Đề bài

1. Complete the text with the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành đoạn văn với những từ trong khung.)

Hoi An Ancient Town

Hoi An Ancient Town is (1) _______ in Viet Nam’s central Quang Nam Province on the banks of the Thu Bon River. In 1999, the old town was recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. As a well preserved example of a Southeast Asian trading port dating from the 15th to 19th century, its (2) _______ is a mixture of local and foreign styles. The town consists of a well preserved complex of thousands of timber frame buildings, with brick or wooden walls, including an open (3) _______, pagodas, temples, and other structures. The houses are arranged side by side in tight, unbroken rows along narrow (4) _______ streets. The original street plan has also stayed the same.

One of the most famous (5) _______ is the Japanese Bridge Pagoda (Cau Pagoda), which was (6) _______ over a small canal flowing out into the Thu Bon River. It’s part of a 420-year-old bridge, painted in beautiful red and pink colours, with a wooden pagoda roof. The bridge has a fascinating history dating back to the 17th century. (7) _______ several times, this important monument is well preserved and has become the (8) _______ of Hoi An and the highlight of any walking tour in the old town.

Phương pháp giải :

Nghĩa của từ vựng:

- restored: khôi phục           

- built: xây dựng         

- market: chợ         

- attractions: thu hút

- architecture: ngành kiến trúc     

- located: xác định vị trí     

- symbol: biểu tượng        

- pedestrian: người đi bộ

Lời giải chi tiết :

Hoi An Ancient Town

Hoi An Ancient Town is (1) located in Viet Nam’s central Quang Nam Province on the banks of the Thu Bon River. In 1999, the old town was recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. As a well preserved example of a Southeast Asian trading port dating from the 15th to 19th century, its (2) architecture is a mixture of local and foreign styles. The town consists of a well preserved complex of thousands of timber frame buildings, with brick or wooden walls, including an open (3) market, pagodas, temples, and other structures. The houses are arranged side by side in tight, unbroken rows along narrow (4) pedestrian streets. The original street plan has also stayed the same.

One of the most famous (5) attractions is the Japanese Bridge Pagoda (Cau Pagoda), which was (6) built over a small canal flowing out into the Thu Bon River. It’s part of a 420-year-old bridge, painted in beautiful red and pink colours, with a wooden pagoda roof. The bridge has a fascinating history dating back to the 17th century. (7) Restored several times, this important monument is well preserved and has become the (8) symbol of Hoi An and the highlight of any walking tour in the old town.

(Phố cổ Hội An

Phố cổ Hội An nằm ở trung tâm tỉnh Quảng Nam của Việt Nam bên bờ sông Thu Bồn. Năm 1999, khu phố cổ được UNESCO công nhận là Di sản Thế giới. Là một ví dụ được bảo tồn tốt về một thương cảng Đông Nam Á có niên đại từ thế kỷ 15 đến thế kỷ 19, kiến trúc của nó là sự pha trộn giữa phong cách địa phương và nước ngoài. Thị trấn bao gồm một khu phức hợp được bảo tồn tốt gồm hàng ngàn tòa nhà khung gỗ, với những bức tường gạch hoặc gỗ, bao gồm một chợ mở, chùa, đền thờ và các công trình kiến trúc khác. Những ngôi nhà được sắp xếp cạnh nhau thành những hàng chặt chẽ, liền mạch dọc theo những con phố đi bộ hẹp. Kế hoạch đường phố ban đầu cũng được giữ nguyên.

Một trong những điểm tham quan nổi tiếng nhất là Chùa Cầu Nhật Bản (Chùa Cầu), được xây dựng trên một con kênh nhỏ chảy ra sông Thu Bồn. Nó là một phần của cây cầu 420 tuổi, được sơn màu đỏ và hồng tuyệt đẹp, với mái chùa bằng gỗ. Cây cầu có một lịch sử hấp dẫn có niên đại từ thế kỷ 17. Được trùng tu nhiều lần, di tích quan trọng này được bảo tồn tốt và đã trở thành biểu tượng của Hội An và là điểm nhấn của bất kỳ chuyến đi bộ nào trong khu phố cổ.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Heritage sites in Viet Nam

(Các điểm di sản ở Việt Nam)

1. Listen and read. 

(Nghe và đọc.)

Ms Hoa: Good morning, everyone. As part of our school cultural programme, we need to plan a field trip to a heritage site in Viet Nam. So, where would you like to go?

Petter: Do you have any suggestions for us, Ms Hoa?

Ms Hoa: I'd recommend Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex. It’s the only place in Southeast Asia to be recognised as a mixed heritage site by UNESCO.

