Giải SGK, SBT Review Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Review Global Success

114 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 7 :

2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences.

(Đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu kết hợp tốt nhất từng cặp câu.)

1. Air pollution levels have increased in many countries. This is also linked to biodiversity loss.

A. Air pollution levels have increased in many countries, which is also linked to biodiversity loss.

B. Air pollution levels have increased in many countries, but this is also linked to biodiversity loss.

C. As air pollution levels have increased in many countries, this is also linked to biodiversity loss.

D. Air pollution levels have increased in many countries, that is also linked to biodiversity loss.

2. My classmate was searching for more information about recycling plastic containers. I was writing an introduction for our presentation.

A. My classmate was searching for more information about recycling plastic containers, or I was writing an introduction for our presentation.

B. While my classmate was searching for more information about recycling plastic containers, I was writing an introduction for our presentation.

C. My classmate was searching for more information about recycling plastic containers when I wrote an introduction for our presentation.

D. My classmate was not only searching for more information about recycling plastic containers, but also writing an introduction for our presentation.

3. I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme. This gave me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

A. I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme because this gave me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

B. Although I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme, this didn't give me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

C. I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme, which gave me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

D. I was invited to join a cultural exchange programme and this didn't give me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world.

4. We arrived at the party yesterday. Everybody was dancing and having a great time.

A. Everybody was dancing and having a great time when we arrived at the party yesterday.

B. While we were arriving at the party yesterday, everybody was dancing and having a great time.

C. We were arriving, dancing, and having a great time at the party yesterday.

D. Everybody liked dancing and having a great time, but we didn't arrive at the party yesterday.

Câu 13 :

1. Read the text about Alexandre Yersin. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn về Alexandre Yersin. Đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

Alexandre Yersin was born in 1863 in Switzerland, and passed away at the age of 80 in Nha Trang, Viet Nam. His family was originally from France. He was a doctor who made great contributions to medicine as well as the people in Viet Nam.

In 1890, Yersin left Europe to work as a medical doctor on a ship near Indochina, where he explored the region. In 1894, he was sent to Hong Kong to deal with an infected disease. Then, he discovered a bacterium responsible for the disease and saved millions of people's lives.

One year later, Yersin established a small laboratory in Nha Trang to prepare serums against the disease in human beings and cattle. To fund the laboratory, he started to grow corn, rice, and coffee, and introduced the rubber tree in Indochina. It later became a branch of the Pasteur Institute in Paris.

From 1902 to 1904, he lived in Ha Noi and helped establish Ha Noi Medical University. He was also the first medical director of the university. In 1920, he introduced the first effective drug for preventing and treating malaria in the region.

His house in Nha Trang is now the Yersin Museum. A university in Da Lat was named Yersin University in his honour.

1. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. The story of a remarkable life

B. Yersin's research and exploration in Indochina

C. Yersin's contributions to medicine in Viet Nam

D. Yersin's childhood in Viet Nam

2. The word 'fund' in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____.

A. introduce

B. grow

C. discover

D. finance

3. The word 'It' in paragraph 3 refers to _____.

A. cattle

B. laboratory

C. coffee

D. rubber tree

4. According to the text, which of the following information is true about Yersin?

A. He started living in Ha Noi in 1890.

B. He opened a university by himself.

C. He could find an effective method for treating malaria.

D. He had a house in Nha Trang, which was turned into a pharmacy.

Câu 14 :

2. Read the following passage about Ton That Tung's contributions to the medicine in Viet Nam. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best fits each blank.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau đây về những đóng góp của Tôn Thất Tùng cho nền y học Việt Nam. Đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống.)

Ton That Tung was a famous surgeon (1) ________ made great contributions to the medicine in Viet Nam. From 1935 to 1939, he performed operations on over 200 livers of dead bodies and analysed them when he (2) ________ the Indochina School of Medicine and Pharmacy. After the Revolution in August (1945), he worked as a private doctor to take care (3) ________ Uncle Ho. A few years later, he became the director of Phu Doan Hospital (Viet Duc Hospital today). In 1958, he was the first doctor to (4) ________ heart surgery in Viet Nam. Later, in 1960s, he found a new surgery method to reduce bleeding (5) ________ shorten the time for the operation down to only four to eight minutes.


A. whose                    

B. who            

C. which         

D. whom


A. made                      

B. took           

C. attended     

D. discovered


A. in               

B. for              

C. about          

D. of


A. perform     

B. prevent      

C. change       

D. treat


A. but             

B. and

C. so               

D. for

Câu 22 :

3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 8.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ hoặc cụm từ phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số từ 1 đến 8.)

Ms Huong worked as a shop assistant in Essence, a clothing shop in Ha Noi. Her job involved greeting customers and helping them choose the best clothes for their needs. She often worked afternoon or evening (1) _______ when the shop was very busy. Ms Huong lived in a small flat in a (2) _______ nearby, and often walked home from work. It was very convenient as she never got stuck in (3) _______.

On public holidays she often had to work (4) _______ until late at night. The manager was happy with her performance, so she regularly got an annual (5) _______. However, she decided to find a(n) (6) _______  job in an office. Her new job was (7) _______, but after six months, she got bored. She is now looking for a job with _______ (8) working hours.


A. shifts

B. turns

C. times

D. periods


A. housing

B. high-rise building

C. convenience store

D. shopping centre


A. public transport

B. demanding jobs

C. workload

D. traffic jams


A. flexible

B. part-time

C. overtime

D. full-time


A. bonus

B. wage

C. on-the-job training

D. competition


A. vacancy

B. overtime

C. nine-to-five

D. shift


A. well-paid

B. reliable

C. casual

D. local


A. long

B. flexible

C. overtime

D. relevant

Câu 24 :

2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the given sentences.

(Đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu đã cho.)

1. Shopping centres are places where people go shopping as well as places where friends and family go to meet, eat, and be entertained.

A. Shopping centres are neither places where people go shopping nor places where friends and family go to meet, eat, and be entertained.

B. Although shopping centres are places where people go shopping, they are not places where friends and family go to meet, eat, and be entertained.

C. Shopping centres are places where people go shopping because these are places where friends and family go to meet, eat, and be entertained.

D. Shopping centres are not only places where people go shopping, but also places where friends and family go to meet, eat, and be entertained.

