Đề bài

6. Complete the email with protect, weight, apply, avoid, consume, teeth, sitting and reduce.

(Hoàn thành email với các từ protect, weight, apply, avoid, consume, teeth, sitting and reduce.)

To Pam

Subject: Healthier lifestyle

Dear Pam,

Great to hear from you. Glad you're getting interested in a healthier lifestyle. As a lifestyle coach, I have lots of advice!

Keeping a healthy 1) _______ is obviously important, and you should aim to 2) _______five portions of fruit and vegetables - at least! Send me a list of what you eat per week and I'll tell you if you need to 3) _______ calories. But being active in both mind and body is just as important. So limit your 4) _______time and do some light exercise each time you get up. That will also help you get a good night's sleep - as long as you 5) _______ using your mobile phone before bed.

The simple things are important too. Brush and floss your 6) _______ twice a day. A little sun is healthy, but a lot is not, so always 7) _______ suncream if you are going to spend a long time outside in order to 8) _______ your skin.

Let me know how everything goes, and good luck!

Speak soon.


Phương pháp giải :

*Nghĩa của từ vựng

protect (v): bảo vệ

weight (v): cân nặng

apply (v): áp dụng

avoid (v): tránh xa

consume (v): tiêu thụ

teeth (n): răng

sitting (v): ngồi

reduce (v): giảm bớt

Lời giải chi tiết :

Bài hoàn chỉnh

To Pam

Subject: Healthier lifestyle

Dear Pam,

Great to hear from you. Glad you're getting interested in a healthier lifestyle. As a lifestyle coach, I have lots of advice!

Keeping a healthy 1) weight is obviously important, and you should aim to 2) consume five portions of fruit and vegetables - at least! Send me a list of what you eat per week and I'll tell you if you need to 3) reduce calories. But being active in both mind and body is just as important. So limit your 4) sitting time and do some light exercise each time you get up. That will also help you get a good night's sleep - as long as you 5) avoid using your mobile phone before bed.

The simple things are important too. Brush and floss your 6) teeth twice a day. A little sun is healthy, but a lot is not, so always 7) apply suncream if you are going to spend a long time outside in order to 8) protect your skin.

Let me know how everything goes, and good luck!

Speak soon.


Tạm dịch

Gửi Pam

Chủ đề: Lối sống lành mạnh hơn

Pam thân mến,

Rất vui được nghe tin từ bạn. Rất vui vì bạn đang quan tâm đến lối sống lành mạnh hơn. Là một huấn luyện viên lối sống, tôi có rất nhiều lời khuyên!

Giữ 1) cân nặng khỏe mạnh rõ ràng là rất quan trọng và bạn nên đặt mục tiêu 2) tiêu thụ năm phần trái cây và rau quả - ít nhất là như vậy! Gửi cho tôi danh sách những gì bạn ăn mỗi tuần và tôi sẽ cho bạn biết nếu bạn cần 3) giảm lượng calo. Nhưng hoạt động tích cực trong cả tâm trí và cơ thể cũng quan trọng không kém. Vì vậy, hãy hạn chế thời gian 4) ngồi và tập thể dục nhẹ mỗi khi bạn thức dậy. Điều đó cũng sẽ giúp bạn có một giấc ngủ ngon - miễn là bạn 5) tránh sử dụng điện thoại di động trước khi đi ngủ.

Những điều đơn giản cũng rất quan trọng. Đánh và xỉa răng 6) hai lần một ngày. Một ít ánh nắng mặt trời tốt cho sức khỏe, nhưng nhiều thì không, vì vậy hãy luôn luôn 7) thoa kem chống nắng nếu bạn định ở ngoài trời trong thời gian dài để 8) bảo vệ làn da của bạn.

Hãy cho tôi biết mọi thứ diễn ra như thế nào, và chúc may mắn!

Viết lại cho tôi sớm nhé.


Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Health symptoms and advice

4 a) Listen and repeat. Match the health problems (A-F) to the symptoms (1-6).

(a) Nghe và nhắc lại. Ghép các vấn đề sức khỏe (A-F) với các triệu chứng (1-6).)

1 red, hot skin

2 dizzy, sea/car/air sick

3 sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes

4 fever, body aches

5 swollen, bruised

6 red pimples, tender skin

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Bài 2 :

1. Complete the sentences with the words below.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ dưới đây.)

1 Eating garlic is helpful in strengthening your _________.

2 You can make soothing tea from ginger _________.

3 Drink turmeric tea if you have pain from the_________ in your ankles and knees.

4 Garlic is a natural _________ for many health problems.

5 Jackie has _________ pain and  needs pain relief.

6 _________ is a very painful disease.