Peter: What's a mixed heritage site?

Ms Hoa: It's a site that has both natural and cultural importance. For example, you can go on a boat trip there to enjoy the beautiful landscape. Or you can visit the old temples and monuments to learn about Vietnamese history.

Anna: That sounds interesting, but if we want to learn about cultural values of the past, where should we go?

Ms Hoa: You can go to Hoi An Ancient Town in central Viet Nam. You'll learn about urban lifestyles and traditions from the 15th to the 19th century and will see examples of ancient architecture. All buildings are kept in their original state. It’s a great place to explore.

Anna: Wow! That's exciting. What about southern Vietnam?

Ms Hoa: You can go to the Mekong River Delta to enjoy don ca tai tu - a form of traditional folk singing. Local artists perform don ca tai tu everywhere - at parties, in fruit gardens, even on the floating market boats.

Peter: It’s a great way to promote this kind of cultural heritage of southern Viet Nam.

Ms Hoa: Indeed. Now, please discuss in your group and let me know your field trip ideas.

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Bài 2 :

2. Where can we do the following? Write T for Trang An, H for Hoi An, and M for Mekong River Delta.

(Chúng ta có thể làm những điều sau đây ở đâu? Viết T cho Tràng An, H cho Hội An, và M cho Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long.)



1. Going on a tour by boat


2. Seeing areas of natural beauty


3. Seeing ancient houses kept in their original style of architecture


4. Listening to don ca tai tu at floating markets


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Bài 3 :

3. Match the words to make phrases used in 1.

(Nối các từ để tạo thành các cụm từ được sử dụng trong 1.)

1. folk

a. architecture

2. cultural

b. landscape

3. beautiful

c. singing

4. ancient

d. heritage

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Bài 4 :

4. Complete the sentences using phrases from 1.

(Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng các cụm từ từ 1.)

1. Trang An is the only place in Southeast Asia _____________.

2. You can go on a boat trip ____________.

3. You can visit the old temples and monuments _____________.

4. Performing folk songs at floating markets is a great way _____________.

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Bài 5 :

2. Read the article and circle the correct meanings of the highlighted words and phrases.

(Đọc bài viết và khoanh tròn nghĩa đúng của các từ và cụm từ được đánh dấu.)


Ideas from teenagers

To encourage young people to learn about and appreciate our cultural heritage, we organised an ideas competition. We invited students from across the country to send us their ideas for protecting and promoting our heritage. We have received many interesting entries. Below are the winners.

A. _________________

The idea of promoting heritage sites through social media came from a group of 11th grade students. They suggested using social media activities, such as photo competitions, to encourage young people to learn about our heritage sites and local traditions on important festivals. They also suggested creating trending topics or challenges on social media. For example, a postcard challenge will invite people to create and share unusual and exciting postcards about the heritage sites that they have visited.

B. _________________

Two 10th grade students suggested forming historical societies or local groups who have akeen interest in their history and heritage. These groups will provide information about local heritage sites, organise special events to celebrate local festivals, and invite young people to discuss issues related to preserving the heritage. This way, they will be able to give voice to suggestions and solutions to problems they care about. They will feel that their voices are heard, and they can contribute to society.

C. _________________

To preserve heritage, such as traditional music and stories, a group of secondary school students proposed setting up folk clubs. The clubs will hold events for young people to experience and learn about traditional performing arts. The artists will not only perform, but also introduce their arts and talk about how students can help promote folk culture. The clubs will organise training for students who want to learn folk songs, a traditional musical instrument, or folk dancing.

1. appreciate (đánh giá cao)

A. to recognise the good qualities of something

(nhận ra những phẩm chất tốt đẹp của một cái gì đó)

B. to realise that something is dangerous

(nhận ra rằng một cái gì đó là nguy hiểm)

C. to discuss a new idea

(thảo luận về một ý tưởng mới)

2. trending (xu hướng)

A. being discussed a lot on social media

(đang được thảo luận rất nhiều trên mạng xã hội)

B. being forgotten by the public

(bị công chúng lãng quên)

C. creating and sharing information

(tạo và chia sẻ thông tin)

3. give voice to (lên tiếng)

A. to take action about something

(có hành động về một cái gì đó)

B. to listen to someone's advice

(lắng nghe lời khuyên của ai đó)

C. to express opinions about something

(bày tỏ ý kiến về một cái gì đó)

4. proposed (đề xuất)

A. asked someone for information

(nhờ ai đó cung cấp thông tin)

B. suggested something as a plan or course of action

(đề nghị một cái gì đó như một kế hoạch hoặc quá trình hành động)

C. invited guests for an event

(khách mời cho một sự kiện)

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Bài 6 :

3. Read the article again. Match the following headings (1-4) with the appropriate paragraphs (A-C). There is ONE extra heading.

