Đề bài

5. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng để hoàn thành các câu.)

1. What shall we have for dinner? Perhaps I _____ pizza. Does that sound OK? 

A. 'm making B. 'll make C. 'm going to make 

2. Please don't _________ a mess in the kitchen. I've just cleaned it. 

A. doB. make C. have 

3. The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul is perhaps the oldest trading ________ in the world. 

A. estate B. centre C. block 

4. Ships and boats have ___________ windows because they are stronger.

A. round B. around C. over 

5. Your room is _________ large. You're lucky – mine is really small.

A. better B. much C. rather 

6. Why is your washing machine downstairs ________ the basement? 

A. atB. onC. in

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. B

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. C

1. What shall we have for dinner? Perhaps I’ll make pizza. Does that sound OK? 

(Chúng ta sẽ ăn gì cho bữa tối? Có lẽ tôi sẽ làm bánh pizza. Nghe có ổn không?)

Giải thích: Thì tương lai đơn diễn tả quyết định tức thời, không có kế hoạch sẵn.

2. Please don't make a mess in the kitchen. I've just cleaned it. 

(Làm ơn đừng làm bừa bộn trong bếp. Tôi vừa mới làm sạch nó.)

Giải thích: Cụm từ: make a mess: làm bừa bộn

3. The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul is perhaps the oldest trading centre in the world. 

(Grand Bazaar ở Istanbul có lẽ là trung tâm buôn bán lâu đời nhất trên thế giới.)

Giải thích:

A. estate (n): bất động sản

B. centre (n): trung tâm

C. block (n): khối

4. Ships and boats have round windows because they are stronger.

(Tàu và thuyền có cửa sổ tròn vì chúng chắc chắn hơn.)

Giải thích:

A. round : tròn

B. around: xung quanh

C. over : ở trên

5. Your room is rather large. You're lucky – mine is really small.

(Phòng của bạn là khá lớn. Bạn thật may mắn - của tôi thực sự nhỏ.)

6. Why is your washing machine downstairs in the basement? 

(Tại sao máy giặt của bạn ở dưới tầng hầm?)

Giải thích: in the basement: dưới tầng hầm

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành các câu với dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc.)

1. Nam often (clean) _____ the house, but he can’t now because he (help) _____ his sister with her homework.

2. I wanted (improve) _____ my cooking skills, and my mum let me (take) ______ a cooking course last year.

3. My grandparents (practise) _______ singing twice a week, and they (practise) _______ at the moment.

4. Next Sunday evening, I (watch) _______ their show live on TV. I think they (win) _______ a prize.

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Bài 2 :

2. Complete the sentences. Make sure they mean the same as the sentences above them.

(Hoàn thành các câu. Đảm bảo rằng chúng có nghĩa giống với các câu ở trên.)

1. They collect the rubbish in the neighbourhood three times a week.

(Họ thu gom rác trong khu phố ba lần một tuần.)

=> The rubbish __________________________________________.

2. We turned off all the electrical devices in the house.

(Chúng tôi đã tắt tất cả các thiết bị điện trong nhà.)

=> All the electrical devices ________________________________.

3. Millions of people will watch his music videos online.

(Hàng triệu người sẽ xem các video âm nhạc của anh ấy trực tuyến.)

=> His music videos ______________________________________.

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Bài 3 :

Read the text and circle the correct answers.

(Đọc văn bản và khoanh tròn các câu trả lời đúng.)

Inventions and discoveries by accident!

The invention or discovery of something is not always the result of careful experiments. Sometimes, luck can help scientists (1) finding /find new things. Below are some famous examples.

Gravity: (2) Discover / Discovering the law of gravity is probably the most famous example. Isaac Newton (3) sat / was sitting under an apple tree when an apple (4) fell/ was falling on his head. He realised that something made apples fall straight to the ground. That was gravity!

