Giải SGK, SBT Unit 10. Lifelong learning Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 10 Global Success

48 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 1 :

Learning for life

(Học cả đời)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Mark: Hello, Grandma!

Grandma: Oh hi, Mark. I'm glad you're here! Can you help me increase the font size of  this text on my laptop? It's too small for me to read.

Mark: Let me show you ... You need to press these two keys together ... See? It's easy, isn't it?

Grandma: It works! Everything's so easy to read now. Thanks, dear. I still have trouble using the laptop. You know, it's taken me so much time to learn computer skills.

Mark: That's fine, Grandma. My teacher says it's never too late to learn something new, especially new technology, because it's rapidly developing. Grandma, you've typed a lot of text! What are you working on?

Grandma: Well, I'm writing a summary of a book I've read recently. You see, my doctor advised me to read every day to boost my memory. And I want to brush up on my French before I visit my friend in Paris.

Mark: You're amazing, Grandma! Learning languages can improve your thinking skills. Our language teacher has also asked us to try to maintain our language skills after leaving school. Do you know that you can use the Internet to learn a language or watch the news?

Grandma: Really? This could help me stay informed about current events. Can you show me some news sites after I finish my book summary?

Mark: No problem, Grandma. But why do you have to type it?

Grandma: It's for the reading club I've just joined. The club leader encourages us to prepare our book reports and share them with all members in advance.

Mark: Are all club members your age?

Grandma: No, there're some young people as well. Are you interested in joining the next meeting?

Mark: Yes, I'd love to.

Grandma: OK, I'll put your name on the list of attendees then.

Câu 12 :

2. Read a letter written by a head teacher to her students on the school website. Circle the phrases with the closest meaning to the highlighted words.

(Đọc thư của hiệu trưởng gửi học sinh trên website của trường. Khoanh tròn các cụm từ có nghĩa gần nhất với những từ được đánh dấu.)

Dear students,

In a few weeks' time, you'll complete your secondary education. Some of you may have already made plans for continuing your studies at university or vocational school, while others may wish to start working right away. Whatever choice you make, remember to keep on learning new knowledge and skills.

'Haven't we learnt enough in secondary school?', many may wonder. In fact, learning does not stop after graduation. It is a lifelong process. It involves creating and maintaining a positive attitude to learning for both professional and personal development. Lifelong learning is especially relevant in today's changing world. It allows you to adapt to changes in the modern workplace and widens your employment opportunities. It helps you make better, informed decisions and become a more well-rounded individual. In addition, it keeps your brain healthy and boosts your memory. Lifelong learning also helps you stay connected with modern ideas and meet new people as you participate in various forms of adult education.

'Does that mean I have to go to classes again?". The answer is 'yes' and 'no'. Yes, because when you start working, you may decide to go to night school or enrol on a distance learning course to learn a skill or get a degree. The answer is also No, because lifelong learning happens all the time. As long as you are motivated, you can learn new knowledge and develop new skills anywhere. Uncle Ho is a great role model for lifelong learning. He never stopped learning throughout his life despite all the hardships and challenges. He learnt to speak different languages, including English, French, Russian, Italian, German, and Chinese mainly by himself. He even wrote poems in Chinese when he was imprisoned in China to keep his mind sharp. He took regular physical exercise, did traditional martial arts, and enjoyed activities such as swimming and mountain climbing throughout his life. We can all learn from Uncle Ho's lifelong efforts to improve himself.

Remember that learning is a lifelong journey. Enjoy every moment of it.

Mrs Le Minh Ngoc

Head teacher

1. wonder

A. to think about something and try to guess what is true or will happen

B. to walk slowly around an area without a clear purpose

2. relevant

A. relatively close

B. valuable and useful

3. widens

A. makes something larger in degree or range

B. makes something smaller in degree or range

4. hardships

A. large boats that are hard to operate

B. conditions of life that cause difficulty and suffering

5. imprisoned

A. released from a prison

B. put in a prison

Câu 13 :

3. Read the letter again. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

(Đọc lại lá thư. Chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B, C hoặc D.)

1. What is the main message of the letter?

A. Continue your studies at university or night school after leaving school.

B. Continue learning after leaving school to improve yourself and career.

C. Don't be afraid of the challenges of lifelong learning.

D. It's important to get a degree for your professional development.

2. Which of the following options is NOT mentioned as a choice for school-leavers?

A. Going to university.

B. Finding a job.

C. Going to a vocational school.

D. Volunteering abroad to learn languages.

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of lifelong learning?

