Giải SGK, SBT Unit 5. The social media English Discovery

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 5 English Discovery

92 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 19 :

2. Choose the correct option. Then read the text and check your ideas.

(Chọn phương án đúng. Sau đó đọc văn bản và kiểm tra ý tưởng của bạn.)

1. The first teenage selfie was taken in 1839 / 1914/2006.

2. The word 'selfie' originated in Russia/ Australia/New York.

A short history of the selfie

They're everywhere - people posing with their phones held out in front of them or on a selfie-stick. And it's not just young people - social media users of all ages take selfies, including space-walking astronauts and the Pope.

So when did this selfie mania begin? Most people would guess that it was around the beginning of this century or perhaps a bit later when smartphones became mainstream. But most people would be wrong, just as Britney Spears and Paris Hilton were wrong when they declared on Twitter in 2017 that they had invented the selfie eleven years previously. In fact, they were around 167 years too late to make that claim. The oldest existing selfie dates back to 1839 when photographer Robert Cornelius took a self-portrait photograph of himself. To achieve this, he had to uncover the lens, run to his place and pose in the same position for up to fifteen minutes and then run back to cover the lens. again. Cornelius couldn't take a dozen shots and choose the best one-his selfie had to be just one photo. Half a century later, in 1914, thirteen-year-old Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia took a picture of herself in a mirror and became the first teenager to take a selfie.

And what about the origin of the word itself? It is thought to come from Australia where people have a habit of putting -ie on the end of words - barbie for barbecue, postie for postal worker and even Aussie for Australian. In 2002, an Australian man took a photo of an injury to his lip and put it up on a public forum to ask for advice on how to treat it. He referred to the photo as a selfie, and the term was bom. Selfie became Oxford Dictionaries' word of the year in 2013.

So, why do we take so many photos of ourselves? A 2017 study into 'selfitis', as the obsessive taking of selfies has been called, found a range of motivations, from seeking to feel more part of a group to shaking off depressive thoughts and - of course - capturing a memorable moment. Since we live so much of our lives online, there is pressure to present good quality images, and so it is no surprise that airbrushing apps that enable people to retouch images and present an idealised version of themselves are gaining popularity.

Câu 27 :

4. Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS and complete the gaps with past or present.

(Đọc TRỌNG TÂM NGỮ PHÁP và điền vào các chỗ trống ở quá khứ hoặc hiện tại.)


Mixed conditionals (Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp)

You use a mixed conditional to describe certain imaginary situations and their imaginary results. There are two main types:

(Bạn sử dụng câu điều kiện hỗn hợp để mô tả những tình huống tưởng tượng nhất định và kết quả tưởng tượng của chúng. Có hai loại chính:)

1. imaginary (1) present condition→ imaginary (2) __________ result

(tưởng tượng (1) điều kiện hiện tại → kết quả tưởng tượng (2) __________)

If + Past Simple, would / wouldn’t have + Past Participle

(Nếu + Quá khứ đơn, sẽ/sẽ không có + Quá khứ phân từ)

If he was less famous, he would have gone out dancing with his friends more.

(Nếu ít nổi tiếng hơn, anh ấy sẽ đi chơi với bạn bè nhiều hơn.)

2. imaginary (2) ________ condition→ imaginary (4) __________ result

(điều kiện ảo (2) → kết quả ảo (4) __________)

If + Past Perfect, would/wouldn't + verb

(If + Quá khứ hoàn thành, would / wouldn’t + động từ)

If he hadn't played the part of Harry Potter, he wouldn't be one of the richest young stars in cinema today.

(Nếu không đóng vai Harry Potter, anh sẽ không trở thành một trong những ngôi sao trẻ giàu nhất làng điện ảnh hiện nay.)

Note: As well as would, you can also use could, might and should in conditional sentences.

(Lưu ý: Ngoài will, bạn cũng có thể sử dụng could, might và Should trong các câu điều kiện.)

Câu 30 :

1. Decide whether you think the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Then read the article to check your ideas.

(Quyết định xem bạn nghĩ những câu sau đây là đúng (T) hay sai (F). Sau đó đọc bài viết để kiểm tra ý tưởng của bạn.)