2. I have been to a job fair once before.

A. This is the first time I have been to a job fair.

B. This is the second time I have been to a job fair.

C. This is the last time I have been to a job fair.

D. I have been to a job fair three times this year.

3. My friend performed his duties at work very efficiently. He was promoted after only one month.

A. Although my friend performed his duties at work very efficiently, he was promoted after only one month.

B. My friend performed his duties at work very efficiently because he was promoted after only one month.

C. My friend performed his duties at work very efficiently; as a result, he was promoted after only one month.

D. My friend didn't perform his duties at work so efficiently that he was promoted after only one month.

4. The air in big cities was polluted, and now it is even more polluted.

A. The air in bigger and bigger cities was polluted.

B. The air in big cities is becoming more and more polluted.

C. The air in big cities used to be polluted, but now it is cleaner.

D. The more polluted the air was, the less polluted big cities were.

5. If you get more work experience, you will have a greater chance of employment.

A. The more work experience you get, the greater chance of employment you will have.

B. The more work experience you get, the less chance of employment you will have.

C. Although you get more work experience, you will have greater chance of employment.

D. The less work experience you get, the greater chance of employment you will have

6. She has a well-paid job, but she always works overtime to earn more money.

A. If she has a well-paid job, she always works overtime to earn more money.

B. She has a well-paid job; moreover, she always works overtime to earn more money.

C. When she has a well-paid job, she always works overtime to earn more money.

D. Although she has a well-paid job, she always works overtime to earn more money.

Câu 29 :

1. Read the text. Match each section (A-C) with a heading (1-5). There are TWO extra headings.

(Đọc văn bản. Nối mỗi phần (A-C) với tiêu đề (1-5). Có HAI tiêu đề dư.)

1. Boosting students' confidence

(Tăng cường sự tự tin của học sinh)

2. Building their professional network for future careers

(Xây dựng mạng lưới nghề nghiệp cho sự nghiệp tương lai)

3. Improving their study results in class

(Cải thiện kết quả học tập trên lớp)

4. Developing students' skills for future jobs

(Phát triển kỹ năng cho sinh viên cho công việc tương lai)

5. Helping students to enjoy the work environment

(Giúp sinh viên thích thú với môi trường làm việc)

Today, more and more students are doing part-time jobs while they are still studying at secondary school. Having a job while at school can benefit secondary school students in several ways.

A. ___________

To begin with, students can gain and develop important skills that may be useful in their future careers. The real work environment can help students learn more new skills as well as improve existing ones such as communication, teamwork, or problem-solving skills. For example, if a student works as a waiter or waitress, he or she can learn how to greet and communicate with customers. Those who are equipped with various life skills can perform better in their future jobs.

B. ___________

In addition, having a part-time job can provide students with more experience and then boost their confidence. Students will become more confident if they have opportunities to work together with different groups of people. As we may know, a teaching assistant will help the teacher prepare and present the lesson or mark students' assignments. Students who apply for the post of a teaching assistant are required to meet and interact with the teachers, young pupils, or even parents at various age levels. This can develop their classroom experience as well as confidence.

C. ___________

Finally, those who have a part-time job can build more relationship for their careers in the future. The opportunities to meet in-person and talk to other people in society will help students create a strong connection with people who may be their employers, colleagues, or customers later in their life.

Câu 42 :

2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences.

(Đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu kết hợp tốt nhất từng cặp câu.)

1. The computer technology has changed the world. No science has changed the world like that.

A. The computer technology has changed the world as if no science has done that.

B. No science has changed the world because the computer technology has done that.

C. The computer technology has changed the world so that no science has done that.

D. No science has changed the world like the computer technology has.

2. Poachers have killed so many tigers in the area. Therefore, the authorities are considering harsher punishments for illegal hunting.

A. Poachers have killed so many tigers in the area as the authorities are considering harsher punishments for illegal hunting.

B. Poachers have killed so many tigers in the area that the authorities are considering harsher punishments for illegal hunting.

C. Poachers have killed so many tigers, but the authorities are not considering harsher punishments for illegal hunting.

D. Although poachers have killed so many tigers, the authorities are not considering harsher punishments for illegal hunting.

3. The newspaper should have an online version. Otherwise, it won't attract many readers.

A. Unless the newspaper has an online version, it won't attract many readers.

B. If the newspaper should have an online version, it won't attract many readers.

C. The newspaper has an online version as if it won't attract many readers.

D. If the newspaper doesn't have an online version, it attracts many readers.

4. Alba is an advanced robot. She can talk and express emotions like humans.

A. Alba is an advanced robot, but she cannot talk and express emotions like humans.

B. Although Alba can talk and express emotions like humans, she is not an advanced robot.

C. Alba is such an advanced robot that she can talk and express emotions like humans.

D. Alba is so an advanced robot that she can talk and express emotions like humans.

Câu 45 :

2. Listen again and choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

(Nghe lại và chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. How does Nam feel about the size of whales?

(Nam cảm thấy thế nào về kích thước của cá voi?)

A. Impressed. (Ấn tượng)

B. Concerned. (Quan tâm)

C. Annoyed. (Bực mình)

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the reason for the widespread whaling in the 1920s?

(Điều nào sau đây KHÔNG được đề cập là nguyên nhân dẫn đến nạn săn bắt cá voi lan rộng vào những năm 1920?)

A. Advances in technology made whale hunting easier.

(Những tiến bộ trong công nghệ khiến việc săn cá voi trở nên dễ dàng hơn.)

B. It became a profitable business.

(Nó đã trở thành một công việc kinh doanh có lãi.)

C. It was impossible to build suitable habitats for blue whales.

(Không thể xây dựng được môi trường sống thích hợp cho cá voi xanh.)

3. According to the speaker, what is the current number of blue whales?

(Theo người nói, số lượng cá voi xanh hiện tại là bao nhiêu?)

A. About 10,000. (Khoảng 10,000)

B. No more than 25,000. (Không quá 25,000)

C. About 340,000. (Khoảng 340,000)

4. Why are blue whales more likely to be hit by ships at night?

(Tại sao cá voi xanh dễ bị tàu đâm vào ban đêm?)

A. They can't see or hear well at night.

(Chúng không thể nhìn và nghe rõ vào ban đêm.)

B. There is more plastic pollution at night.

(Ô nhiễm nhựa nhiều hơn vào ban đêm.)

C. They are looking for food near the water surface at night.

(Chúng tìm kiếm thức ăn gần mặt nước vào ban đêm.)

Câu 48 :

1. Read the article below. Match each section (A-C) with the heading (1-5). There are TWO extra headings.

(Đọc bài viết dưới đây. Nối mỗi phần (A-C) với tiêu đề (1-5). Có HAI tiêu đề dư.)

