Giải SGK, SBT Unit 1. Life - past and present Right on!

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 1. Life - past and present Right on!

77 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 5 :

5. Think: Read the title and look at the pictures. What do you think the text is about?

(Suy nghĩ: Đọc tiêu đề và nhìn vào hình ảnh. Bạn nghĩ văn bản nói về điều gì?)


Today, communication is fast and easy, but how did people communicate in the past? Read on to learn about the way people shared messages 100 years ago and how it is different today.


When you think of communication 100 years ago, the first thing that comes to mind is speaking face-to-face. However, there were other ways to communicate, too. People often (1) _______ letters by post, but they also used the telephone, the telegraph machine and carrier pigeons. These ways of communication delivered messages across long distances, even hundred of kilometers. Besides, a lot of people kept a (2) _______ about their lives to share with future generations.


Today, the Internet deeply changes the way we communicate. People nowadays speak face-to-face often than they did in the past because they (3) _______ a lot of time online. They share information about their lives on social media by (4) _______ new entries. Also, many people keep a blog or a vlog instead of a diary, and they send emails instead of letters. Nowadays, people still use the telephone, but most have a smartphone for calling or sending (5) _______. What will communication be like in 100 years? We wish we knew!

* ‘Blog’ comes from the words ‘web’ and ‘log’. ‘Vlog’ comes from the words ‘video’ and ‘log’.


Câu 6 :

6. Read the text. For questions (1-5), choose the correct options (A, B, C or D). Listen and check.

(Đọc văn bản. Đối với các câu hỏi (1-5), hãy chọn các phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D). Nghe và kiểm tra.)


A. took                                           

B. sent                                    

C. talked                                

D. wrote


A. diary                                          

B. letter                                              

C. message                             

D. telephone


A. use                                             

B. speak                                             

C. share                                              

D. spend         


A. sending                          

B. posting                               

C. reading                              

D. keeping


A. blogs                                          

B. vlogs                                              

C. text messages                     

D. entries

Câu 13 :

6. Match the sentences to the uses of the tenses.

(Nối các câu với cách sử dụng các thì.)

Past Simple



actions that started and finished in the past (hành động đã bắt đầu và kết thúc trong quá khứ)



actions that happened one after another in the past (hành động xảy ra nối tiếp nhau trong quá khứ)


a. He recorded a vlog, edited the video and posted it online yesterday. (Anh ấy đã quay một vlog, chỉnh sửa video và đăng lên mạng ngày hôm qua.)

b. I didn’t send a letter to my aunt last week. (Tuần trước tôi đã không gửi thư cho dì tôi.)

Past Continuous



an action in progress at a specific time in the past (một hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ)



an action in progress for a period of time in the past (một hành động đang diễn ra trong một khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ)



two or more actions in progress at the same time in the past (hai hoặc nhiều hành động đang diễn ra cùng lúc trong quá khứ)



an action in progress (Past Continuous) when another action interrupted it (Past Simple) (một hành động đang diễn ra (Quá khứ tiếp diễn) khi một hành động khác làm gián đoạn nó (Quá khứ đơn))


c. She was writing a blog when I arrived at her house. (Cô ấy đang viết blog khi tôi đến nhà cô ấy.)

d. The children were watching vlogs all yesterday evening. (Bọn trẻ đã xem vlog suốt tối hôm qua.)

e. I was talking to my friend on the phone at 8:00 p.m. yesterday. (Tôi đang nói chuyện điện thoại với bạn tôi lúc 8 giờ tối hôm qua.)

f. John was reading books while Kate was watching TV last night. (John đang đọc sách trong khi Kate đang xem TV tối qua.)

Câu 17 :

2. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Listen and check.

(Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại. Nghe và kiểm tra.)

1. A. sends                                          B. posts                                                           C. talks                                                            D. keeps

2. A. reads                                           B. wears                                                          C. stops                                                           D. plays

3. A. fixes                                           B. wishes                                             C. changes                                          D. makes        

4. A. comes                                         B. teaches                                           C. rides                                                            D. shares

Câu 20 :

2. Listen to Robert and his grandfather talking about life in the past and in the present. Decide if the statements (1-5) are R (right) or W (wrong).

(Hãy nghe Robert và ông nội kể về cuộc sống xưa và nay. Quyết định xem các câu (1-5) là R (đúng) hay W (sai).)

1. Robert is playing his favourite computer game right now. (Hiện tại Robert đang chơi trò chơi máy tính yêu thích của anh ấy.)


