Đề bài

5. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given.

(Chọn đáp án (A, B, C hoặc D) để chỉ ra câu có nghĩa gần nhất với câu cho trước.)

1. The green energy project wasn't well-funded, so it took a long time to complete.

A. If the green energy project had been well-funded, it wouldn't have taken a long time to complete.

B. If the green energy project hadn't been well funded, it would have taken a long time to complete.

C. The green energy project would not take a long time to complete if it was well-funded.

D. The green energy project will not take a long time to complete if it is well-funded.

2. The country invested in tidal power and became a leader in green energy production.

A. If the country didn't invest in tidal power, it wouldn't become a leader in green energy production.

B. If the country had invested in tidal power, it could have become a leader in green energy production.

C. The country wouldn't have become a leader in green energy production if it hadn't invested in tidal power.

D. If the country had become a leader in green energy production, it could have invested in tidal power.

3. There weren't strict laws about emissions in the past, so global warming became a major problem.

A. Global warming would have become a major problem if there hadn't been strict laws about emissions in the past.

B. If there was strict laws about emissions in the past, global warming wouldn't become a major problem.

C. If global warming hadn't become a major problem, there would have been strict laws about emissions in the past.

D. Global warming wouldn't have become a major problem if there had been strict laws about emissions in the past.

4. Greg can't take his plastic waste to the recycling centre because he is so busy now.

A. If Greg isn't so busy, he can take his plastic waste to the recycling centre.

B. Greg could have taken his plastic waste to the recycling centre if he hadn't been so busy.

C. If Greg wasn't so busy, he could take his plastic waste to the recycling centre.

D. If Greg could take his plastic waste to the recycling centre, he wasn't so busy.

5. Plastic pollution harmed thousands of marine animals last year because lots of tourists left their rubbish on the beach.

A. If lots of tourists hadn't left their rubbish on the beach, plastic pollution wouldn't have harmed thousands of marine animals last year.

B. If lots of tourists left their rubbish on the beach, plastic pollution would harm thousands of marine animals last year.

C. Plastic pollution would have harmed thousands of marine animals last year if lots of tourists had left their rubbish on the beach.

D. Plastic pollution wouldn't have harmed thousands of marine animals last year if lots of tourists didn't leave their rubbish on the beach. 

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. A

1. A

(Dự án năng lượng xanh không được đầu tư tốt nên mất nhiều thời gian để hoàn thành.

A. Nếu dự án năng lượng xanh được tài trợ tốt thì sẽ không mất nhiều thời gian để hoàn thành.

B. Nếu dự án năng lượng xanh không được tài trợ tốt thì sẽ mất nhiều thời gian để hoàn thành.

C. Dự án năng lượng xanh sẽ không mất nhiều thời gian để hoàn thành nếu được tài trợ tốt.

D. Dự án năng lượng xanh sẽ không mất nhiều thời gian để hoàn thành nếu được tài trợ tốt.)

2. C

(Đất nước đầu tư vào thủy triều và trở thành quốc gia đi đầu về sản xuất năng lượng xanh.

A. Nếu quốc gia không đầu tư vào năng lượng thủy triều, quốc gia này sẽ không thể trở thành quốc gia dẫn đầu về sản xuất năng lượng xanh.

B. Nếu quốc gia đầu tư vào năng lượng thủy triều, quốc gia đó có thể trở thành quốc gia dẫn đầu về sản xuất năng lượng xanh.

C. Đất nước sẽ không trở thành quốc gia dẫn đầu về sản xuất năng lượng xanh nếu không đầu tư vào năng lượng thủy triều.

D. Nếu quốc gia trở thành quốc gia dẫn đầu về sản xuất năng lượng xanh, quốc gia đó có thể đã đầu tư vào năng lượng thủy triều.)

3. D

(Trước đây không có luật nghiêm ngặt về khí thải nên hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu đã trở thành một vấn đề lớn.

A. Sự nóng lên toàn cầu sẽ trở thành một vấn đề lớn nếu trước đây không có luật nghiêm ngặt về khí thải.

B. Nếu trước đây có luật nghiêm ngặt về khí thải thì hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu sẽ không trở thành vấn đề lớn.