A. You have a better understanding of the world and can make good decisions.

B. It helps you to become successful in the present-day world.

C. It keeps your brain healthy and improves your memory.

D. It helps you stay connected with people and current ideas.

4. Why do some people choose distance learning according to the letter?

A. They may want to earn a degree, but still have a full-time job.

B. It is easier to enrol on a distance learning course.

C. There are many online courses to choose from.

D. It is the easiest way to stay connected with your friends from school.

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of Uncle Ho's lifelong learning?

A. He regularly exercised, did traditional martial arts, and enjoyed outdoor activities.

B. He learnt to use different languages through self-study.

C. He regularly attended evening classes and joined a learning community.

D. He wrote poems in prison to keep his mind sharp.

Câu 15 :

Great role models for lifelong learning

(Những tấm gương điển hình cho việc học tập suốt đời)

1. Work in pairs. One of you is A, and the other is B. A reads the information card about Uncle Ho. B reads the information card about Marie Curie below.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Một bạn là A, một bạn là B. A đọc phiếu thông tin về Bác Hồ. B đọc thẻ thông tin về Marie Curie bên dưới.)

Student A's card

Uncle Ho as a lifelong learner

- Managed to learn every day throughout his life (e.g. by reading and writing until midnight after a working day)

- Learnt to speak French, English, Chinese, Italian, German, and Russian (mainly through self-study, had an effective way to learn new words: writing them on pieces of paper or his arms and revising them throughout the day)

- Kept fit and healthy (e.g. by doing exercise every day, doing traditional martial arts, and enjoying physical activities)

Student B's card

Marie Curie as a lifelong learner

- Managed to go to university (because there were no universities accepting women in her country, Poland, she moved to France and studied physics and maths at the Sorbonne University)

- Spent a lot of time studying (e.g. studied on her own while working as a governess or tutor, borrowed books from the library, registered for many different courses at university)

- Won prizes (was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and the only woman to win a Nobel Prize twice, won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and another Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911)

Câu 26 :

2. Work in pairs. Use the models in 1 to make similar conversations for these situations. One of you is A, the other is B. Use the expressions below to help you.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Sử dụng các mẫu ở phần 1 để thực hiện những đoạn hội thoại tương tự trong những tình huống này. Một người là A, người kia là B. Hãy sử dụng các cách diễn đạt dưới đây để giúp bạn.)

1. A attends a cooking class taught by B. A thanks B for teaching her/him to cook a traditional dish. B replies by accepting thanks.

(A tham gia lớp học nấu ăn do B dạy. A cảm ơn B đã dạy cô ấy/anh ấy nấu một món ăn truyền thống. B đáp lại bằng cách nhận lời cảm ơn.)

2. A and B are friends. B thanks A for sharing information about an app for learning English. A replies by accepting thanks.

(A và B là bạn bè. B cảm ơn A đã chia sẻ thông tin về ứng dụng học tiếng Anh. A đáp lại bằng cách nhận lời cảm ơn.)

Useful expressions


(Cảm ơn)

Accepting thanks

(Chấp nhận lời cảm ơn)


(Trang trọng)


(Trang trọng)

- I can't thank you enough for...

(Tôi không thể cảm ơn bạn đủ cho…)

- I'm really/so grateful for...

(Tôi thật sự biết ơn về…)

- I really appreciate it.

(Tôi thật sự biết ơn điều đó.)

- You're welcome.

(Không có chi.)

- It's my pleasure.

(Đó là vinh hạnh của tôi.)

- My pleasure.

(Vinh hạnh của tôi mà.)


(Không trang trọng)


(Không trang trọng)

- Thank you/Thanks for ...

(Cảm ơn vì…)

- Many thanks!

(Cảm ơn nhiều!)

- Thanks a million!

(Cảm ơn nhiều lắm!)

- No problem.

(Không thành vấn đề.)

- Don't mention it.

(Đừng đề cập đến nó./ Có gì đâu.)

- Glad to help.

(Vui khi giúp được bạn.)

Câu 39 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D  to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu sau.)

1. “Lan, you should spend more time reading books.” Lan's dad said.

→ Lan's dad _______ her to spend more time reading books.

A. advised

B. allowed

C. forced

D. offered

2. “Could you tell me more about this online course?" I asked the instructor.

→ I asked the instructor _______ more about that online course.

A. tell me

B. to tell me

C. telling me

D. told

3. "Mai, you shouldn't register for too many online courses at the same time," her teacher said.

→ Mai's teacher advised her _______ for too many online courses at the same time.

A. not register

B. register

C. not to register

D. to register

4. "Don't waste your time surfing the Internet all day.” my brother said to me.

→ My brother warned me _______ my time surfing the Internet all day.

A. not waste

B. waste

C. to waste

D. not to waste

5. “I'll find the information about the yoga class for you.” my sister said.

→ My sister _______ to find the information about the yoga class for me.