2. Robert’s grandfather loved playing folk games when he was a child. (Ông nội của Robert khi còn nhỏ rất thích chơi các trò chơi dân gian.)


3. Robert is playing games online with his friends this weekend. (Robert sẽ chơi trò chơi trực tuyến với bạn bè vào cuối tuần này.)


4. Robert thinks he should spend more time outside. (Robert nghĩ anh ấy nên dành nhiều thời gian hơn ở bên ngoài.)


5. Robert’s grandfather wants to try computer games. (Ông của Robert muốn thử chơi game trên máy tính)


Bài nghe:

Grandpa: Hi, Robert. What are you doing?

Robert: Hi, Grandpa. I'm playing my favorite computer game. Did you play computer games when you were my age?

Grandpa: No, I didn't. There weren't any computer games or video games when I was a child.

Robert: Really? Weren't you bold all the time?

Grandpa: No, not at all. I still knew how to have fun.

Robert: What did you do for fun?

Grandpa: I spent a lot of time with my neighborhood friend. We loved playing folk games together.

Robert: Oh, I like playing games with my friends too, but we play online. In fact, I'm playing with them next weekend.

Grandpa: I wish you knew what life was like in the past. We didn't spend all our free time sitting in front of a screen. We often played outside in the fresh air.

Robert: You are right, Grandpa. I should go outside more often, but maybe you should try computer games too.

Grandpa: No, thank you. I'm too old for that.

Câu 22 :

1. Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps (1-4) with the sentences (A-D). Listen and check.

(Đọc đoạn hội thoại và điền vào chỗ trống (1-4) bằng các câu (A-D). Nghe và kiểm tra.)

A. Today, they watch videos online. (Ngày nay, họ xem video trực tuyến.)

B. Things were a lot different in the past. (Mọi thứ đã khác rất nhiều trong quá khứ.)

C. Oh, how interesting! (Ồ, thật thú vị!)

D. Today, they were casual clothes. (Hôm nay, chúng là quần áo bình thường.)

Sarah: Hi, George! Are you giving your presentation today?

George: Oh, hi Sarah! Yes, I’m going to talk about life in the past and life in the present.

Sarah: (1) _____________________________. Were clothing styles in the past different from clothing styles today?

George: Yes. In the past, people wore traditional clothes. (2) _____________________________.

Sarah:  What about entertainment? Was it different in the past?

George: Yes. In the past, people listened to the radio. (3) _____________________________.

Sarah: How was transport different in the past?

George: People walked or rode horses in the past. Today, many people drive cars or take buses or taxis to get around.

Sarah: Wow! (4) _____________________________.

George: They sure were!

Bài nghe:

Sarah: Hi, George! Are you giving your presentation today?

George: Oh, hi Sarah! Yes, I’m going to talk about life in the past and life in the present.

Sarah: Oh, how interesting! Were clothing styles in the past different from clothing styles today?

George: Yes. In the past, people wore traditional clothes. Today, they were casual clothes.

Sarah:  What about entertainment? Was it different in the past?

George: Yes. In the past, people listened to the radio. Today, they watch videos online.

Sarah: How was transport different in the past?

George: People walked or rode horses in the past. Today, many people drive cars or take buses or taxis to get around.

Sarah: Wow! Things were a lot different in the past.

George: They sure were!

Câu 28 :

4. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1. The last train _______ at 11 p.m. everyday.

A. leaves                                             B. left                                      C. is leaving                                            D. was leaving

2. What _______ at 8:00 yesterday evening?

A. did you do                          B. were you doing      C. do you do                                       D. are you doing

3. Jason _______ computer games on Sunday nights.

A. plays                                                           B. played                                 C. is playing                                        D. was playing

4. _______ on social media while you were shopping online?

A. Is Mark going                                B. Did Mark go                       C. Was Mark going                     D. Does Mark go

5. In the past, children _______ folk games to have fun.

A. played                                            B. are playing             C. play                                                 D. were playing

6. She _______ to her favourite songs on her tablet right now.

A. doesn’t listen                                  B. isn’t listening                     C. wasn’t listening                      D. didn’t listen

7. We _______ sightseeing in the countryside all yesterday.

A. go                                                   B. are going                            C. went                                                    D. were going

8. Hạnh wishes she _______ more followers on her vlog.

A. has                                                  B. is having                             C. had                                                      D. was having

9. I _______ my homework when my best friend _______ me on the phone.

A. did, was calling                  B. was doing, called  

C. did, called                          D. was doing, was calling

10. My mum _______ a shopping list and then _______ to a nearby market.

A. makes, goes                                    B. made, went            

C. is making, is going D. was making, went

Câu 32 :

2. Read the text quickly and guess the headings of the paragraphs. Listen and check, then fill in the text with the headings.