1. A news anchor can't wear green.

(Người dẫn chương trình tin tức không được mặc đồ màu xanh lá cây.)

2. A news anchor can't rehearse the stories.

(Người đưa tin không thể kể lại câu chuyện.)

3. A news anchor can't hear the director while she/he is on-air.

(Người đưa tin không thể nghe thấy đạo diễn khi đang phát sóng.)

A day in the life of a news anchor

I'm a news anchor on the morning show of a local TV station. The question I get asked most is what time I get up. 3.00 a.m.! And I'm in hair and make-up at 4.30. I wear block colours- -no stripes or frills, and no green. We sometimes use green screens so that artificial backgrounds can be superimposed. So if you wear a green top, it doesn't show up against a green background and you appear as a floating head and a pair of arms and legs very ill-advised and not a good look!

We go live at 6.00 a.m., and before that I have to read up on the day's news stories. I start by getting an overview of the stories

I'll be reporting. We're a local news station, so we don't report on foreign affairs.

You can't rehearse - you have to deal with breaking news as it comes in, but I have a lot of backup. A fact-checker has made sure the details of the story are accurate, a copy editor makes sure stories are written in a way that I'd actually say them and when I'm live on air if I become tongue-tied or mess up, have the director in my ear.

Câu 31 :

2. Read and complete the LANGUAGE FOCUS with the examples in blue from the article.

(Đọc và hoàn thành TRỌNG TÂM NGÔN NGỮ với các ví dụ màu xanh lam trong bài viết.)


Compound nouns and adjectives

Compound nouns

• A compound noun is normally made up of two words. The first word describes or modifies the second word: a (1) morning show = a show that is on in the morning. Compare: a company car (a type of car) and a car company (a type of company).

• Compound nouns can consist of:

noun + noun: (2) ________ anchor, newsreader, health check

adjective + noun: (3) _________ affairs

verb-ing + noun: breaking (4) _________

preposition + noun: (5) ________ view

• A significant number of compound nouns are made from phrasal verbs: back sth up => (6) ______, a crack down on sth => a crack-down

• Compound nouns can be written as one word, two words or with a hyphen. Check in a dictionary. The stress is usually on the first syllable.

Compound adjectives

• A compound adjective is usually made from two words and usually written with a hyphen.

• Compound adjectives can consist:

number + noun: three-minute, twenty-four-hour

adjective + noun: high-quality, present-day, deep-sea

noun + adjective: user-friendly, waist-high, weatherproof

noun /adjective / adverb + -ed/-ing participle: mouth-watering, short-lived, far-fetched, kind-hearted, weather-beaten, broad-shouldered, flat-footed, (7) __________, (8) ___________

verb + preposition/adverb: made-up, unheard-of

• Some compound adjectives are made from more than two words: four-year-old, state-of-the-art

• The noun in a compound adjective is usually singular a four-hour programme NOT a four-hours-programme

Câu 36 :

2. Read the review. If you have seen Stranger Things, do you agree with the writer's opinion of it? If you haven't, does the review make you want to watch the series? Explain your answers.

(Đọc bài đánh giá. Nếu bạn đã xem Stranger Things, bạn có đồng ý với quan điểm của tác giả về nó không? Nếu chưa, bài đánh giá có khiến bạn muốn xem bộ phim này không? Giải thích câu trả lời của bạn.)

1 Take a nostalgic journey back to small-town America in the 1980s with Netflix's dark. mystery Stranger Things. This excellent show is heavily influenced by the books and films of Stephen King and Steven Spielberg. Series creators, the Duffer brothers, have combined action, humour and horror to create a well-reviewed sci-fi drama. As far as I'm concerned, it's a TV classic.

2 In season one of Stranger Things, a schoolboy named Will goes missing. His friends, mother and the rest of the town become part of a series of mysterious events involving an unusual young girl named Eleven. It soon becomes clear clear that something even stranger is hiding in the woods of their town. In season two, the town and its inhabitants are once again threatened by supernatural forces and we are reminded that the worst villains are not always the monsters. Season three not only presents a continuation of this theme, but also shows how the main characters and their relationships have developed with time.