A. offered

B. asked

C. told

D. requested

6. “OK Nam, I'll put your name on the list of attendees.” my teacher said.

→ My teacher agreed _______ my name on the list of attendees.

A. put

B. to put

C. not to put

D. putting

7. “Could you show me how to download videos from the Internet?” my grandfather asked me.

→ My grandfather asked me _______ him how to download videos from the Internet.

A. showing

B. not to show

C. to show

D. show

8. "Don't leave the building." the policeman said.

→ The policeman _______ the people not to leave the building.

A. agreed

B. offered

C. said

D. ordered

Câu 40 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. My grandmother's doctor advised her to cutting down on sugar to improve her memory.

                     A                                           B                                  C                    D     

2. Our PE teacher encouraged us taking up a sport and exercise every day.

             A               B                    C                             D    

3. I warned her not sharing any personal information on online forums.

                               A                  B                          C           D

4. I asked my mother to showing me how to make chicken curry.

          A                         B                      C                          D

5. My sister agreed register for the course as soon as she came back from her trip.

                                A       B                       C                          D       

6. My father advised me saving at least half of my pocket money.

                        A               B        C                            D

7. He warned me not to posted any negative comments on the school website.

           A                 B      C                D

8. My grandmother offered to cooked dinner for me and my brother so that my mother could go to

                                 A             B                      C                                                           D

night school

Câu 41 :

3 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. “You should ask your teacher for more information about the reading club,” my mother said.

A. My mother advised me to ask my teacher for more information about the reading club.

B. My mother warned me not to ask my teacher for any information about the reading club.

C. My mother requested my teacher for more information about the reading club.

D. My mother offered to ask my teacher for more information about the reading club.

2. “Keep learning and acquiring new knowledge every day,” my grandfather said.

A. My grandfather offered to keep learning and acquiring new knowledge every day.

B. My grandfather told me to keep learning and acquiring new knowledge every day.

C.My grandfather refused to learn and acquire new knowledge every day.

D. My grandfather promised to keep learning and acquiring new knowledge every day.

3. “Can you show me how to record a video on my smartphone?” my mother asked me.

A. My mother showed me how to record a video on her smartphone.

B. My mother offered to show me how to record a video on her smartphone.

C. My mother asked me to show her how to record a video on her smartphone.

D. I showed my mother how to record a video on her smartphone.

4. “Never post any personal information on social media,” my brother said.

A. My brother advised me to post my personal information on social media.

B. My brother encouraged me to post personal information on social media.

C. I told my brother not to post any personal information on social media.

D. My brother told me not to post any personal information on social media.

5. “I'll contact the course provider to get more information about the course,” said my teacher.

A. My teacher offered to contact the course provider to get more information about the course.

B. I offered to contact the course provider to get more information about the course.

C. The course provider offered to provide us with more information about the course.

D. My teacher said the course provider will give him more information about the course.

6. “You shouldn't stop learning after leaving school,” my teacher said.

A. My teacher told me to stop learning after leaving school.

B. My teacher advised me not to stop learning after leaving school.

C. I wanted to ask my teacher to let us stop learning after leaving school.

D. I ordered my teacher to stop us from learning after leaving school.

7. “Could you tell us how to become lifelong learners?” I asked the head teacher.

A. I asked the head teacher how to become a learner.

B. The head teacher asked us to explain how to become lifelong learners.

C. I asked the head teacher to explain how we can become lifelong learners.

D. I advised the head teacher to become a lifelong learner.

8. “I'll pay for your yoga lessons,” my sister said.

A. My sister refused to pay for my yoga lessons.

B. I ordered my sister to pay for my yoga lessons.

C. I encouraged my sister to pay for my yoga lessons.

D. My sister offered to pay for my yoga lessons.

Câu 42 :

1 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số.)

It's never too old to study

At the age of 97, Allan Stewart set a world record for being the oldest university graduate when he (1) __________ his Master of Clinical Science from Southern Cross University in New South Wales, Australia. This was Stewart's fourth university (2) __________, which broke his own Guinness World Record in 2006 when, aged 91, he (3) __________ a law degree at the University of New England. Steward’s (4) __________ his first degree, a Bachelor of Dentistry, from the University of Sydney in 1936. He later completed a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree at Northwestern University in Chicago, and worked as a (5) __________ in London, Sydney and the rural areas of northern New South Wales. He said that people were never too old to study. It is never too late to (6) __________ your mind, make new friends and (7) __________ yourself to achieve something worthwhile." Allan Stewart has (8) __________ an inspiring example for us to follow and learn throughout our lives.