C. Nếu hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu không trở thành một vấn đề lớn thì đã có luật nghiêm ngặt về khí thải trong quá khứ.

D. Sự nóng lên toàn cầu sẽ không trở thành một vấn đề lớn nếu trước đây có những luật nghiêm ngặt về khí thải.)

4. C

(Greg không thể mang rác thải nhựa của mình đến trung tâm tái chế vì hiện tại anh ấy rất bận.

A. Nếu Greg không quá bận, anh ấy có thể mang rác thải nhựa của mình đến trung tâm tái chế.

B. Greg lẽ ra đã có thể mang rác thải nhựa của mình đến trung tâm tái chế nếu anh ấy không quá bận rộn.

C. Nếu Greg không quá bận, anh ấy có thể mang rác thải nhựa của mình đến trung tâm tái chế.

D. Nếu Greg có thể mang rác thải nhựa của mình đến trung tâm tái chế thì anh ấy đã không bận lắm.)

5. A

(Ô nhiễm nhựa đã gây hại cho hàng ngàn động vật biển vào năm ngoái vì rất nhiều khách du lịch để rác trên bãi biển.

A. Nếu nhiều khách du lịch không vứt rác trên bãi biển thì ô nhiễm nhựa đã không gây hại cho hàng ngàn động vật biển vào năm ngoái.

B. Nếu nhiều khách du lịch vứt rác trên bãi biển, ô nhiễm nhựa sẽ gây hại cho hàng ngàn động vật biển vào năm ngoái.

C. Ô nhiễm nhựa sẽ gây hại cho hàng ngàn động vật biển vào năm ngoái nếu nhiều khách du lịch vứt rác trên bãi biển.

D. Ô nhiễm nhựa sẽ không gây hại cho hàng ngàn động vật biển vào năm ngoái nếu nhiều khách du lịch không vứt rác trên bãi biển.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Choose the best answer.

If I________money, I________a new uniform.

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Bài 2 :

Choose the best answer.

If I __________the same problem you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as well as you have.

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Bài 3 :

Choose the best answer.

If I had known you were asleep, I __________so much noise when I came in.

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Bài 4 :

Choose the best answer.

If the tree hadn't been so high, he _____ it up to take his kite down.

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Bài 5 :

Choose the best answer.

If she ____ the truth, I think she’d never want to see you again.

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Bài 6 :

Choose the best answer.

Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ______ the same language?

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Bài 7 :

Choose the best answer.

Were he ten years younger, he _____ part in the voyage around the world.

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Bài 8 :

Choose the best answer.

__________the truth  yesterday, I would have saved myself a lot of time over the years.

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Bài 9 :

Choose the best answer.

__________the truth  yesterday, I would have saved myself a lot of time over the years.

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Bài 10 :

Choose the best answer.

Had you told me that this was going to happen, I __________it.

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Bài 11 :

Choose the best answer.

She says if she _____ that the traffic lights were red she _____.

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Bài 12 :

Choose the best answer.

It was much colder than we had thought. _____ we had taken more warm clothes.

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Bài 13 :

Choose the best answer.

I would have crashed the car _____.

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Bài 14 :

a. Write sentences using the prompts.

(Viết câu sử dụng gợi ý.)

1. as long as/they/keep/do/work/animals/not/go/extinct


2. we can/reintroduce/injured animals/their habitats/provided that/they/be/better


3. unless/they/clean/beach/marine life/will/danger


4. if/they/organize/monthly/clean-up/the/beach/will/beautiful


5. we should/plant/more trees/in case/deforestation/get/worse


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Bài 15 :

b. Circle the sentence that most closely matches the original.

(Khoanh tròn câu phù hợp nhất với câu gốc.)

1. In case the destruction of marine habitats continues to happen, we should protect more marine areas.

(Trong trường hợp môi trường sống ở biển tiếp tục bị tàn phá, chúng ta nên bảo vệ nhiều khu vực biển hơn.)

