Đề bài

1. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án thích hợp nhất.)

1 Help the homeless find affordable ________.

A supply

B housing

C craft

D drive

2 Will there be ________ vehicles in the future?

A moving

B data

C flying

D sensor

3 We should ________  other nationalities; everyone has got a right to be treated equally.

A respect

B collect

C create

D offer

4 Collecting food for needed families helps reduce ________

A unemployment

B war

C racism

D hunger

5 ________farms will provide healthy food to cities.

A Vertical

B Smart

C Digital

D Solar

6 Virtual reality ________ make people think they are in a different place.

A books

B holograms

C guides

D headsets

7 Teachers ________ students when they need help.

A give

B support

C present

D replace

8 Smart ________ allow us to try on virtual clothing.

A skybridges

B cars

C windows

D mirrors

9 This clinic provides free services to people living in ________.

A obesity

B bullying

C poverty

D crime

10 This organisation provides ________ for homeless people so they have somewhere to sleep.

A cash

B employment

C stamps

D shelters

11 It's important that we have high-quality ________ for people who are ill.

A healthcare

B education

C donations

D laws

12 Not many people are in favour of home ________ for students.

A benefit

B delivery

C schooling

D reality

13 Will 3D Digi books ________ all textbooks in the future?

A allow

B build

C provide

D replace

14 All people should get ________ opportunities.

A shelter

B stamp

C work

D service

15 ________ windows produce energy from the sun.

A Foldable

B 3D

C Vacuum

D Solar

16 It's important to ________ laws to ensure equal opportunities for all the people despite their gender.

A pass

B offer

C provide

D give

17 Children need to ________ with other children.

A exchange

B socialise

C change

D measure

18 Libraries help students ________ information beyond the classroom.

A bring

B create

C learn

D access

19 They provide free hospital ________ to all.

A areas

B services

C times

D skills

20 Jane works at a community centre, providing free ________ to the homeless so they don't go hungry.

A opportunities

B services

C meals

D training

21 We need to give poor families cash ________

A services

B crafts

C donations

D medicines

22 Vehicles will be able to ________ with each other about traffic in the future.

A communicate

B speed

C repair

D avoid

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. B

A supply (n): nguồn cung cấp

B housing (n): nhà ở

C craft (n): thủ công

D drive (n): đường đi

Help the homeless find affordable housing.

(Giúp người vô gia cư tìm nhà ở giá cả phải chăng.)

=> Chọn B

2. C

A moving (n): di chuyển

B data (n): dữ liệu

C flying (n): bay

D sensor (n): cảm biến

Will there be flying vehicles in the future?

(Sẽ có phương tiện bay trong tương lai chứ?)

=> Chọn C

3. A

A respect (v): tôn trọng

B collect (v): thu thập

C create (v): tạo ra

D offer (v): cung cấp

We should respect other nationalities; everyone has got a right to be treated equally.

(Chúng ta nên tôn trọng các quốc tịch khác; mọi người đều có quyền được đối xử bình đẳng.)

=> Chọn A

4. D

A unemployment (n): thất nghiệp

B war (n): chiến tranh

C racism (n): phân biệt chủng tộc

D hunger (n): nạn đói

Collecting food for needed families helps reduce hunger.

(Thu thập thực phẩm cho các gia đình cần giúp giảm đói.)

=> Chọn D

5. A

A Vertical (adj): chiều dọc

B Smart (adj): thông minh

C Digital (adj): kỹ thuật số

D Solar (adj): năng lượng mặt trời

Vertical farms will provide healthy food to cities.

(Trang trại thẳng đứng sẽ cung cấp thực phẩm lành mạnh cho các thành phố.)

=> Chọn A

6. D

A books (n): cuốn sách

B holograms (n): ảnh ba chiều

C guides (n): hướng dẫn

D headsets (n): tai nghe

Virtual reality headsets make people think they are in a different place.

(Tai nghe thực tế ảo khiến mọi người nghĩ rằng họ đang ở một nơi khác.)

=> Chọn D

7. B

A give (v): cho

B support (v): hỗ trợ

C present (v): trình bày

D replace (v): thay thế

Teachers support students when they need help.

(Giáo viên hỗ trợ học sinh khi họ cần giúp đỡ.)

=> Chọn B

8. D

A skybridges (n): cây cầu trên cao

B cars (n): xe ô tô

C windows (n): cửa sổ

D mirrors (n): gương

Smart mirrors allow us to try on virtual clothing.

