...

(Tôi xin lỗi vì đã cắt ngang/làm gián đoạn, nhưng tôi không hiểu lắm...)

Sorry for the interruption, but could you (repeat)...

(Xin lỗi vì sự gián đoạn, nhưng bạn có thể (lặp lại)...)

This will only take a minute. Would you mind (telling me)...

(Việc này chỉ mất một phút. Bạn có phiền (nói với tôi)...)

I apologise for the interruption, but I have an important question about...

(Tôi xin lỗi vì đã gián đoạn, nhưng tôi có một câu hỏi quan trọng về…)

Pardon me/Excuse me, I have…

(Thứ lỗi cho tôi/Xin lỗi, tôi có…)


(Không trang trọng)

• Hold on!

(Đợi tý!)

• Just a second.

(Chỉ một giây thôi.)

Câu 27 :

1. Read the text and complete the timeline showing the evolution of robots.

(Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành dòng thời gian cho thấy sự phát triển của robot.)


The word 'robot' was first used in 1920. It comes from the Czech word 'robota', which means 'forced labour' used in a play by Karel Čapek to describe artificial people.

In 1949, the British inventor William Grey Walter introduced the first machine which could slowly move in response to light stimulus. Ten years later, the first industrial robotic arm was installed at a General Motors plant in the US. Such robots are mostly used in car and computer industries.

The first robot to use Artificial Intelligence was known as Shakey. It was developed at Stanford Research Institute between 1966 and 1972. Shakey could observe its surroundings, create a plan, and find its way across a room or push a box along the floor. Twenty years later, a walking robot called Dante, which was capable of climbing steep slopes, was built to go into active volcanoes. The late 1990s marked a milestone in the history of robots when Kismet, a robotic head designed to provoke and react to emotions, was created.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, more robots have been created to improve our life. The first self-driving car was launched on 8 October 2005 when a Volkswagen Touareg named "Stanley' won a racing competition across the desert. In 2012, the AI expert Geoffrey Hinton and his team created the first accurate visual recognition system.

In 2016, Sophia, a human-like robot was introduced. Sophia can imitate human gestures and facial expressions and is able to answer certain questions and to make simple conversations.

In the future, we may see more robots and AI applications. Whether we accept them or not, they will continue to play an important role in all aspects of our lives.

Câu 39 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. To improve the building security, they have all guests' identity __________.

A. to check

B. check

C. checked

D. checking

2. We are going to have a technician __________ a smart lighting system in our house.

A. install

B. to install

C. installed

D. installing

3. Peter will have his computer __________ so that it can process more data and store more information.

A. to upgrade

B. upgraded

C. upgrades

D. upgrading

4. Lily often has her house __________ by a robot vacuum cleaner.

A. cleaning

B. cleans

C. cleaned

D. to clean

5. Patients at this hospital get their temperature __________ by nursing robots every morning.

A. measuring

B. measured

C. measure

D. to measure

6. My father had a web developer __________ his company website.

A. build

B. built

C. builds

D. to build

7. I was surprised that I got all my questions about the course ________ by a chatbot.

A. answer

B. answered

C. answering

D. answers

8. My dad got an electrician __________ the electrical system at home.

A. fix

B. fixed

C. fixing

D. to fix

9. We __________ our new furniture __________ to the flat yesterday after we made the payment.

A. have - deliver

B. are having - delivered

C. had - delivered

D. will have - be delivered

10. Ms Tam __________ her car __________ at the garage every week.

A. has - wash

B. has - washed

C. had - washed

D. had - wash

11. Why didn't you __________ this robot __________ at the shop?

A. get - to activate

B. get - activated

D. have - to activate

C. have - activate

12. Anna is thinking of having her reports __________ by an expert.

A. editted

B. edit

C. to edit

D. to be editted

Câu 40 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. In the future, people have dangerous jobs done by robots.