A. We should protect marine areas if destruction continues.

(Chúng ta nên bảo vệ các khu vực biển nếu tình trạng phá hủy vẫn tiếp diễn.)

B. We shouldn’t protect marine areas if destruction stops.

(Chúng ta không nên bảo vệ các vùng biển nếu sự tàn phá chấm dứt.)

C. We should protect marine areas to prepare for destruction.

(Chúng ta nên bảo vệ các vùng biển để chuẩn bị cho sự hủy diệt.)

2. As long as we stop overfishing, we can save the fish populations.

(Miễn là chúng ta ngừng đánh bắt quá mức, chúng ta có thể cứu được quần thể cá.)

A. Stopping overfishing will help fish populations.

(Việc ngừng đánh bắt quá mức sẽ giúp ích cho quần thể cá.)

B. Stopping overfishing will reduce fish populations.

(Ngừng đánh bắt quá mức sẽ làm giảm quần thể cá.)

C. Overfishing causes low fish populations.

(Đánh bắt quá mức gây ra số lượng cá thấp.)

3. Animals will go extinct unless we breed them.

(Động vật sẽ tuyệt chủng trừ khi chúng ta nhân giống chúng.)

A. Breeding animals will make them go extinct.

(Việc chăn nuôi động vật sẽ khiến chúng bị tuyệt chủng.)

B. If we breed animals, they will go extinct.

(Nếu chúng ta nuôi động vật, chúng sẽ bị tuyệt chủng.)

C. Breeding animals will stop them from going extinct.

(Việc nhân giống các loài động vật sẽ giúp chúng không bị tuyệt chủng.)

4. If we boycott the business, they will start being eco-friendly.

(Nếu chúng ta tẩy chay doanh nghiệp, họ sẽ bắt đầu thân thiện với môi trường.)

A. The business won’t be eco-friendly if we boycott them.

(Doanh nghiệp sẽ không thân thiện với môi trường nếu chúng ta tẩy chay họ.)

B. The business will be eco-friendly as long as we boycott them.

(Việc kinh doanh sẽ thân thiện với môi trường miễn là chúng ta tẩy chay chúng.)

C. Unless we boycott them, the business won’t be eco-friendly.

(Trừ khi chúng ta tẩy chay họ, việc kinh doanh sẽ không thân thiện với môi trường.)

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Bài 16 :

Conditionals types 1 and 2 (Câu điều kiện loại 1 và 2)

1. Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. Would you join an environmental group if you have/if you had some free time?

2. We'd surely save/’ll surely save a lot of money if we use these light bulbs.

3. If I were you, I'll have/I'd have solar panels installed in the house.

4. If they switch to solar power next month, I'm sure they will save/would save on their electricity bills.

5. Would/Will our economy be boosted if we were less dependent on fossil fuels?

6. The climate crisis won't get any better if/ unless we use renewable energy sources. 

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Bài 17 :

2. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.

(Chọn A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần được sửa.)

1 If (A) I were you, I will (B) have solar panels installed (C) on (D) the house roof.

2 If (A) we use (B) more fossil fuels, we will (C) have few emissions (D).

3. Your carbon footprint would (A) be (B) smaller if you (C) switch to (D) solar power.

4. Would your dad switch (A) to the (B) electric car if he can (C) afford (D) one?

5. The coal-fired power plant will be (A) closed if (B) a tidal power plant were (C) built (D) near our town. 

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Bài 18 :

4. Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. If Cathy has some free time at the weekend, she _____ a seminar on geothermal power.

A. would attend          B. will attend              C. attends                    D. would have attended

2. I _____this car if I had known it caused so much pollution.

A. would have bought                                     B. wouldn't buy

C. wouldn't have bought                                 D. would buy

3. If I were a city planner, I _____ green energy technology here.

A. would use               B. will use                   C. used                        D. use

4. Unless they _____ solar panels to be economical in the long run, we wouldn't have decided to use them in our area.

A. hadn't proved         B. had proved              C. didn't prove            D. proved

5. If we _____ in tidal energy in this area, we would reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

A. invested                  B. invest                      C. had invested           D. would invest

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Bài 19 :

Conditional types 1 and 2 (Câu điều kiện loại 1 và 2)

1. Choose the correct answer. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. If I were him, I _____ installing an electric charging station at home.