(Gương thông minh cho phép chúng ta thử quần áo ảo.)

=> Chọn D

9. C

A obesity (n): béo phì

B bullying (n): bắt nạt

C poverty (n): nghèo khó

D crime (n): tội phạm

This clinic provides free services to people living in poverty.

(Phòng khám này cung cấp dịch vụ miễn phí cho những người sống trong hoàn cảnh nghèo khó.)

=> Chọn C

10. D

A cash (n): tiền mặt

B employment (n): việc làm

C stamps (n): tem

D shelters (n): nơi trú ẩn

This organisation provides shelters for homeless people so they have somewhere to sleep.

(Tổ chức này cung cấp nơi tạm trú cho những người vô gia cư để họ có chỗ ngủ.)

=> Chọn D

11. A

A healthcare (n): chăm sóc sức khỏe

B education (n): giáo dục

C donations (n): đóng góp

D laws (n): luật

It's important that we have high-quality healthcare for people who are ill.

(Điều quan trọng là chúng tôi có dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe chất lượng cao cho những người bị bệnh.)

=> Chọn A

12. C

A benefit (n): lợi ích

B delivery (n): giao hàng

C schooling (n): việc học

D reality (n): thực tế

Not many people are in favour of home schooling for students.

(Không nhiều người ủng hộ việc học tại nhà cho học sinh.)

=> Chọn C

13. D

A allow (v): cho phép

B build (v): xây dựng

C provide (v): cung cấp

D replace (v): thay thế

Will 3D Digi books replace all textbooks in the future?

(Sách 3D Digi sẽ thay thế tất cả sách giáo khoa trong tương lai chứ?)

=> Chọn D

14. C

A shelter (n): nơi trú ẩn

B stamp (n): tem

C work (n): công việc

D service (n): dịch vụ

All people should get work opportunities.

(Tất cả mọi người nên có cơ hội làm việc.)

=> Chọn C

15. D

A Foldable (adj): có thể gập lại

B 3D (n): không gian ba chiều

C Vacuum (n): chân không

D Solar (adj): thuộc về mặt trời

Solar windows produce energy from the sun.

(Cửa sổ năng lượng mặt trời tạo ra năng lượng từ mặt trời.)

=> Chọn D

16. A

A pass (v): vượt qua

B offer (v): đề xuất

C provide (v): cung cấp

D give (v): cho

Cụm từ “pass law”: ban hành luật

It's important to pass laws to ensure equal opportunities for all the people despite their gender.

(Điều quan trọng là phải ban hành luật để đảm bảo cơ hội bình đẳng cho tất cả mọi người bất kể giới tính của họ.)

=> Chọn A

17. B

A exchange (v): trao đổi

B socialise (v): giao lưu

C change (v): thay đổi

D measure (v): đo lường

Children need to socialise with other children.

(Trẻ cần giao lưu với những đứa trẻ khác.)

=> Chọn

18. D

A bring (v): mang theo

B create (v): tạo

C learn (v): học

D access (v): truy cập

Libraries help students access information beyond the classroom.

(Thư viện giúp học sinh truy cập thông tin bên ngoài lớp học.)

=> Chọn D

19. B

A areas (n): khu vực

B services (n): dịch vụ

C times (n): lần

D skills (n): kỹ năng

They provide free hospital services to all.

(Họ cung cấp dịch vụ bệnh viện miễn phí cho tất cả mọi người.)

=> Chọn B

20. C

A opportunities (n): cơ hội

B services (n): dịch vụ

C meals (n): bữa ăn

D training (n): đào tạo

Jane works at a community centre, providing free meals to the homeless so they don't go hungry.

(Jane làm việc tại một trung tâm cộng đồng, cung cấp bữa ăn miễn phí cho người vô gia cư để họ không bị đói.)

=> Chọn C

21. C

A services (n): dịch vụ

B crafts (n): hàng thủ công

C donations (n): đóng góp

D medicines (n): thuốc

We need to give poor families cash donations.

(Chúng ta cần quyên góp tiền mặt cho các gia đình nghèo.)

=> Chọn C

22. A

A communicate (v): giao tiếp

B speed (n): tốc độ

C repair (v): sửa chữa

D avoid (v): tránh

Vehicles will be able to communicate with each other about traffic in the future.

