Đề bài

Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences.

(Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau.)

17. My mother has practised yoga __________ more than ten years.

A. for

B. since

C. in

D. after


18. I have built up my muscles __________ I started working out.

A. for

B. since

C. in

D. already


19. My sister had a stomach ache, so she __________ to see the doctor last week.

A. has gone

B. has been to

C. went

D. goes


20. My parents have __________ bought a treadmill, so now I can walk or run on it whenever I want.

A. yet

B. so far

C. since

D. just


21. He __________. What’s wrong with him?

A. looks so worried

B. looks so worriedly

C. is looking so worried

D. is looking so worriedly


22. My father __________ of going on a diet. He’s put on weight recently.

A. thinks

B. is thinking

C. thought

D. has thought


23. Dr Wilson, I’m not feeling well today. I __________ a terrible headache.

A. am having

B. had

C. have

D. have had


24. Lan, __________ our aerobics instructor? She’s become very famous.

A. are you remembering

B. were you remembering

C. will you remember

D. do you remember


25. I think you __________ talk to your parents about it. I’m sure they’ll give you the best advice.

A. should

B. shouldn’t

C. have to

D. don’t have to


26. You __________ stay out after 10 p.m. Remember to be back home by then.

A. must

B. mustn’t

C. should

D. don’t have to


27. My grandmother __________ leave school at the age of 14, so she could help her mother with household chores.

A. must

B. should

C. had to

D. mustn’t


28. Parents __________ compare their children with others' because their children may start believing they are not able to perform well.

A. should 

B. must

C. shouldn’t

D. don’t have to

Lời giải chi tiết :

17. A

(Trong câu hiện tại hoàn thành, for + khoảng thời gian. Trong trường hợp này, “more than ten years – hơn mười năm” là một khoảng thời gian => chọn đáp án A. for)

My mother has practised yoga for more than ten years.

(Mẹ tôi đã tập yoga hơn mười năm.)

A. for (trong vòng)

B. since (kể từ)

C. in (trong, vào năm)

D. after (sau khi)


18. B

(Trong câu hiện tại hoàn thành, since + mốc thời gian. Trong trường hợp này, “I started working out” là một mốc thời gian xác định điểm bắt đầu => chọn đáp án B. since)

I have built up my muscles since I started working out.

(Tôi đã xây dựng cơ bắp của mình kể từ khi tôi bắt đầu tập luyện.)

A. for (trong vòng)

B. since (kể từ)

C. in (trong, vào năm)

D. already (rồi)


19. C

(Mệnh đề phía sau có cụm “last week” – dấu hiệu thì quá khứ đơn => chọn đáp án C. went)

My sister had a stomach ache, so she went to see the doctor last week.

(Chị tôi bị đau bụng nên đã đi khám bác sĩ vào tuần trước.)

20. D

(Trong câu hiện tại hoàn thành: “have + just + V-pt2” chỉ một hành động đã hoàn thành trong quá khứ gần đây => chọn đáp án D. just. Các đáp án còn lại không đứng trước phân từ 2.)

My parents have just bought a treadmill, so now I can walk or run on it whenever I want.

(Bố mẹ tôi vừa mua một chiếc máy chạy bộ, vì vậy bây giờ tôi có thể đi bộ hoặc chạy trên đó bất cứ khi nào tôi muốn.)

A. yet (chưa)

B. so far (cho đến nay)

C. since (kể từ khi)

D. just (vừa mới)


21. A

(Look là động từ liên kết nên thường không dùng ở dạng tiếp diễn, công thức: look + adj => chọn đáp án A. looks so worried)

He looks so worried. What’s wrong with him?

(Anh ta trông rất lo lắng. Có chuyện gì với anh ấy vậy?)

22. B

(Mặc dù “think” là động từ trạng thái, nó có thể được dùng ở dạng tiếp diễn để diễn tả hành động suy nghĩ => chọn đáp án B. is thinking)

My father is thinking of going on a diet. He’s put on weight recently.

(Bố tôi đang nghĩ đến việc ăn kiêng. Anh ấy đã tăng cân gần đây.)

23. C

(“have” là động từ trạng thái và đang đề cập đến hiện tại; trong ngữ cảnh này nó không thể dùng ở dạng tiếp diễn => chọn đáp án C. have)

Dr Wilson, I’m not feeling well today. I have a terrible headache.

(Tiến sĩ Wilson, hôm nay tôi không được khỏe. Tôi bị đau đầu kinh khủng.)

