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  • 6I. Culture

    1. Look at the logos of three international organisations. What do you think they are responsible for? 2. Read the text about the World Bank. Circle the correct words to complete the text. 3. Answer the questions about the text. 4. Listen to a talk about the World Bank's spending on education in Viet Nam. Match each project in column A with the amount spent in column B. 5. Listen again. Are these sentences true or false? Write T or F. 6. Work in groups. Research for other World Bank projects in

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  • Review Unit 6

    1. Read the text. Match sentences A—G with gaps 1-5 in the text. There are two extra sentences. 2. Listen to three recordings. Circle the correct option (a-d). 3. Work in groups. Look at the photo and discuss the following questions. 4. Write an opinion essay (120-150 words) on the following topic.

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