1. Writing articles automatically

(Viết bài tự động)

2. Adding extra security to social media login

(Thêm bảo mật bổ sung khi đăng nhập vào mạng xã hội)

3. Changing the appearance of users

(Thay đổi diện mạo của người dùng)

4. Suggesting more suitable programmes

(Đề xuất chương trình phù hợp hơn)

5. AI in journalism

(AI trong báo chí)

Artificial Intelligence in the mass media

The mass media has undergone many changes over the last century. Artificial intelligence has also had an impact on the media. AI has become an important part of all forms of mass communication.

A. _____

Nowadays, people receive so much information from different sources that it is difficult to spot false stories. This is where AI can help. The advanced technology is able to classify types of information and recognise news that is not suitable for the public. Furthermore, AI can automatically change data into various forms such as online graphic organisers, images, and videos. This innovation is a breakthrough in journalism.

B. _____

Social media is popular all over the world, and more and more people are using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. AI can make these platforms much safer and help the users avoid identity theft. A typical example is facial recognition software that allows us to increase the safety and security of our accounts. In many cases, social networking sites require personal information, which can be verified via facial recognition.

C. _____

Although television has been popular for a long time, it is now attracting larger audiences because of new features made possible by AI. TV viewers can watch programmes with higher picture quality and a lot of special effects. AI can also provide personalised recommendations to different users. The software can help TV viewers find channels or programmes based on their preferences, behaviour, and history.

Câu 57 :

3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 8.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ hoặc cụm từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số từ 1 đến 8.)

When Mai was still at school, she thought she should (1) _______ a career in secondary education. A teaching job requires not only a university degree, but also work (2) _______. She attended an education fair and was advised to start developing her (3) _______, especially her communication, problem-solving and decision-making skills. Then she decided to study journalism and upon graduation, she found a job at a newspaper publisher. It didn't take Mai long to (4) _______ to her working environment. Although she often works overtime, she still finds time to (5) _______ on her Italian. She has also become part of an online (6) _______ where she can practise her Italian. She is also saving money to apply for an MA (7) _______ programme. She hopes that getting a master's degree will help her (8) _______ the professional career.


A. pursue (theo đuổi)

B. apply (áp dụng)

C. require (yêu cầu)

D. motivate (tạo động lực)


A. experience (kinh nghiệm)

B. distance (khoảng cách)

C. character (nhân vật/ tính cách)

D. assistant (trợ lý)


A. time-management skills (kĩ năng quản lí thời gian)

B. leadership skills (kĩ năng lãnh đạo)

C. soft skills (kĩ năng mềm)

D. talents (tài năng)


A. hire (thuê)

B. prepare (chuẩn bị)

C. adopt (nhận nuôi)

D. adapt (thích ứng/ áp dụng)


A. look up (tra cứu)

B. pick up (tích lũy)

C. catch up (+ with: bắt kịp/ đuổi kịp)

D. brush up (cải thiện nhanh chóng)


A. qualification (bằng cấp)

B. learning community (cộng đồng học tập)

C. position (vị trí)

D. lifelong learning (học tập suốt đời)


A. night school (lớp học buổi tối)

B. hardship (sự gian nan)

C. passion (niềm đam mê)

D. distance learning (học từ xa)


A. hire (thuê)

B. inform (thông báo)

C. boost (tăng cường)

D. require (yêu cầu)

Câu 60 :

3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the reported sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following direct speech sentences.

(Đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu được tường thuật có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu nói trực tiếp sau đây.)

1. 'You should spend 20 minutes a day practising your English,' my teacher told me.

A. My teacher offered to spend 20 minutes a day speaking English to me.

B. My teacher refused to spend 20 minutes a day speaking English to me.

C. My teacher advised me to spend 20 minutes a day practising my English.

D. My teacher ordered me to spend 20 minutes a day practising my English.

2. 'Don't leave the office before 6 p.m,' our manager said.

A. The manager told us not to leave the office before 6 p.m.

B. The manager refused to leave the office before 6 p.m.

C. The manager advised us not to leave the office before 6 p.m.

D. The manager offered to leave the office before 6 p.m.

3. 'Please show me your identity card before you enter the building, the security guard asked me.

A. The security guard refused to show his identity card to me when I entered the building.

B. The security guard asked me to show him my identity card before I entered the building.

C. The security guard advised me to show him my identity card before I entered the building.

D. The security guard offered to show me his identity card before I entered the building.

4. 'I'll show you how to use the new software, my manager said.

A. My manager asked me to show him the new software.

B. My manager advised me to show him how to use the new software.

C. My manager refused to show me how to use the new software.

D. My manager offered to show me how to use the new software.

Câu 65 :

1. Read the article below. Match each section (A-D) with a heading (1-5). There is ONE extra heading that you do not need to use.

(Đọc bài viết dưới đây. Nối mỗi phần (A-D) với tiêu đề (1-5). Có MỘT tiêu đề bổ sung mà bạn không cần sử dụng.)

1. Exploring career options (Khám phá các lựa chọn nghề nghiệp)

2. Reaching out for guidance (Tiếp cận để được hướng dẫn)

3. Taking action to turn goals into reality (Hành động để biến mục tiêu thành hiện thực)

4. Getting a university degree (Lấy bằng đại học)

5. Getting to know yourself (Làm quen với bản thân)


Choosing a career after leaving senior secondary school is particularly important to students. Below are some practical tips for successful career planning.

A. __________

Making a list of job options is the first step in choosing a career path. People may pursue a particular career for various reasons such as better pay, job satisfaction, promotion prospects and so on. While making your list, you should learn more about each option that interests you and try to discover new career opportunities that you were not aware of.

B. __________

You should also identify your personal interests and activities you enjoy. Do you see yourself as a patient, responsible, and trustworthy person? Do you have a passion for music acting or working with children? Try to discover your personality and get to know your strengths. This will help you match career options to your personality type and interests.

C. __________

There is a lot of support for students trying to make career decisions. Start by discussing your career plan with your parents and teachers. You can also attend job fairs where you will have the opportunity to talk to career advisers, and meet employers and recruiters. Make sure you prepare well by researching the participating companies in advance and identifying who you want to talk to.

D. __________

Once you have identified suitable career options and done enough research, start working towards achieving your goals. How do you want to get there? Do you need a university degree or an apprenticeship? Are there any online courses or training programmes to help you gain the knowledge and skills your career requires? Write down everything you need to do and monitor your progress as you work.

Câu 73 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

11. While the band ______ on the stage, the fans ______ along.

A. performed - were singing

B. was performing - were singing

C. performed – sang

D. was performing - have sung


12. My sister ______ working in publishing at the age of 18, but then she _____ to quit job and go back to school.

A. started - decided

B. started was deciding

C. was starting - decided

D. was starting - was deciding


13. We ______ an interesting novel while we ______ unwanted books in the neighbourhood.

A. discovered - collected

B. were discovering - collected

C. discovered - were collecting

D. were discovering - were collecting


14. Thirty years after the war, Viet Nam and ______ US established formal relations again.

A. a

B. the

C. an

D. Ø


15. ______ night sky is becoming brighter because of increasing light pollution.