24. D

(“remember” là một động từ trạng thái và đang đề cập đến hiện tại; trong ngữ cảnh này “remember” không thể được sử dụng ở dạng tiếp diễn => chọn đáp án D. do you remember)

Lan, do you remember our aerobics instructor? She’s become very famous.

(Lan, bạn có nhớ giáo viên thể dục nhịp điệu của chúng ta không? Cô ấy trở nên rất nổi tiếng.)

25. A

(Dùng cấu trúc “I think you should” để đưa ra lời khuyên. => chọn đáp án A. should)

I think you should talk to your parents about it. I’m sure they’ll give you the best advice.

(Tôi nghĩ bạn nên nói chuyện với cha mẹ của bạn về điều đó. Tôi chắc rằng họ sẽ cho bạn lời khuyên tốt nhất.)

A. should (nên)

B. shouldn’t (không nên)

C. have to (phải)

D. don’t have to (không cần phải)


26. B

You mustn’t stay out after 10 p.m. Remember to be back home by then.

(Bạn không được ra ngoài sau 10 giờ tối. Nhớ trở về nhà trước đó.)

A. must (phải)

B. mustn’t (không được)

C. should (nên)

D. don’t have to (không cần phải)


27. C

(“Had to” dùng để cập đến một việc bắt buộc làm vì nghĩa vụ - dùng cho tình huống mang tính khách quan ở trong quá khứ.)

My grandmother had to leave school at the age of 14, so she could help her mother with household chores.

(Bà tôi phải nghỉ học từ năm 14 tuổi để có thể giúp đỡ mẹ của bà làm việc nhà.)

A. must (phải)

B. should (nên)

C. had to (đã phải)

D. mustn’t (không được)


28. C

(“shouldn’t” được dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên về những việc không nên làm.)

Parents shouldn’t compare their children with others' because their children may start believing they are not able to perform well.

(Cha mẹ không nên so sánh con mình với con của người khác vì con cái họ có thể bắt đầu tin rằng chúng không thể thực hiện tốt.)

A. should (nên)

B. must (phải)

C. shouldn’t (không nên)

D. don’t have to (không cần phải)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :


3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. An is always taking/are always taking/always takes/always take my things!

2. Peter was booking/booked/is booking/books the holiday package yesterday.

3. When Tom was young, he often is going/goes/went/was going fishing with his dad.

4. Your brother should eat his soup before it is getting/gets/got/was getting cold.

5. Carl was making dinner while I helped/help/am helping/was helping grandad with his medicine.

6. Mike didn't sleep/wasn't sleeping/isn't sleeping/doesn't sleep when we arrived.

7. Tim looks/looked/is looking/was looking upset this morning. Did he have an argument with Joe?

8. Gerald thinks/was thinking/is thinking/thought about going on a trip to Tam Cốc – Bích Động Caves this spring.

9. Emily checks/is checking/was checking/checked in and went to the hotel room.

10. Is she visiting/Did she visit/Does she visit/Was she visiting Thác Bạc Waterfall at 10 a.m. yesterday?

11. Pam stay/is staying/stayed/was staying with her aunt these days.

12. That it was Sue/It was Sue that/Sue it was that/It was that Sue travelled to Myanmar.

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Bài 2 :


3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. Our city hold/held/have held/is holding a meeting to discuss the heatwave yesterday.

2. They were repairing/have repaired/repaired/repair half the temple so far.

3. Jane donates/was donating/has donated/donated money to save a local heritage site.

4. I just follow/followed/have followed/am following the blog about ways to reduce our carbon footprint last month.

5. I have known/know/knew/was knowing the other volunteers for years.

6. Is this the first time you saw/have seen/has seen/see a desert?

7. We can either go to the Taj Mahal Museum nor/or/but also/and the gardens after lunch.

8. The volunteer programme helps save both/either/neither/not only the forest and the animals that live there.

9. Not only/Both/Either/Neither my mother but also my father is fond of sightseeing tours.

10. They have measured/are measuring/measured/has measured the sea level here for the past 120 years.

11. Neither Susan nor her friends/you/l/Kelly works as a volunteer at Save The Forests.

12. We took a day/travel/land/guide tour of the Temple of Kukulkán in Mexico.

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Bài 3 :


2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án phù hợp nhất.)