1. A. received

B. sold

C. bought

D. revised

2. A. paper

B. degree

C. certificate

D. form

3. A. created

B. made

C. completed

D. graduated

4. A. learnt

B. earned

C. bought

D. stayed

5. A. scientist

B. lawyer

C. teacher

D. dentist

6. A. train

B. expand

C. consolidate

D. create

7. A. force

B. develop

C. challenge

D. carry on

8. A. achieved

B. taken

C. given

D. set

Câu 43 :

2 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.)

An interview with a sociologist

Teen Talk Magazine has recently interviewed Dr Ha, a sociologist at a local university. Here is what he shared with us.

Dr Ha, what do you think about education for adults?

Well, you see, according to UNESCO's Institute of Statistics, at present, there are about 770 million illiterate adults globally. And even many more don't have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the 21st century. It's true that more and more people are participating in adult education in some places, however, learning opportunities are still beyond the reach of many others.

So, why is adult education important?

As we all know, the world is changing rapidly and constantly, and everybody must be ready to change with it, otherwise they will be left behind. This means making the effort to learn about society and all the technological, scientific, and social advancements happening today. Lifelong learning is also important for personal and professional growth. For example, encouraging employees to continue their education and learn new skills will bring individual fulfilment and economic prosperity. Nowadays, education is no longer limited to a single period of one's lifetime. By taking adult classes, people will make sure that their mind stays active and their creativity increases. Adult education is also here to provide a second chance for people who leave school at a young age.

Yes, I agree. But how can school dropouts get access to adult education?

Well, in fact, it's a big challenge for them. Going back to school after dropping out is not easy, especially when people have to work to support their families or take care of young children or sick family members. At present, those who need adult education the most, such as women, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, rural populations, and older citizens, still have limited access to learning opportunities. A recent UNESCO's report has revealed some worrying statistics. About 60% of countries reported no improvement in participation by people with disabilities, migrants, or prisoners. In addition, 24% of countries reported that the participation of rural populations had declined. And participation of older adults had also decreased in 24% of the 159 surveyed countries.

How about adult education in Viet Nam? Is our country facing similar challenges?

Yes, but we have actually made some progress in promoting education of rural workers and increasing our community learning centres. Our government has also invested more in adult learning and education. I strongly believe this investment will not only help improve the quality of adult classes, but also give all people the same access to educational services and experiences.

1. What is the interview about?

A. Challenges and issues in adult education.

B. Courses covered in adult education.

C. People who benefit from adult education.

D.Challenges for school dropouts,

2. What does 770 million refer to?

A. The number of adult learners who lack 21st century skills.

B. The number of adults in the world who don't know how to read or write.

C. The available learning opportunities for all.

D. The number of people participating in adult education.

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for keeping learning throughout a person's life?

A. Individual fulfilment.

B. Personal and professional development.

C. Keeping your brain active.

D. Academic achievements.

4. The word 'them' in paragraph 4 refers to

A people who make sure their mind stays active

B. people taking care of young children

C. people who drop out of school

D. students who go back to school

5. How many countries participated in the latest UNESCO's survey?


B. 24

C. 60

D. 159

6. The word 'revealed' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to

A kept something secret

B. made something known

C. changed the information

D. deleted the news

7. How does Dr Ha feel about adult education in Viet Nam?

A. Pessimistic.

B. Worried.

C. Optimistic.

D. Confused.

Câu 44 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following exchanges. Then practise reading them.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi trao đổi sau đây. Sau đó thực hành đọc chúng.)


Tom: Mr Vu, (1) ________ for your advice on my career choices. Our discussion was very useful.

Mr Vu: Don't mention it. Tom. (2)  ________ the information useful.


A. I'm really grateful

B. I'm terribly sorry

C. I wonder

D. I don't look


A. I'm glad you passed

B. I don't really need

C. I'm glad you found

D. I don't know why you like


Grandma: Lan, (3) ________ showing me how to use my new smartphone.

Lan: (4)  ________ , Grandma. If you need my help. Just let me know.


A. you don't like

B. I can't thank you enough

C. you are interested in

D. thank you for


A. It's my duty

B. No problem

C. I have to do it

D. I really appreciate it


Khoa: Grandpa. Mum mentioned that you paid for me to go to Singapore. I can't (5) ________ that.

Grandpa: (6) ________, Khoa, It's my pleasure.


A. thank you enough for

B. stand it any longer

C. appreciate

D. say how much I like


A. Thanks a million

B. I want to hear it

C. Don't mention it

D. I can't stand it


Nam: Quang. I really like the interactive website you created for learning English. (7) ________ the ink

Quang: (8) ________ Glad you like it.


A. I can't understand

B. You're welcome

C. I'm really grateful

D. Thanks for sending me


A. Why do you like it?

B. No problem.

C. I'm really confused.

D. Many thanks.