Penicillin: Alexander Fleming came back from his holiday. He (5) was cleaning / cleaned his laboratory when he (6) discovered / was discovering something at the window. That was penicillin! Since then, doctors (7) used / have used penicillin around the world to save millions of lives

Popsicles: In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson decided (8) to make / making himself a soft drink. When he finished (9) make / making the drink, he left it outside with the wooden stick inside it. That night, the drink froze in cold weather and thanks to this 'accident', popsicles were later invented!

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Bài 4 :

8. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi trong bài 7.)

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Bài 5 :


3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. I am seeing/see/was seeing why you like that painting.

2. Beth cycles/cycled/was cycling to school when she fell off the bike.

3. Peter plays often/often plays/is often playing hockey at the weekend.

4. Are you doing/Were you doing/Did you do housework at 4 o’clock yesterday?

5. Was Steve doing his homework while you were making/make/made dinner?

6. Tim woke/wake/was waking up, had breakfast and got ready for school.

7. Are you playing chess every day/at the moment/last night?

8. Ann work/is working/works at the library.

9. I usually have breakfast last night/at 7:00 a.m. yesterday/at 7:00.

10. They live in Wales, but they are staying/stayed/stay with us in London this week.

11. The meeting begins/is beginning/was beginning at 10:00 a.m.

12. I was making dinner when John arrived/was arriving/arrives.

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Bài 6 :

Grammar (Ngữ pháp)

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. It’s cold. I will close/am going to close the window.

2. The bus is leaving/leaves at 9:00.

3. She didn’t pack/hasn’t packed her bag yet.

4. Look out! The door will hit/is going to hit you!

5. If I were/am you, I would accept the job offer.

6. We are flying/fly to Madrid on Friday.

7. I promise I am going to call/will call you when I arrive at the hotel.

8. I think the event is raising/will raise lots of money.

9. If it rains, we won’t go/wouldn’t go to the cake sale.

10. Judy works/has worked for the company since 2015.

11. If I have/had difficulty with the exercises, I’d ask the teacher for help.

12. Brian has been/gone to London. He’ll be back in a week.

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Bài 7 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án phù hợp nhất.)

1. I ________ a place in London these days.

A rents            B rent              C am renting

2. Jane’s away. She has ________ to Italy on holiday.

A been             B gone             C going

3. The train ________ at 4:00 p.m.

A departing     B depart          C departs

4. They ________ to the cinema yesterday.

A went            B go                C were going

5. We haven’t ________ Steve yet.

A meet            B met              C meeting

6. Mark ________ dinner at 8 o’clock last night.

A cooks           B cooked         C was cooking

7. If he ________ more free time, he would go on holiday.

A has               B had               C was having

8. I ________ you as soon as I land, I promise.

A will text       B text              C am texting

9. Be careful! You ________ to trip over that box!

A are               B will              C are going

10. Jeff’s really happy. He ________ his exams!

A passes          B passed          C has passed

11. Sandra has ________ been on a plane before.

A ever             B never            C yet

12. I think Simon ________ to university next year.

A will go         B goes             C is going

13. If I were you, I ________ her the truth.

A will tell        B tell               C would tell

14. We ________ a sport event in Spain this year.

A attending     B attend           C are attending

15. I was having a shower ________ the phone rang.

A when            B while            C so

16. When ________ they leave for Hanoi?

A were            B did               C are

17. Is Nina doing the laundry? No, she ________.

A didn’t           B isn’t             C wasn’t

18. Have you ever ________ sushi? It’s delicious.

A try                B trying           C tried

19. ________ we were waiting for the bus to Thăng Long Theatre, it started raining.

A Because       B While           C When

20. If you are good at your work, you ________ get a promotion.

A are               B would          C will

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Bài 8 :

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. Mr Wallace, who/whose brother works with Stephen, is a doctor.