(Các phương tiện sẽ có thể giao tiếp với nhau về giao thông trong tương lai.)

=> Chọn A

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

1. Choose the correct answers A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences.

(Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau.)

1. If you want to stay healthy, you should have a balanced diet and _________ regularly.

A. work out                

B. take out

C. speak out               

D. stand out

2. For a healthy diet, you should ____________ sugar and eat more vegetables.

A. take on                   

B. cut down on

C. go on                     

D. cut with

3. Many experts believe that good ___________ transport will solve traffic problems in big cities.

A. individual              

B. private

C. public                    

D. national

4. People feel safe in this neighbourhood because ____________ are installed everywhere.

A. smart cities            

B. smartphones

C. smart cars              

D. smart sensors

5. People of different generations often come into ____________ with one another.

A. belief                     

B. conflict

C. agreement              

D. support

6. My brother is a true ___________. He grew up with technology, and started using a computer at an early age.

A. curious boy           

B. critical thinker

C. digital native         

D. book lover

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Bài 2 :

2. Solve the crossword. Use words and phrase you have learnt in Units 1, 2, and 3. The first letters are given to help you.

(Giải ô chữ. Sử dụng các từ và cụm từ bạn đã học trong Bài 1, 2 và 3. Các chữ cái đầu tiên được đưa ra để giúp bạn.)


1. Hong Kong aims to replace the old high-rise buildings with sustainable s___________ .

2. The high cost of living is a problem for many city d___________ .


3. Thanks to the new t___________ , his health has improved quickly.

4. It is important to pass cultural v____________ from one generation to the next.

5. Many parents limit their children’s s________ t_______ to less than two hours per day.

6. If you want to build up your muscles s____________ , you need to lift weights.

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Bài 3 :

2. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.

(Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ đúng để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.)

1. The town is valued for its many (historical / historic) buildings, which have seen lots of changes over the years.

2. After completing the two-week training course, Peter was given a (degree / apprenticeship) of attendance.

3. Many teenagers do part-time jobs to leam (money-management / decision-making) skills.

4. The school offers (vocational / higher education) courses in cooking and baking, electrical work, and building services.

5. (Decision-making / Time-management) is becoming an important skill, especially when you have many options.

6. After (qualification / graduation), my mother returned to her hometown and got her first teaching job.

7. The old house has been (restored / promoted) to the way it looked in 1900 when it was built.

8. My class teacher invited my parents to discuss my (academic / practical) performance.

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Bài 4 :

2. Circle the correct answers.

(Khoanh tròn các câu trả lời đúng.)

1. The (nation / national) park is protected by the government.

2. (Cyberbully / Cyberbullying) is a common problem among teenagers today.

3. The area, which is home to many rare species of plants, became a (nature / nature’s) reserve two years ago.

4. Many students go to (academic /vocational) schools after finishing secondary school.

5. Medical advances have helped to increase (life / living) expectancy.

6. There Is often a (generation / generational) gap in extended farnilies.

7. These policies are designed to reduce the impact of (climate / climate’s) change.

8. We can post photos of environmentally friendly activities on (society / social) media.

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Bài 5 :

Fill in the blanks with a word from Units 9 and 10. The first letter is already there.

(Điền vào chỗ trống một từ trong Unit 9 và 10. Đã có sẵn chữ cái đầu tiên.)

1. There aren't any good universities near where I live, so I'll either move to another city or study a________.

2. My friends don't really like talking on the phone. Everyone just wants to use i_________ m_________ programs and social media.

3. Since our city reduced the fare for the subway, more people use public transportation and there's less c_________ downtown.

4. In the future, I think more jobs will be a_____________. Taxi drivers, fast food cooks, and marketing researchers will be replaced by robots and computers.

5. These days, lots of people are worried about litter from plastic and pollution from cars. In the future, however, I think people will be worried about electronic w__________.

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Bài 6 :


1. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. Parents often feel old-fashioned/independent/selfish/powerless in the relationships with their teenage children.

2. The church has a cathedral/tomb/tower/citadel that is 50 metres high.

3. Jack's parents break/like/set/give hard rules for him about going out.

4. We tried some local/ancient/political/historic dishes at the food market.

5. Tina's parents are strict/worried/old-fashioned/difficult about her all the time.

6. Some teens don't like their body attitude/performance/image/behaviour.

7. We want to explore the sand mountains/caves/dunes/valleys by jeep.

8. Đường Lâm is a picturesque old restaurant/beach/street/village in Vietnam.