(Đọc lại bài viết. Nối các tiêu đề sau (1-4) với các đoạn thích hợp (A-C). Có MỘT tiêu đề bị thừa.)

1. Organising photo competitions of performing artists

(Tổ chức thi ảnh nghệ sĩ biểu diễn)

2. Promoting and developing the folk arts

(Phát huy và phát triển nghệ thuật dân gian)

3. Making use of social media to promote heritage

(Tận dụng mạng xã hội để quảng bá di sản)

4. Opportunities to learn about heritage and be involved in problem-solving

(Cơ hội tìm hiểu về di sản và tham gia giải quyết vấn đề)

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Bài 7 :

4. Read the article again and decide which paragraph includes the following information.

(Đọc bài viết một lần nữa và quyết định đoạn nào bao gồm các thông tin sau.)



1. Creating popular topics on the Internet such as sharing postcards


2. Raising awareness of preserving our heritage through discussions


3. Organising photo competitions on social media


4. Setting up local historical societies to organise festivals and other events


5. Inviting artists to perform and teach folk singing, dancing and music


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Bài 8 :

1. Read the text and answer the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi.)


Crowdfunding for heritage!

Preserving their heritage can present a challenge to many nations, especially if they have a large number of heritage sites, like Italy does. However, the country has found a new method of raising money for heritage projects from a large number of individuals and businesses - crowdfunding. For example, loveitaly, a non-profit organisation, uses its website to reach all the people around the world who love Italy, and collects donations from everyone who wants to help. One of their first success stories was raising enough money to restore an ancient site in Pompeii.

Strict heritage laws

In Australia, individuals and companies have to pay a fine of AUS1,000 to AUS5,000 for any damage to heritage sites or objects, regardless of whether they can be repaired. In some cases, the fines are heavier, and people could even face time in prison. The authorities hope the harsher punishments can stop people from destroying or damaging it cultural sites and items, and prevent heritage crime.

Tourism works!

Spain is one of the countries that has successfully promotedits cultural heritage through tourism. For many years, festivals such as La Tomatina (in which people throw tomatoes at each other) or Las Fallas (a five-day festival of fireworks and light shows) in Valencia have attracted millions of local and foreign tourists. The unique architecture in Barcelona, home to nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and Santiago de Compostela’s Old Town, which is also on the world heritage list, are famous all over the world.

Which country ... 

1. raises money from the public for restoring its heritage?

2. organises successful festivals that attract visitors from around the world?

3. fines people heavily if they damage its heritage?

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Bài 9 :

1. Read the text. Choose the best heading (1-5) for each paragraph (A-C). There are TWO extra headings.

(Đọc văn bản. Chọn tiêu đề tốt nhất (1-5) cho mỗi đoạn văn (A-C). Có HAI tiêu đề bị thừa.)

1. How the art is preserved 

(Nghệ thuật được bảo tồn như thế nào)

2. Who the performers are 

(Ai là người biểu diễn)

3. How to appreciate the art

(Cách thưởng thức nghệ thuật)

4. When and how it was created

(Nó được tạo ra khi nào và như thế nào)

5. Where we can learn this form of music

(Nơi chúng ta có thể học thể loại âm nhạc này)


Recognised as UNESCO's world cultural heritage in 2013, don ca tai tuhas been an important part of people’s life and work in the Mekong River Delta region.

A. _________________

Having appeared in the late 19th century, don ca tai tu became a popular art formin southern Viet Nam. It started as daily entertainment for the village farmers, who were good neighbours and close friends. After working hard in the fields, the neighbours usually gathered together to sing and relax. This was the time when people started performing this kind of music.

B. _________________

Typically, the men in the group play the instruments while the women sing. Most of the musicians and singers are not professionally trained; they are just music lovers performing with all their heart. They usually perform at events such as weddings and traditional festivals, and the melodies express different moods and feelings. 

C. _________________

Today, tourists can enjoy don ca tai tu performances in southern Viet Nam, where local artists perform at floating markets or in fruit gardens. Such performances help preserve the art form and allow artists to reach a wider audience, including people from around the world.

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Bài 10 :

2. Read the text again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa và quyết định xem những câu phát biểu là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)




1. Don ca tai tu was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2013.



2. Don ca tai tu was originally performed at important ceremonies.



3. All the performers of this art form are well-trained and perform on big stages.



4. Don ca tai tu can be heard at different events such as weddings and festivals.



5. Performances of don ca tai tu at floating markets help keep the art alive for future generations.



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Bài 11 :

2. Read the text. Where in Viet Nam do these people live?

(Đọc văn bản. Những người này sống ở đâu tại Việt Nam?)