3 Stranger Things is a brilliant show with an unforgettable soundtrack. The plot explores friendships, family ties and even romance. The young cast give wonderful performances and the show is beautifully shot. Unlike man many modern shows, it doesn't rely too heavily on special effects. While season one is not particularly scary, seasons two and three are more strongly influenced by horror films and are terrifying at times.

4 All in all, Stranger Things offers viewers a gripping story with plenty of twists and turns. From the opening scene, it feels as though you are watching a future TV classic. I can't recommend it enough and have no doubt that people will be talking about it for many years to come.

Câu 38 :

4. Read the WRITING FOCUS and find examples of each point in the review.

(Đọc TRỌNG TÂM VIẾT và tìm ví dụ về từng điểm trong bài đánh giá.)


A review

The goal of a review is to give your personal opinion about something, e.g. a film, a series or a book. The opinion should be supported with examples and recommendations should be given at the end. Reviews are usually written for newspapers, websites or magazines and therefore have a fairly informal style.


• Attract readers' attention with an interesting opening sentence.

• Mention the type of show, the stars/director/

writer, the setting, obvious influences, etc.

• State your overall opinion.

Main paragraphs

• Use present tenses to give more details about the plot and the main characters.

• Use present or past tenses to say what you liked/ didn't like about the TV series.

• Use a variety of adjectives and modifiers when presenting your opinions.


• Summarise your review.

• Make recommendations.



Đánh giá

Mục tiêu của đánh giá là đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân của bạn về điều gì đó, ví dụ: một bộ phim, một bộ truyện hay một cuốn sách. Ý kiến cần được hỗ trợ bằng các ví dụ và khuyến nghị nên được đưa ra ở cuối. Các bài đánh giá thường được viết cho các tờ báo, trang web hoặc tạp chí và do đó có phong cách khá thân mật.

Giới thiệu

• Thu hút sự chú ý của người đọc bằng câu mở đầu thú vị.

• Đề cập đến loại chương trình, ngôi sao/đạo diễn/ nhà văn, bối cảnh, những ảnh hưởng rõ ràng, v.v.

• Nêu ý kiến chung của bạn.

Đoạn văn chính

• Dùng thì hiện tại để cung cấp thêm chi tiết về cốt truyện và các nhân vật chính.

• Dùng thì hiện tại hoặc quá khứ để nói điều bạn thích/không thích về bộ phim truyền hình.

• Sử dụng nhiều tính từ và từ bổ nghĩa khi trình bày ý kiến của mình.

Phần kết luận

• Tóm tắt đánh giá của bạn.

• Kiến nghị.

Câu 42 :

2. Read and listen to the dialogue between Lan and Richard. Complete the dialogue with ONE OR TWO WORDS.

(Đọc và nghe đoạn hội thoại giữa Lan và Richard. Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với MỘT HOẶC HAI TỪ.)

Lan: Hi Richard, have you been following the news about issues on social media in Việt Nam?

Richard: Yes, I have. There have been a lot of problems these days.

Lan: I find cyberbullying the most serious issue though. Many people post, or share negative content about someone else.

Richard: (1) ____________. It’s important to create a safe and respectful online environment for everyone. I’m (2) ____________ that social media platforms should take steps to prevent cyberbullying.

Lan: What do you think might be solutions to this problem, Richard?

Richard: (3) __________, I think to reduce cyberbullying, young people should avoid personal attacks or insults in face-to-face contacts first and then on social media later. They should  be respectful toward other’s opinions, personalities and appearances, and this should be taught early in the school system.

Lan: I couldn't (4) __________  At the same time, there are also concerns about loss of personal information on these social platforms.

Richard: Oh, yes, some people collect a lot of personal data from users, and post them on social media. I wonder how this data is being used. and who has access to it.

Lan: Plus, there are concerns about fake news, too. It could be (5) __________ that young people should learn to be critical of news on social media. They should always double-check the sources of news. If something is fake, they should report it immediately.

Richard: I agree that it's (6) ____________. Parents and teachers need to develop critical thinking of their children and students as early as they can.