2. A beach holiday isn't as exciting than/as a safari holiday.

3. I’ll never forget visiting/to visit Venice!

4. Ben’s mum always makes him to going/go to bed early.

5. That is the car whose/which my brother bought.

6. This is the better/best restaurant in town.

7. The school is planning donating/to donate money to a wildlife charity.

8. Russia is much/by far the largest country in the world.

9. There are many ways who/that you can help protect the environment.

10. James is much/so more intelligent than Steve.

11. Alan drives more slowly/slowlier than Joe.

12. We stayed on the/– Cát Bà Island to explore Hạ Long Bay.

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Bài 9 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án phù hợp nhất.)

1. This method can ________ to clean water.

A be used        B use               C used

2. The files were ________ for viruses.

A scanned       B scan             C scanning

3. The man ________ car is parked outside is my uncle.

A who             B which           C whose

4. Electric cars are ________ than petrol ones.

A clean            B cleanest        C cleaner

5. The nature reserve is ________ as the national park.

A as large        B larger           C large

6. Solar panels ________ to produce electricity.

A used             B are used       C uses

7. They knocked down the building ________ was behind the old factory last month.

A who             B which           C whose

8. You should remember ________ off your computer when you finish using it.

A turn              B to turn          C turning

9. Sandy, ________ is my mum’s best friend, left for New York last Monday.

A which          B who              C whose

10. Dad made us ________ our room.

A tidy              B to tidy          C tidying

11. Scott ________ that he would help me with my project.

A told              B said              C asked

12. Jeff can’t stand ________ to rock music.

A to listen       B listen            C listening

13. He intends ________ abroad when he finishes school.

A study            B to study        C studying

14. The app ________ tested when I visited the lab.

A will              B is being        C was being

15. I don't mind ________ to school.

A walking       B to walk         C to walking

16. You had better ________ on a coat.

A to put           B put               C putting

17. Green & Fresh is the ________ famous vegetarian restaurant in town.

A most            B more            C very

18. Dad said that the cake ________ delicious.

A were            B be                 C was

19. We are leaving on an eco-holiday in ________ Galápagos Islands.

A –                  B the                C a

20. Ben asked ________ make him some tea.

A if I could      B could I         C I could

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Bài 10 :


2. Choose the appropriate option.

(Chọn tùy chọn thích hợp.)

1. Biance _________ French at the moment.

A. study                                

B. studies                                    

C. is studying

2. Helen was watching TV when the telephone __________.

A. rung                                 

B. rang                                       

C. was ringing

3. Tina’s flight ___________  at three a’clock tomorrow morning. She has a meeting with the director at 5:00.

A. is arriving                        

B. work                                     

C. is working

4. Jennifer ____________ out at the gym on Thursdays.

A. works                              

B. work                                       

C. is working

5. __________ mum was loading the dishwasher, my sister was doing the ironing.