1. Tay

2. Muong

3. Khmer

4. Thai

VIET NAM – Culture and customs

Viet Nam is a multi-racial country with 54 ethnic groups. More than 85% of Viet Nam's population is the Kinh people who mainly inhabit the Red River delta, the central coastal delta, the Mekong delta and major cities. The rest of Viet Nam's population, about 8 million, is scattered in mountainous areas around the country and makes up the other 53 ethnic groups. Major ethnic groups include Tay and Nung (in North East provinces), Thai and Muong people (in Phu Tho Province, Hoa Binh Province), Hoa (around Viet Nam), Khmer (in the Mekong Delta). All ethnic groups in Viet Nam have achieved high levels of development in terms of culture and social strata.

Ethnic groups have distinct cultures and customs. Take marriage practices and weddings as an example. On arrival at the groom's house, a bride in the Nung people pours a bottle of water into a saucepan, which symbolises hard work and dedication to the family. Meanwhile, a wedding ceremony of the Tay people is characterised by a lot of singing known as "hat quan lang". A Thai man usually stays with and works for his fiancé's family for 3 years before the wedding ceremony. Varied as the customs are, they all mean blessings to the newly-weds in their marriage life.

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Bài 12 :

3. Read the text again. Are these statements true or false? Write (T) and (F).

(Đọc lại văn bản. Những câu này đúng hay sai? Viết (T) và (F).)

1. Most of Vietnamese people belong to the Kinh ethnic group.

2. Different wedding customs of ethnic groups have different meanings.

3. As far as culture is concerned, the Kinh people is the most developed in Viet Nam.

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Bài 13 :

4. Listen to three Westerners talking about the wedding ceremonies they witnessed in Viet Nam. Which ethnic groups are mentioned by the speakers?

(Hãy nghe ba người phương Tây nói về những nghi thức đám cưới mà họ đã chứng kiến ở Việt Nam. Người nói đề cập đến những dân tộc nào?)

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Bài 14 :

a. Read the blog post very quickly. Which year was Son Doong first explored?

(Đọc bài viết trên blog rất nhanh. Sơn Đoòng được khám phá lần đầu tiên vào năm nào?)

► What's new

Hey, everyone! It's Hùng here. I can't wait to tell you all what I've been up to. If you read my last blog, then you know I had a big problem. I needed to save money before going to university abroad. I hated being a waiter, and I wasn't good at my teaching assistant job, but I finally found something. I'm a tour guide with a company in Phong Nha-Ke Bang in Central Vietnam.


Before I could lead a tour, I had to train. The company taught us a lot about the endangered species here and safety in the jungle. We even practiced rock climbing. That was fun and exciting, but it was the photography training that I liked most.

We learned how to take cool photos of the park's most incredible places like Son Doong cave. It's the biggest cave in the world! It was only in 2009 that Son Doong was first explored. Can you believe it?

► Phong Nha

Phong Nha-Ke Bang is an impressive place. It's one of Vietnam's UNESCO natural world heritages. People travel here because of the rare karst landscapes. Over millions of years, water washed away some of the limestone and created unique towers and caves.   Vietnam has some of the biggest karst areas in the world. It’s their amazing karst landscape that make Phong Nha and Hạ Long Bay UNESCO Heritage Sites.

►Final thoughts

Working here for the last few months has been great. It's also been a nice break from busy city life. I'm learning a lot, meeting great people, and loving being around nature. I definitely recommend it!

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Bài 15 :

b. Now, read and circle the correct answers.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và khoanh tròn các câu trả lời đúng.)

1. What is Hung's new job?

(Công việc mới của Hùng là gì?)


2. What four things did Hùng learn about?

(Hùng đã học về bốn điều gì?)


3. What was Hung's favorite part of the training?

(Phần đào tạo yêu thích của Hùng là gì?)


4. What made the caves and towers?

(Cái gì đã tạo nên hang động và tháp?)


5. The word here in paragraph 4 refers to ______________.

(Từ here trong đoạn 4 đề cập đến)

a. Hạ Long Bay

b. Sơn Đoòng

c. Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng

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Bài 16 :

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

► What's new

Hey, everyone! It's Hùng here. I can't wait to tell you all what I've been up to. If you read my last blog, then you know I had a big problem. I needed to save money before going to university abroad. I hated being a waiter, and I wasn't good at my teaching assistant job, but I finally found something. I'm a tour guide with a company in Phong Nha-Ke Bang in Central Vietnam.