1. My brother ______ with me. I'm really upset about that.

A. always argued

B. is always arguing

C. always argues

D. was always arguing

2. The city tour ______ at 10 a.m every day.

A. starts

B. started

C. is starting

D. has started

3. Jennie ______ all young people should volunteer to help protect heritage sites.

A. believes

B. was believing

C. is believing

D. believe

4. The royal flower garden at the palace ______ so wonderful.

A. smells

B. was smelling

C. is smelling

D. has smelt

5. When Carla was a teenager, she often ______ in volunteer programmes at heritage sites.

A. participates

B. has participated

C. participated

D. participate

6. ______ booked the tour tickets to Fansipan Mountain.

A. It was that Jim

B. It were Jim that

C. That is was Jim

D. It was Jim that

7. Kevin's parents ______ about family rules with him for over one hour.

A. talk

B. has talked

C. are talking

D. have talked

8. It is the first time I ______ to an Earth Day.

A. went

B. have been

C. was going

D. go

9. Either Theresa ______ Kelly will guide the tourists to the Independence Palace.

A. and

B. or

C. but also

D. nor

10. A ______ showed us around the pyramids.

A. tourguide

B. tour guide

C. tour-guide

D. touring guide

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Bài 4 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

1 Hunger is a major global issue, _______ ?

A is it

B does it

C isn't it

D doesn't it

2 The girl _______ next door to Janine is a famous athlete.

A which lives

B lives

C who living

D living

3 You should consider _______ at the homeless shelter. It's so important to the community.

A to helping

B help

C to help

D helping

4 Cities will______be bigger in the future. I'm 100% sure.

A probably

B perhaps

D maybe

C certainly

5 Laura's parents say that she _______ stay at home because she is sick.

A has to

C have to

B must

D ought

6 You haven't volunteered at a homeless shelter before, _______?

A have you

B haven't you

C didn't you

D did you

7 We _______ enter that part of the building; it's for hospital staff only.

A ought not

B mustn't

C shouldn't

D don’t have to

8 She denied _______ night some sugar fizzy drinks at night.

A having drunk

B have drunk

C to have drunk

D to drink

9 The food _______ is for Sarah's children.

A being prepared

B that has prepared

C having prepared

D is prepared

10 Look out! You _______ drop that 3D printer!

A will

B are likely to

C are going to

D might

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Bài 5 :


3. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng, A, B hoặc C.)

1. It was hard for me to ____ with others on the cycling tour.

A. turn up               B. drop off                        C. keep up

2. Allan's grandparents ____ travel agents, so his family always got an extra discount for their holiday.

A. was                    B. would be                      C. used to be

3. X: Why don't you go by train?

    Y: You're right. _________ I'll avoid the overcrowded bus again.

A. I don't think I should do it.

B. I didn't think of that.

C. I'm not sure about that.

4. You can just ________ at the airport. Don't wait around for my flight to leave.

A. drop me off       B. pick me up                   C. hold me up

5 ________ stay in France for a few months. You won't learn much in a week.

A. In my opinion, you mustn't

B. If I were you, I would

C. I don't think I would

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Bài 6 :

Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.)

44. ___________________________________, she has not been ill.

A. Since Lan started eating a balanced diet

B. When Lan started eating a balanced diet

C. After Lan started eating a balanced diet

D. Before Lan started eating a balanced diet

45. ___________________________________ in the past, but now people live longer.

A. Life expectancy is low

B. Life expectancy was low

C. Life expectancy has been low

D. Life expectancy had been low

46. I’ll watch the TV programme about smart cities _______________________________.

A. so it sounds interesting

B. because it sounded interesting

C. because it sounds interesting

D. because it doesn’t sounds interesting

47. Let’s put the rubbish out tonight __________________________________.

A. so it smells bad

B. so I can smell it

C. because I am smelling something bad

D. because it smells bad

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Bài 7 :

Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.

(Chọn câu có nghĩa gần nhất với câu gốc.)

48. You mustn’t use your electronic devices after 11:30 p.m.

A. You are not allowed to use your electronic devices after 11:30 p.m.

B. You can only use your electronic devices after 11:30 p.m.

C. You can turn on your electronic devices after 11:30 p.m.

D. You don’t have to use your electronic devices after 11:30 p.m.

49. After getting married, young couples don’t have to live with their parents.

A. Young couples must live with their parents even when they are married.

B. After getting married, it is not necessary for young couples to live with their parents.

C. Young couples mustn’t live with their parents after getting married.

D. Young couples should live with their parents after getting married.

50. Parents should listen to their children's opinions.

A. It is compulsory for parents to listen to their children's opinions.

B. It is unnecessary for parents to listen to their children's opinions.

C. Listening to their children's opinions is the right thing for parents to do.

D. Parents don’t have to listen to their children's opinions.

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Bài 8 :

Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one. (7 pts)

(Chọn câu có nghĩa gần nhất với câu gốc.)