A. While                             

B. And                                        

C. When

6. My aunt always walks to work but she ______ her husband’s car these days.

A. is using                           

B. uses                                        

C. used

7. He took the bus, went to the mall and ________ a present for his friend.

A. buys                               

B. buy                                          

C. bought

8. I____________ the dentist at 6:00. My tooth hurts.

A. saw                                

B. seen                                        

C. am seeing 

9. The performance _____________ at 7:00 p.m, so don’t be late!

A. start                               

B. starts                                       

C. is starting

10. The rain ______me up last night.

A. wakes                           

B. woke                                       

C. was walking

11. What are you doing ___?

A. last night                      

B. tonight                                     

C. on Fridays

12. They sometimes go to the cinema ____ the weekend.

A. in                                   

B. to                                           

C. at

13. Were you having a shower when I ________ the bell?

A. rang                              

B. rung                                       

C. was ringing

14. The cake _____ delicious.

A. smell                            

B. smells                           

C. is smelling

15. He was answering his emails ________ the fire alarm went off.

A. and                              

B. while                              

C. when

16. I’m afraid he ______ the tickets for the performance yesterday.

A. lose                             

B. losed                             

C. lost

17. She was planting some flowers when dark clouds ________ .

A. appeared                     

B. appear                           

C. appears

18. Kelly _______calls me when she’s late for the music practice. It’s so annoying.

A. not                               

B. never                              

C. always

19. How often ____________ to the cinema?

A. he’s going                   

B. he goes                           

C. does he go

20. He_________ late for our shows.

A. always                        

B. is always                       

C. alway is

21. What places did you ________ when you went abroad?

A. visit                            

B. visited                          

C. visiting

22. Steve graduated from the college, then ______ back to his hometown.

A. moving                      

B. move                           

C. moved

23. He ___________ watching a dance performance at 10:00 yesterday morning.

A. isn’t                          

B. didn’t                          

C. wasn’t

24. Jessie was taking a nap _________ when John came to visit her.

A. at 4:00                     

B. right now                    

C. usually

25. She can’t talk right now. She _______ a shower

A. is having                 

B. has                              

C. had

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Bài 11 :

6. Choose the correct answer. 

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. Phong: My father ________ in a chemistry laboratory in the U.S. last summer. 

Vân: Cool. Did you visit him when he was there? 

A. used to work B. were working C. worked 

2 An: Why didn't you answer the phone? 

Trung: Sorry,  I ________ measurements of the room. 

An: Ah, OK

A. took B. was taking C. 'm taking 

3. Fiona: When I lived in Hà Nội, I often went to the Museum of Nature. 

Cathy: Really? I didn't know ______ in Hà Nội. 

Fiona: Yes. I lived there for six years. 

A you were living B you used to live C. were you living 

4. Dad: Hà! ___________

Hà: Sorry. I just wanted to check something. 

A. Not to use my smartphone. 

B. You don't use my smartphone.

C. Don't use my smartphone. 

5. Phong: I had a great time _____ the visit to the Natural History Museum. Nam: I'm not surprised. It's amazing!

A. during B. while C. as soon as

6 Minh: Giang waited for me ______ I finished my class and then we had


Công: That was kind of her. 

A. when B. until C. soon

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Bài 12 :

Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one. (7 pts)

(Chọn câu có nghĩa gần nghĩa nhất với câu gốc. (7 điểm))

44. I bought this computer when I was 15.

(Tôi mua máy tính này khi tôi 15 tuổi.)

A. I used this computer when I was 15.

(Tôi mua máy tính này khi tôi 15 tuổi.)

B. I have used this computer for 15 years.

(Tôi sử dụng máy tính này khi tôi 15 tuổi.)

C. I have bought this computer since I was 15.

(Tôi đã mua máy tính này từ năm 15 tuổi.)

D. I have had this computer since I was 15.

(Tôi đã có máy tính này từ năm 15 tuổi.)

45. It is convenient to learn with smart devices.

(Thật tiện lợi khi học với các thiết bị thông minh.)

A. Learn with smart devices is convenient.

(Học bằng thiết bị thông minh rất tiện lợi.)

B. Learning with smart devices is convenient.

(Học bằng thiết bị thông minh thật tiện lợi.)

C. Smart devices are convenient to learn.

(Các thiết bị thông minh rất tiện lợi để học tập.)

D. Smart devices can be learned conveniently.

(Các thiết bị thông minh có thể được học một cách thuận tiện.)

46. Everyone was disappointed with the results.

(Mọi người đều thất vọng với kết quả.)

A. The results were disappointed to everyone.

(Kết quả làm mọi người thất vọng.)

B. Everyone was disappointing with the results.

(Mọi người đều thất vọng với kết quả.)

C. The results were disappointing to everyone.

(Kết quả gây thất vọng cho tất cả mọi người.)

D. Everyone and the results were both disappointing.

(Tất cả mọi người và kết quả đều đáng thất vọng.)

47. E-readers help us read texts taken from the Internet easily.

(Máy đọc sách điện tử giúp chúng ta đọc các văn bản lấy từ Internet một cách dễ dàng.)