Before I could lead a tour, I had to train. The company taught us a lot about the endangered species here and safety in the jungle. We even practiced rock climbing. That was fun and exciting, but it was the photography training that I liked most.

We learned how to take cool photos of the park's most incredible places like Son Doong cave. It's the biggest cave in the world! It was only in 2009 that Son Doong was first explored. Can you believe it?

► Phong Nha

Phong Nha-Ke Bang is an impressive place. It's one of Vietnam's UNESCO natural world heritages. People travel here because of the rare karst landscapes. Over millions of years, water washed away some of the limestone and created unique towers and caves. Vietnam has some of the biggest karst areas in the world. It’s their amazing karst landscape that make Phong Nha and Hạ Long Bay UNESCO Heritage Sites.

►Final thoughts

Working here for the last few months has been great. It's also been a nice break from busy city life. I'm learning a lot, meeting great people, and loving being around nature. I definitely recommend it!

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Bài 17 :

a. Read the description of the old capital of Huế. What is the purpose of the text?

(Đọc đoạn văn tả cố đô Huế. Mục đích của văn bản là gì?)

1. to say what the writer likes about Huế (để nói những gì nhà văn thích về Huế)

2. to encourage people to visit Huế (khuyến khích mọi người đến thăm Huế)

Located beside the Hương River, the old capital of Huế was the home of the Nguyễn emperors. Built in the early 19th century, the walled city was a symbol of the emperor's power. The city was made with brick and stone. If you like history, you'll really like Huế.

When you first arrive, you should pass through Ngọ Môn, where the emperor would watch parades. The central gate was for the emperor only. Next, enter the Imperial City. Inside is the Ngũ Phụng Pavilion, which was originally only open to members of the Royal Family. After that, you should check out the Thái Hỏa Palace. It was used for important celebrations such as the Royal Family's birthdays. Finally, visit the Duyệt Thị Đường  Royal Theater. It's the oldest theater in Vietnam! When you're finished exploring the old capital, you should take a boat trip to visit the tombs of the emperors. Remember to bring an umbrella because it often rains in Huế.

You can fly to Huế from Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi. If you want to see more of the country, we recommend taking an overnight train. After you arrive in Hue, you can take a taxi, bike, or walk around the city. Remember to give yourself lots of time to try the specialty foods of Huế.

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Bài 18 :

b. Now, read and answer the questions.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. When was the old capital of Huế built?

(Cố đô Huế được xây dựng vào thời gian nào?)

2. What kind of person does the writer think would enjoy visiting Huế?

(Loại người nào mà người viết nghĩ sẽ thích đến thăm Huế?)

3. Where does the writer suggest you visit after seeing the old capital?

(Nhà văn gợi ý bạn đến thăm nơi nào sau khi nhìn thấy thủ đô cũ?)

4. What kind of transportation is suggested to see more of Vietnam?

(Loại phương tiện giao thông nào được gợi ý để xem thêm ở Việt Nam?)

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Bài 19 :

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Located beside the Hương River, the old capital of Huế was the home of the Nguyễn emperors. Built in the early 19th century, the walled city was a symbol of the emperor's power. The city was made with brick and stone. If you like history, you'll really like Huế.

When you first arrive, you should pass through Ngọ Môn, where the emperor would watch parades. The central gate was for the emperor only. Next, enter the Imperial City. Inside is the Ngũ Phụng Pavilion, which was originally only open to members of the Royal Family. After that, you should check out the Thái Hỏa Palace. It was used for important celebrations such as the Royal Family's birthdays. Finally, visit the Duyệt Thị Đường  Royal Theater. It's the oldest theater in Vietnam! When you're finished exploring the old capital, you should take a boat trip to visit the tombs of the emperors. Remember to bring an umbrella because it often rains in Huế.

You can fly to Huế from Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi. If you want to see more of the country, we recommend taking an overnight train. After you arrive in Hue, you can take a taxi, bike, or walk around the city. Remember to give yourself lots of time to try the specialty foods of Huế.

Tạm dịch:

Cố đô Huế nằm bên dòng sông Hương xưa, là nơi ở của các vua chúa nhà Nguyễn. Được xây dựng vào đầu thế kỷ 19, tường thành là biểu tượng quyền lực của hoàng đế. Thành phố được làm bằng gạch và đá. Nếu bạn thích lịch sử, bạn sẽ thực sự thích Huế.