(Đọc nhanh văn bản và đoán tiêu đề của các đoạn văn. Nghe và kiểm tra, sau đó điền vào văn bản với các tiêu đề.)

Bài nghe:

Việt Nam - Past and Present

Life in Việt Nam today is different from life in the past and it is still changing.


In the past, parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins often lived together in an extended family. Today, it is common that a nuclear family with parents and children live in a household.


In the past, Vietnamese people mostly travelled on foot. They also got around by hand-drawn carts (richshaws) or bicycle carts (cyclos). Today, motorcycles are popular, but these are also cars, buses, trains and planes.


A long time ago, most Vietnamese people lived in cottages or small houses, but a lot of people live in tube houses today. Flats in skyscrapers are popular in big cities while there are lots of small brick houses in the countryside.


In the old days, men worked outside the home while women stayed home to do the housework and raise children. Nowadays, both the husband and the wife work and make a good living to support the family.


Long ago, many parents did not usually send girls to school. Nowadays, boys and girls have equal opportunity for education. Also, there are many schools and universities because the Vietnamese highly value education.

Câu 36 :

6. Listen to an interview about life in Vietnamese families in the past and in the present. For questions (1-4), choose the correct options (A, B, C or D).

(Nghe một cuộc phỏng vấn về cuộc sống trong các gia đình Việt Nam xưa và nay. Đối với các câu hỏi (1-4), hãy chọn các phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D).)

1. According to Dr Trần, in Vietnamese families, _______ changed over time.

A. the family types                                                     B. the number of children                      

C. the family life                                                                     D. the roles of family members

2. Today, around _______ of Vietnamese women have a job outside the home.

A. 8%                                                  B. 18%                                                            C. 80%                                                            D. 88%

3. According to Dr Trần, many fathers _______ nowadays.

A. spend more time at work                           B. do more housework

C. have more children                                    D. spend less time with their children

4. Today, parents respect their children’s _______.

A. roles                                                           B. characters                                       C. advice                                             D. opinions

Bài nghe:

MC: On this show today, Dr Trần is talking about life in Vietnamese families in the past and in the present. So, what can you tell us?

Dr Trần: Family was one of the most important things to Vietnamese people in the past and that didn't change. However, the roles of family members changed over time. Today, in nuclear families parents and children take different role from what they do in the past.

MC: Really? How?

Dr Trần: The role of women changed a lot. Today, around 80% of women have a job to make a living and support their families. A long time ago, men worked outside the home while women raised children and did the housework.

MC: What about the role of men?

Dr Trần: Father in the earlier generations didn't spend much time with their children and hardly did any housework. But, nowadays men take a more active role in their families. Fathers do more housework and spend more time with their children.

MC: How about the role of children?

Dr Trần: In the past, children followed their parents advice and didn't express their opinions. But today parents respect their children's opinions. They let their children make choices for their hobbies in the future.

Câu 46 :

Useful Language

Describing your family type (Mô tả loại gia đình của bạn)

- My family is a nuclear/an extended family. (Gia đình tôi là gia đình hạt nhân/đại gia đình.)

- I live in a nuclear/an extended family. (Tôi sống trong một gia đình hạt nhân/đại gia đình.)

Listing your family members (Liệt kê các thành viên trong gia đình bạn)

- There are … members in my family: … (Gia đình tôi có… thành viên: …)

- It includes …. (Nó bao gồm ….)

Describing your housing (Mô tả nhà ở của bạn)

- We live in a flat/brick house/tube house, etc. in a city/town/village, etc. (Chúng tôi sống trong một căn hộ/nhà gạch/nhà ống, v.v. ở thành phố/thị trấn/làng, v.v.)

- It is small/big/comfortable … (Nó nhỏ/lớn/thoải mái …)

Describing your family lifestyle (Mô tả lối sống gia đình của bạn)

- My parents go to work/share (do) the housework.respect our opinions, etc. (Bố mẹ tôi đi làm/chia sẻ (làm) việc nhà. Tôn trọng ý kiến của chúng tôi, v.v)

- My sister/brother and I help with the housework. (Tôi và chị/anh trai tôi giúp việc nhà.)

