Giải SGK, SBT Unit 1. Leisure time Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 1 Global Success

47 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 12 :

2. Read the article. Choose the words or phrases with the closest meaning to the highlighted words or phrases in the text.

(Đọc bài viết. Chọn những từ hoặc cụm từ có nghĩa gần nhất với những từ hoặc cụm từ được đánh dấu trong văn bản.)


A. _________

Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February, 1955 in San Francisco, USA. His biological parents were not married and gave him up for adoption. He was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. In 1971, Jobs met Steve Wozniak, who was five years older than him, but they bonded over their love of electronics. After high school, Jobs attended Reed College in Oregon, but found the classes boring and dropped out after six months.

B. _________

When Jobs was 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computers in Jobs' family garage with money they got by selling Jobs' van and Wozniak's scientific calculator. By making computers smaller, cheaper, and accessible to everyday users, their company became a huge success and sales quickly increased.

Although Jobs left Apple in 1985, he returned to his post in 1997 when the company needed new ideas. He helped invent new products such as the iMac, the iBook for students, the iPod music player, and iTunes music software. In 2007, he introduced the touch-screen iPhone which changed the way phones were used. Apple products were not only designed to be cutting-edge technology, but also to be stylish and easy to use.

In addition, Jobs contributed to computer animation. In 1986, he bought a small company, which later became Pixar Animation Studios. It produced the first full-length computer-animated film Toy Story, followed by other blockbusters.

C. _________

In 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. He fought the disease for several years, and stopped working in August, 2011. Two months later, he passed away. He had four children, three with his wife of 20 years and one from a previous relationship. On an Apple web page, a statement reads, 'Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being.'

1. adopted

A. given birth to

B. taken by another family as their own child

2. dropped out

A. continued to study

B. left school/college before completing your studies

3. cancer

A. a serious disease

B. a dangerous animal

4. passed away

A. died

B. went past something

5. genius

A. a very intelligent person

B. an ordinary person

Câu 26 :

Expressing pleasure and responding to it

(Thể hiện niềm vui và phản hồi lại nó)

1. Listen and complete the conversations with the expressions in the box. Then practise them in pairs.

(Nghe và hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với các từ trong hộp. Sau đó thực hành chúng theo cặp.)

A. It was such a pleasure (Thật là một niềm vui)

B. That's fantastic (Thật tuyệt vời)

C. I'm on top of the world (Tôi đang rất vui sướng)

D. I'm so happy (Tôi rất mừng)


Mark : (1) ___________! I've just learnt that my poem about Viet Nam's national heroes has won the first prize in the poetry competition for teenagers.

((1) ___________! Tôi mới được biết bài thơ viết về các anh hùng dân tộc Việt Nam của tôi đã đạt giải nhất cuộc thi thơ thiếu niên.)

Nam: (2) ___________for you! It's a very inspiring poem.

((2) ___________! Đó là một bài thơ rất truyền cảm.)


Phong: I took part in a public-speaking event and gave a talk about Steve Jobs' innovations in technology. (3) ___________ to be among so many talented speakers. They invited me to give another presentation.

(Tôi đã tham gia một sự kiện diễn thuyết trước công chúng và nói chuyện về những đổi mới trong công nghệ của Steve Jobs. (3) ___________ được nằm trong số rất nhiều diễn giả tài năng. Họ mời tôi thuyết trình lần nữa.)

Mai: (4) ___________! I've always thought you're a great speaker.

((4) ___________! Tôi luôn nghĩ bạn là một diễn giả tuyệt vời.)

Câu 27 :

2. Work in pairs. Use the models in 1 to make similar conversations for these situations. One of you is A, the other is B. Use the expressions on page 17 to help you.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Sử dụng các mẫu ở bài 1 để thực hiện những đoạn hội thoại tương tự trong những tình huống này. Một người là A, người kia là B. Hãy sử dụng các câu ở trang 17 để giúp bạn.)

1. A has just watched a wonderful Walt Disney film, and expresses his/her pleasure to B. B responds to show his/her pleasure for A.

(A vừa xem một bộ phim tuyệt vời của Walt Disney và bày tỏ sự hài lòng của mình với B. B đáp lại để thể hiện sự hài lòng của anh ấy đối với A.)