Khi mới đến, bạn nên đi ngang qua Ngọ Môn, nơi hoàng đế xem duyệt binh. Cổng trung tâm chỉ dành cho hoàng đế. Tiếp theo, vào Thành phố Hoàng gia. Bên trong là Lầu Ngũ Phụng, ban đầu chỉ mở cửa cho các thành viên của Hoàng gia. Sau đó, bạn nên kiểm tra Cung điện Thái Hòa. Nó được sử dụng cho các lễ kỷ niệm quan trọng như sinh nhật của Hoàng gia. Cuối cùng, tham quan Nhà hát Hoàng gia Duyệt Thị Đường. Đó là nhà hát lâu đời nhất ở Việt Nam! Sau khi khám phá xong cố đô, bạn nên đi thuyền thăm lăng mộ của các vị hoàng đế. Nhớ mang ô vì ở Huế hay mưa.

Bạn có thể bay đến Huế từ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh hoặc Hà Nội. Nếu bạn muốn khám phá thêm về đất nước này, chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên đi tàu qua đêm. Sau khi đến Huế, bạn có thể đi taxi, xe đạp hoặc đi bộ quanh thành phố. Hãy nhớ dành nhiều thời gian để thử các món ăn đặc sản của Huế.

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Bài 20 :

1. Read the title and look at the picture. What is special about this place? Read the text to find out.

(Đọc tiêu đề và nhìn vào bức tranh. Nơi này có gì đặc biệt? Đọc văn bản để tìm hiểu.)

The Historic City of Ayutthaya, Thailand

Located on an island just north of Bangkok, Thailand, is the ancient site of Ayutthaya, once one of the greatest cities of the world. From the 14th to 18th century, Ayutthaya developed into a busy city and became a centre for both trade and government. The city, which was the capital of Thailand, grew to be one of the largest cities in the world at the time with over one million people. 1_______ Soon after, Bangkok became the new capital city.

Today, the ancient ruins of the city are a UNESCO World Heritage Site because the city was an important part in the development of Thai history and culture. Many people say it is the birthplace of true national Thai art.  2_______ All gives an idea of how rich and modern the city once was.

Visitors to the site can walk around the ruins that have over 400 temples and towers to explore. Each is an incredible example of Thai architecture of that time. They can also admire many giant statues of Buddha around the city as well as the paintings inside the temples and buildings.

3_______ Archaeologists work to repair and protect the buildings and monuments in the park. Ayutthaya is one of the six UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Thailand. People all around the world value its historical and cultural importance and try to protect it for future generations to enjoy.


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Bài 21 :

2. a) Read the text. Then read sentences (A-D) and choose the one that best fits each gap (1-3). There is one extra sentence.

(Đọc văn bản. Sau đó đọc các câu (A-D) và chọn câu phù hợp nhất với mỗi khoảng trống (1-3). Có dư một câu.)

A. The city was home to many artists.

(Thành phố là quê hương của nhiều nghệ sĩ.)

B. Ayutthaya is an ancient park.

(Ayutthaya là một công viên cổ kính.)

C. In 1767, the Burmese army attacked and destroyed the city.

(Năm 1767, quân Miến Điện tấn công và phá hủy thành phố.)

D. The site is famous for its art, grand temples, towers and statues.

(Địa điểm này nổi tiếng về nghệ thuật, những ngôi đền, tháp và tượng lớn.)

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Bài 22 :

b) Listen/Watch and check.

(Nghe/xem và kiếm tra.)

1. C

2. D

3. B


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Bài 23 :

3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

(Đọc lại văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What happened to Ayutthaya?

(Điều gì đã xảy ra với Ayutthaya?)

2. Why is Ayutthaya a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

(Tại sao Ayutthaya được UNESCO công nhận là Di sản Thế giới?)

3. What can visitors see in the ancient city?

(Du khách có thể nhìn thấy gì ở thành phố cổ?)

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Bài 24 :

1. Look at the advert in Exercise 3 on page 48. Then read the letter and answer the questions.

(Nhìn vào quảng cáo trong Bài tập 3 ở trang 48. Sau đó đọc bức thư và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

Dear Mr Blackwell,

I am writing to you regarding the volunteer programme at the Prambanan Temple Compound in Indonesia. I am interested in becoming a volunteer and would like to have some information about the programme.

Firstly, do you know what kind of training volunteers get? I have never worked at a heritage site before and I am a bit nervous about what I should do.

Secondly, could you tell me more about the accommodation with the families? Do volunteers have roommates? I also want to know how far the accommodation is from the site.

Finally, I want to find out more about the participation fee. Can you let me know if there are any other costs during the programme? I need to know the total cost for the trip.