A. E-readers allow us read texts taken from the Internet easily.

(E-reader cho phép chúng ta đọc các văn bản lấy từ Internet một cách dễ dàng.)

B. E-readers allow us to read texts taken from the Internet easily.

(E-reader cho phép chúng ta đọc các văn bản lấy từ Internet một cách dễ dàng.)

C. E-readers allow us reading texts taken from the Internet easily.

(E-reader cho phép chúng ta đọc các văn bản lấy từ Internet một cách dễ dàng.)

D. E-readers allow us can read texts taken from the Internet easily.

(E-reader cho phép chúng ta có thể đọc các văn bản lấy từ Internet một cách dễ dàng.)

48. The accident happened on my way to London.

(Tai nạn xảy ra trên đường đến London của tôi.)

A. I travelled to London when the accident happened.

(Tôi đi du lịch đến London khi vụ tai nạn xảy ra.)

B. I travelled to London when the accident was happening.

(Tôi đi du lịch đến London khi vụ tai nạn đang xảy ra.)

C. I was travelling to London when the accident happened.

(Tôi đang đi du lịch đến London khi vụ tai nạn xảy ra.)

D. I was traveling to London when the accident was happening.

(Tôi đang đi du lịch đến London khi vụ tai nạn đang xảy ra.)

49. Computers can help store information.

(Máy tính có thể giúp lưu trữ thông tin.)

A. Computers are useful for storing information.

(Máy tính rất hữu ích để lưu trữ thông tin.)

B. Computers are useful for stores information.

(Máy tính rất hữu ích cho việc lưu trữ thông tin)

C. Computers are useful storing information.

(Máy tính là vật lưu trữ thông tin hữu ích.)

D. Computers are useful for store information.

(Máy tính rất hữu ích cho việc lưu trữ thông tin.)

50. Old clothes are not totally useless.

(Quần áo cũ không hoàn toàn vô dụng.)

A. It is useless to buy old clothes.

(Mua quần áo cũ là vô ích.)

B. You cannot use old clothes at all.

(Bạn hoàn toàn không được sử dụng quần áo cũ.)

C. Old clothes are totally useful.

(Quần áo cũ hoàn toàn hữu ích.)

D. Old clothes can be useful.

(Quần áo cũ có thể hữu ích.)

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Bài 13 :

3. There is a mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

(Có một lỗi sai trong mỗi câu. Tìm và sửa nó.)

1. We lived here since 1990. We all enjoy living in this neighbourhood.

2. Have you finished did your homework? 

3. They want trying the new device because it is very useful. 

4. I have used this smartphone during 20 years. It is old now. 

5. We have recent bought a new laptop. 

6. Design a new invention is not easy. 

7. I have tried everything but it is really difficult for remove this stain. 

8. Everyone has met at the meeting yesterday and we had a great discussion.

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Bài 14 :

Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences. (7 pts)

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau. (7 điểm))

17. My father cooks / is cooking dinner now, so he can't answer the phone.

18. I don't think I'll go / I'm going out this evening. I have an exam tomorrow.

19. Look at those clouds of thick black smoke. They' ll / They're going to pollute the air.

20. Several clean-up activities are organised/ organise every weekend.

21. His parents didn't let him perform / to perform at music festivals

22. When going shopping, we often bring / are brought reusable bogs and refillable bottles.

23. My piano teacher makes me practise / to practise for five hours every day.

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Bài 15 :

Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. (5 pts)

(Chọn các câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu. (5 điểm))

24. His father reminded him_______ off all household appliances when they are not in use.

A. turning                   

B. turn                         

C. to turn                    

D. turned

25. The teacher asked all her students_______ the music performance

A. attend                    

B. attending                            

C. attended                 

D. to attend

26. Our neighbourhood looks beautiful as more flowers_______ in many places

A. are planted             

B. plant                      

C. will be planted                   

D. will plant

27. Wind energy_______ the main energy of the future, I believe.

A. is going to be   

B. will be             

C. is                                        

D. are

28. What_______ your family often _______together in the evening?

A. is - doing               

B. are doing               

C. does-do                              

D. will – do

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Bài 16 :

Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings. (3 pts)

(Viết lại các câu mà không thay đổi nghĩa của chúng. (3 điểm))

44. Do they teach children how to reduce their carbon footprints?

(Họ có dạy trẻ em cách giảm khí thải carbon không?)

