Đề bài

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

My hobby is reading. I read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kinds of materials that I find (1)____.  This hobby got started when I (2) _____ little boy. I always wanted my parents (3) _______ fairy tales and other stories to me. Then I learned to read. I started with simple ABC books. Soon I could read simple fairy tales and (4) ______ stories.

Now I read just about anything that is available I have learned a lot from reading. I learned about how people lived in bygone days of magic and mystery. I learned about the  (5) ______ of the world, space travel, human achievements, gigantic whales, tiny viruses and other fascinating things of our world. The wonderful thing about reading is that I do not have to learn things the hard way. For example, I do not have to catch a disease to know that it (6)____ kill me. I know the danger (7)______ I can avoid it. Also I do not have to go deep into the jungle to learn about the tigers. I can read all about them in a book.

Books provide the readers with so (8) ____ facts and information. They have certainly helped me in my daily life. So I continue to read. Besides being more informed (9) ____ the world, I also spend my time profitably. It is indeed (10)... good hobby.

Soon I could read simple fairy tales and (4) ______ stories.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.

    each other

Đáp án : C

Phương pháp giải :

- other + N: những thứ gì khác

Lời giải chi tiết :

others: những cái khác (không nằm trong số lượng nào cả) không đi kèm danh từ ở đằng sau (loại)

another+Danh từ số ít: 1 cái khác (không nằm trong số lượng nào cả) (loại vì stories-những câu chuyện là danh từ số nhiều)

each other : Thường dùng trong phạm vi 02 người cùng thực hiện hành động và có tác động qua lại lẫn nhau và không đi kèm danh từ ở đằng sau (loại)

Other+danh từ số nhiều: những thứ gì khác (chọn)

=> Soon I could read simple fairy tales and other stories.

Tạm dịch: Chẳng mấy chốc tôi có thể đọc được những câu chuyện cổ tích đơn giản và những câu chuyện khác.

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

It is indeed (10)... good hobby.

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Bài 2 :

Besides being more informed (9) ____ the world, I also spend my time profitably.

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Bài 3 :

Books provide the readers with so (8) ____ facts and information.

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Bài 4 :

I know the danger (7)______ I can avoid it.

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Bài 5 :

For example, I do not have to catch a disease to know that it (6)____ kill me.

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Bài 6 :

I learned about the  (5) ______ of the world, space travel, human achievements, gigantic whales, tiny viruses and other fascinating things of our world.

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Bài 7 :

I always wanted my parents (3) _______ fairy tales and other stories to me.

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Bài 8 :

This hobby got started when I (2) _____ little boy.

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Bài 9 :

My hobby is reading. I read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kinds of materials that I find (1)____.  

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Bài 10 :

1. Read the profile and find three things which Quỳnh Anh likes.

(Đọc trang cá nhân và tìm ra 3 thứ mà Quỳnh Anh thích.)


This is me


Hi. My name’s Quỳnh Anhand I live in District 5,HồChí Minh City. Thisis how I like spendingmy time:


I spend a lot of time at my house, but I also like meeting friends downtown. We usually go to the shopping centre or the cinema. 



I’m not really bothered about TV, but Ienjoy watching music videos. Really, Iprefer watching funny programmes onYouTube. I’m not a big video games fan.


I love badminton and I play twice aweek. I’m also into athletics. I play thepiano, too, but I don’t always enjoypractising.



I like listening to most music, but I’m not mad about Justin Bieber! I hate listening to him. Sorry – he annoys me!

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Bài 11 :

2.Complete the Key Phrases with words from Quỳnh Anh’s profile.

(Hoàn thành các Cụm từ khoá bằng các từ trong hồ sơ của Quỳnh Anh.)

KEY PHRASES (Cụm từ khoá)

Expressing likes and preferences (Thể hiện sở thích và sở thích)

1. I like ____________.

2. I enjoy____________. 

3. I prefer ____________. 

4. I hate____________. 

5. I’m not really bothered about____________.

6. I’m (not) a big ____________ fan.

7. I’m not mad about ____________.

8 I’m also into  ____________. 

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Bài 12 :

 2. Read and listen to the text. What information does the pie chart NOT give?

(Đọc và nghe văn bản. Biểu đồ tròn KHÔNG cung cấp thông tin gì?)


Study and free time survey

Do you spend more time doing homework or playing video games? A lot of students think that they spend more time doing homework. But is this true? My class did a survey to check. In the survey, we asked students the number of hours they spend doing homework and playing video games every week.There are 800 students in our school. We asked all the students two questions:

How many hours do you spend doing homework every week?