I look forward to your reply and learning more about the programme. It sounds like an excellent volunteering experience. Thank you in advance for the information.

Kind regards,

Jack Hackett

1. Who is the letter from?

(Bức thư đến từ ai?)

2. Who is the letter for?

(Bức thư gửi cho ai?)

3. What is the letter about?

(Bức thư nói về cái gì?)

4. What opening/closing remarks did Jack use?

(Jack đã sử dụng câu mở đầu/kết thúc nào?)

5. Which paragraph requests information about the costs? the training? the accommodation?

(Đoạn nào yêu cầu thông tin về chi phí? đào tạo? chỗ ở?)

6. What does the writer do in the last paragraph?

(Người viết làm gì trong đoạn cuối?)

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Bài 25 :

2. Look at the pictures again and read the title. What do you think the text is about? Listen/ Watch and read to find out.

(Nhìn vào những bức tranh một lần nữa và đọc tiêu đề. Bạn nghĩ văn bản nói về điều gì? Nghe/Xem và đọc để tìm hiểu.)


In the 16th century, artists in a small village called Đông Hồ in northern Vietnam started creating a special style of painting. The paintings showed the beautiful countryside, traditional customs, local stories and festivals. The highly-skilled artists used woodblocks with different bright colours to create paintings on a special type of paper-giấy điệp, which is made from the bark of tree, powder of seashells and rice. They also used materials from nature such as trees, flowers and leaves to create the colours of the paint. Over time, the Vietnamese people bought the Đông Hồ paintings to celebrate the Lunar New Year. For good luck in the new year, they bought new Đông Hồ paintings to replace the old ones that decorated their house from the previous year. These paintings have become an important part of Vietnamese folk culture.

In the modern age, the demand for such paintings fell and there were fewer artists making paintings in the village. As a result, very few families today are creating the paintings. In order to help preserve the heritage of the Đông Hồ paintings and support the artists, there are now cultural heritage tours of the village. Tours of the area create interest in the art form from both local and international visitors. One of the artists created the Đông Hồ Paintings Preservation Centre, which displays over 200 paintings, and teaches visitors about the history of the paintings and how the artists make them. The centre and the artists are also working to teach this traditional form of art to younger generations.

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Bài 26 :

3. Read the text again. For questions (1-3), choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Đối với câu hỏi (1-3), chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất (A, B, C hoặc D).)

1. The colours in Đông Hồ paintings come from _______.

A. the powder of trees

B. natural materials

C. special woodblocks

D. mixing different bright colours

2. The word They in line 7 refers to _______.

A. woodblocks

B. paintings

C. Vietnamese people

D. artists

3. For the Lunar New Year, the Vietnamese _______.

A. decorate their Đông Hồ paintings

B. display all of their Đông Hó paintings

C. change their old Đông Hồ paintings

D. take down all their Đông Hồ paintings

4. What is the purpose of the Đông Hồ Preservation Centre?

A. to create awareness about the paintings

B. to sell paintings to tourists

C. to provide heritage tours

D. to provide a space for artists to paint

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Bài 27 :


6. Read the text and the sentences (A-E). Then choose the one that best fits each gap (1-4). There is one extra sentence.

(Đọc văn bản và các câu (A-E). Sau đó chọn một cái phù hợp nhất với từng khoảng trống (1-4). Có một câu dư.)


Known as the wilderness of Europe, Sweden's Lapland is an incredible ecosystem of forests, mountains and glaciers. Lapland is the home of unique wildlife such as reindeer, bears and wolves. This ecosystem has many large rivers that flow down from the mountain tops to the valleys below. 1) _______ Besides the diverse wildlife, Swedish Lapland is also the home of the Sami people.

Over the years, activities such as hunting, deforestation and mining have had a negative impact on the environment and the animal species living in Lapland. Fish populations in rivers have decreased significantly.                                                   2) _______ The destruction of waterways has affected forest growth and the animals on the land as well.

Fortunately, through the work of the environmental organisation, Rewilding Lapland, the area and species living here are being restored and protected. Their work includes removing logs that block the rivers. 3) _______ The organisation also cooperates with the local Sami people to control fishing and develop ecotourism.

4) _______ Furthermore, the older forests and reindeer habitats are now protected from the effects of deforestation and mining.

A. By repairing the rivers' water flow, all of the ecosystem will benefit.

(Bằng cách sửa chữa dòng nước của sông, tất cả hệ sinh thái sẽ được hưởng lợi.)

B. As a result, Lapland needs to reduce tourism.

(Do đó, Lapland cần giảm du lịch.)