7 Garlic helps _________ the body's defence against disease.

8 She had a terrible _________ from getting cut with a tree branch.

9 Honey is a natural healer. It helps destroy _________ and heal wounds.

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Bài 3 :

2. Complete the sentences with the words below.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ dưới đây.)

1 Put the roots in water and _________ them.

2 Dried _________, like mint, can be good for making tea.

3 The _________ of the medicine involves a mixture of plants.

4 Take this knife and _________ the onion into small pieces.

5 They must _________ the medicine by mixing different parts of plants on the


6 Traditional medicines can help treat diseases such as _________.

7 Use this woodblock to _________ the cinnamon stick into powder.

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Bài 4 :

3. Complete the sentences with the words below.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ dưới đây.)

1 The beginning of the 20th century was an important _________ in human history in many ways.

2 Having access to high-quality food and healthcare helps extend a person's _________ significantly.

3 People suffering from _________ often lose the use of their arms or legs.

4 Cleaning a wound helps to prevent _________ from occurring.

5 Diet is an important _________ that can impact our overall health.

6 In some poor countries, the average _________ is as low as 54.

7 _________ used to be a life-threatening disease that was caused by variola virus.

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Bài 5 :

4. Write the correct form of the words in brackets.

(Viết dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.)

1 Jack can't join the basketball practice tomorrow because he's got a knee _________. (INJURE)

2 Ginger is a good _________ for a sore throat. (TREAT)

3 That cut looks bad; you might have an _________. (INFECT)

4 The good news is that this disease is _________ with drugs. (TREAT)

5 I have an _________ ankle, so I can't walk a lot. (INJURE)

6 Free healthcare helps protect against _________ diseases. (INFECT)

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Bài 6 :

5. a) Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word.

(a) Đánh dấu vào chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ từ gần nghĩa nhất với từ gạch chân.)

1 Use some honey to help heal your wound.

A treat

B repair

C cure

D fix

2 Eating raw garlic can help prevent many diseases.

A bacteria

B pains

C aches

D illnesses

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Bài 7 :

b) Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word.

(b) Đánh dấu chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ từ trái nghĩa với từ gạch chân.)

1 It's important to understand what prevents cancer.

A reduces

B makes

C causes

D benefits

2 Derrick makes smart food choices when he eats.

A strong

B poor

C weak

D delicious

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Bài 8 :

2. Complete the SPEAKING FOCUS with ONE word.

(Hoàn thành TRỌNG TÂM NÓI với MỘT từ.)



I've got a pain in my chest/back/leg.

I've got a headache / a stomach ache / a temperature / a sore throat/ a cough / a runny nose / a rash.

I feel ill/dizzy/sick/ very weak.

My stomach/arm/neck hurts.

My ankle/thumb/toe is swollen.


When did the pain start?

I'm going to examine you / 1take your temperature.

I'm going to 2______ a blood test.

Breathe in and out.


Lie down, please.

I think you've got indigestion/flu / an infection / a virus. You're probably allergic to ...

If I press here, does it hurt?


You should eat more slowly / go on a diet.

You need to drink more water.

I'm going to 4______ you a prescription.

I'm going to 5______ an appointment for you.

6______ one tablet after each meal.

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Bài 9 :

3. Cross out the options that are impossible or unlikely.

(Gạch bỏ các tùy chọn không thể hoặc không chắc chắn.)

1. Do you feel well/dizzy/temperature today?

(Hôm nay bạn có thấy khỏe/chóng mặt/nhiệt độ không?)

2. Do your knees/feet/eyebrows hurt sometimes?

(Đôi khi đầu gối/bàn chân/lông mày của bạn có bị đau không?)

3. Did you have a sore throat/ a headache/ a diet yesterday?

(Hôm qua bạn có bị đau họng/đau đầu/ăn kiêng không?)

4. Have you ever had a virus/ a hospital/ a rash?

(Bạn đã bao giờ bị nhiễm vi-rút/ bệnh viện/ phát ban chưa?)

5. What is the best thing to do if your tooth/ ankle/wrist is swollen?

(Điều tốt nhất nên làm nếu răng/mắt cá chân/cổ tay của bạn bị sưng?)

6. When was the last time you had a pain in your neck/hair/chest?

(Lần cuối cùng bạn bị đau cổ/tóc/ngực là khi nào?)

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Bài 10 :

4. Choose the correct options to complete the conversation. Then listen and check.

(Chọn các phương án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại. Sau đó lắng nghe và kiểm tra.)