A. A

B. The

C. An

D. This


16. We organised a multicultural fair in our community, ______ gave people the opportunity to share their food, customs, and traditions

A who

B. which

C. whose

D. where


17. Scientists have worked ______ some promising solutions to water pollution in big cities.

A. up

B. with

C. out

D. in


18. We are looking ______ one more student to join our environmental campaign in the summer.

A. up

B. out

C. at

D. for


19. ______ social media have helped K-pop influence fashion trends around the world.

A. A

B. The

C. An

D. Ø


20. Pele ______ the Player of History' award for his impressive achievements in football.

A. is winning

B. was winning

C. won

D. will win


21. The author introduces the idea of multicultural values ______ readers in Chapter 2.

A. up

B. to

C. out

D. in


22. Students should learn as much as they can about the new culture, ______ will help them avoid culture shock in different situations.

A. which

B. that

C. whose

D. who


23. My friends bought ______ really good book in English called Vo Thi Sau - A legendary heroine to give me as a birthday gift. A.a the

A. a

B. the

C. an

D. Ø


24. My father ______ a documentary about General Vo Nguyen Giap while my younger brother ______ a book about Uncle Ho's life.

A. watched - read

B. was watching - read

C. watched - was reading

D. was watching - was reading


25. More and more people are becoming aware of saving energy ______ is good for the environment.

A. whom

B. when

C. which

D. who

Câu 74 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ hoặc cụm từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số từ 26 đến 30.)

Every year on 31 December, thousands of people go to Times Square, the New York's symbolic centre, to (26) ______ New Year's Eve. Millions more watch the spectacular ball drop, (27) ______ has become a global tradition. The ball drop was introduced in 1907, and the event still continues to this day. As the clock nears midnight, people pack into Times Square, and the surrounding streets. Some arrive (28) ______ 9 a.m. to claim the best viewing spots. To help the arrival of people, the streets are closed to traffic at 3 p.m., and the square is divided (29) ______ different viewing areas. The ball is raised to the top of the pole at 6 p.m. when the festivities begin. The entertainment programme includes music and dance performances, and leads up to the ball drop. which begins at 11:59 p.m. when everyone starts counting down to zero and cheering. This is a special moment when people (30) ______ together to share their hope that the new year will be healthier and more prosperous than the old one.


26. A. hold

B. organise

C. celebrate

D. take place


27. A. who

B. which

C. whose

D. where


28. A. on time

B. soon as

C. so early

D. as early as


29. A. into

B. by

C. up

D. down


30. A. hope

B. join

C. take

D. play

Câu 75 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi từ 31 đến 35.)

People may think that food choice is only important for keeping a healthy weight. However, the way we eat and the food choices we make every day also have a big impact on the environment.

Food production is a major contributor to climate change. The process of growing, manufacturing, and transporting food, especially meat and dairy products, involves the use of fossil fuels. We all know that burning fossil fuels releases a huge amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. All the ingredients for our meals require land, water, and energy to produce, so the food we choose can either increase or decrease our carbon footprint. In addition, transporting food over long distances can create more greenhouse gas emissions.

So what should we do? We should start by eating local and organic food. This can not only limit the amount of carbon dioxide produced during transportation, but can also help us avoid pesticides that are harmful to both humans and the environment. We should also choose a healthier diet with less animal-based food and more vegetables. Raising livestock for food requires huge amounts of water and grain, and can cause deforestation and pollution. Cows and sheep release methane as they digest plants and grass. Although it is shorter lived than carbon dioxide, methane is a lot more powerful than carbon dioxide at warming the Earth.

That is why we should try to eat less red meat and dairy products. Making responsible food choices will not only improve our health and well-being, but will also have a positive impact on the environment.

31. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Food choices for a healthy diet

B. How food choices can affect the environment

C. The negative effects of eating red meat

D. The process of producing dairy products

32. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 as a contributor to the carbon footprint of our food?

A. Food production requires land, water, and energy.

B. Food production requires the use of fossil fuels.

C. Food transportation creates greenhouse gas emissions.

D. Food waste in landfills emits methane,

33. The word “manufacturing” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to


A. inventing

B. producing

C. packing

D. processing


34. The word 'it' in paragraph 3 refers to _______.


A. methane

B. sheep

C. pollution

D. Earth


35. Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the passage?

A. Carbon emissions will be lower if we choose to eat local food.

B. A lot of water is used for raising animals.

C. Methane emitted from cows and sheep is the main cause of global warming.

D. Eating less red meat can be good for your health.

Câu 76 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi từ 36 đến 42.)

The genius

Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest painters, architects, and thinkers in his era. His works have influenced not only other artists and painters, but also people working in scientific fields.

He was born in 1452 in a small town near Vinci, Italy, where his surname comes from. Leonardo loved nature and spent a lot of time drawing pictures of animals and plants. He received little formal education, but his uncle and father soon discovered his talent, so they decided to send him to a workshop in Florence to apprentice with the master artist Verrocchio. Da Vinci not only improved his skills in drawing, painting, and sculpting, but he also picked up knowledge and technical skills in other areas including mechanics, carpentry, metalwork, and architecture.

In 1472. Leonardo qualified as a master artist and opened his own workshop. However, he still continued to work together with Verrocchio for the next five years. After that, he started working independently and completed a painting for the Duke of Milan. His work made a huge impression on the Duke who decided to offer him a position in his court. While in Milan, Da Vinci was invited to design innovative buildings, machines, and weapons. He would draw up plans for several inventions of the future such as tanks, submarines, and flying machines. He was also skilled at drawing detailed sketches of the human body. He left behind several notebooks filled with diagrams, drawings, observations, and notes of his studies, ideas, and inventions.

Unfortunately, his interests were so broad that he often changed his focus to a new project and rarely finished the works he had started. The Last Supper and Mona Lisa were two of the masterpieces he could finish during his lifetime. In 1495, he started The Last Supper, which took him nearly three years to complete. In 1503, he began painting the Mona Lisa and worked on it from time to time over several years until his death.

Da Vinci died in 1519, at the age of 67, but he is still considered as one of the greatest geniuses of all time. His paintings changed the world of art, and many inventions were carried out based on his ideas and sketches. His greatness lies in the depth and diversity of his knowledge, and 500 years after his death, his genius shines as bright as ever.