- In our free time, we like … (Khi rảnh rỗi, chúng tôi thích …)

- When we spend time together, we usually … (Khi ở bên nhau, chúng ta thường …)

Giving your opinion (Đưa ra ý kiến của bạn)

- I love my family because … (Tôi yêu gia đình mình vì…)

- My family is great because … (Gia đình tôi tuyệt vời vì…)

Câu 55 :

6. Listen to a dialogue about life in the past and in the present and fill in the gaps ( 1-5 ). Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each gap.

(Hãy nghe một đoạn hội thoại về cuộc sống trong quá khứ và hiện tại và điền vào chỗ trống ( 1-5 ). Viết KHÔNG QUÁ HAI TỪ cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

1. Diane is watching _______ online on her smartphone.

2. Diane’s grandmother often listened to _______ on the radio when she was young.

3. Diane’s grandmother sometimes played _______ in her old days.

4. Diane’s grandmother bought food from _______ when she was young.

5. In her old days, Diane’s grandmother got around _______ instead of by car.

Bài nghe:

Diane’s grandmother: What are you watching on your smartphone, Diane?

Diane: Oh, hi Grandma. I'm watching a video online? Did you watch videos online when you were a teenager?

Diane’s grandmother: Well no because we didn't have the internet.

Diane: No internet? What did you do for entertainment?

Diane’s grandmother: There were a lots of fun things for me to do. I often listen to music on the radio. I still remember many of my favorite songs from the old days.

Diane: That sounds like a lot of fun. What else did you do?

Diane’s grandmother: Sometimes we played folk games and on special occasions, I went out for food with my friends.

Diane: Did you eat at restaurants?

Diane’s grandmother: No, we often bought food from street vendors. We spent a lot of time outdoors in the old days but we didn't have cars to travel like people do today. We get around everywhere on foot.

Diane: Wow life was a lot different when you were my age.

Diane’s grandmother: It sure was.

Câu 73 :

wish + Past Simple (wish + Quá khứ đơn)

1. Rewrite the sentences using wish + Past Simple.

(Viết lại câu sử dụng Wish + Quá khứ đơn.)

1. I don't live near my school.

(Tôi không sống gần trường học của mình.)

I wish I lived near my school.

(Tôi ước tôi sống gần trường học của tôi.)

2. Alan's smartphone is broken.

(Điện thoại thông minh của Alan bị hỏng.)

Alan wishes ______________.

3. We don't have enough money to buy a motorcycle.

(Chúng tôi không có đủ tiền để mua một chiếc xe máy.)

We wish _________________.

4. Wendy is addicted to social media.

(Wendy nghiện mạng xã hội.)

Wendy’s parents wish ________.

5. His favourite blogger doesn't post new blog entries every day.

(Blogger yêu thích của anh ấy không đăng bài blog mới mỗi ngày.)

He wishes ________________.

6. My mum can't drive a car.

(Mẹ tôi không biết lái ô tô.)

My mum wishes ___________.

7. They aren't famous on social media.

(Họ không nổi tiếng trên mạng xã hội.)

They wish ________________.

8. John doesn't know how to make a blog website.

(John không biết cách tạo một trang blog.)

John wishes _______________.

9. She comes home from work late at night.

(Cô ấy đi làm về muộn vào ban đêm.)

She wishes ________________.

10. My best friend doesn't often call me on the phone.

(Người bạn thân nhất của tôi không thường xuyên gọi điện cho tôi.)

I wish ____________________.

Câu 76 :

1. Read the text and decide if the statements (1-4) are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem các câu (1-4) là R (đúng), W (sai) hay DS (không nói).)

1. Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio in the 20th century.

2. Many inventors created the Internet.

3. The first smartphone was very big.

4. Phones with screens first appeared in 1993.

Inventions That Changed History

Do you want to learn about inventions that changed history? Then keep reading!

1) Radio

Guglielmo Marconi invented the first radio in 1895. It used radio waves to send messages instead of wires. The radio became an important means of communication in the 20th century. However, the message only went one way, so people couldn't use it to have conversations. Instead, they used it to broadcast important messages, songs and stories.

2) The Internet

There wasn't one inventor of the Internet and the idea started longer ago than you think. Since the 1950s, many scientists were working to create the networks of electrical connections all over the world - what we call the Internet today. We can use the Internet to communicate with text, sound or even video. Some people say it is the most important invention in history. What do you think?

3) Smartphone

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, and people kept improving his invention over time. The technology company IBM developed the first smartphone in 1993. However, it wasn't until Apple created the iPhone in 2007 that phones with screens became popular. Today, over 7 billion people have smartphones.