9. The beach was so traditional/crowded/modern/picturesque that we left.

10. The ancient tomb/cathedral/cave/palace was home to many kings in the past.

11. My dad often nags/helps/listens/breaks at me about doing my chores.

12. Some teenagers have strange manners/ arguments/advice/rules behaving in odd ways.

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Bài 7 :


1. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án phù hợp nhất.)

1. Our daughter Erica is very______ ; she does most things by herself.

A. reliable

B. selfish

C. independent

D. difficult

2. Many young people worry about their school ______ .

A. manner

B. behaviour

C. attitude

D. performance

3. We stopped our boat in a small ______ and swam to the beach.

A. bay

B. valley

C. desert

D. dune

4. The One Pillar Pagoda is a(n) ______ of Hanoi.

A. birthplace

B. image

C. symbol

D. site

5. They built the wall of the Ancient City of Chan Chan with soil and ______ mixed together.

A. marble

B. glass

C. clay

D. steel

6. The city centre was ______ with a lot of tourists visiting the attractions.

A. picturesque

B. modern

C. narrow

D. crowded

7. We must reduce greenhouse gas ______ in order to stop global warming.

A. conditions

B. actions

C. effects

D. emissions

8. The ______ gap can cause a lot of disagreement between parents and their teenagers.

A. development

B. relationship

C. generation

D. future

9. The ______ burned many acres of land in the forest.

A. hurricane

B. wildfire

C. flood

D. drought

10. They discovered an ancient ______ where all the royal family was buried.

A. palace

B. tomb

C. castle

D. temple

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Bài 8 :

1. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 We need to improve global healthcare in order to stop the spread of unemployment/ hunger/homelessness/disease.

2 If you have a mental health problem such as malaria/tuberculosis/obesity/depression, we have people you can talk to.

3 There are a lot of job stamps/opportunities/ donations/shelters in technology for unemployed people to apply for.

4 The job centre provides skills lessons/ opportunities/training/services to unemployed people.

5 People in need can get home/food/job/ health stamps to use at the supermarkets.

6 We need the police to stop the crime/ poverty/depression/pollution wave in my neighbourhood.

7 The two towers are connected on the 21st floor with a(n) underground motorway/ digital road/skybridge/moving walkway.

8 All the traffic lights measure/replace/ record/exchange data between them.

9 The light has a computer/device/sensor/ mirror that switches on when someone passes by.

10 A solution for fresh vegetables is to have more vertical/foldable/floating/vacuum

farms inside tall buildings.

11 With a smart window/mirror/car/drone, shoppers no longer have to try on clothes.

12 Home device/classroom/schooling/ library is becoming popular as more and more students choose not to go to schools. 

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Bài 9 :

1. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 Mark had a headache/sore throat/ toothache/stomachache because he ate too much at the party.

2 To have a healthy mind, it's important to cause/manage/join/track your stress.

3 Eating a balanced diet helps Simon to stay/ maintain/cause/join a healthy weight.

4 Ann's face was red and sore because she had a(n) sunburn/earache/nosebleed/ chest infection.

5 Doctors recommend that we consume/ apply/spend/keep five portions of fruit and vegetables daily.

6 Paul has plenty of energy because he always gets eight hours of screen time/ exercise/sleep/stress a day.

7 She always gets the flu/acne/hay fever/ travel sickness when she is in the car.

8 A(n) ice pack/lotion/suncream/spray is helpful when treating a sprained ankle.

9 Leo's mother told him to remove/control/ avoid/limit sugary foods from his diet completely.

10 It's important to eat foods that are rich in vitamins and sugar/minerals/fat/salt.

11 Emma used a natural lifestyle/remedy/ boost/root to treat her illness.

12 George goes to the gym to do Pilates/ craze/treadmill/progress twice a week.

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Bài 10 :