Lan: I suppose you could say that…

Tạm dịch:

Lan: Chào Richard, bạn có theo dõi tin tức về các vấn đề mạng xã hội ở Việt Nam không?

Richard: Vâng, tôi có. Đã có rất nhiều vấn đề xảy ra trong những ngày này.

Lan: Tuy nhiên, tôi thấy bắt nạt trên mạng là vấn đề nghiêm trọng nhất. Nhiều người đăng hoặc chia sẻ nội dung tiêu cực về người khác.

Richard: (1) ____________. Điều quan trọng là tạo ra một môi trường trực tuyến an toàn và tôn trọng cho mọi người. Tôi (2) ____________ rằng các nền tảng truyền thông xã hội nên thực hiện các bước để ngăn chặn bắt nạt qua mạng.

Lan: Bạn nghĩ giải pháp nào cho vấn đề này, Richard?

Richard: (3) __________, tôi nghĩ để giảm tình trạng bắt nạt qua mạng, thanh thiếu niên nên tránh tấn công cá nhân hoặc lăng mạ khi tiếp xúc trực tiếp trước rồi mới đến trên mạng xã hội. Họ nên tôn trọng ý kiến, tính cách và ngoại hình của người khác, và điều này nên được dạy sớm trong hệ thống trường học.

Lan: Tôi không thể (4) __________ Đồng thời, cũng có những lo ngại về việc mất thông tin cá nhân trên các nền tảng xã hội này.

Richard: Ồ, vâng, một số người thu thập rất nhiều dữ liệu cá nhân từ người dùng và đăng chúng lên mạng xã hội. Tôi tự hỏi dữ liệu này đang được sử dụng như thế nào. và ai có quyền truy cập vào nó.

Lan: Ngoài ra, còn có những lo ngại về tin giả. Có thể (5) __________ người trẻ nên học cách phê phán tin tức trên mạng xã hội. Họ phải luôn kiểm tra kỹ các nguồn tin tức. Nếu có gì đó là giả, họ nên báo cáo ngay lập tức.

Richard: Tôi đồng ý rằng đó là (6) ____________. Cha mẹ và giáo viên cần phát triển tư duy phản biện cho con cái và học sinh của mình càng sớm càng tốt.

Lan: Tôi cho là bạn có thể nói như vậy…

Câu 50 :

5. Read the article. Complete the sentences with up to three words from the article in the correct form.

(Đọc bài viết. Hoàn thành các câu với tối đa ba từ trong bài viết ở dạng đúng.)


It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. There's something appealing about images that makes them a powerful tool for communication.

As you scroll through your social media feed or browse a news website, what is it that prompts you to read on? The chances are that it's the images that attract your attention. Online content that is accompanied by an image is more likely to prompt engagement, in the form of clicks, likes and shares, than straightforward text. This phenomenon is especially important to digital marketers. They will tell you that on average people only read around 20 percent of the text on a web page. When it comes to remembering information, it is said that we retain around 80 percent of what we see versus only 20 percent of what we read and just 10 percent of what we hear. Although these figures are criticised by experts as an oversimplification, visuals do play an important role in how we deal with content in an information-rich world. Producing eye-catching visuals to attach to digital content is vital for anyone who wants to get their message across to the maximum number of people.

It's not only in the commercial world that the power of the image is being recognised. Governments and NGOs such as the World Health Organisation are acknowledging the importance of social media in communicating public health messages. Research into social media engagement during one recent disease outbreak, for example, found that it was image-based platforms such as Instagram that were most effective in communicating vital health messages. Whilst there is some concem amongst healthcare professionals that what starts off as helpful messages can easily get distorted as they're shared and reshared, specialists say that social media has huge potential for promoting public health. Political journalists and campaigners have also long understood the power of an image. In a social media age, though, just posting a striking image that is sure to go viral has been labelled by some as slacktivism. That is the idea that people will like and share an image without re ut really thinking about the ideas behind it or eng or engaging with the political message. The challenge for activists, joumalists, marketers and governments is to develop a social media strategy that includes eye-catching visuals but is also more than skin deep.

1. When looking at information online, people are far more likely _____________  with content if it includes an image of some kind.

