Giải SGK, SBT Unit 1. Family life Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 1 Global Success

47 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 12 :

2. Read the text and tick (✓) the appropriate meanings of the highlighted words.

(Đọc văn bản và đánh dấu nghĩa thích hợp của các từ được làm nổi bật.)

Most people think that housework is boring and is the responsibility of wives and mothers only. Many parents don't ask their children to do housework so that they have more time to play or study. However, studies show doing chores is good for children.

Kids who do housework develop important life skills that they will need for the rest of their lives. Doing the laundry, cleaning the house, and taking care of others are among the important skills that children will need when they start their own families. These are the things that schools cannot fully teach, so it's important for children to learn them at home. Sharing housework also helps young people learn to take responsibility. They know that they have to try to finish their tasks even though they do not enjoy doing them. Doing chores also helps develop children's gratitude to their parents. When doing housework, they learn to appreciate all the hard work their parents do around the house for them. In addition, doing chores together helps strengthen family bonds, creating special moments between children and parents. It makes children feel they are members of a team.

All in all, doing housework can bring a lot of benefits to children. It teaches them life skills and helps build their character. Therefore, parents should encourage their kids to share the housework for their own good as well as the good of the whole family.

1. responsibility (trách nhiệm)

a. duty (nghĩa vụ)

b. hobby (sở thích)

2. gratitude (lòng biết ơn)

a. the feeling of being great (cảm giác tuyệt vời)

b. the feeling of being grateful (cảm giác biết ơn)

3. strengthen (tăng cường)

a. make something stronger (làm cho một cái gì đó mạnh mẽ hơn)

b. make something more difficult (làm cho một cái gì đó khó khăn hơn)

4. bonds (sự gắn kết)

a. close connections (sự kết nối gần gũi)

b. common interests (sở thích chung)

5. character (tính cách)

a. qualities that make a person the same as others

(những phẩm chất làm cho một người giống những người khác)

b. qualities that make a person different from others

(những phẩm chất làm cho một người khác với những người còn lại)

Câu 24 :

2. Read Joey’s email about his family routines and complete the table with the information from it.

(Đọc email của Joey về các thói quen sinh hoạt của gia đình anh ấy và hoàn thành bảng với thông tin từ email đó.)


Subject: My family routines

Hi Dong,

How are you getting on? In your last email you asked me about my family routines. Well, we have quite a few routines to help us learn life skills and build family bonds, but I’ll tell you about three main ones.

First, my family always have dinner together. Dinners are important for us since we share our daily experiences and talk about the latest news. Second, we watch our favourite game show on TV together every Friday evening. We discuss the questions and guess the answers. It's great fun every time we get a correct answer. Third, once every two weeks, on Saturday we clean the house together. We make a list of all the chores. Each of us then chooses one or two household tasks according to personal choice. We all feel happy and proud when we see our home spotlessly clean at the end of the day.

Do you have similar family routines? I'd be interested to know about your family.

Please write back soon.




When/ How often

Things to do to strengthen family bonds

1. have dinner together




every Friday evening




- make a list of chores

- choose tasks

Câu 25 :

3. Complete the email about Dong’s family routines using the information in the box.

(Hoàn thành email về các thói quen sinh hoạt trong gia đình của Đông bằng cách sử dụng thông tin trong hộp.)


Subject: My family routines

Hi Joey,

How are you? We’re all doing fine here. You asked me about my family routines. Well, we have a number of routines to help us learn life skills as well as build family bonds. Here are three main ones.




What do you think about my family routines?

Please, write back soon and let me know.

Best wishes,


Câu 36 :

2. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

(Chọn những câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu.)

1. She does two jobs at the same time as she is the main _________ of the family.

A. breadwinner       

B. homemaker             

C. housewife              

D. bread maker

2. She’s such a good wife. She’s _________ her husband through difficult times.

A. taught                 

B. left                          

C. supported                 

D. provided

3. It’s not easy for teens to get back into the school _________ after a long holiday.

A. routine

B. bond

C. work

D. responsibility

4. Jim’s main _________ in his home is to keep the house clean.

A. right                 

B. honour                    

C. part                         

D. responsibility

5. Family _________ are important because they teach children what is right or wrong in life.

A. bonds                  


C. holidays                  

D. connections

6. Doing housework brings great _________ to children as it helps them develop necessary life skills.

A. benefits               

B. hard work               

C. results           

D. practices

7. He’s a man of strong _________. He always fights for what is right and you can rely on him.

A. health                

B. character                 

C. hands                      

D. influence

8. When all members of the family share housework, the family _________ will become stronger.

A. joys                     

B. happiness                

C. life                          

D. bonds

Câu 40 :

3. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

(Chọn các câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu.)

1. Nam: I _________ of taking a course in life skills.

   Lan: That’s a good ideA.There’s a good life skills centre near my house.

A. will think                           

B. am thinking                       

C. think

2. Nam: What _________ for?

   Lan: My glasses. Do you see them anywhere?

