Giải SGK, SBT Unit 3. Community services Bright

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 3. Community services Bright

61 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 6 :

2. Read the text and complete the sentences.

(Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành các câu sau.)

1. The aim of UNICEF is _____________________.

2. UNICEF gets support from _____________________.

3. Celebrity ambassadors help _____________________.

4. UNICEF’s support against Covid-19 includes _____________________.

Making a difference

There are many charities that are working hard to help people in need around the world. UNICEF is one of them.

The United Nations introduced UNICEF in 1946 and it has protected the rights of children ever since. UNICEF is short for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund and its purpose is to provide support to children around the world. The organisation works in over 190 countries. In the beginning, this charity worked to improve the lives of poor children after World War II. Today, UNICEF works to make sure children everywhere have basic rights, such as food, shelter, healthcare and education. The organisation also provides emergency support by helping people in disaster areas. UNICEF receives support from governments and private givers.

Many famous people have helped out by becoming celebrity ambassadors to UNICEF. They use their talent and fame to educate the public on the problems faced by children worldwide. Recently, the charity has provided clean water to millions of people. It has also given millions of children access to education and helped them get enough to eat. In the battle against Covid-19, UNICEF has helped in many countries around the world by delivering protective equipment, vaccines and medical training. Through its programmes, UNICEF is making a difference in improving the lives of children everywhere.

Câu 43 :


2. Read the articles. Write S for Save the Children or C for The Children’s Society.

(Đọc các bài báo. Viết S cho Save the Children hoặc C cho The Children’s Society.)

Which organisation ...

1. is older?

2. did people create to deal with problem after a war?

3. is an international charity? 

4. started off by helping children with one or less parent?  

5. offers children the chance to education? 

                                                       Help the Children

Children need our help more than anyone because they are powerless, and they rely on the other people. Many charities recognise this, so they are working hard to help them the most. Here are two of them.

Save the Children

Save the Children is a global charity organisation founded in 1919. Originally, the charity aimed to help starving children after World War I. Today, it works in 122 countries to help children survive, learn, stay safe, develop and succeed. It does this by providing healthcare and protecting children from diseases. It also provides children with an education and makes sure that no matter where they live or what their situation is, they have the chance to learn to read and write. It also does great work to protect children from violence and keep children safe. Finally, it goes to areas where there are wars or other emergencies to give them life-saving support and help.

The Children’s Society

The Children’s Society is a UK-based charity that has been working since 1881 to protect and help children. They began by dealing with the effects of poverty on British children. They also helped orphans and children of single mothers who are very poor and could not care for them because of illness. Their focus today is on very poor children refugees, runaways, and children who suffer from abuse or in care homes. By 2030, they wish to make a huge difference to children’s well-being and help young people to feel happy and good about themselves.

Câu 52 :

1. Listen to a radio interview with Bảo Nguyễn, the head of the Darrowby Vietnamese Community Association. For questions (1-4), choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 

(Hãy nghe đài phỏng vấn Bảo Nguyễn, người đứng đầu Hội Cộng Đồng Người Việt ở Darrowby. Đối với câu hỏi (1-4), chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C).)

1. The association ________. 

(Hiệp hội________.)

A. helps Vietnamese people find homes in Darrowby

(giúp người Việt tìm nhà ở Darrowby)

B. promotes the culture of Vietnam

(quảng bá văn hóa Việt Nam)

C. plans exchange trips between schools in Vietnam and Darrowby

(lên kế hoạch cho các chuyến đi trao đổi giữa các trường tại Việt Nam và Darrowby)

2. The association's work is important because ___.

(Công việc của hiệp hội là quan trọng bởi vì ________.)

A. it starts new traditions in the community

(nó bắt đầu những truyền thống mới trong cộng đồng)

B. it allows communication between old friends.

(nó cho phép giao tiếp giữa những người bạn cũ)

C. it improves relationships between people in the community

(nó cải thiện mối quan hệ giữa mọi người trong cộng đồng)

3. Vietnamese people in Darrowby ________. 

(Người Việt tại Darrowby_________.)

A. celebrate Tết Nguyên Đán privately

(đón Tết Nguyên Đán theo cách riêng)

B. share lots of different celebrations with others

(chia sẻ rất nhiều lễ kỷ niệm khác nhau với những người khác)

C. don't celebrate the Lim festival

(không tổ chức lễ hội Lim)

4. Members of the Quan Họ groups ________. 

(Thành viên trong nhóm Quan Họ________.)

A. perform special music

(biểu diễn tiết mục âm nhạc đặc biệt)

B. serve traditional food

(phục vụ thức ăn truyền thống)

C. do dragon boat races 

(đua thuyền rồng)