C. These waterways are full of salmon and sea trout.

(Những tuyến đường thủy này đầy cá hồi và cá hồi biển.)

D. This is due to human activities like cutting down trees that change the rivers' flow.

(Điều này là do các hoạt động của con người như chặt cây làm thay đổi dòng chảy của sông.)

E. This protects the wildlife by teaching visitors about the importance of the nature of Lapland.

(Điều này bảo vệ động vật hoang dã bằng cách dạy du khách về tầm quan trọng của thiên nhiên Lapland.)

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Bài 28 :

1. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

(Đọc đối thoại và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. Where is Machu Picchu?

(Machu Picchu ở đâu?)

2. What did the Spanish destroy in the 1500s?

(Người Tây Ban Nha đã phá hủy gì vào những năm 1500?)

3. Who built Machu Picchu?

(Ai đã xây dựng Machu Picchu?)

4. When was Machu Picchu declared a World Heritage site?

(Khi nào Machu Picchu được công nhận là di sản Thế giới?)

Hải: I'm sorry, I forgot. Was it Lake Titicaca that you visited in Peru?

Hồng: No, it wasn't. It was Machu Picchu that we saw.

Hải: Oh yes, now I remember. That was the Aztec city the Spanish destroyed in the 1500s, right?

Hồng: No, that was in Mexico. Machu Picchu was built by the Incas in the 1400s as an estate for their emperor. An American archaeologist found it in 1911. But it wasn't until 1983 that it was declared a World Heritage site.

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Bài 29 :

4. Read the article on page 57 and complete the gaps (1-4) with sentences (A-E). There is one extra sentence.

(Đọc bài viết ở trang 57 và hoàn thành các khoảng trống (1-4) với các câu (A-E). Có một câu thừa.)

A. Nature lovers come to admire the views, take photos, and go on ecotours.

(Những người yêu thiên nhiên đến để ngắm cảnh, chụp ảnh, du lịch sinh thái.)

B. In Vietnamese, the name means 'where the dragon descends into the sea'.

(Trong tiếng Việt, tên này có nghĩa là 'nơi rồng xuống biển'.)

C. The park's landscape is formed by a limestone plateau and tropical forest.

(Cảnh quan của vườn quốc gia được hình thành bởi một cao nguyên đá vôi và rừng nhiệt đới.)

D. Outdoor and water sports are favorite activities for most visitors.

(Thể thao ngoài trời và dưới nước là hoạt động yêu thích của hầu hết du khách.)

E. Hạ Long Bay is one of Việt Nam’s most popular tourist destinations.

(Vịnh Hạ Long là một trong những điểm du lịch nổi tiếng nhất của Việt Nam.)

Phong Nha- Kẻ Bàng National Park

On today's show, we have two magnificent World Heritage sites to share with you: Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park and Ha Long Bay.

Phong Nha - Kẻ Bàng National Park became a World Heritage site in 2003. It covers over 85,000 hectares. 1__________________________________________

It is an area of great geological diversity and has over 800 species of vertebrate animals. It also has some huge caves and underground rivers. Tourists visit for hiking, kayaking, camping, swimming, and ziplining. 2__________________________________________

Some locals have become tour guides, taking tourists on boat trips. These local experts help tourists safely boat down the rivers and avoid dangers while still being able to enjoy the waterfalls.

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay is an internationally known icon of Việt Nam and is one of the most popular tourist spots in the country. It includes more than 1,600 stunning islands, most of which don't have any humans living on them. 3__________________________________________

The spot is admired for its limestone sites and unique scenes. Although the breath-taking beauty of the natural scenery attracts visitors, it is the area's unforgettable biodiversity that appeals to nature lovers. Visitors come to the area to swim, kayak, hike, scuba dive, and of course take photos. 4_________________________________________. Being on the coast, Ha Long Bay provides opportunities to try some authentic local seafood.

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Bài 30 :

5. Read the article and answer the questions. Write Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park or Ha Long Bay.

(Đọc bài viết và trả lời các câu hỏi. Viết Vườn quốc gia Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng hoặc Vịnh Hạ Long.)

1. Which place is formed by a limestone plateau?

(Nơi nào được hình thành bởi một cao nguyên đá vôi?)


2. Which place includes islands?

(Nơi nào bao gồm các đảo?)


3. Which place has a lot of biodiversity?

(Nơi nào có nhiều đa dạng sinh học?)


4. Which place offers ziplining activities?

(Nơi nào cung cấp các hoạt động ziplining?)


5. Which place has waterfalls?

(Nơi nào có thác nước?)


6. Which place is known for its seafood?

(Nơi nào được biết đến với hải sản của nó?)


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