Giải SGK, SBT Review Bright

Giải SGK, SBT Review Bright

86 câu hỏi
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Câu 16 :


5. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1–5) is T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi câu (1–5) là T (đúng) hay F (sai).)

The Royal Albert Hall

The Royal Albert Hall in South Kensington, London, is one of the UK’s most famous concert halls. Queen Victoria opened it in 1871 and singers, choirs and orchestras from around the world came to perform on its famous stage. Everyone in the UK knows this beautiful venue. In fact, for many people, the Royal Albert Hall is the home of classical music in England.

One of the most famous events that happens here is the Proms. It is a special classical concert that celebrates music and British culture. This eight-week-long festival happens every summer. Classical musicians, orchestras, opera singers and even pop stars all perform during the Proms. There really is something for everyone! Over 5,000 people fill the seats inside the Hall, and over 18 million watch it on television and the Internet. People even call it the world’s largest music festival!

The Proms isn’t the only thing that happens at this amazing place. There are also rock concerts, ballet and theatre performances, film screenings and even tennis matches! Whatever you’re interested in, you can find it at the Royal Albert Hall, Britain’s most incredible entertainment venue!

1. South Kensington is an area in London. ________

2. The Royal Albert Hall is a place for classical music. _____

3. The Proms last for six weeks every summer. ________

4. 5,000 people watch the Proms on TV every year. ________

5. You can watch sports events at the Royal Albert Hall. _____

Câu 19 :

1. Read the title and the first sentence of the text. What do you think it is about? Listen and read to find out.

(Đọc tiêu đề và câu đầu tiên của văn bản. Bạn nghĩ văn bản nói về cái gì? Nghe và đọc để nhận ra.)


The Association in Support of Vietnamese Handicapped and Orphans (ASVHO) is anorganisation that works to make the lives of orphans (children without parents) and disabled people in Vietnam better. Started in 1992, ASVHO helps these people with medical treatments, transport and places to live. Over the years, ASVHO has raised money and provided support to these people. This support includes providing important surgery and buying wheelchairs for disabled people. The organisation also donates bicycles to orphans and gives financial support for their education. One of ASVHO’s goals is to help these people live as independently as possible. It achieves this by creating housing communities and offering training that can lead to job opportunities.

ASVHO works with the Vietnamese government to protect the rights of the disabled and orphans as well as create policies that help improve their quality of life. Every year, it organises events for them to show their talents and develop their skills. These events encourage disabled people and orphans to be part of the community. One popular event is a singing competition where disabled people from all over Vietnam compete, and the best performers receive medals. Another successful event is the Vietnam Disabled People’s Day which improves understanding across the country of the problems disabled people face. The work of ASVHO is an important support to the disabled and orphan community. For more information, visit

Câu 22 :

1. When did women in Britain gain the right to vote? Listen and read to find out.

(Phụ nữ ở Anh giành được quyền bầu cử khi nào? Nghe và đọc để nhận ra.)


When we think of women who have led the way, we often think of people such as Marie Curie, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, or Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean. But there are also times in history when women have worked together to improve the lives of other women.

This happened in the Victorian era, when women in Britain started to fight for their right to vote. Before 1918, women were not allowed to vote. From around the 1860s, groups of women started to come together to organise activities and talk about helping women to get the right to vote. In 1903, Emmeline Pankhurst set up the Women’s Social and Political Union, or WSPU. The WSPU made speeches, wrote in newspapers, and demonstrated on the streets smashing windows and setting buildings on fire. However, during World War I, the WSPU stopped their attacks and supported the government. As men were away fighting in the war, women took on many jobs that men used to do, like police officers and bus drivers. In these jobs, women showed everyone they were equal to men.

In 1918, the government finally gave women over 30 the right to vote for the first time. It was an important step in the fight for equality for women in society. However, it wasn't until ten years later, in 1928, that all women over 21 could vote as men could.

Câu 29 :

5. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1–5) is T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi khẳng định (1–5) là T (đúng) hay F (sai).)


Patrice Banks was from a poor family, but she was very intelligent. She studied science at university and became a chemical engineer at a big company in Philadelphia, USA. She earned a good salary and wore smart clothes and high heels in the office. At work, she was respected, but there was one thing she really hated – taking her car to the mechanic! She didn’t understand how her car worked and she felt that the young, male mechanics were behaving to her as if she was stupid. She tried searching for a female mechanic instead ... but she couldn’t find a single one.