2. This fact is exploited by those working in ___________ to help make their messages stand out.

3. Apparently, we remember only a tiny percentage of information in the form of text or audio, but a much greater proportion of ideas presented in the form ______________.

4. Images are also increasingly being used by official bodies to communicate _________ to the widest

possible audience and by journalists and activists to promote political campaigns.

5. The use of eye-catching images that quickly go ______________ has been criticised as an example of 'slacktivism' because it is superficial and doesn't really engage people with the underlying message.

Câu 55 :

5. Choose the correct answers A - C.

(Chọn đáp án đúng.)

Can you spot fake news?

Have you ever checked the (1) B of a story you’ve read? What made you suspect there was something wrong with it? The internet is (2) _____ with information about everything, but how good are you at spotting fake news? A study of nearly 5,000 people in America had some surprising results. It turns out that people who think the media is trying to (3) _____ everyone were often the worst at spotting fake news. People with a negative attitude to the word ‘news’ often thought they needed the least help (4) _____ sources to check if a story was true or not. In contrast, people who had a more positive view of the news were able to trust their (5) _____ when it came to working out which were fake stories - 82 percent of them spotted the fake ones compared to 69 percent of those who fell more negative about the news. The other factor that helped people spot fake headlines was a higher level of education. The higher the level of education, the less likely people were to take a story at face value, and the more likely they were to think (6) _____ about it.

1. A. value                   B. accuracy                 C. true

2. A. awash                 B. full                          C. reliable

3. A. distort                 B. spread                     C. mislead

4. A. evaluating           B. manipulating          C. tampering

5. A. feelings               B. thoughts                  C. instincts

6. A. remarkably         B. critically                 C. alarmingly

Câu 66 :

1. Read the article and choose the best description.

(Đọc bài báo và chọn mô tả đúng.)

1. The text aims to persuade people to watch and read less news because it can have an impact on how you feel.

2. The text aims to inform people about the potential negative effects of watching and reading the news and what you can do about this.

3. The text aims to recommend the best way to read or watch the news so that you do not feel anxious or worried.

Is the news good for you?

Keeping up with what is happening in the world is generally seen as an essential part of being a well-informed and educated citizen. Watching, listening to or reading the news can satisfy our curiosity, make us think, help us make choices and even avoid danger. However, people are increasingly wondering if staying up to date with what is going on is good for us.

The frequency, speed and way we access news has completely changed over the past few decades. Whereas previously most newspapers were published daily and TV and radio news broadcasts were limited, now we are constantly bombarded with news from all sides; we have 24-hour news channels. Online newspapers are updated many times a day, with 'breaking news' posts that follow events in real time.

The content of news reports is almost always negative. Throughout history, our survival has depended on noticing threats and avoiding danger, so the human brain is hard-wired to seek out information that is frightening or alarming, a concept known as ' negativity bias*'. We pay more attention to negative things because that kept us alive in the past and this is reflected in the news we consume. In addition, because people now use smartphones to record events live, the news we see has become far more graphic and shocking.

Recent studies have shown that our news habits have disadvantages for our physical and emotional health. In one survey, over 50 percent of Americans reported that the news caused them stress and anxiety, often causing tiredness or poor sleep. Research by psychology expert Graham Davey has also proved that watching terrible or sad news on TV can worsen people's moods and make them worry more about their own lives. Clearly, being exposed to this ever-increasing bad news can make us feel less positive and affect our health.

While it is true that staying aware and informed is not a bad thing, we should not forget that we have a choice, not only about how much news we consume, but equally importantly about the kind of news we want to see.

Câu 78 :

2. Read the tips again and decide in which part of a review you would find the following sentences; the introduction (l), main paragraphs (MP) or conclusion (C)

(Đọc lại gợi ý một lần nữa và quyết định xem các câu dưới đây thuộc về phần nào của một bài đánh giá: mở bài (I), thân bài (MP), kết bài (C).)

1. In season 1, the main character is murdered, and events are told in a series of flashbacks. MP

(Trong phần 1, nhân vật chính bị sát hại và các sự kiện được kể lại trong một loạt cảnh hồi tưởng.)