How many hours do you spend playing video games every week?

We presented the data in three different charts. Here are the results.

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Bài 13 :

3. Study the charts. Then choose the correct words in the reports.

(Nghiên cứu các biểu đồ. Sau đó chọn các từ đúng trong các báo cáo.)

Homework time

(1) Most / A small number of students do no homework at all. Nearly (2) a quarter half of the students do between two and three hours of homework. More than half of the students do more than (3) three / four hours of homework a week.

Video games time

(4) Under / Over 30 students never play video games. More than half of the students spend over (5) three / four hours playing video games. Nearly (6) one hundred / two hundred students spend between two and three hours playing video games every week.

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Bài 14 :

1. Read the Study Strategy. Then read the forum quickly. Which two people are not happy with the rules at home?

(Đọc Chiến lược Học tập. Sau đó đọc diễn đàn một cách nhanh chóng. Hai người nào không hài lòng với các quy tắc ở nhà?)


Skimming for gist (Đọc lướt để biết ý chính)

- Read the text quickly to understand the general idea.

(Đọc nhanh văn bản để hiểu đại ý.)

- Read the text again to understand specific information.

(Đọc lại văn bản để hiểu thông tin cụ thể.)

Friends Forum

The rule in our family is – no phones at the table. My dad bans phones whenwe’re eating together at home or in arestaurant.

I don’t watch much TV, except a bit onYouTube. But my nan* watches TV alot. So anyone can spend time in frontof screens.
* nan = grandmother

Our family rules? I'm not allowed tohave a computer in my room, butmy parents let my sister have a PCbecause ‘she’s older and she studiesmore’. But she doesn’t!!!

I do a lot of sports outside. So my mumallows me to play video games.

My mum doesn’t allow TVs, computersor phones in our rooms. But anyway, Ijust want to sleep in my bedroom!

Ooh, my parents only let me play videogames when I finish my homework. ButI have A LOT of homework so I hardlyever play.

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Bài 15 :

3. Read and listen to the forum and answer the questions.

(Đọc và nghe diễn đàn và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

Who… (Ai…)

1 … doesn’t allow his family to use phonesduring family meals?

(… không cho phép gia đình anh ấy sử dụng điện thoại trong bữa ăn gia đình?)

2 … allows their daughter to have acomputer in her room?

(… cho phép con gái họ có máy tính trong phòng?)

3 … doesn’t let her daughter watch TV in herbedroom?

(… không cho con gái xem TV trong phòng ngủ?)

4 … spends a lot of time watching TV?

(… dành nhiều thời gian để xem TV?)

5 … allows their son to play video gamesafter he finishes his homework?

(… cho phép con trai của họ chơi trò chơi điện tử sau khi anh ấy hoàn thành bài tập về nhà?)

6 … lets her son play video games because he plays outside, too?

(… để con trai cô ấy chơi trò chơi điện tử vì nó cũng chơi ở ngoài?)

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Bài 16 :

a. Read Kate’s blog post àn choose the best tittle.

(Đọc bài đăng trên blog của Kate và chọn chủ đề phù hợp.)

1. My Model Collection (Bộ sưu tập mô hình của tôi)

2. Building Model Cars Is Fun (Xây dựng mô hình ô tô rất thú vị)


Hi! I’m Kate. I like building models and blogging.

(Chào! Tôi là Kate! Tôi thích xây mô hình và làm nhật ký điện tử.)

A Teen Blogger                                                                             A blog about stuff


I build models in my free time. I have fifteen models. Some of them were gifts from friends and family, but I bought most of them. I mostly build planes and cars, but I have a few ship models, too. My favorite one is my MGA car model. The real MGA was a cool sports car from England. I think it’s very cute.

I often spend about one or two hours a day building my models. Sometimes my sister, Alice, does it with me and films us building models for her vlogs. She makes vlog every week and it helps her make new friends.

What about you? What do you do in your free time? Leave a comment and tell me!

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Bài 17 :

b. Now, read and circle the correct answer.

(Bây giờ, đọc và khoanh đáp án đúng.)

1. How did Kate get most of her models?

a. They were gifts.                                 

b. She bought them.                           

c. She found them.

2. What is her favorite model?

a. car                                                                

b. a ship                                                          

c. a plane

3. Who does Kate build her models with?

a. her friend                                           

b. her teacher                                      

c. her sister

4. Why does Alice film them building models?

a. for school                                           

b. for her vlogs                                               

c. for her friends

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Bài 18 :

a. Read Mark's email quickly. What is the email about? 