That’s why, in her thirties, Patrice learnt to be a mechanic at a night school. Then, she quit her job and worked in a repair shop before opening her own - Girls Auto Clinic. Here, Patrice wears high heels, but she’s still serious about her job. Her shop has an all-female staff and an on-site beauty salon, so customers can fix their hair and nails while Patrice and her team are fixing their cars! Patrice also runs workshops for women to help them understand how their cars work and how to fix them.

1. Patrice didn’t have a lot of money when she was young. _____

2. Patrice always knew a lot about cars. _____

3. Patrice went back to university to learn to be a mechanic. _____

4. No men work in Patrice’s repair shop. _____

5. Patrice teaches women how to look after their cars. _____

Câu 32 :

1. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án phù hợp nhất.)

1. Can you please ________ the rug?

 A mop            B vacuum        C tidy

2. We have to ________ the ironing today.

 A clean           B clear             C do

3. We went to an interesting art ________ last week.

 A exhibition   B concert         C opera

4. We’re trying to ________ money for a charity.

 A raise            B have             C sell

5. Doctors need to be ________ when they perform an operation on people.

 A sociable      B inventive      C careful

6. You look tired. Why don’t you take ________?

 A a nap           B a bed            C home

7. You can ________ money to the charity.

 A access         B collect          C donate

8. I sometimes ________ breakfast for my family.

 A make           B do                C have

9. I relax by listening to jazz. It just makes me feel ________ .

 A boring         B relaxing       C calm

10. If you want to make some extra money, you can ________ for working parents.

 A support       B babysit         C pick up

11. I ________ the laundry every Saturday.

 A take             B make            C do

12. My aunt is a nurse. She’s ________ so that she can help sick people.

 A caring         B inventive      C organised

13. I have to get up early so I can ________ the bus.

 A have            B go                C catch

14. He works as a security ________.

 A guard          B designer       C plumber

15. Ann wants to become a flight ________.

 A surgeon       B model          C attendant

16. We decided to have a cake ________ at school next week to raise money for the homeless.

 A fair              B sale              C run

17. Can you please ________ the floor?

 A catch           B take              C mop

18. We went to a(n) ________ performance last Saturday evening. It was amazing.

 A dance          B art                C sports

19. Please ________ on your jacket. It’s cold outside.

 A give            B fit                 C put

20. I love rock music. It’s ________ and powerful.

 A fast             B sad               C noisy

Câu 33 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án phù hợp nhất.)

1. I ________ a place in London these days.

A rents            B rent              C am renting

2. Jane’s away. She has ________ to Italy on holiday.

A been             B gone             C going

3. The train ________ at 4:00 p.m.

A departing     B depart          C departs

4. They ________ to the cinema yesterday.

A went            B go                C were going

5. We haven’t ________ Steve yet.

A meet            B met              C meeting

6. Mark ________ dinner at 8 o’clock last night.

A cooks           B cooked         C was cooking

7. If he ________ more free time, he would go on holiday.

A has               B had               C was having

8. I ________ you as soon as I land, I promise.

A will text       B text              C am texting

9. Be careful! You ________ to trip over that box!

A are               B will              C are going

10. Jeff’s really happy. He ________ his exams!

A passes          B passed          C has passed

11. Sandra has ________ been on a plane before.

A ever             B never            C yet

12. I think Simon ________ to university next year.

A will go         B goes             C is going

13. If I were you, I ________ her the truth.

A will tell        B tell               C would tell

14. We ________ a sport event in Spain this year.

A attending     B attend           C are attending

15. I was having a shower ________ the phone rang.

A when            B while            C so

16. When ________ they leave for Hanoi?

A were            B did               C are

17. Is Nina doing the laundry? No, she ________.

A didn’t           B isn’t             C wasn’t

18. Have you ever ________ sushi? It’s delicious.

A try                B trying           C tried

19. ________ we were waiting for the bus to Thăng Long Theatre, it started raining.

A Because       B While           C When

20. If you are good at your work, you ________ get a promotion.

A are               B would          C will

Câu 34 :

3. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1–5) is T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi khẳng định (1–5) là T (đúng) hay F (sai).)

Glastonbury Festival

The UK has some fantastic music festivals, but which one is the favourite of British fans? It’s definitely Glastonbury! It takes place at the end of June every year in Pilton, Somerset, England.