A. do you look                       

B. are you looking                  

C. will you look

3. Nam: I _________ that you have a new bag.

      Lan: Yes. It’s a birthday present.

A. am seeing                          

B. will see                              

C. see

4. Nam: What’s the matter? Are you OK?

   Lan: Not really. I _________ well.

A. am not feeling                   

B. won’t feel                          

C. don’t feel

5. Nam: What’s your father’s job?

   Lan: He _________ as a TV reporter.

A. is working                         

B. works                                 

C. will work

6. Nam: Has Tom found a new house?

    Lan: Not yet. He _________ with us until he finds one near his university.

A. stays                                  

B. stayed                                

C. is staying

7. Nam: Do you like MD’s new song?

    Lan: No, not very much. I _________ it is too sad.

A. am thinking                      

B. will think                           

C. think

8. Nam: Where’s your sister?

    Lan: She_________ her hair at the moment.

A. washes                               

B. is washing                         

C. will wash

Câu 42 :

2. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem câu trả lời là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)

In 1977 Governor Raul Castro suggested that the seventh of August should be American Family Day. One year later, Governor Bruce Babbitt signed the day into law as an official Arizona holiday. American Family Day is now celebrated across the United States on the first Sunday in August. It encourages people to enjoy the warming summer days with those dearest to them. Principally, the day encourages families to spend time with one another. Unlike some other family holidays, people do not give gifts on this day. Instead, they celebrate the day by focusing on family relationships. People believe that the best gift one can give their families is themselves. So on this day, people enjoy being with their families. The most common activities family members often do together include playing games outdoors or going for a walk in the park, watching a movie, visiting grandparents and bringing them a picnic lunch. Some families enjoy taking an art class together, visiting a museum or trying out a new recipe and getting the whole family involved in the cooking. Whatever people do, the most important thing should be that they do it with their families. Celebrating American Family Day reminds people to express their love to their family and helps strengthen their family bonds.

   (Adapted from:




1. Family Day became an official holiday in Arizona in 1977.



2. American Family Day is usually on Sunday.



3. People often give gifts to their family members on American Family Day.



4. On Family Day, family members often visit their friends together.



5. Some families celebrate Family Day by cooking together.



6. Family Day is the chance for people to express their love to their family.



Câu 43 :

1. Complete the conversations by circling the best answers. Then practise reading them.

(Hoàn thành các cuộc trò chuyện bằng cách khoanh tròn các câu trả lời hay nhất. Sau đó, thực hành đọc chúng.)

1. Lan: Nam, do you think family routines are necessary?

    Nam: Yes. _________ each family should have some routines to help build strong family bonds.

A. I'm not sure that                                        

B. I strongly believe that                               

C. I agree that                                                

D. I hope that

2. Lan: What do you think about the British family value of being truthful and honest?

    Nam: _________, it's one of the first things parents should teach their children.

A. In their opinion                                          

B. In a nutshell                                               

C. In my own way                                         

D. In my opinion

3. Lan: Nam, do you think parents should help their children do their homework?

    Nam: Well, _________ parents should let their children do their homework by themselves so they can become independent.

A. I don't think                                               

B. I wish that

C. I believe that                                             

D. I hope that

4. Lan: Do you think teens should learn how to cook?

    Nam: Well, _________ they can learn it when they start their own families. As teens, they should spend all their time on study.

A. I suppose that                                            

B. I hope that

C. I doubt that                                                

D. I agree that

Câu 46 :

2. Complete the email with the phrases or clauses in the box.

(Hoàn thành email với các cụm từ hoặc mệnh đề trong hộp.)

A. are very close and supportive of each other

(rất thân thiết và hỗ trợ lẫn nhau)

B. the wife is the homemaker

(người vợ là nội trợ)

C. which include grandparents, parents, children and sometimes great grandparents

(bao gồm ông bà, cha mẹ, con cái và đôi khi là ông bà cố)

D. really hope this helps

(thực sự hy vọng điều này sẽ giúp)

E. and let me know how it goes

(và cho tôi biết nó diễn ra như thế nào)

F. listen to their instructions and follow their advice

(lắng nghe hướng dẫn và làm theo lời khuyên của họ)

G. but live with their parents

(nhưng sống với bố mẹ của họ)

H. to hear  from you

(để nghe từ bạn)

Hi Stacy,

It's good (1) _________. Yes, of course, I can help with your homework project on family in Viet Nam.

You know, family plays an important role in the life of Vietnamese people, and family bonds are usually strong. Extended families, (2) _________, are popular in Viet Nam. Three or even four generations live under one roof to take care of each other. Young people don't move out when they reach the age of 18, (3) _________ even after they get marrieD.And it's not common for old people to live alone or in a nursing home. Household chores are shared by everyone in the family, but the husband is usually the breadwinner and (4) _________ . Children are taught to show respect to their grandparents, (5) _________ . Parents often spend their free time helping their children with their homework or giving them advice on behaviour. So you can see that family members in Viet Nam (6) __________.

Above is some information about Vietnamese families. I (7) _________ . Good luck with your project. Write soon (8) _________.