1. Choose the most appropriate option.

1 In the future, _______ roads will inform drivers about traffic conditions.

A 3D printed

B digital

C moving

D floating

2 Some people experience _______ from the locals when they move to a new country.

A unemployment

B disease

C racism

D war

3 It's a good idea to _______ using electronics devices before bed.

A limit

B keep

C remove

D avoid

4 John has bad hay fever now; he also often gets a _______ nose in the winter.

A runny

B swollen

C sneezing

D bruised

5 Solar windows _______ energy from the sun.

A bring

B provide

C produce

D need

6 It's important to _______ laws to ensure equal opportunities for all the people despite their gender.

A pass

B offer

C provide

D give

7 Andy wants to be a _______ trainer when he  leaves school.

A wellness

C personal

B lifestyle

D healthy

8 Ann is coughing a lot because she has a _______

A sore throat

B chest infection

C hay fever

D rash

9 Ben has decided to _______ less sugar in order to lose some weight.

A cut down

B eat

C give up

D drink

10 Foods with lots of _______ make us feel full after eating

A vitamins

B minerals

C fibre

D fat

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Bài 11 :

Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences.

(Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau.)

5. After catching the virus, she became weaker and didn’t have the __________ to do any exercise.

A. strength

B. muscle

C. treatment

D. ingredient


6. The doctor __________ her carefully, but could find nothing wrong.

A. hired

B. examined

C. experimented

D. taught


7. A __________ diet that includes different kinds of food can help improve your health.

A. fresh

B. traditional

C. balanced

D. vegetarian


8. To stay healthy, you need to __________ for at least 30 minutes a day.

A. run out

B. run on

C. work on

D. work out


9. The government needs to improve __________ transport in big cities to reduce car use.

A. public

B. private

C. national

D. rural


10. Smart __________ are often installed in modern buildings to turn on and off appliances automatically and save energy.

A. phones

B. sensors

C. objects

D. cards


11. Living in the city has many benefits; however, __________ face high costs of living.

A. farmers

B. doctors

C. city dwellers

D. old generations


12. Too many __________ on the road is one of the causes of air pollution in big cities.

A. high-rise buildings

B. skyscrapers

C. roof gardens

D. private vehicles


13. I live with my __________ family consisting of three generations: my grandparents, my parents, my sister, and I.

A. extended

B. nuclear

C. single

D. one-parent


14. In a(n) __________ family of only parents and children, conflicts may also happen because of lack of understanding.

A. generational

B. nuclear

C. extended

D. childless


15. The best way to __________ the generation gap in the workplace is to respect generational differences.

A. bring

B. shut

C. bridge

D. accept


16. Older generations who have __________ many difficulties can give us valuable life lessons.

A. lived

B. earned

C. spent

D. experienced

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Bài 12 :

Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. (7 pts)

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.)

5. All participants in the programme need to have leadership __________ and volunteer experience.

A. goals

B. skills

C. work

D. support

6. You have made a great __________ to the success of the school eco-project.

A. donation

B. participation

C. contribution

D. development

7. It’s time we stopped burning __________ and found renewable sources.

A. fossil fuels

B. forests

C. clean fuels

D. heat-trapping gases

8. Carbon dioxide is __________ into the atmosphere through natural processes and human activities.

A. collected

B. trapped

C. cut down

D. released

9. All participants in the SSEAYP will develop awareness of the __________ issues in the region.

A. eye-opening

B. famous

C. present

D. current

10. Electronic __________ poses serious risks to both the environment and human health.

A. development

B. waste

C. zone

D. emission

11. The __________ of the ASEAN School Games is to promote friendship among ASEAN youth through sports.

A. issue

B. support

C. goal

D. coal

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Bài 13 :

Complete each sentence using the correct form of the word in brackets. (5 pts)

(Hoàn thành mỗi câu sử dụng dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.)

12. Stopping ______ is an effective solution to climate change. (deforest)

13. One of the goals of ASEAN is to promote ______ exchanges between the member countries. (culture)

14. All ASEAN members contribute to the economic and cultural ______ of the region. (develop)

15. We need to reduce the use of fossil fuels and switch to ______ resources. (renew)

16. We are looking for a ______ young person to lead the volunteer programme. (qualify)

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Bài 14 :


1. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất.)

1 The beach was so _______ that we left.

A crowded

B modern

C traditional

D picturesque

2 My dad is quite _______ and punishes me if I am rude to others.

A clever

B easy-going

C strict

D modern

3 Buses can't drive through the _______ streets in the old part of the city.

A picturesque

B traditional

C narrow

D reliable

4 Their parents are very _______; they expect a lot from their children.

A worried

B difficult

C old-fashioned

D sociable

5 I hope you can _______ me some advice.

A give

B break

C nag

D set

6 A river runs through the green _______.

A bay

B valley

C dunes

D waterfall

7 Đường Lâm in Vietnam is a _______ old village.