The first festival happened in 1970. It lasted two days and tickets cost just £1 each – plus every festivalgoer got free milk from the farm! Only 1,500 people came that year, but it was the start of something very special. These days, a ticket to stay the whole five days costs over £200. The price doesn’t put people off, however – around 200,000 people attend every year, and tickets sell out in about 30 minutes!

The great music is only part of the Glastonbury experience. Festival-goers camp in tents around the farm and stay up all night dancing. Of course, they have to be prepared for the British weather. It often rains, and there is a lot of mud, so a pair of wellies* is essential! But at Glastonbury, people don’t mind the bad weather. They love nature and care about the environment. In fact, Glastonbury has been a plasticfree festival since 2019, when the organisers decided to stop selling food and drinks in plastic containers.

It’s hard to say what makes Glastonbury a better music festival than all the others. Is it the bands, or perhaps the location? British singer Elly Jackson (La Roux) thinks it’s the atmosphere. “Festivals all have one,” she says, “but Glastonbury has something other festivals will never have.”

*wellies: waterproof boots, short for Wellington boots

1. Glastonbury is an arts festival. _____

2. Tickets for the first festival in 1970 were free. _____

3. The festival now lasts five days. _____

4. The festival doesn’t take place in bad weather. _____

5. Since 2019, organisers haven’t sold food and drinks in plastic containers at the festival. _____

Câu 40 :

1. Look at the picture. What do you think would happen if the ice in the Arctic melted? Listen and read to find out.

(Nhìn vào bức tranh. Bạn nghĩ điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu băng ở Bắc Cực tan? Nghe và đọc để tìm hiểu.)


Are we skating on thin ice?

100 years ago, the Earth was cooler than it is today. In fact, temperatures around the world are 0.8°C higher than they were in 1920. This might not sound like a lot, but it has a terrible effect on the ice in polar regions, as it causes them to melt. The melting of the polar ice caps not only harms the local plants, people and wildlife but it also leads to rising sea levels globally, causing problems for us all.

One of the most serious disasters to hit the polar regions is the breaking of the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf. It is the largest single block of ice in the Arctic. It has been around for 3,000 years and began breaking apart in the year 2000.

As a result, the freshwater from the ice began to flow into the ocean, changing the local environment forever. Without the ice, animals such as polar bears, walruses, and seals must move to new areas and change their feeding habits. Many of these marine mammals are at risk as their home continues to disappear into the ocean.

However, the fast melting of the Arctic ice doesn’t only have local effects. As ice caps become smaller and thinner, the Earth takes in more energy from the Sun and the planet becomes warmer. We really need to take notice and wonder: Are we skating on thin ice?

Câu 48 :

5. Read the article and decide if each of the statements (1–5) is T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t  say).

(Đọc bài báo và quyết định xem mỗi mệnh đề (1–5) là T (đúng), F (sai) hay DS (không nói).)

Costa Rica is a country full of beautiful wildlife and amazing natural beauty. It’s also a country that’s famous for its eco-tourism and responsible travel options. Here, you can find some of the world’s best eco-tourism destinations where nature and exploration go hand in hand.

There are so many eco-friendly options to choose from! If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to climb a volcano, then you should visit Arenal Volcano National Park. Close to the town of La Fortuna, the national park is home to hot springs, a lake and an amazing waterfall. If you enjoy sea life more, you can find it all at Ballena Marine National Park. This is one of the best places to go whale-watching and snorkelling. With 8.69 miles of incredible sandy beaches and Central America’s largest coral reef, you’ll never get tired of the wonders under the sea! If you like birds, you’ll find plenty at Corcovado National Park! There are lots of parrots and exotic birds. Forests, swamps and beaches can all be found here. Keep an eye out for rare species like jaguars, sloths and monkeys as well!

For a wonderful holiday that doesn’t harm the natural world, Costa Rica is a brilliant place to visit. In this beautiful country, you can enjoy the breathtaking wildlife and create some magical memories!

1. Costa Rica is world-famous for its eco-tourism destinations. _____

2. Arenal Volcano National Park has different water features. _____

3. Visitors to Ballena Marine National Park can enjoy nine miles of beaches. _____

4. In Corcovado National Park, you can see the world’s biggest species of parrot. _____

5. You can see unusual mammals at Corcovado National Park. _____

Câu 66 :

1. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án phù hợp nhất.)