2. I would recommend this series to fans of mystery and drama for its clever plot.

(Tôi muốn giới thiệu bộ phim này cho những người hâm mộ thể loại bí ẩn và kịch tính vì cốt truyện thông minh của nó.)

3. Although the show is average at best, the soundtrack is incredible.

(Mặc dù chương trình ở mức trung bình, nhưng nhạc phim thì tuyệt vời.)

4. Written by Eva Acorn, this show is influenced by films such as X-Men and Superman.

(Mặc dù chương trình ở mức trung bình, nhưng nhạc phim thì tuyệt vời.)

5. All in all, the series offers a fresh, hilarious story about teenagers at high school.

(Nhìn chung, bộ phim mang đến một câu chuyện mới mẻ, vui nhộn về những thiếu niên ở trường trung học.)

6. The performances by most of the cast are poor, with one exception.

(Diễn xuất của hầu hết các diễn viên đều kém, ngoại trừ một người.)

7. The plot explores interesting themes such as poverty, education and friendship.

(Cốt truyện khám phá những chủ đề thú vị như đói nghèo, giáo dục và tình bạn.)

8. Prepare to be thrilled by this dark sci-fi drama.

(Hãy chuẩn bị để được hồi hộp bởi bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng đen tối này.)

9. As far as I'm concerned, it’s one of the best series around at the moment.

(Theo tôi, đây là một trong những bộ phim hay nhất hiện nay.)

Câu 80 :

4. Read the model review and put paragraphs A - D in the correct order.

(Đọc bài đánh giá mẫu và xếp các đoạn văn A – D theo thứ tự đúng.)

A. The series tells the (1) gripping story of Barry Allen, who becomes a ‘metahuman’ with the ability to move at super-human speed after being struck by lightning during a mysterious explosion. After his accident, Barry becomes 'the Flash’ and dedicates his life to fighting crime. He travels back and forward in time as well as teaming up with other superheroes to fight villains and save those he loves. The Flash is now in its sixth season and the story remains far from (2) p_____.

B. In conclusion, The flash is a highly original series that viewers will be talking about for years to come. From the (3) _____ scene, it draws you in and you feel part of the story. I definitely (4) r_____ it and look forward to next season’s plot, which will no doubt be full of the usual (5) t_____ and turns that make the story so unforgettable.

C. Journey into an imaginary world with a crime-fighting superhero in the exciting drama series, The Flash. This incredible show, developed by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns, is heavily (6) _____ by comic book fiction. It combines action, mystery and science fiction to create a (7) w_____ - _____ show that, in my opinion, everyone should see.

D. The plot of The Flash (8) e_____ themes such as friendship, loyalty and time, particularly the consequences of trying to change the past or future. The story has terrifying and exciting moments that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat, but ultimately it is about human relationships. The show doesn't depend heavily on special effects - the confident (9) p_____ of the cast are what make it successful. It is beautifully (10) s_____ and accompanied by an excellent soundtrack.

Câu 86 :

4.Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với các từ trong hộp.)

advantage        argue               argued             explain            firmly

obviously        regrettably       significant       suppose

P: On today's 'My View' we are joined by Tom, who believes that the UK voting age should be reduced from eighteen to sixteen. Tom, what would you. say to those who might (1) argue that the average sixteen-year old is not wise enough to vote in a general election?

T: I think I'd (2) _____ that in my view that is an unfair generalisation. It could be (3) _____ that many of the people who are currently old enough to vote don't know enough to make an informed choice. (4) _____, a significant number of voters make their decision based on what someone looks like or some other irrelevant detail.

P: And do you think a sixteen-year-old could make a more informed decision?

T: I (5) _____ believe they could. All UK teenagers attend citizenship classes now and they often know more about politics than older voters, (6) _____, young people are also affected by the decisions of policy makers. Remember that in the UK at the age of sixteen you can legally marry, work full time and join the armed forces.

P: And what other reasons are there in your opinion?

T: Well, I think one very (7) _____ reason is that a sixteen-year-old who works full time has to pay taxes and therefore should have a say in how that money is spent. Another clear (8) _____ of lowering the age limit would be recognition that young people's opinions are important. I (9) _____ you could say that, at the moment, they simply feel completely excluded from politics.