=> Are children ­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________?

45. They will organise many activities to raise local people's awareness of environmental issues.

(Họ sẽ tổ chức nhiều hoạt động để nâng cao nhận thức của người dân địa phương về các vấn đề môi trường.)

=> Many activities_______________.

46. His songs have brought more love into many people's lives.

(Những bài hát của anh đã mang thêm tình yêu vào cuộc sống của nhiều người.)

=> More love____________________________________________________.

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Bài 17 :

Put the words and phrases in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. (4 pts)

(Đặt các từ và cụm từ theo đúng thứ tự để tạo thành câu có nghĩa. (4 điểm))

47. and / to take responsibility / Doing housework/teaches them / develop necessary life skills/helps children /.

48. your used household items. / recycle them / Don't throw away / but sort/ and / to  prevent environmental pollution /

49. performed / International Youth Music Festival / from all over / and singers / in last  year's / Many famous bands / the world/.

50. at home / are /children should learn / the skills / cleaning the house / Doing the  laundry / and taking care of others /.

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Bài 18 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn đáp án đúng nhất.)

1. Tina's flight  _______________at three o'clock today.

A. is arriving

B. will arrive

C. arrives

2. She _______________shifts for five days.

A. 's worked

B. work

C. worked

3. If I _______________ to bed earlier, I wouldn't feel so tired at work every day.

A. went

B. go

C. were going

4. If we had a cake sale, we _______________ money for the charity.

A. raise

B. raised

C. would raise

5. We have _______________  to Australia twice.

A. gone

B. went

C. been

6. We _______________ a marathon next Friday morning at 10:00.

A. are having

B. have

C. will have

7. Trung has worked for this charity_______________ June.

A. since

B. for

C. last

8. Tim loves creating ads. He _______________ be a graphic designer.

A. is going

B. will

C. is going to

9. I _______________ the documents for my boss, so we can go to our zumba class together.

A. finished

B. finish

C. 've finished

10. Francis came to work last month, but he  hasn 't learnt the basic _______________.

A. already

B. yet

C. just

11. If she _______________ this job, she'll have to wear a uniform.

A. will get

B. got

C. gets

12. If I _______________ you, l'd talk to the manager.

A. were

B. been

C. am

13. Unless she _______________ now, she won't be there on time tor the fundraising event.

A. leaves

B. left

C. 'd leave

14. We _______________ 140 homes for animals so far.

A. 've found

B. found

C. find

15. We'll have a picnic tomorrow _______________ it rains.

A. if

B. unless

C. if not

16. Beth is not in. She's probably _______________  the office.

A. went

B. been

C. gone 

17. If you worked as a plumber for us, you _______________  directly to Josh.

A. 'd report

B. 'll report

C. reported

18. Be careful! That vase _______________ fall off the shelf. 

A. will

B. going to

C. 's going to

19. Terry has been a tour guide _______________ five years.

A. for

B. just

C. since

20. If you had a lot of money, where _______________ you travel?

A. did

B. will

C. would

21. Don't worry about saving up more money. I _______________ you some myself.

A. 'd give

B. 've given

C. 'll give

22. Unless we _______________ tickets online, we won't be able to take part in the cake sale.

A. buy

B. 'd buy

C. don't buy

23. The school _______________ a cake sale next weekend .

A. has

B. had

C. is having

24. I _______________ to that event yet.

A. 've been

B. 've gone

C. haven't been

25. Lucy has collected five boxes of food for the animal shelter _______________.

A. yet

B. so far

C. Since

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