A. consider                  B. would consider       C. will consider           D. considered

2. Unless you _____ your energy waste, you won't reduce your carbon footprint.

A. will limit                B. would limit             C. limit                        D. limited

3. They will avoid creating emissions if they _____ using tidal power.

A. start                        B. started                     C. would start              D. will start

4. We would reduce our dependence on imported fuels if we _____ more in green energy.

A. invested                  B. will invested           C. would invest           D. invest

5. If the government builds more turbines, we _____ to harness the power of the wind to produce more clean energy.

A. are able                  B. would be able         C. were able to            D. will be able

6. If Josh _____ an electric car, he would replace his petrol one.

A. can afford               B. would afford           C. could afford            D. will afford

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Bài 20 :

2. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.

(Chọn đáp án (A, B, C hoặc D) để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa lại.)

1. Jake and Marrie’s home would be (A) more environmentally friendly if (B) they install solar panels on (C) their (D) roof this year.

2. Global warming will get worse unless (A) we stopped (B) depending on (C) fossil fuels for producing (D) energy.

3. If (A) we didn’t reduce (B) water wastage soon, we will (C) have to deal with (D) water shortages.

4. The soil would become (A) more polluted if (B) people continue (C) to use harmful chemicals in (D) farming.

5. Overloaded landfills wouldn’t be (A) such an issue unless (B) people used (C) fewer disposable items and recycled (D) more.

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Bài 21 :

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc.)

1. I wish I had (have) a longer attention span but, I . . . Oh, er sorry, what was I saying?

2. If only there _____ (be) a pill people could take to get rid of serious illnesses quickly.

3. Sarah wishes her friends _____ (not upload) photos of her to social media sites without asking first.

4. I wish I _____ (not suffer) from insomnia before tests and exams.

5. If only my parents _____ (buy) a sat-nav, we might not get lost so often.

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Bài 22 :

2. Choose the correct option to explain the meaning of each sentence in italics.

(Chọn đáp án đúng để giải thích nghĩa của câu in nghiêng.)

1. If only I had taken on the new role at work.

The speaker did/didn't take on the new role at work.

2. I wish the living expenses in this city weren't so high.

The living expenses in the speaker's city are/aren't high.

3. I wish I’d performed better at the interview.

The speaker did/didn't perform well at the interview.

4. If only my job wasn't so monotonous.

The speaker's job is/isn't monotonous.

5. I wish my contract hadn't expired.

The speaker's contract has / hasn't expired.

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Bài 23 :

4. Change the underlined words so that the tense is correct in the second sentence.

(Thay đổi các từ gạch chân để thì trong câu thứ hai đúng.)

1. If only I was more outgoing.

If only I had been more outgoing when I was at school.

2 I wish I could go on holiday.

I wish I _____ last summer.

3. If only we lived in a big city now.

If only we _____ when we were children.

4. I wish I hadn't lived alone at university.

I wish I _____ now.

5. If only I hadn't been so tired that night.

If only I _____  now.

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Bài 24 :

5. Complete the messages with the correct form of the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành lời nhắn với dạng đúng của các từ trong hộp.)







If you love the sea, then Ocean Fans is the website for you.

Sea not Space - jellyfish99 writes:

It’s high time we (1) explored the world's oceans more thoroughly. Amazingly, 95 percent of our waters remain unseen by human eyes. I would rather governments (2) _____ in this than in developing weapons; for example. I wish we (3) _____ concentrate on learning more about what is here on Earth and how to preserve it. The answer to many of our environmental problems could lie beneath the waves - if only we (4) _____ the effort to look.

1 Reply – ocotboy8 writes:

I couldn't agree more, jellyfi$h99. I wish we (5) _____ the billions it took to fight the wars of recent years on preserving the planet and its oceans instead. If only we (6) _____ developing clean energy alternatives earlier, the Earth might now be in a much better state.