36. What is the purpose of the writer?

A. To tell the story of Leonardo da Vinci's life.

B. To describe the family of Leonardo da Vinci.

C. To explain how Leonardo's achievements changed the world.

D. To compare Leonardo da Vinci with other artists.

37. The word ‘they’ in paragraph 2 refers to

A. Da Vinci's teachers

B. Verrocchio's apprentices

C. Da Vinci's uncle and father

D. Da Vinci's sculptors

38. The phrase 'picked up' in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

A. brought

B. took up

C. learnt

D. raised

39. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as something

that Leonardo da Vinci designed?

A. The human body.

B. Military vehicles.

C. Machines that can fly.

D. Ships that can stay underwater.

40. The word 'impression' in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

A. artwork

B. effect

C. artist

D. success

41. According to paragraph 4, which of the following was Leonardo da Vinci's weak point?

A. Spending too much time on Mona Lisa

B. Inability to draw human bodies.

C. Having too many interests.

D. Inability to finish things.

42. What does the writer imply by saying his genius shines as bright as ever in paragraph 5?

A. His creativity and forward thinking continue to amaze people.

B. He discovered how light shines.

C. His genius was made larger than it really is.

D. His invention of a bright light made him a genius.

Câu 77 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu kết hợp tốt nhất từng cặp câu trong các câu hỏi sau.)

43. My parents were waiting in the queue to buy museum tickets. My brother and I were queuing up for ice cream.

A. Although my parents were waiting in the queue to buy museum tickets, my brother and I were queuing up for ice cream.

B. As my brother and I didn't like visiting museums, my parents chose to queue up to buy ice cream.

C. While my parents were queuing up for museum tickets, my brother and I were waiting in the queue to buy ice cream.

D. My parents were waiting in the queue for museum tickets, but my brother and I wanted to buy ice cream.

44. My mother came to pick me up at the food fair yesterday. We were packing the leftovers and cleaning up the tables.

A. While my mother was picking me up at the food fair yesterday, we were packing the leftovers and cleaning up the tables.

B. We were packing the leftovers and cleaning up the tables at the food fair yesterday when my mother came to pick me up.

C. We were neither packing the leftovers nor cleaning up the tables when my mother came to pick me up at the food fair yesterday.

D. My mother came to pick me up at the food fair yesterday, and then we packed the leftovers and cleaned up the tables.

45. The factory released a huge amount of waste into the river. This contaminated the water and killed a lot of fish.

A. The factory released a huge amount of waste into the river, which contaminated the water and killed a lot of fish.

B. The factory can release a huge amount of waste into the river and cause water contamination.

C. The water is contaminated because of the huge amount of waste released into the river by the factory.

D. The factory released a huge amount of waste into the river that can contaminate the water and kill a lot of fish.

Câu 85 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of th following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

11. This is the first time I _____ such an exciting technology fair.

A. attended

B. have attended

C. am attending

D. will attend


12. What's the biggest challenge that you in life _____ so far?

A. face

B. faced

C. have faced

D. are going to face


13. _____ secondary school students want to find part-time jobs so that they can gain some work experience.

A. More and less

B. Less and less

C. More and more

D. Fewer and fewer


14. The _____ products the company produces, the _____ workers it requires.

A. fewer... more

B. more... bigger

C. fewer... less

D. more... more


15. My mother never went to university: _____, she started a very successful business after finishing school.

A. in fact

B. as a result

C. so that

D. although


16. My brother didn't like the working environment and his manager; _____, he decided to leave his job.

A. moreover

B. as a result

C. although

D. on the other hand


17. We've just moved to the city, and life here is _____ convenient _____ exciting.

A. either... or

B. neither... nor

C. so... that

D. not only... but also


18. The government has built more high-rise buildings _____ more city dwellers can live closer to the city centre.

A. so that

B. although

C. if

D. such that


19. Being a waiter is a tiring job, _____, it is not a well-paid job.

A. moreover

B. although

C. if

D. on the other hand


20. The management has set _____  challenging targets _____ most employees are worried about meeting their performance goals.

A. more... more

B. so... that

C. such... that

D. not only... but also


21. As my uncle's company grew over the years, he got _____ 

A. more and more

B. less and less

C. richer and richer

D. rich and rich


22. The _____ the urban population grows, the_____ serious the housing shortage becomes

A. larger... more

B. large... less

C. fewer... less

D. largest... more


23. _____ there are more safe cycle lanes, more people will use bicycles instead of cars.

A. So that

B. Although

C. If

D.  While


24. My friend can't find a suitable job _____ he has a lot of working experience.

A. moreover

B. because

C. when

D. although


25. This is the most rewarding part-time job she _____ since her graduation.

A. will do

B. has done

C. is going to do

D. was doing

Câu 86 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số từ 26 đến 30.)

Good communication

Good communication is one of the most important soft skills. It can help young people not only find the job they want, but also get (26) ______ to a leadership position. Most companies put communication skills at the top of their requirement list (27) ______ It is the foundation for building successful business relationships. Recruiters always look for excellent communicators, (28) ______ can not only get their message across, but can also listen to others and provide feedback. If candidates can demonstrate good communication skills during their first interview, they will certainly make a good impression on interviewers and increase their chances of being invited to a second interview or even being offered the job. Furthermore, good communication in the workplace is essential for creating a positive working environment, which (29) ______ employees to perform better and be more efficient. Good communicators are able not only to express ideas and thoughts clearly and concisely, but also to motivate and inspire others to work (30) ______  a common goal.


26. A. hired

B. promoted

C. expected

D. increased


27. A. although

B. however

C. because

D. so


28. A. which

B. whose

C. when

D. who


29. A. encourages

B. forces

C. promotes

D. challenges


30. A. to

B. towards

C. forward

D. from

Câu 87 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi từ 31 đến 35.)

Over the past few years, working from home has become very popular all over the world. An increasing number of companies allow employees to work from home at least one or two days a week. There are also companies that hire only remote workers. While working from home can come with many benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider.

The most common advantage is that it doesn't involve any commute to work. Many people spend more than 30 minutes each way travelling to their workplace and often have to deal with train delays or traffic jams during rush hour. Long daily commuting is also linked with increased levels of stress and anxiety. Therefore, people save time for getting extra sleep or eating a healthy breakfast if they work from home. Furthermore, working from home offers greater flexibility, which means employees can choose when to start and finish their working day as long as they complete all tasks on time and meet the deadlines. By having control over work schedules, people can attend to personal matters and achieve better work-life balance. For example, working mothers can take care of their children or adult learners can fit classes into their busy life.