A modern

B narrow

C picturesque

D crowded

8 He is very _______ and only thinks of himself.

A serious

B sociable

C selfish

D hard

9 I get very excited when the plane _______ off.

A takes

B continues

C carries

D sets

10 He always _______ around the house.

A has

B likes

C helps

D gives

11 I hate it when Mum _______ me about chores.

A gives

B nags

C sets

D helps

12 Vietnamese food has lots of delicious _______

A trends

B rules

C stalls

D flavours

13 Carry _______with your chores while I am away!

A off

B out

C away

D on

14 Parents don't understand fashion _______ and often complain about teens' clothes.

A flavours

B images

C trend

D relationships

15 _______ these books away. I don't need them.

A Buy

B Take

C image

D Make

16 Some teens don't have a positive body _______

A career

B performance

C image

D attitude

17 How is your _______ with your parents?

A worship

B relationship

C trend

D manner

18 The Kuang Si Falls, which is around 29 kilometres south of Luang Prabang, is a famous tourist _______ in Laos.

A symbol

B attraction

C architecture

D stall

19 A(n) _______ person is clever and good at school

A intelligent

B independent

C old-fashioned

D responsible

20 It's hard to deal with _______ problems like arguing with your parents.

A family

B behaviour

C attitude

D rules

21 Many teens worry about their future _______ and don't know what to do after graduation.

A behaviour

B career

C performance

D symbol

22 The Tomb of Khải Định is an important ancient _______ that is worth visting in Hué.

A centre

B site

C prayer

D cathedral

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Bài 15 :

1. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất.)

1 Lots of fish like sharks live in the _______

A grassland

B desert

C jungle

D ocean

2 A _______ has got a lamp on the top of it to help ships find their way at night.

A lighthouse

B terrace

C pyramid

D castle

3 Global _______causes extreme weather events.

A effect

B condition

C warming

D heat

4 They _______money for the environmental group.

A bought

B organised

C selected

D raised

5 Naypyidaw is the new _______ city of Myanmar, replacing Yangon.

A organic

B local

C capital

D world

6 The country is suffering from _______because it hasn't rained for two years now.

A landslide

B wildfire

C drought

D flood

7 Will you _______a donation to WWF?

A put

B make

C sign

D raise

8 Coral _______ has seriously affected Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

A development

B overfishing

C threat

D bleaching

9 He wants to join a _______ group to help preserve the ancient monument.

A resident

B visitor

C volunteer

D rescue

10 The tallest _______ of President Hồ Chí Minh in Vietnam is in Vinh City.

A terrace

B statue

C wall

D symbol

11 They _______ off their visit to Vietnam because they couldn't find cheap tickets.

A put

B took

C backed

D turned

12 The Taj Mahal is a white _______ landmark in Agra, India.

A clay

B glass

C steel

D marble

13 _______ cars are friendly to the environment.

A Carbon

B Organic

C Electric

D Marine

14 Her new book has come _______ and can be found in book shops.

A on

B along

C off

D out

15 _______ along with us on the tour of Hội An.

A Come

B Get

C Put

D Take

16 In order to reduce pollution, we need to take _______ now.

A trade

B waste

C development

D action

17 She often shares news on social _______

A sites

B media

C residents

D links

18 Cầu Vàng is a _______ which connects the cable car station to the gardens and offers great views from above.

A mausoleum

B bridge

C tomb

D building

19 You can see the sky through the _______ roof of the building.

A steel

B stone

C glass

D concrete

20 The _______ was caused by heavy rain.

A ice cap

B flood

C weather

D hurricane

21 The farmer grows _______ food and sells it at the market.

A energy-efficient

B cloth

C organic

D recyclable

22 I _______ my rubbish because I care about the environment.

A recycle

B take

C shop

D repair

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Bài 16 :

Complete the following sentences with the words from the box. (6 pts)

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với các từ trong hộp.)

cultural             self-motivated                  apprenticeships                 gradiation                historic              management

5. My parents taught me to be _____________ in everything I do.

6. You should use time-_____________ tools to plan your work more effectively.

7. I am honoured to be invited to speak at the _____________ ceremony tomorrow.

8. Nowadays, school-leavers can apply for _____________ in different industries.

9. The local authorities have made every effort to preserve _____________ buildings such as pagodas and monuments.

10. Since quan ho was recognised as a World _____________ Heritage by UNESCO, this music style has been promoted to a much wider audience.