1. To save the environment, ______ what we can’t use.

A have             B recycle         C stop

2. Amy wants to ________ a member of a wildlife group to help the planet.

A be                B start              C join

3. Social ________ has changed the way we communicate with people all over the world.

A systems        B streaming     C media

4. Eco-tourism is a great way to take a vacation and ________ your carbon footprint.

A reduce          B recycle         C maintain

5. To reduce household waste, have a compost ________ in your garden.

A meal            B bin               C game

6. Nowadays, we can ________ information quickly using the Internet.

A access          B treat             C detect

7. ________ apps let you learn in a fun way using your mobile phone.

A Cloud          B Virtual         C Educational

8. Technology helps students do their ________ easily using online materials.

A education     B learning       C research

9. Online learning helps students explore a topic at their own ________ without rushing through it.

A pace             B chunk           C cloud

10. Is ________ learning the future of education?

A cloud           B distance       C library

11. It is safe to ________ data on the cloud to save space on your device.

A stream          B scan             C store

12. You can see wildlife on your ________ holiday.

A safari           B beach           C package

13. The ________ layer protects the planet from the harmful rays of the sun.

A ozone           B gases            C solar

14. If you walk to work, you can help reduce ________ pollution.

A water           B air                C plastic

15. To preserve the park and its wildlife, please ________ on trails.

A stay              B take              C stop

16. Emission of greenhouse ________ pollutes the environment.

A air                B gases            C change

17. We ________ on guided tours when we are on holiday.

A go                B see               C do

18. ________ off the lights when you leave a room. It saves energy and money.

A Cut              B Use              C Turn

19. We should all do our best to help endangered ________ survive.

A culture         B dishes          C species

20. If you ________ solar energy, you can reduce your electricity bill.

A use               B have             C recycle

Câu 67 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án phù hợp nhất.)

1. This method can ________ to clean water.

A be used        B use               C used

2. The files were ________ for viruses.

A scanned       B scan             C scanning

3. The man ________ car is parked outside is my uncle.

A who             B which           C whose

4. Electric cars are ________ than petrol ones.

A clean            B cleanest        C cleaner

5. The nature reserve is ________ as the national park.

A as large        B larger           C large

6. Solar panels ________ to produce electricity.

A used             B are used       C uses

7. They knocked down the building ________ was behind the old factory last month.

A who             B which           C whose

8. You should remember ________ off your computer when you finish using it.

A turn              B to turn          C turning

9. Sandy, ________ is my mum’s best friend, left for New York last Monday.

A which          B who              C whose

10. Dad made us ________ our room.

A tidy              B to tidy          C tidying

11. Scott ________ that he would help me with my project.

A told              B said              C asked

12. Jeff can’t stand ________ to rock music.

A to listen       B listen            C listening

13. He intends ________ abroad when he finishes school.

A study            B to study        C studying

14. The app ________ tested when I visited the lab.

A will              B is being        C was being

15. I don't mind ________ to school.

A walking       B to walk         C to walking

16. You had better ________ on a coat.

A to put           B put               C putting

17. Green & Fresh is the ________ famous vegetarian restaurant in town.

A most            B more            C very

18. Dad said that the cake ________ delicious.

A were            B be                 C was

19. We are leaving on an eco-holiday in ________ Galápagos Islands.

A –                  B the                C a

20. Ben asked ________ make him some tea.

A if I could      B could I         C I could

Câu 69 :

4. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1–5) are T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi khẳng định (1–5) là T (đúng) hay F (sai).)

The Benefits of E – LEARNING

The digital revolution has changed the learning process and how education is accessed, used and shared. This has many benefits for all of us.

The main benefit is that e-learning is available to everyone whenever they want it, including at weekends or in the evenings. And that’s not all! Unlike in the classroom, with e-learning, you can access the content as many times as you want. This is especially useful when you are preparing for an exam. In traditional learning, if you can’t attend a lesson, then you have to prepare on your own. Not to mention that traditional textbooks cannot be updated with new information, as fast as online information is.

What if you are a fast learner? Then, you can work at your own speed instead of following the speed of the whole group. Furthermore, you can choose which parts you want to study and you can skip certain areas you do not want to learn. In addition, e-learning saves you time as you do not need to travel to a school or college.

So, there you have it – e-learning has become popular and important all over the world because it helps students learn better. No one can deny that the future of learning is online!