2. B's article about the life of Steve Jobs was published in the local newspaper. B expresses his/her pleasure to A. A responds to show his/her pleasure for B.

(Bài viết của B về cuộc đời của Steve Jobs đã được đăng trên tờ báo địa phương. B thể hiện sự hài lòng với A. A đáp lại thể hiện sự hài lòng đối với B.)

Useful expressions

(Cách trình bày hữu ích)

Expressing pleasure

(Thể hiện sự hài long)


(Phản hồi lại)

• … is/was amazing/wonderful/great.

(… thật tuyệt vời.)

• That was a(n) amazing/wonderful/great…

(Đó là một(n) … tuyệt vời)

• It is/was (such) a pleasure to ...

(Thật là/rất hân hạnh được …)

• I was so pleased to …

(Tôi rất vui được…)

• I'm on top of the world/on cloud nine/ over the moon.

(Tôi đang rất hạnh phúc/ sung sướng.)

• Wow!

• I'm so happy/excited for you.

(Tôi rất vui mừng cho bạn.)

• Good for you!

(Mừng cho bạn!)

• That's fantastic/amazing/great!

(Điều đó thật tuyệt vời!)

• I'm pleased to hear (that you like it).

(Tôi vui mừng khi biết (rằng bạn thích nó).)


Câu 28 :

1. Read the following text and complete the comparison table on page 18.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và hoàn thành bảng so sánh ở trang 18.)

Queens of the world

It is said that women can rule kingdoms, and some of them actually did. Below are three of the most famous queens in world history.

Cleopatra VII (69 BC-30 BC)

The queen of ancient Egypt (ruling from 51 BC to 30 BC) was most famous for her determination and beauty. She was also very intelligent and well educated, and could speak nine languages. Under her rule, Egypt was a rich nation and remained independent from the expanding Roman Empire.

Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

Queen Elizabeth 1 ruled England for 45 years (1558-1603). She was admired for her strong determination and intelligence. Elizabeth could speak and write five languages, and even translated lengthy texts into French, Italian, and Latin. She is considered one of the most successful queens in British history. She defeated the powerful Spanish Navy in 1588 and encouraged the development of the arts. She refused to get married.

Catherine II (1729-1796)

Catherine II was a minor German princess who became known as Catherine the Great and ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796. She was intelligent, ambitious, and dedicated to her adopted country. She expanded the Russian Empire, adding an area of more than 500,000 square kilometres. She improved education for children and women, and opened the first school for girls in Russia. During her time there were also great developments in architecture, trade, and culture.

Câu 33 :



Work in groups. Write a visual story of a person's life. This could be a historical figure or someone you know and admire. Do some research on their life or interview them.

(Làm việc nhóm. Viết một câu chuyện trực quan về cuộc đời của một người. Đây có thể là một nhân vật lịch sử hoặc một người nào đó mà bạn biết và ngưỡng mộ. Thực hiện một số nghiên cứu về cuộc sống của họ hoặc phỏng vấn họ.)

You can draw pictures to illustrate key events in his/her life.

(Bạn có thể vẽ những bức tranh để minh họa những sự kiện quan trọng trong cuộc đời của anh ấy/cô ấy.)

You can do that on a poster, on presentation slides, or in a short comic book.

(Bạn có thể làm điều đó trên áp phích, trên slide thuyết trình hoặc trong một cuốn truyện tranh ngắn.)

Present your visual story to the class. Use these questions as cues.

(Trình bày câu chuyện trực quan của bạn trước lớp. Sử dụng những câu hỏi này làm gợi ý.)

- Who is your story about?

(Câu chuyện của bạn kể về ai?)

- What are the key events in his/her life?

(Những sự kiện quan trọng trong cuộc đời anh ấy/cô ấy là gì?)

- What are his/her achievements?

(Thành tích của anh ấy/cô ấy là gì?)

- What do you think of his/her life and achievements?

(Bạn nghĩ gì về cuộc đời và những thành tựu của anh ấy/cô ấy?)

Câu 39 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. Last night, we ________ to the cinema to watch a movie about Vo Thi Sau.