However, working from home is not suitable for everyone. Some employees may feel isolated and lonely when they don't have much contact with their colleagues and organisation as a whole. They may miss the social interaction and creative atmosphere in the workplace. They may also prefer face-to-face supervision and meetings with managers or colleagues. Therefore, it would be difficult for these employees to complete their work on their own at home. In addition, when people work from home, they may find it hard to avoid distractions such as screaming children, dogs barking, or household chores. Even if they have a dedicated workspace in their home, it may not be easy for them to stay focused on their work, be efficient, and meet targets.

31. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Why employees need to work from home

B. Pros and cons of working from home

C. Working from home is not for everyone

D. The future of working from home

32. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of working from home according to paragraph 2?

A. You don't travel during rush hour.

B. You spend more time sleeping.

C. You work flexible hours to suit your lifestyle.

D. You don't have to meet deadlines.

33. The word ‘their’ in paragraph 2 refers to _______.

A. people's

B. employees'

C. managers'

D. adult learners'

34. The word ‘distractions’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. interruptions

B. chores

C. disorders

D. stresses

35. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of working from home?

A. Feeling disconnected from colleagues and the organisation as a whole.

B. Having no in-person meetings or supervision.

C. Being unable to stay focused at home.

D. Having to design a dedicated workspace at home.

Tạm dịch

Trong vài năm qua, làm việc tại nhà đã trở nên rất phổ biến trên toàn thế giới. Ngày càng có nhiều công ty cho phép nhân viên làm việc tại nhà ít nhất một hoặc hai ngày một tuần. Cũng có những công ty chỉ thuê nhân viên ở xa. Mặc dù làm việc tại nhà có thể mang lại nhiều lợi ích nhưng cũng có một số hạn chế cần cân nhắc.

Ưu điểm phổ biến nhất là nó không liên quan đến việc đi lại làm việc. Nhiều người phải mất hơn 30 phút mỗi chiều để đến nơi làm việc và thường phải đối mặt với tình trạng chậm tàu hoặc ùn tắc giao thông trong giờ cao điểm. Việc đi lại hàng ngày dài cũng có liên quan đến mức độ căng thẳng và lo lắng gia tăng. Vì vậy, mọi người sẽ tiết kiệm thời gian để ngủ thêm hoặc ăn bữa sáng lành mạnh nếu làm việc ở nhà. Hơn nữa, làm việc tại nhà mang lại sự linh hoạt cao hơn, có nghĩa là nhân viên có thể chọn thời điểm bắt đầu và kết thúc ngày làm việc của mình miễn là họ hoàn thành mọi nhiệm vụ đúng hạn và đáp ứng thời hạn. Bằng cách kiểm soát lịch làm việc, mọi người có thể giải quyết các vấn đề cá nhân và đạt được sự cân bằng tốt hơn giữa công việc và cuộc sống. Ví dụ, những bà mẹ đi làm có thể chăm sóc con cái của họ hoặc những học viên trưởng thành có thể sắp xếp các lớp học phù hợp với cuộc sống bận rộn của họ.

Tuy nhiên, làm việc tại nhà không phải phù hợp với tất cả mọi người. Một số nhân viên có thể cảm thấy bị cô lập và cô đơn khi họ không có nhiều liên lạc với đồng nghiệp và tổ chức của mình. Họ có thể bỏ lỡ sự tương tác xã hội và bầu không khí sáng tạo ở nơi làm việc. Họ cũng có thể thích sự giám sát trực tiếp và gặp gỡ với người quản lý hoặc đồng nghiệp. Vì vậy, những nhân viên này sẽ khó có thể tự mình hoàn thành công việc tại nhà. Ngoài ra, khi mọi người làm việc tại nhà, họ có thể khó tránh khỏi những phiền nhiễu như tiếng trẻ con la hét, tiếng chó sủa hay việc nhà. Ngay cả khi họ có một không gian làm việc chuyên dụng tại nhà, họ có thể không dễ dàng tập trung vào công việc, làm việc hiệu quả và đạt được mục tiêu.

Câu 88 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi từ 36 đến 42.)

Urbanisation occurs in many parts of the world, both in developed and developing nations. It refers to the process in which urban areas grow as people leave the countryside or more factories and towns are built in rural areas. This can lead to the concentration of populations into towns and cities. When properly planned, urbanisation can bring a number of benefits, especially for the economy and society. However, if it is poorly managed, it can pose a significant challenge to maintaining the sustainability of these areas.

Big cities attract a lot of people as they usually offer more employment opportunities as well as a better life. The economy of urban areas tends to grow rapidly as more businesses and factories are created, and more workers are needed. Economic growth also leads to an increase in household income and spending. This also encourages governments to spend money on better schools, hospitals, roads, public transport, and more. As cities expand, many more facilities such as public parks and gardens, swimming pools, libraries, cinemas. and sports centres are built. These are just some of the spaces that make city life exciting and appealing to people of all ages.

However, when too many people move to a big city, without good planning and investment, its infrastructure can become ineffective. For example, big urban areas can easily get overcrowded as railway networks and roads can't cope with the large number of passengers. The economic growth and expansion of big cities come at a big price for local residents as house prices and rents go up, and they can't afford to either buy or rent. Another problem is that big cities are experiencing more air pollution than rural areas. This can increase the risk of infections, heart disease, and lung cancer, and severely affect people who are ill.

Urbanisation is a process that cannot be stopped and the best way to minimise the problems caused by it is to plan for the growth and all the resources needed, and make sure the infrastructure can support the increasing population.

36. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Urbanisation history

B. Causes of urbanisation

C. The rapid speed of urbanisation

D. Positive and negative effects of urbanisation

37. The word ‘concentration’ in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. emphasis

B. gathering

C. attention

D. worry

38. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT a reason why people move to big cities?

A. Higher earnings.

B. Government spending.

C. More job opportunities.

D. A wide range of modern services.

39. The word ‘appealing’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. attractive

B. demanding

C. exciting

D. glamorous

40. The phrase 'come at a big price' in paragraph 3 mostly means _______.

A. have an unpleasant consequence

B. make big cities expensive

C. give local residents a lot of money

D. have something positive as a result

41. The word ‘they’ in paragraph 3 refers to _______.

A. big cities

B. passengers

C. house prices

D. local residents

42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. Economic growth can help minimise the problems of urbanisation.

B. Governments need to modernise city facilities.

C. Good urban planning is needed to manage rapid urbanisation.

D. Urbanisation only affects rural areas.

Tạm dịch

Đô thị hóa diễn ra ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới, cả ở các quốc gia phát triển và đang phát triển. Nó đề cập đến quá trình các khu vực đô thị phát triển khi người dân rời khỏi vùng nông thôn hoặc nhiều nhà máy và thị trấn được xây dựng ở khu vực nông thôn. Điều này có thể dẫn đến sự tập trung dân cư vào các thị trấn và thành phố. Khi được quy hoạch hợp lý, đô thị hóa có thể mang lại nhiều lợi ích, đặc biệt cho nền kinh tế và xã hội. Tuy nhiên, nếu quản lý kém, nó có thể đặt ra thách thức đáng kể cho việc duy trì tính bền vững của các khu vực này.