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Bài 25 :

1. Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings and then choose the correct options.

(Nối phần đầu và phần cuối các câu sau và chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. You'll miss the end of the film

2. If you read the instructions,

3. If you didn't know it was computer animation,

4. I wouldn't have believed it,

5. If Pinocchio tells the truth,

a. you wouldn't / would believe it was real.

b. if I hadn't /had seen it with my own eyes.

c. you won't / 'll be able to do it yourself.

d. his nose doesn’t grow / grows,

e. if you stay/ don’t stay awake

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Bài 26 :

2. Complete the sentences with unless or provided/ providing.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với unless hoặc provided/providing.)

1. Don't invest in this risky business unless you are willing to lose all your savings.

2. Most cats will be perfectly OK on their own all day _____ you leave them some food.

3. Exams are unfair _____ you can guarantee that no one cheats.

4. _____ the fish actually moves, it is virtually impossible to spot it because of its camouflage.

5. _____ you don't look too closely, you can't tell the watch is a fake.

6. Mike exaggerates, but he's good company _____ you take what he says with a pinch of salt.

7. It's impossible to look so wrinkle-free at the age of 72 _____ you've had plastic surgery.

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Bài 27 :

3. Put the words in the correct order to complete the conditional questions.

(Xếp các từ vào đúng thứ tự để hoàn thành các câu hỏi câu điều kiện.)

1. you / imagine / could / a superpower / choose

Imagine you could choose a superpower, which would you choose?

2. been / suppose / the Apollo moon landings / had / fake

_____, could the space shuttle programme really have happened?

3. I/I/ said / didn't want / university / to go to / supposing

_____, what would you say?

4 imagine / have to / didn't / go to school / we / today

_____, what would we do instead?

5. you / been born / had / imagine / fifty years ago

_____, how might life be different?

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Bài 28 :

4. Match answers a-e to questions 1-5 in Exercise 3.

(Nối các câu trả lời a-e với các câu hỏi 1-5 trong bài 3.)

a. Well, to start with, there'd be no Internet or mobile phones.

b. I doubt it - The technology to build it wouldn't have existed.

c. We'd stay home and watch films all day.

d. I'd ask what you planned to do instead.

e. A brain surgeon. Or perhaps an astronaut.

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Bài 29 :

5. Rewrite the sentences using inversion to make them more formal.

(Viết lại các câu sau dùng đảo ngữ để khiến chúng thêm trang trọng.)

1. If I had taken what he said at face value, I would have made the wrong decision.

Had I taken what he said at face value, I would have made the wrong decision.

2 If I should not return, tell my family I love them.

_____, tell my family I love them.

3 If Helen wasn't so two-faced, I'd ask for her opinion.

_____, I'd ask for her opinion.

4. If the announcement hadn't been so ill-timed, fewer people would have objected.

_____, fewer people would have objected.

5. If you should see Meredith, please give her our love.

_____, please give her our love.

6. If it wasn't summer, our journey through the mountains would be impossible.

_____, our journey through the mountains would be impossible.

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Bài 30 :

6. Complete the text using the words in the box. There are two extra words.

(Hoàn thành bài khóa với các tù trong hộp. Có hai từ bị dư.)










(1) Supposing you were asked to define reality, what would you say? (2) _____ something very strange happened during the night, your world is roughly the same today as it was when you went to sleep yesterday. You are still you, and the past remains unchanged. (3) _____ you looked out of your window this morning, you would have seen the same view as last night and, (4) _____ you didn’t develop incredible powers of prediction as you slept, the future is still unknown, just as it was yesterday at this time. To put it another way, you woke up to reality.

However, (5) _____ you curious enough to ask a philosopher or scientist to define reality, you would probably get a rather more complicated answer. (6) _____ it turned out that reality was actually an illusion, how (7) _____ you feel? Well, some deep thinkers believe exactly this, and in his new book Professor Brian Sixsmith attempts to make their ideas accessible to the everyday reader.

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