1. You can access e-learning at any time. ________

2. E-learning is only for people preparing for exams. ________

3. Online information is more up to date than information in books. ________

4. Groups of online students all learn at the same speed. ________

5. Online students can save the extra hours they normally spend travelling to and from the school. ________

Câu 71 :

1. Read the article and decide if each of the statements (1-4) is T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc bài báo và quyết định mỗi thông tin từ 1-4 là T (true) hay F (false))

                                                   LOOPY Laundry!

The washing machine is an important and popular invention all over the world. You can find one in most homes and lots of people can't live without it. But did you know that the washing machine is actually very old?

Jacob Christian Schäffer invented his first washing machine in Germany in 1767. In 1782, Henry Sidgier built a washing machine in Britain. These designs were made out of wood and had handles that turned clothes round and round.

In the 1800s, inventors took the idea to the next level. The inventions in this period became very strange. There were fantastic machines, like the wooden washing machine of American inventor William Clark's in 1871, for people on the go. This washing machine had huge wheels like a cart and people could use horses to take it with them while they traveled. Another fun design was Sarah Sewell's washing machine in 1885. Sarah hated chores, just like the rest of us, and decided to combine childcare and laundry together. She built a special wooden washing machine with a large seesaw, so when her children played, they would power the machine!

The first electric washing machines arrived in the early 1900s. One of them was Thor by Alva J. Fisher in 1908. Later, in the 1930's, inventors created the first automatic washing machines. These machines looked like the washing machines that we have in our homes today.

1. Inventors made the first washing machines in Europe.

2. William Clark made his washing machine in 1885.

3. Sarah Sewell's design used playground equipment.

4. Automatic washing machine design hasn't changed much.

Câu 77 :


1. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất)

1. Jackie ____________ her hair before she went out.

A. did                         

B. made                             

C. had

2. I like jazz music because it’s peaceful and __________

A. soft                        

B. noisy                             

C. amusing

3. When the play finished, all the actors appeared on ________

A. stage                      

B. theatre                         

C. surface

4. The girl put _____________ a poster of her favourite pop singer on her bedroom wall.

A. up                           

B. on                                 

C. in

5. Can you please _______ the door for me?

A. catch                     

B. take                              

C. answer

6. I’m looking _______ to the concert tonight.

A. after                      

B. over                             

C. forward

7. I found the performance _____________; the music was sad and the story was very slow.

A. funny                   

B. boring                          

C. amusing

8. Would you like to _________ this classical performance with the performers!

A. visit                     

B. attend                          

C. go

9. I’m really into __________! It’s so exciting to sing along with the performers!

A. musicals              

B. dramas                        

C. comedies

10. She dislikes ___________the floor; she feels exhauted each time.

A. setting                 

B. mopping                      

C. dusting

11. I’m going to _______ the museum of Roman history next week.

A. visit                     

B. attend                          

C. go

12. It doesn’t take along to _______ breakfast.

A. catch                   

B. do                                

C. make

13. It’s your turn to ______ the ironing.

A. do                      

B. load                              

C. make

14. Would you like  to ______ to a music concert with me?

A. attend                 

B. go                          

C. visit

15. I usually ________ a nap for about half an hour after lunch.

A. do                   

B. make                             

C. take

16. Why don’t we _____ a picnic next weekend?

A. go to               

B. go                 

C. go on

17. First, help me vaccuum the ________ and then make lunch together.

 A. rug          

B. table                          

C. windows

18. I don’t get why you always _____ doing the housework.

A. regret                  

B. avoid                             

C. help

19. The art ______ with Monnet’s painting is really interesting to see.

A. exhibition        

B. festival                           

C. performer

20. This placec looks so _________.I’ll help you with all the chores.

A. boring               

B. scary                      

C. messy

21. This is my pet, Luther. Can you look it ______while I’m away?

A. forward               

B. into                              

C. after

22. Ryan hates ____________ the dishwasher.

A. doing                  

B. loading                      

C. clearing

23. Did you really ___________ the bus one hour before your flight?

A. make                  

B. catch                            

C. go

24. It’s not that easy to _______robots.

A. build                   

B. play                             

C. see

25. I find ________boring. I like it when there is a story not just singing.

A. opera                  

B. ballet                           

C. drama

Câu 78 :


2. Choose the appropriate option.

(Chọn tùy chọn thích hợp.)