(Đọc nhanh email của Mark. Email nói về cái gì?)

1. trying a new activity (thử một hoạt động mới)

2. doing an activity again (làm lại một hoạt động)

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Bài 19 :

b. Now, read and answer the questions. 

(Bây giờ, đọc và trả lời câu hỏi.)

1. What extreme sport does Mark invite Jacob to do?   

(Mark mời Jacob chơi môn thể thai mạo hiểm nào?)

2. Where is the school?

(Trường học ở đâu?)

3. What does Sarah say?

(Sarah nói gì?)

4. What does the school give everyone to wear?

(Trường học đã đưa gì cho mọi người mặc?)

5. When will Mark book the surfboards?

(Khi nào Mark đặt ván lướt sóng?)

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Bài 20 :

Read about the three people. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Đọc về ba người. Chọn đáp án đúng (A, B hoặc C).)

Example: 0. Who shares their hobby with a family member? - A

(Ai đã chia sẻ sở thích của họ với một thành viên trong gia đình? - Amy)

1. Who often goes to the sports center? 

2. Who wants to try yoga? 

3. Who likes going for walks? 

4. Who plays basketball?

5. Who has a water park near their house?

In My Free Time

A. Hi! I'm Amy. In my free time, I bake cakes and cookies. I bake with my mom because she also likes baking. I like going for walks, too. In the summer, I usually go to the water park near my house. It's really fun.

B. My name's Ben. In my free time, I collect soccer stickers because I love sports. I have more than 50 stickers! I go to the sports center to go rock climbing. I often play basketball with my friends there, too.

C. Hello. I'm Jess. I like shopping at the market for old crafts. Sometimes I make vlogs about the things I buy. My friends and family like my vlogs. I don't really like sports, but I want to try doing yoga.

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Bài 21 :

1. Read the text. Answer the questions in pairs.

(Đọc văn bản. Trả lời các câu hỏi theo cặp.)

Kim is thirteen years old. Kim is very artistic – she has extra art classes and she can draw very well. She’s quite musical, too – she can play the piano, but she can’t sing! Her favourite subjects are English and history. Kim sometimes has problems with maths, but she always has good marks. She’s not very sporty, but she can play basket ball quite well.

1. What can Kim do?

(Kim có thể làm gì?)

2. What can’t Kim do?

(Kim không thể làm gì?)

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Bài 22 :

2. In pairs, match school subjects 1-6 with pictures A-F. What are Kim’s favourite subjects?

(Làm việc theo nhóm, ghép các môn học ở trường từ 1 đến 6  tương ứng với các bức tranh từ A đến F. Đâu là những môn học mà Kim yêu thích?)

1 - B. geography (địa lý)

2. music (âm nhạc)

3. chemistry (hóa học)

4. English (tiếng Anh)

5. biology (sinh học)

6. information technology (công nghệ thông tin)

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Bài 23 :


(Văn học)

Animals in fiction

(Động vật trong tiểu thuyết)


Animals in fiction 

(Động vật trong tiểu thuyết)


There are a lot of books about animals for children. Can you think of any famous books? 

One very famous book about animals is 'Diary of a cricket' by Tô Hoài, a Vietnamese author. It is a favourite book of many young readers in Việt Nam and in other countries. 

The story is about the adventures of a cricket named De Mèn. He travels with his friends to explore the world. On their way, they meet many dangers, but they are brave to overcome all of them. At the beginning, Dế Mèn is an aggressive cricket. Through his travels, he learns to be kind and helpful. He often helps weak friends along the way. 

The story also takes us to the world of insects in beautiful nature - a river, a lawn, a forest or a white cloud in the blue sky. 

It is a good book for children. This book teaches children to behave nicely to others. It also makes them love nature and peace.

Tạm dịch:

Có rất nhiều sách về động vật dành cho trẻ em. Bạn có nghĩ đến cuốn sách nổi tiếng nào không?

Một cuốn sách rất nổi tiếng về động vật là Nhật ký của chú dế mèn của Tô Hoài, một tác giả người Việt Nam. Đây là cuốn sách yêu thích của nhiều độc giả trẻ ở Việt Nam và nhiều quốc gia khác.

Câu chuyện kể về cuộc phiêu lưu của chú dế tên De Mèn. Anh ấy đi du lịch với bạn bè của mình để khám phá thế giới. Trên đường đi, họ gặp rất nhiều nguy hiểm, nhưng họ đã dũng cảm vượt qua tất cả. Ban đầu, Dế Mèn là một chú dế hung hãn. Thông qua các chuyến đi của mình, anh ấy học cách trở nên tử tế và hữu ích. Anh ấy thường giúp đỡ những người bạn yếu đuối trên đường đi.