A. go

B. are going

C. went

D. will go

2. My grandfather ________ in the resistance war against the US.

A fights

B. fought

C. will fight

D. has fought

3. Edison ________ the light bulb in 1879.

A. invents

B. will invent

C. has invented

D. invented

4. We ________ a documentary about the last king of Viet Nam at 8 p.m. that night.

A. watched

B. were watching

C. are watching

D. will watch

5. What ________ at 7 a.m. yesterday?

A. are you doing

B. did you do

C. were you doing

D. have you done

6. ________ dinner at this time yesterday?

A. Do you have

B. Are you having

C. Have you had

D. Were you having

7. He ________ to New York to start a new business. It was a huge success.

A. moves

B. moved

C. is moving

D. was moving

8. General Vo Nguyen Giap ________ the Communist Party of Viet Nam and led the army during the war.

A. joined

B. was joining

C. has joined

D. joins

9. After attacking a group of French soldiers, Vo Thi Sau ________ and sent to prison.

A. is arrested

B. will be arrested

C. was arrested

D. has been arrested

10. It ________ very hard. I sat by the window and watched the man. He took his coat off and stood in the rain.

A. rains

B. is raining

C. has rained

D. was raining

11. The students ________ their test. The room was so quiet that you could hear the sounds made by their pens when they were writing.

A. took

B. were taking

C. do

D. are doing

12. Sorry I missed your call. I ________ upstairs.

A. sleep

B. am sleeping

C. slept

D. was sleeping

13. When they arrived, everyone ________ for them.

A. waited

B. was waiting

C. wait

D. is waiting

14. When I turned on the radio, I ________ an interesting story about Steve Jobs.

A. hear

B. am hearing

C. heard

D. was hearing

15. When you ________ yesterday, we were having dinner.

A. call

B. called

C. are calling

D. were calling

16. After my brother ________ school, he ________ the army.

A. finished-joined

B. finished-was joining

C. was finishing-joined

D. was finishing - was joining

17. While my sister ________ in the woods, she ________ a strange animal.

A. walked-saw

B. walked-was seeing

C. was walking-saw

D. was walking-was seeing

18. While my mother ________ in the kitchen, my father ________ the living room.

A. cooked-cleaned

B. cooked-was cleaning

C. was cooking-cleaned

D. was cooking-was cleaning

Câu 40 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. The city leader praised the young people for following Uncle Ho's teachings, and was giving them

                             A                                      B                                             C            D

the awards.


2. We waited for you at 8 p.m. yesterday, but you didn't come or call us.

            A                  B                            C                 D

3. When I woke up in the middle of the night, heavy rain beat against the windows.

     A            B                                                               C       D

4. Alexander Fleming was working in his lab when he was discovering penicilin by accident.

                                  A                            B                  C                             D

5. When the bus stopped, everyone quickly stood up, said goodbye to the driver, and was getting off the

                               A                                 B              C                                                 D


6. When the singer finished her song, everyone was standing up and clapped their hands loudly.

                               A                                               B                                C               D       

7. After my sister was studying in her room, someone was playing the piano next door.

    A                                        B                                    C            D

8. While the teacher was telling the life story of Uncle Ho, everyone in our class took notes carefully.

                              A                                B                                                    C                    D

Câu 41 :

1 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi)

A biography is a narrative of a person's life written by another person. There are usually five main steps in writing a good biography.

1. Choose a subject. Choosing the person you want to write about is, of course, the first step. This could be a celebrity, or someone who is lesser known. You could also write about someone who is still alive or someone who is dead. Most importantly, choose a person who has had an impact on other people, or whose life is interesting.

2. Get permission. Although you can still write about a person's life without his or her permission, it is always better to get the subject's agreement. This will not only help you in your research, but you will also avoid upsetting the person later on if he or she thinks your account is not true.

3. Do your research. You can obtain information through primary sources, e.g. the subject's letters or other personal writings, and interviews with her or him. You can also use secondary sources prepared by someone who didn't know the subject or published at a later time.

4. Choose a format. A biography is usually told in chronological or time order. However, you may also choose to organise the events by themes or specific achievements.

5. Outline, write, and edit. It's a good idea to start with a detailed outline including your main points and the number of chapters. After that, write your first draft. Then revise and edit it until you've got a final version you are happy with.

Writing a biography is not easy, but it is worth the effort. A biography often influences or motivates people, and teaches valuable life lessons.

1. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Five steps in writing your life story

B. Different types of biographies

C. Things to avoid when writing a biography

D. How to write a good biography

2. The word 'narrative' in the introduction is closest in meaning to

A. life

B. story

C. impact

D. research

3. The word 'subject' in Section 1 mostly means

A. the topic of a biography

B. the person that is described in the biography

C. a celebrity who is still alive

D. someone with an interesting life

4. The word 'this' in Section 2 refers to

A. the subject of the biography

B. writing about a person's life

C. getting permission from the subject

D. doing research about the subject

5. According to the passage, primary sources of information

A. come from the subject himself/herself

B. are stories about the subjects written by someone else

C. are more diverse than secondary sources

D. are better than secondary sources

6. It can be inferred from the passage that newspaper reports about the life of a subject are examples of

A. primary sources of information

B. secondary sources of information

C. both A and B

D. neither A nor B

7. It can be inferred from the passage that a chronological structure

A. is preferred by most biography writers

B. is the only way to organise a biography

C. means organising events by topics or themes

D. means listing the person's achievements in order

8. According to the passage, which is NOT true about writing a biography?

A. It can be done without much effort.

B. It will be important and useful.

C. It may have a positive impact on the readers' lives.

D. We can learn from the experiences of others.

Câu 42 :

2 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số.)

Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Albert Einstein (1897-1955) are regarded as two of the most important scientists of all (1) _____. They also share some similarities.

(2) _____ Einstein and Newton were described as lonely children who lacked social skills, but had a passion for complex topics. Einstein dropped out of school at the age of 15 (3) _____  he felt bored and didn't like the teaching style. (4) _____, Newton didn't excel in school, although he completed his secondary education and managed to enter Cambridge University.

Both worked in the field of physics and maths, but in different time periods and contributed to our (5) _____ of gravity. Newton was the first person to describe gravity and discover the basic laws of mechanics and motion. While Einstein agreed with some aspects of his theory, he showed that Newton was (6) _____  about time and space, and came up with a new theory of gravity. Einstein also established the foundations of modern physics.

The scientific (7) _____ of both Newton and Einstein are impressive, and there is still a(n) (8) _____ about who made the bigger contribution to humankind.

1. A. times

B. time

C. men

D. world

2. A. None

B. Either

C. Neither

D. Both

3. A. afterwards

B. because of

C. because

D. despite

4. A. Similarly

B. Of course

C. By contrast

D. After that

5. A. understanding

B. knowing

C. learning

D. contrasting

6. A. better

B. clever

C. right

D. wrong

7. A. accidents

B. decisions

C. events

D. achievements

8. A. agreement

B. debate

C. competition

D. contrast

Câu 43 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following exchanges. Then practise reading them.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi trao đổi sau đây. Sau đó thực hành đọc chúng.)

1. Jim: I went to see the film about Steve Jobs that you recommended. _________

Kayla: I'm glad you like it. I'd love to see it again.

A. It was fine.

B. It was amazing.

C. It tells his life story.

D. I'm so happy for you.

2. Nam: Mr Quang, I really enjoyed the ASEAN Youth meeting. _________

Mr Quang: That's great, Nam.

A. It was a pleasure to meet so many interesting people.

B. I'm on top of the world.

C. I'm excited for you.

D. What a pity!

3. Tom: I had a wonderful time. I took a lot of photos of wild animals.

Mr Brown: I'm so _________ you enjoyed the field trip, Tom.

A. disappointed

B. pleased

C. worried

D. excited

4. Dana: Mum, I've got the university entrance exam results. I've passed!

Mum: Oh, Dana. _________

A. I'm so sorry for you.

B. I'm so happy for you.

C. It's such a pleasure.

D. I'm so worried about you.

5. Tim: I've won a trip to Hawaii, Kim. I'm _________!

Kim: Wow! That's fantastic!

A. under the weather

B. in the sunlight

C. over the top

D. over the moon

6. Daniel: Look, Dad. I've finished my painting!

Dad: _________! It looks beautiful.

A. What

B. Wait

C. Wow

D. How

7. June: They have finally found my dog. I thought I'd never see Max again!

Pete: Oh, that's _________!

A. pitiful

B. fantastic

C. embarrassing

D. excited

8. Jim: My English test scores have improved this month, Dad.

Dad: _________

A. Good for you.

B. Sorry about that.

C. Good luck!

D. Don't mention it.