Các thành phố lớn thu hút rất nhiều người vì chúng thường mang lại nhiều cơ hội việc làm hơn cũng như cuộc sống tốt hơn. Nền kinh tế đô thị có xu hướng phát triển nhanh chóng khi ngày càng có nhiều doanh nghiệp, nhà máy được thành lập và cần nhiều lao động hơn. Tăng trưởng kinh tế cũng dẫn đến tăng thu nhập và chi tiêu hộ gia đình. Điều này cũng khuyến khích các chính phủ chi tiền vào trường học, bệnh viện, đường sá, giao thông công cộng tốt hơn, v.v. Khi các thành phố mở rộng, nhiều tiện ích hơn như công viên và vườn công cộng, bể bơi, thư viện, rạp chiếu phim. và các trung tâm thể thao được xây dựng. Đây chỉ là một số không gian làm cho cuộc sống thành phố trở nên thú vị và hấp dẫn mọi người ở mọi lứa tuổi.

Tuy nhiên, khi có quá nhiều người chuyển đến một thành phố lớn mà không được quy hoạch và đầu tư tốt, cơ sở hạ tầng có thể trở nên kém hiệu quả. Ví dụ, các khu đô thị lớn có thể dễ dàng bị quá tải do mạng lưới đường sắt và đường bộ không thể đáp ứng được số lượng lớn hành khách. Sự tăng trưởng kinh tế và mở rộng của các thành phố lớn phải trả giá đắt cho người dân địa phương khi giá nhà và giá thuê tăng cao, và họ không đủ khả năng để mua hoặc thuê. Một vấn đề khác là các thành phố lớn đang bị ô nhiễm không khí nhiều hơn khu vực nông thôn. Điều này có thể làm tăng nguy cơ nhiễm trùng, bệnh tim và ung thư phổi và ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến những người bị bệnh.

Đô thị hóa là một quá trình không thể dừng lại và cách tốt nhất để giảm thiểu những vấn đề do nó gây ra là lập kế hoạch cho sự tăng trưởng và tất cả các nguồn lực cần thiết, đồng thời đảm bảo cơ sở hạ tầng có thể hỗ trợ dân số ngày càng tăng.a

Câu 91 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

48. If graduates have work experience, they will have a better chance of finding a job.

A. Unless graduates have work experience, they won't have a better chance of finding a job.

B. The better chance of finding a job graduates have, the more work experience they have.

C. Graduates will have more work experience, and they will find a better job.

D. Although graduates don't have work experience, they still have a good chance of finding a better job.

49. The local authority plans to improve public transport to ensure getting around the city is more convenient for local residents.

A. The local authority plans to improve public transport: however getting around the city for local residents is more convenient.

B. Public transport is becoming more and more convenient, so the local authority plans to improve the way local residents get around.

C. The local authority plans to improve public transport so that local residents find travelling around the city more convenient.

D. Although the local authority plans to improve public transport, they cannot make getting around the city more convenient.

50. The job requires both vocational qualifications and work experience.

A. The job requires either vocational qualifications or work experience.

B. The job requires neither vocational qualifications nor work experience.

C. The job requires work experience, but vocational qualifications are not necessary.

D. The job requires not only vocational qualifications, but also work experience.

Câu 97 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

11. The principal decided to have a facial recognition system ________  at the school  gate to monitor students' attendance.

A. install

B. installed

C. installing

D. to install

12. I'm writing about the benefits of mass media, and I need to get my essay ________ by my teacher.

A. to check

B. checking

C. checked

D. check

13. I saw an injured monkey in the enclosure. Can we get the vet ________ it?

A. treated

B. treating

C. treat

D. to treat

14. My friend needs to get his computer ________ so that he can complete his assignment.

A. repair

B. repairs

C. repairing

D. repaired

15. The conservation park is very big. Let's get the tour guide ________ us around.

A. to show

B. showed

C. show

D. shows

16. The monkeys over there are acting ________ they were humans.

A. if

B. as if

C. because

D. although

17. AI-based technology is ________ advanced ________ it can analyse huge amounts of data in seconds.

A. either - or

B. neither - nor

C. such - that

D. so - that

18. This is ________ a large park ________ visitors may easily get lost.

A. such - that

B. neither - nor

C. either - or

D. so - that

19. Fake news about our company has spread ________quickly ________ we are facing a media crisis.

A. so - that

B. not only - but also

C. such - that

D. either – or

20. My dad lost his expensive smartphone, but he kept calm ________ nothing had happened.

A. unless

B. although

C. as if

D. however

21. What would you do ________ you suddenly saw a hippo in the forest?

A. unless

B. if

C. as if

D. than

22. ________ the company runs a marketing campaign, they will find it hard to sell their products.

A. Unless

B. If

C. As if

D. Otherwise

23. Renting a robot to do the job is not ________ expensive ________ hiring a full-time employee.

A. either - or

B. fewer - than

C. neither - nor

D. as - as

24. The charity event received ________ publicity ________ we had expected.

A. either - or

B. more - than

C. neither - nor

D. as - as

25. The police will release the poachers ________ they stop illegal hunting and killing wild animals

A. as if

B. until

C. provided that

D. unless

Câu 98 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ hoặc cụm từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số từ 26 đến 30.)

The kiwi

The kiwi is a fascinating and special bird, which cannot fly, unlike most other bird species. Native to New Zealand, it is also a(n) (26) __________ species. It is estimated that there were once millions of kiwis in the country. However, there has been a rapid decrease in their population with (27) __________ 70.000 left in the wild today. Historically, the decline was the result of the birds being hunted for meat, skins, and feathers. There are still two other threats to their survival: (28) __________ loss and predators. Deforestation has considerably reduced areas of natural forests. Many of them have been converted into farmland or towns (29) __________ economic purposes. This has reduced the kiwi's natural habitat and pushed them into areas (30) __________ they are more vulnerable to predators such as dogs and wild cats. These predators often eat kiwi eggs or attack young kiwis. That is why New Zealand has launched a plan to save their national bird from extinction.