Câu chuyện cũng đưa chúng ta đến với thế giới của các loài côn trùng trong thiên nhiên tươi đẹp - một dòng sông, một bãi cỏ, một khu rừng hay một đám mây trắng trên bầu trời xanh.

Đó là một cuốn sách hay cho trẻ em. Cuốn sách này dạy trẻ em cư xử tử tế với người khác. Nó cũng khiến bọn trẻ yêu thiên nhiên và hòa bình.

1. Look at the covers of three books about animals. What do you know about them? 

(Nhìn vào bìa sách của 3 cuốn sách về các con vật. Bạn biết gì về chúng?)


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Bài 24 :

2. Read the text. Which of the books from Exercise 1 is the text about? 

( Đọc văn bản. Cuốn sách nào mà đoạn văn bài tập 1 nói về ?)

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Bài 25 :

3. Read the text again and complete the fact file.

(Đọc văn bản lần nữa và hoàn thành hồ sơ dữ kiện)

Title : 1__________ 

Author : 2__________

Country of origin : 3__________ 

Main characters : 4__________ 

Two adjectives to describe the main character : 5__________

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Bài 26 :

My favourite hobby

(Sở thích yêu thích của tôi)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Ann: Your house is very nice, Trang

Trang: Thanks! Let’s go upstairs. I’ll show you my room.

Ann: I love your dollhouse. It’s amazing. Did you make it yourself?

Trang: Yes. I like building dollhouses very much.

Ann: Really? Is it hard to build one?

Trang: Not really. All you need is some cardboard and glue. Then just use a bit of creativity. What do you do in your free time?

Ann: I like horse riding.

Trang: That’s rather unusual. Not many people do that.

Ann: Actually, it’s more common than you think. There are some horse riding clubs in Ha Noi now. I go to the Riders’ Club every Sunday.

Trang: I’d love to go to your club this Sunday. I want to learn how to ride.

Ann: Sure. My lesson starts at 8 a.m.

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Bài 27 :

2. Read the conversation again and and write T (True) or F (False)

(Đọc lại bài hội thoại và viết Đúng (T) hay Sai (F).)

1. Trang needs help with building dollhouses.

2. Trang uses glue and cardboard to build her dollhouse.

3. To build a dollhouse, you need to use your creativity.

4. Ann goes to a horse riding club every Sunday.

5. Ann’s lesson starts at 8 p.m.

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Bài 28 :

2. Read the text about gardening. Match each word in column A with its definition in column B.

(Đọc đoạn văn về làm vườn. Nối mỗi từ ở cột A với định nghĩa của nó ở cột B.)

People divide hobbies into four big groups: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things. Gardening belongs to the most popular group - doing things.

Gardening is one of the oldest outdoor activities. It has something for everyone, even for chỉldren. Gardening teaches children about flowers, fruits, and vegetables. They can also learn about insects and bugs. When gardening, children learn to be patient and take on responsibility. They learn to wait for the plants to grow to maturity And if they don’t water their plants, their plants will die. This teaches them valuable lessons about responsibility.

Gardening is also good because everyone in the family can join in and do something together. My mum and I love gardening. We usually spend an hour a day in our garden. It really makes us happy, and we love spending time together.



1. outdoor

a. a very developed from

2. patient

b. happening outside

3. responsibility

c. the duty of taking care of something

4. maturity

d. very helpful

5. valuable

e. able to wait for a long time

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Bài 29 :

3. Read the text again. Complete each sentence with no more than THREE words.

(Đọc lại đoạn văn. Hoàn thành mỗi câu sau với không quá 3 từ.)

1. Gardening belongs to the group of ____________.

2. Gardening teaches children about flowers, fruits, vegetables,___________.

3. Gardening makes children become ____________ and responsible.

4. It is an activity that everyone in the family can ____________.

5. The author and her mother usually garden for _______ a day.

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Bài 30 :

1. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box.

(Điền vào mỗi chố trống với một từ thích hợp trong hộp.)

Dear Jane,

I'm so happy to read your email. I like (1) ______ a pen pal in Australia because I love your country!

Thank you for sending me a (2) ________ of your family. Can you tell me more about your family members? What do you (3) _______ doing together? I like watching films with my family. We (4) ________ watch many different kinds of films. Once, we watched a film about Australia, and I found it very interesting.

I'm (5) ________ you a photo of my family.

I can't wait to read (6) ________ next email!

Best wishes,


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