     A                              B                       C    D

2. Students at this school have their essays check by a computer software.

         A                              B            C         D

3. Teachers at my school has chatbots plan their lessons.

          A                            B                  C              D

4. Scientists are getting robots like Voyager 1 and Rosetta explore space.

                        A                      B                   C                      D

5. If you go to the new beauty salon, you will have your hair cut with a robot hairdresser.

              A                                                 B                         C    D

6. The teacher made the students rehearsed their presentations in the school hall.

                         A                          B                                     C                     D

7. The club chairman had his secretary made copies of the report for all club members.

                                  A                         B               C                   D

8. All employees get their headshots to take by a professional photographer.

                           A    B                       C      D

9. Linda really wants to have a band to be performed live at her wedding reception.

                          A                B               C                            D

10. The Smiths had a robot look after his house while they were on holiday.

                          A                 B          C                                     D       

11. Did you had your package delivered by a delivery robot?

      A            B                            C        D

12. Some farmers have their fruits and vegetables sort by Al machines.

          A                  B                                           C    D

Câu 41 :

1 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ hoặc cụm từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số.)

Understanding ChatGPT: What it is and how it works

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot, which was (1) ________ by OpenAI research laboratory and launched in November 2022. It uses natural language processing (NLP), (2) ________ helps computers to understand and interpret text or speech, and produce human-like language. ChatGPT has been trained on a huge (3) ________ of text data from different sources such as books, articles, and web pages, which has enabled it to understand various topics (4) ________ answer a wide range of questions. ChatGPT can also be used to write text in different languages, explain complex topics, and even hold conversations.

One of the main advantages of ChatGPT is its (5) ________ to generate coherent and informative answers to a variety of questions on any topic, from science and technology to history and literature. ChatGPT can also generate text in different styles, which can (6) ________ you with tasks such as composing emails and essays, summarising articles, or generating product descriptions. (7) ________ ChatGPT can be used as a conversational tool, allowing users to join in natural-language conversations with the system. Overall ChatGPT is a powerful AI chatbot that has the potential to transform the way we interact (8) ________ machines and access information.

1. A. grown

B. improved

C. developed

D. closed

2. A. that

B. which

C. who

D. whom

3. A. number

B. sum

C. set

D. amount

4. A. and

B. but

C. so

D. then

5. A. capacity

B. function

C. ability

D. point

6. A. enable

B. assist

C. equip

D. provide

7. A. Moreover

B. However

C. In addition to

D. Thus

8. A. in

B. by

C. with

D. to

Câu 42 :

2 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likely to improve your engagement in non-STEM subjects (Literature, Art, Education, and Humanities). For instance, AI -powered language learning platforms like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone use natural language processing and machine instructions to provide personalised learning experiences. These platforms can adapt their learning content and pace to match your individual needs. This can help you learn at your own pace and in your own way, thereby, increasing engagement and motivation. AI-powered writing and grammar tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway can provide instant feedback and suggestions for alternative phrasing and word choices. By analysing your grammar, vocabulary, and style, these tools can help you improve your writing skills and communicate better.

Similarly, you can play AI-powered educational games in history and social studies classes. Games like Civilization and Age of Empires use AI to create realistic historical simulations that can help you understand historical events and concepts in a more enjoyable and interactive way.

In music and art, there are creative tools such as Amper Music and Dream. These tools use AI to create original music and art based on users' input. This can provide you with fun and imaginative ways to study these subjects.

AI tools and platforms can be accessible to all students regardless of their geographical location or socio-economic status. If you do not have access to traditional educational resources, you can use your mobile device to access them free of charge.

Overall, AI can stimulate your interest in non-STEM subjects by providing personalised instructions, creating various learning experiences, and offering real-time feedback and support. As AI technology continues to evolve, you can expect to see even more innovative uses of AI in non-STEM education.

1. What is the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in non-STEM education?

A. Writing learning content for individual students.

B. Increasing students' engagement in non-STEM subjects.

C. Replacing human teachers in the future.

D. Making students lose their interest in STEM subjects.

2. Which AI-powered language learning platforms are mentioned in the text?

A. Grammarly and Hemingway.

B. Amper Music and Dream.

C. Civilization and Age of Empires.

D. Duolingo and Rosetta Stone.

3. How can AI writing tools help you?

A. By providing immediate comments on your writing.

B. By adapting your learning content.

C. By analysing your individual needs.

D. By creating historical simulations for you to learn from.

4. In what classes can teachers make use of AI educational games to arouse students' interest?

A. Art and music.

B. Science and maths.

C. Social studies and history.

D. Literature and writing.

5. Which word is closest in meaning to the word “imaginative” in paragraph 4?

A. unusual

B. interactive

C. personalised

D. creative

6. What does the word “their” in paragraph 5 refer to?

A. AI tools

B. students'

C. AI applications'

D. educational resources

7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way of using AI to improve students" engagement in non-STEM subjects?