Doctor: Hello, Andrew. What's the problem?

Andrew: I've got a 1pain/ sore in my chest.

Doctor: I see. And when did it start?

Andrew: A few days ago.

Doctor: Do you have any other 2sicknesses/symptoms?

Andrew: Yes, sometimes my stomach 3hurts/is dizzy.

Doctor: And how are you feeling now? Have you got a headache? Do you 4have / feel dizzy? Andrew: No, I feel OK. But when I have a stomach ache, I feel a bit 5sick/hurt.

Doctor: I see. And do you have this 6illness / pain all the time?

Andrew: No, I get it in the evening after dinner and sometimes after lunch.

Doctor: Aha. OK, I'm going to examine you.

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Bài 11 :


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

(Hoàn thành các câu với dạng đúng của các từ in hoa.)

1. It's quite common for a sportsperson to ______ their elbow or shoulder during a game. LOCATE

2. Are you ______ to nuts? ALLERGY

3. It's too early to make an absolutely certain ______ - we're waiting for more test results. DIAGNOSE

4. When her nose started to ______ she felt weak and had to sit down. BLOOD

5. Many Japanese people keep a healthy diet to increase their life ______. EXPECT

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Bài 12 :

2. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

(Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành mỗi câu.)

1. Antibiotics/Vaccines are used to treat infections caused by bacteria.

2. Having a balanced/regular diet is very important for a long and healthy life.

3. If you think you may have food poison/poisoning, contact your doctor immediately.

4. Eating a variety of food will provide different nutrients/treatments for your body.

5. Doing star jumps/star kicks is a good way to build leg muscles/energy.

6. Researchers continue to develop new treatments/ingredients for cancer.

7. Regular/Balanced exercise is more important for health than diet.

8. Bacteria are living organisations/organisms.

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Bài 13 :

3. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.)

1. You should cut __________ the amount of unhealthy fat you take in daily.

A. on

B. away

C. down on

D. on down


2. Have you been __________ by the doctor yet?

A. fixed

B. examined

C. investigated

D. repaired


3. Life __________ for smokers is shorter than for people who don’t smoke.

A. strength

B. expectation

C. expectancy

D. routine


4. I like working __________ in the gym.

A. up

B. on

C. over

D. out


5. Many young people suffer __________ mental health problems.

A. from

B. of

C. with

D. by


6. Scientists are trying to prevent the __________ of the disease.

A. movement

B. flow

C. running

D. spread


7. Chest pain is a sign that your heart is not working __________.

A. physically

B. regularly

C. properly

D. healthily


8. Check the __________ of all food products to understand what you are eating.

A. energy

B. parts

C. menus

D. ingredients

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Bài 14 :

a. Look at this code and write the correct words.

(Nhìn vào bảng mã này và viết các từ chính xác..)

1. 14-34-53-54-51-42-43

protein (chất đạm)

2. 14-34-53-31-51-44-44-51-4


3. 31-11-34-21-44


4. 11-25-53-42-41


5. 23-42-33-42-54


6. 41-11-42-34-55


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Bài 15 :

1. Match the verbs (1-4) with the nouns (a-d).

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Bài 16 :

5. Match the words in the two columns.

(Nối các từ trong hai cột.)

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Bài 17 :

1. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

 Lynn is having a stomachache/ headache.

 Sally has got a chest infection/ sore throat.

 Steve has got a rash/nosebleed.

Hugo has got a toothache/ an earache.

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Bài 18 :

5. a) Match the words in the two columns.

(a) Nối các từ trong hai cột.)

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Bài 19 :

b) Label the pictures with phrases from Exercise 5a.

(b) Dán nhãn các bức tranh bằng các cụm từ trong Bài tập 5a.)

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Bài 20 :

6. Fill in each gap with fever, acne, swollen, tender, bruised, hay fever, sunburn, aches, dizzy, sneezing, sickness, or pimples.

(Điền vào mỗi khoảng trống với các từ fever, acne, swollen, tender, bruised, hay fever, sunburn, aches, dizzy, sneezing, sickness, or pimples.)

1 When I suffered from __________ as a teen, green tea really helped my __________ skin and I had a special cream for the red __________.

2 The signs that you have the flu are a high __________ and body __________

3 I always get __________ when I smell flowers - I can't stop __________!

4 While running yesterday, I got a sprained ankle. Today it's __________ - it's about twice its normal size - and the skin is blue and __________

5 Dora isn't going swimming today - her skin is hot and red from the__________ she got yesterday.

6 My mum gets terrible travel __________ on ships-she goes white and gets __________.

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