Giải SGK, SBT Unit 4. For a better community Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 4 Global Success

49 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 13 :

2. Read the text and choose the main idea.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn ý chính.)

A. The writer's secondary school has a long and interesting history.

B. The Volunteer Club was set up 15 years ago to help teens gain work experience.

C. The club organises many volunteering activities that benefit both the community and the students.

I joined the Volunteer Club when I started secondary school. The club was formed fifteen years ago, shortly after the school was set up. Since then, it has organised various volunteering activities for all students to participate.

One of the most popular activities of our club is selling handmade items to raise money for the local orphanage and homeless old people. Last year, we also raised over one hundred million VND to help people in flooded areas. The money was used to buy warm clothes, blankets, food, and clean water.

Our club welcomes different types of donations: clothes, picture books, unused notebooks, and other unwanted items. At the end of each month, we take the donations to the community centre. Our club also organises afterschool games for the children at the orphanage and concerts for the old people at the centre. In addition, it offers other volunteering activities, such as helping at a food bank or delivering free meals to poor families.

Volunteering has helped me gain life experiences and find my sense of purpose in life. When I see suffering and hardships, I feel thankful for what I have. What is more, these activities provide opportunities for me to meet other teenagers with similar interests and help me build essential life skills.

Câu 40 :

1. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

(Chọn các câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu.)

1. While we________ information for our presentation last month, we discovered that lots of people in our neighbourhood needed help.

A. were collecting       

B. are collecting  

C. collect             

D. collected

2. When we visited Mrs Lan this morning, she ________her lunch.

A. is preparing             

B. was preparing       

C. has prepared        

D. prepares

3. She told us her life story while we________ her tidy the house.

A. are helping              

B. have helped      

C. were helping         

D. help

4. While we were cleaning her kitchen, we________ a knock at the door. It was another old lady who lived next door.

A. are hearing              

B. were hearing    

C. hear                    

D. heard

5. We________ to help old people clean their houses while we were talking to them later that day.

A. are deciding            

B. were deciding          

C. decided          

D. decide

6. While we ________ at the food bank, we met an old friend.

A. were helping           

B. are helping              

C. help               

D. helped

7. An old lady came to us and asked for help while we________ at the bus stop.

A. are waiting              

B. have waited             

C. were waiting  

D. wait

8. When we came to the local orphanage, all the children there________ their dinner.

A. are having               

B. were having            

C. have had        

D. have

Câu 44 :

2. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements.

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem câu trả lời là đúng (T) hay sai (F). Sửa các câu sai.)

Minh started his volunteering activities eight years ago when he was in grade 2. One day, while he was watching a programme on TV, he saw how difficult life was for children in poor areas. His parents encouraged him to do something good, so Minh started to put aside some of his pocket money for charity. Since then, whenever his school raises money to help people in need. Minh has always donated some. 

At the end of each school year, Minh also collects unwanted textbooks and notebooks from his classmates to send to poor students in different regions. In winter. Minh and his friends usually collect warm clothes to donate to people in the cold mountainous areas of Viet Nam. Minh is proud of what he does to help other people. He has also persuaded his younger brother and his cousins to join him in his charity work.



1. Minh has done volunteering activities for eight years.

(Minh đã thực hiện các hoạt động tình nguyện trong tám năm.)

2. Minh learnt about some children's difficult life from a local newspaper.

(Minh biết về cuộc sống khó khăn của một số trẻ em từ một tờ báo địa phương.)

3. Minh’s parents didn’t want him to do voluntary work.

(Bố mẹ của Minh không muốn anh ấy làm công việc tình nguyện.)

4. Minh donates some of his pocket money to charity.

(Minh quyên góp một số tiền tiêu vặt của mình cho tổ chức từ thiện.)

5. Minh and his friends also donate textbooks, notebooks, and warm clothes.

(Minh và các bạn cũng quyên góp sách giáo khoa, vở và áo ấm.)

6. Minh prevented other people from doing voluntary work.

(Minh ngăn cản người khác làm việc thiện nguyện.)