26. A. dangerous

B. endangered

C. advanced

D. illegal

27. A. the few

B. more than

C. fewer than

D. numbers of

28. A. living

B. reserve

C. habitat

D. lifestyle

29. A. from

B. of

C. on

D. for

30. A. where

B. which

C. that

D. when

Câu 99 :

26. B

A. dangerous (adj): nguy hiểm

B. endangered (adj): có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng

C. advanced (adj): tiên tiến

D. illegal (adj): bất hợp pháp

Native to New Zealand, it is also an endangered species.

(Có nguồn gốc từ New Zealand, nó cũng là một loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng.)

Chọn B

27. C

A. the few: một vài

B. more than: nhiều hơn

C. fewer than: ít hơn

D. numbers of: số lượng của

However, there has been a rapid decrease in their population with fewer than 70.000 left in the wild today.

(Tuy nhiên, số lượng của chúng đã giảm nhanh chóng với ít hơn 70.000 con còn sót lại trong tự nhiên ngày nay.)

Chọn C

28. C

A. living (n): việc sống

B. reserve (n): khu bảo tồn

C. habitat (n): môi trường sống

D. lifestyle (n): lối sống

There are still two other threats to their survival: habitat loss and predators.

(Vẫn còn hai mối đe dọa khác đối với sự sinh tồn của chúng: mất môi trường sống và động vật ăn thịt.)

Chọn C

29. D

A. from: từ

B. of: của

C. on: trên

D. for: cho

Many of them have been converted into farmland or towns for economic purposes.

(Nhiều người trong số họ đã được chuyển đổi thành đất nông nghiệp hoặc thị trấn cho mục đích kinh tế.)

Chọn D

30. A

A. where: nơi mà

B. which: cái mà

C. that: cái mà

D. when: khi mà

This has reduced the kiwi's natural habitat and pushed them into areas where they are more vulnerable to predators such as dogs and wild cats.

(Điều này đã làm giảm môi trường sống tự nhiên của kiwi và đẩy chúng vào những khu vực nơi chúng dễ bị tổn thương hơn trước những kẻ săn mồi như chó và mèo hoang.)

Chọn A

Bài hoàn chỉnh

The kiwi

The kiwi is a fascinating and special bird, which cannot fly, unlike most other bird species. Native to New Zealand, it is also a(n) (26) endangered species. It is estimated that there were once millions of kiwis in the country. However, there has been a rapid decrease in their population with (27) fewer than 70.000 left in the wild today. Historically, the decline was the result of the birds being hunted for meat, skins, and feathers. There are still two other threats to their survival: (28) habitat loss and predators. Deforestation has considerably reduced areas of natural forests. Many of them have been converted into farmland or towns (29) for economic purposes. This has reduced the kiwi's natural habitat and pushed them into areas (30) where they are more vulnerable to predators such as dogs and wild cats. These predators often eat kiwi eggs or attack young kiwis. That is why New Zealand has launched a plan to save their national bird from extinction.

Tạm dịch

Kiwi là một loài chim hấp dẫn và đặc biệt, không thể bay, không giống như hầu hết các loài chim khác. Có nguồn gốc từ New Zealand, nó cũng là một loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng. Người ta ước tính rằng đã từng có hàng triệu con kiwi ở nước này. Tuy nhiên, số lượng của chúng đã giảm nhanh chóng với ít hơn 70.000 con còn sót lại trong tự nhiên ngày nay. Trong lịch sử, sự suy giảm là kết quả của việc các loài chim bị săn lùng để lấy thịt, da và lông. Vẫn còn hai mối đe dọa khác đối với sự sinh tồn của chúng: mất môi trường sống và động vật ăn thịt. Nạn phá rừng đã làm giảm đáng kể diện tích rừng tự nhiên. Nhiều người trong số họ đã được chuyển đổi thành đất nông nghiệp hoặc thị trấn cho mục đích kinh tế. Điều này đã làm giảm môi trường sống tự nhiên của kiwi và đẩy chúng vào những khu vực nơi chúng dễ bị tổn thương hơn trước những kẻ săn mồi như chó và mèo hoang. Những kẻ săn mồi này thường ăn trứng kiwi hoặc tấn công kiwi non. Đó là lý do tại sao New Zealand đã đưa ra kế hoạch cứu loài chim quốc gia của mình khỏi nguy cơ tuyệt chủng.

Câu 100 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi từ 36 đến 42.)

Biodiversity on our planet is rapidly declining mainly due to human activities such as climate change and pollution. That is why governments and organisations have taken measures to protect wildlife and stop biodiversity loss. The emergence of artificial intelligence has dramatically changed wildlife protection. Conservationists are now turning to AI to find solutions to the rapid loss of plants and animals.

One of the biggest threats to endangered species is poaching for commercial purposes. Therefore, it is essential to stop this illegal activity in forests and nature reserves. However, rangers, whose job is to take care of such large areas, find it hard to monitor wildlife and prevent poaching. That is why many national parks are using AI cameras to track both animals and poachers. Furthermore, the cameras can send real-time updates to rangers' phones and alert them to any illegal activities within minutes. The cutting-edge technology is even effective at night when poachers operate under cover of darkness. The AI cameras are designed to automatically notice any illegal cars or boats entering forests or other protected areas.

Another factor responsible for the decline in biodiversity is habitat loss. When natural habitats or environmental conditions change, it's nearly impossible for scientists to identify the changes until they discover strong evidence. For example, some countries have faced increasing pressure from climate change and economic growth, and have lost a huge amount of surface water. However, the situation has only been discovered with the help of artificial intelligence. Without AI, scientists could not have identified and analysed the changes nationwide. AI has played an important role in collecting data and analysing the factors affecting wildlife, thus helping governments and organisations respond to critical situations in the quickest way possible.

36. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. The causes of biodiversity loss

B. The benefits and drawbacks of AI

C. The rapid spread of AI in wildlife

D. The application of AI in wildlife conservation

37. The word “emergence” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______

A. floating

B. appearance

C. attention

D. method

38. Which of the benefits of using AI in wildlife conservation is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2?

A. Tracking both animals and poachers.

B. Counting endangered animals.

C. Alerting rangers to any illegal activities.

D. Identifying moving objects in the areas.

39. The word “cutting-edge” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_______

A. advanced

B. reliable

C. expensive

D. suitable

40. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to _______

A. changes

B. natural habitats

C. animals

D. scientists

41. Which of the following is true about AI in tracking environmental changes?

A. AI provides information about causes of wildlife loss.

B. AI identifies the places where endangered species live.

C. AI improves environmental conditions.

D. AI removes the factors affecting wildlife.

42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. AI can provide all the solutions to the current issues.

B. Protecting the future of species depends on AI.

C. AI is an emerging technology in conservation that will be used a lot more in the future.

D. It's impossible for scientists to conduct wildlife research without AI.