A. Giving personalised instructions.

B. Forming different learning groups.

C. Offering real-time feedback and support.

D. Creating learning experiences.

8. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Al stimulating motivation in non-STEM subjects

B. How non-STEM subjects can help develop AI

C. How AI can arouse interest in STEM subjects

D. AI applications in art classes

Câu 43 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following exchanges. Then practise reading them.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi trao đổi sau đây. Sau đó thực hành đọc chúng.)

1. Mai: _______, Lan! How's it going?

Lan: Oh, I've been very busy. Thanks for asking.

A. I'm Mai

B. Hey

C. Do you mind

D. Oops

2. Ms Hoa: Now, let's move on to the second application of AI in learning foreign languages.

Nam: _______, Ms Hoa. But could you please explain the first application again?

A. Sorry to tell you

B. Do you mind

C. I'm sorry for interrupting

D. I don't like your interruption

3. Leader: _______! I have an announcement to make.

Team: OK, we're listening.

A. Sorry to bother you

B. Certainly

C. Pardon me

D. Attention everyone

4. Nam: Excuse me, _______ of your time?

Teacher: Sure. How can I help you?

A. may I have five minutes

B. do you mind

C. can you talk

D. I need your attention

5. Mai: _______, Mark. Can you show me how to activate this machine?

Mark: Sure thing! You just need to press this button at the back.

A. Look

B. Sorry to bother you

C. I apologise for this

D. So glad

6. Nam: Let's start making a model of our domestic robot. I bought all the materials. We can also look at these photos...

Long: _______?

Nam: Yes, go ahead.

Long: I think we need to discuss its design and make a plan first.

A. Can you stop talking

B. Could I ask you a question

C. Can I interrupt you for a moment

D. Can I have your attention

7. Speaker: OK, I've talked about the advantages of Al in health care. Next, I...

Mike: ______, but I have a question about robotic doctors.

A. I apologise for the interruption

B. I have your attention

C. This will only take a minute

D. Could I have a few seconds of your time

8. Hoa: Dad, I know you're busy, but _______?

Dad: Sure, what's up?

A. attention everyone

B. sorry to interrupt you

C. can I have everyone's attention

D. can I have a moment of your time

Câu 45 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. They are coming to install our new central heating on Tuesday.

A. We are having new central heating installed on Tuesday.

B. They don't want to have new central heating installed on Tuesday.

C. Our central heating is going to be renewed on Tuesday.

D. They are having someone install new central heating on Tuesday.

2. I think I'll ask my assistant to type these documents for me.

A. I'll let my assistant type these documents for me.

B. I think I'll have my assistant type these documents.

C. My assistant will spend a long time typing these documents.

D. I think my assistant will need a new typewriter.

3. She didn't understand the lesson, so she asked her teacher to explain it again.

A. She didn't understand the lesson, so she got her teacher to explain it again.

B. She didn't understand the lesson, but her teacher asked her to explain it.

C. She understood the lesson without asking her teacher.

D. The teacher didn't understand her question and got her to explain it.

4. The painters painted our house last week.

A. We asked the painters to change the paint colour last week.

B. We decided to decorate our house last week.

C. We had the painters paint our house last week.

D. Last week we got some painters to come to our house.

5. They haven't repaired my smartphone yet.

A. I tried to use my broken phone.

B. I haven't had my smartphone repaired yet.

C. My smartphone went out of order this morning.

D. They can't repair my smartphone.

6. Let's arrange for someone to take photos at our meetings.

A. Let's have someone take photos at our meetings.

B. Let's arrange the schedule for our workshop on photography.

C. We forgot to take photos for our meetings.

D. Let's have our meeting photos arranged by someone.

7. Isn't it time you had someone fix the sensor system at your house?

A. Isn't it time you started fixing the sensor system at your house?

B. Isn't it time you installed the new sensor system at your house?

C. Isn't it time you had the sensor system at your house repaired?

D. Isn't it time you called the repair centre about your sensor system?

8. Robots are going to be used to explore active volcanos in this area.

A. They have explored a lot of active volcanos in this area.

B. They are going to use robots to deactivate volcanos in this area.

C. Robots are exploring active volcanos in many places including this area.

D. They are going to have robots explore active volcanos in this area.