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Bài 17 :

Choose the correct answers to complete the following sentences. (6 pts)

(Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau.)

11. Many important historic/historical documents were destroyed when the library was burnt down.

12. In the UK, a bachelor’s degree/certificate takes at least three years to complete.

13. Knowing how to manage time and money is considered an important life skill/ability.

14. This vocational/high school offers a range of courses for school-leavers.

15. Becoming independent/dependent is important for teenagers, especially when they leave school.

16. Ha Long Bay was recognised as a World Natural/Cultural Heritage Site in 1994 for its unique beauty.

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Bài 18 :

Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. (12 pts)

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.)

5. It’s important to raise people’s __________ of these social issues.

A. anxiety

B. awareness

C. depression

D. pressure

6. With so many different species of plants and animals, the __________ of the area is amazing.

A. biodiversity

B. conservation

C. tropical forest

D. habitat

7. Our team __________ various studies into crime and poverty in the city.

A. carried on

B. carried out

C. gone on

D. gone out

8. The national park is home to thousands of __________ species, including rare mammals and birds.

A. forests

B. wood

C. flora

D. fauna

9. My parents don’t want me to hang _________ with friends who have a bad influence on me.

A. out

B. up

C. over

D. on

10. __________ is a big problem for many big cities nowadays.

A. Overpopulation

B. Overpopulated

C. Human population

D. Bullying

11. It is our responsibility to __________ our planet’s ecosystems.

A. serve

B. preserve

C. impact

D. destroy

12. High parents’ expectations can put children under too much __________.

A. depression

B. pressure

C. bullying

D. peer pressure

13. Pangolins and tigers are some of the animals that are __________ to Viet Nam.

A. endangered

B. tropical

C. native

D. natural

14. Parents and teachers find it easier to see signs of __________ bullying, such as bruises and broken belongings.

A. physical

B. social

C. verbal

D. mental

15. Many of our favourite foods such as chocolate and coffee come from __________.

A. wildlife

B. nature reserves

C. natural parks

D. tropical forests

16. Many teenagers struggle __________ social issues such as bullying and poverty.

A. for

B. about

C. with

D. over

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Bài 19 :

1. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất.)

1 Paul works as a __________

A personal trainer.

B nutritious

C healthy

D tender

2 You need to __________ your screen time to feel better.

A stay

B fill

C prevent

D limit

3 Try to eat a __________ diet if you want to be healthy.

A balanced

B junk

C personal

D fatty

4 Eating much avocados helps prevent heart __________

A disease

B wound

C pressure

D pain

5 John decided to take__________

a new hobby.

A out

B on

C up

D off

6 Eating garlic improves our __________ system.

A sickness

B health

C swelling

D immune

7 Tom has got a __________ nose from a cold.

A sneezing

B ache

C runny

D swollen

8 Following a healthy diet can lower your __________ pressure.

A blood

B body

C skin

D weight

9 Can you please hang __________ a minute?

A on


C up

D in

10 You should __________ down on junk food.

A go

B give

C cut

D take

11 Ginger is a spicy __________

A mineral

C root

B fruit

D vitamin

12 Sheila has got a(n) __________ throat from singing.

A sprained

B sore

C sick

D chest

13 He didn't apply suncream, so he got a __________

A sickness

B flu

C sunburn

D acne

14 Jenny, please __________ your teeth for two minutes.

A floss

B exercise

C apply

D maintain

15 Lots of people suffer from hay __________in the spring.

A nosebleed

B fever

C rash

D infection

16 Eating five __________of fruit every day is good for your health.

A amounts

C roots

B joints

D servings

17 I ate lots of crisps and pizza, and now I've got a __________

A stomachache

C headache

B earache

D toothache

18 Always protect your skin from the sun's __________ by applying suncream on when you go outside.

A pressure

B rays

C aches

D portions

19 __________ your food portions if you want to lose weight.

A Eat

B Consume

C Stay

D Control

20 Spinach is a nutritious __________ green.

A dark

B leafy

C low

D health

21 Blueberries help improve your __________

A swelling

B bacteria

C remedy

D memory

22 Helen isn't keen on _________ drinks because they can make her gain weight.

A fizzy

B dizzy

C fatty

D healthy

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