1. Biance _________ French at the moment.

A. study                                

B. studies                                    

C. is studying

2. Helen was watching TV when the telephone __________.

A. rung                                 

B. rang                                       

C. was ringing

3. Tina’s flight ___________  at three a’clock tomorrow morning. She has a meeting with the director at 5:00.

A. is arriving                        

B. work                                     

C. is working

4. Jennifer ____________ out at the gym on Thursdays.

A. works                              

B. work                                       

C. is working

5. __________ mum was loading the dishwasher, my sister was doing the ironing.

A. While                             

B. And                                        

C. When

6. My aunt always walks to work but she ______ her husband’s car these days.

A. is using                           

B. uses                                        

C. used

7. He took the bus, went to the mall and ________ a present for his friend.

A. buys                               

B. buy                                          

C. bought

8. I____________ the dentist at 6:00. My tooth hurts.

A. saw                                

B. seen                                        

C. am seeing 

9. The performance _____________ at 7:00 p.m, so don’t be late!

A. start                               

B. starts                                       

C. is starting

10. The rain ______me up last night.

A. wakes                           

B. woke                                       

C. was walking

11. What are you doing ___?

A. last night                      

B. tonight                                     

C. on Fridays

12. They sometimes go to the cinema ____ the weekend.

A. in                                   

B. to                                           

C. at

13. Were you having a shower when I ________ the bell?

A. rang                              

B. rung                                       

C. was ringing

14. The cake _____ delicious.

A. smell                            

B. smells                           

C. is smelling

15. He was answering his emails ________ the fire alarm went off.

A. and                              

B. while                              

C. when

16. I’m afraid he ______ the tickets for the performance yesterday.

A. lose                             

B. losed                             

C. lost

17. She was planting some flowers when dark clouds ________ .

A. appeared                     

B. appear                           

C. appears

18. Kelly _______calls me when she’s late for the music practice. It’s so annoying.

A. not                               

B. never                              

C. always

19. How often ____________ to the cinema?

A. he’s going                   

B. he goes                           

C. does he go

20. He_________ late for our shows.

A. always                        

B. is always                       

C. alway is

21. What places did you ________ when you went abroad?

A. visit                            

B. visited                          

C. visiting

22. Steve graduated from the college, then ______ back to his hometown.

A. moving                      

B. move                           

C. moved

23. He ___________ watching a dance performance at 10:00 yesterday morning.

A. isn’t                          

B. didn’t                          

C. wasn’t

24. Jessie was taking a nap _________ when John came to visit her.

A. at 4:00                     

B. right now                    

C. usually

25. She can’t talk right now. She _______ a shower

A. is having                 

B. has                              

C. had

Câu 79 :

1. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1-4) is T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc đoạn văn và quyết định mỗi câu (1-4) là T (đúng hay F (sai))

1. Nowadays, main charities use social media to advertise their action.

2. Online challenges aren't great sources of fundraising.

3. UNICEF collected donations from 200.000 people.

4. UNICEF believes that it would help charities if everyone turns "likes" into donations.

An online 'challenge' that needs more than a 'click'

Social media is a great way to stay in touch and share things with friends. Recently, charities have also started to use IA* as a way to raise awareness about their causes and the good work that they do. There are also lots of fun online challenges, such as the ice bucket challenge or the Mannequin Challenge that encourage people to make funny videos and send them to friends. However how many of those challenges actually raise funds or help charities or those in need? 

UNICEF Sweden has recently this question with their “likes don't save lives” charity campaign. As UNICEF says, challenges and liking a charity post are nice, but if people really care about these causes they'll do something for the charity. In their video, a young homeless boy is talking about his life and his problems. He asks people at home to "like" the UNICEF social media page. He says that if they can get 200.000 "likes", then he and his brother will be safe. It's then that UNICEF reminds everyone that, only money and donations can help, so they need to turn those "likes" into donations. This powerful social media campaign reminds us that, there's more to beng a good person than sharing online content. The campaign also challenges all of us to get involved in the real world. Is this an internet challenge that you'll accept?

*Internet Archives

Câu 85 :

1. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án thích hợp nhất.)

1. Our school is going to _______________ a marathon. 

A. raise

B. organise

C. have 

2. To apply for the position of office manager, you must be _______________ 

A. organised

B. healthy

C. caring 

3. I really believe we can _______________ the lives of people in need.

A. deal with

B. improve

C. provide 

4. Amelia Earhart was the first woman _______________ to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. 

A. model

B. nurse

C. pilot 

5. We're planning to _______________ the event in larger room this year. 

A. hold

B. keep

C. take part 

6. What hours do _______________ typically work in restaurants? 

A. chefs

B. florists

C. vets 

7. Make sure you _______________ together with the meals. 

A. give up

B. give out

C. give away 

8. Jeff works as a _______________ guard at a bank. 

A. office

B. flight

C. security 

9. Tom is very _______________ with sick people. He will make a great nurse. 

A. caring

B. healthy

C. convincing 

10. Let's _______________ up rubbish from the street. 

A. do

B. pick

C. make 

11. Could you tell me what problems you fix as a_______________? 

A. waiter

B. surgeon

C. mechanic 

12. A flight attendant _______________ care of passengers on planes. 

A. takes

B. answers

C. goes 

13. What a brilliant idea to _______________ an art fair on Sunday! 

A. give

B. have

C. raise

14. She gets a high salary as a _______________.

A. surgeon

B. teacher

C. volunteer

15. _______________ clothes to a charity is a way to help reduce rubbish.

A. donating

B. selling

C. collecting

16 I'm running a marathon to _______________ money for orphans.

A. raise

B. provide

C. save

17. I _______________ an appointment with your secretary yesterday.

A. took

B. made

C. performed

18. If I were you, I'd _______________ the local charity that does a lot for the poor.

A. advise

B. protect

C. support

19. Mum made Susan and Liam _______________ toys they rarely played with.

A. give away

B. give out

C. give in

20. The vet down this street is _______________ after stray dog.

A. doing

B. looking

C. performing

21. What made you think that you'd _______________ this clubhouse?

A. fit out

B. fit in

C. fit on

22. The non-profit organization will provide _______________ to the homeless.

A. charity

B. shelter

C. poverty

23. The plumber managed to _______________ the problem with the water pipes.

A. pose

B. answer

C. fix

24. Berik was very _______________ and came up with exciting ideas for storytelling.

A. inventive

B. caring

C. organised

25. If you want to _______________ a higher salary, you need to work harder.

A. wear

B. earn

C. take

Câu 86 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn đáp án đúng nhất.)

1. Tina's flight  _______________at three o'clock today.

A. is arriving

B. will arrive

C. arrives

2. She _______________shifts for five days.

A. 's worked

B. work

C. worked

3. If I _______________ to bed earlier, I wouldn't feel so tired at work every day.

A. went

B. go

C. were going

4. If we had a cake sale, we _______________ money for the charity.

A. raise

B. raised

C. would raise

5. We have _______________  to Australia twice.

A. gone

B. went

C. been

6. We _______________ a marathon next Friday morning at 10:00.

A. are having

B. have

C. will have

7. Trung has worked for this charity_______________ June.

A. since

B. for

C. last

8. Tim loves creating ads. He _______________ be a graphic designer.

A. is going

B. will

C. is going to

9. I _______________ the documents for my boss, so we can go to our zumba class together.

A. finished

B. finish

C. 've finished

10. Francis came to work last month, but he  hasn 't learnt the basic _______________.

A. already

B. yet

C. just

11. If she _______________ this job, she'll have to wear a uniform.

A. will get

B. got

C. gets

12. If I _______________ you, l'd talk to the manager.

A. were

B. been

C. am

13. Unless she _______________ now, she won't be there on time tor the fundraising event.

A. leaves

B. left

C. 'd leave

14. We _______________ 140 homes for animals so far.

A. 've found

B. found

C. find

15. We'll have a picnic tomorrow _______________ it rains.

A. if

B. unless

C. if not

16. Beth is not in. She's probably _______________  the office.

A. went

B. been

C. gone 

17. If you worked as a plumber for us, you _______________  directly to Josh.

A. 'd report

B. 'll report

C. reported

18. Be careful! That vase _______________ fall off the shelf. 

A. will

B. going to

C. 's going to

19. Terry has been a tour guide _______________ five years.

A. for

B. just

C. since

20. If you had a lot of money, where _______________ you travel?

A. did

B. will

C. would

21. Don't worry about saving up more money. I _______________ you some myself.

A. 'd give

B. 've given

C. 'll give

22. Unless we _______________ tickets online, we won't be able to take part in the cake sale.

A. buy

B. 'd buy

C. don't buy

23. The school _______________ a cake sale next weekend .

A. has

B. had

C. is having

24. I _______________ to that event yet.

A. 've been

B. 've gone

C. haven't been

25. Lucy has collected five boxes of food for the animal shelter _______________.

A. yet

B. so far

C. Since