44. I left school at the age of 16 and decided to go travelling.

A. I decided to go travelling before I left school at 16.

B. Travelling after leaving school was a good decision.

C. Leaving school at the age of 16, I decided to go travelling.

D. I left school at the age of 16, but didn’t go travelling.

45. Many parts of Asia may see heavy rainfall as a result of climate change.

A. Due to climate change, there may be less heavy rainfall in many parts of Asia.

B. Climate change may cause heavy rainfall in many parts of Asia.

C. The amount of rain in Asia will be reduced because of climate change.

D. There will be heavy rainfall in more parts of Asia due to climate change.

46. Although it was raining heavily, the team decided to continue their journey.

A. It rained so heavily that the team could not continue their journey.

B. The team cancelled their journey due to the heavy rain.

C. Despite the heavy rain, the team decided to continue their journey.

D. If it rained heavily, the team would not continue their journey.

47. After fighting the forest fire for 10 hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out.

A. The firemen didn’t manage to put out the forest fire after 10 hours.

B. Fighting the forest fire for 10 hours, the firemen were able to put it out.

C. Fighting the forest fire for 10 hours, the firemen decided to give up.

D. It took 10 hours for the firemen to start the forest fire.

48. ‘Let’s go to the cinema tonight,’ she suggested.

A. She suggested going to the cinema that night.

B. She suggested that we go to the cinema.

C. She’ll let us go to the cinema that night.

D. It was suggested that she should go to the cinema that night.

49. Laura is always nervous when she travels by air.

A. Laura feels safe when she travels by air.

B. Laura has never travelled by air because she feels nervous.

C. Travelling by air always makes Laura nervous.

D. Laura always feels nervous, so she never travels by air.

50. Every student is required to write an essay on the importance of ecosystems.

A. Every student might write an essay on the importance of ecosystems.

B. Every student must write an essay on the importance of ecosystems.

C. They require every student to write an essay on the importance of ecosystems.

D. Every student is writing an essay on the importance of ecosystems.

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Bài 9 :


2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất.)

1 While Ann was taking photos, Peter ______ for souvenirs.

A shops

B shopping

C is shopping

D was shopping

2 Mary put on her jacket and ______ out of the hotel.

A walk

B walked

C walking

D was walking

3 ______ you meet our guide yesterday?

A Do

B Did

C Was

D Were

4 My dad ______ dinner now.

A prepared

B prepares

C is preparing

D doesn't prepare

5 When she was young, she often ______ her  holidays at her grandparents' cottage.

A spends

B spent

C was spending

D is spending

6 At 7 p.m. yesterday, they ______ to Hanoi.

A fly

B flew

C are flying

D were flying

7 Her parents are always ______ her what to do!

A tell

B telling

C told

D tells

8 "Does she like helping around the house?"

"Yes, she ______

A did

B doesn't

C is

D does

9 We ______ Ann tomorrow after school.

A met

B meet

C meeting

D are meeting

10 What's wrong? You ______ very sad.

A look

B looked

C are looking

D were looking

11 Mark ______ of moving to Los Angeles soon.

A thinks

B is thinking

C think

D are thinking

12 School ______ at 8:00 every morning.

A starts

B started

C is starting

D was starting

13 What time did the train______?

A leaves

B leaving

C leave

D left

14 "Was she waiting for Bob when he arrived?"

No, ______ .”

A she wasn't

B she didn't

C he wasn't

D he was

15 Mum, this soup ______ delicious.

A tastes

B tasted

C is tasting

D was tasting

16 ______ she shopping when you saw her?

A Is

B Is

C Are

D Was

17 ______ that went to the Old Quarter Market.

A It is Lucy that

B It was Lucy

C Was Lucy

D Lucy it was

18 They______ at 9 o'clock last night.

A work

B worked

C works

D were working

19 Pam was walking when a man ______ her.

A stops

B stopped

C stopping

D was stopping

20 ______ you doing chores when your Mum came back home?

A Did

B Do

C Are

D Were

21 This bicycle ______ to my brother.

A belong

B is belonging

C belonging

D belongs

22 We ______ the house and went to the airport.

A leave

B were leaving

C are leaving

D left

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Bài 10 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất.)

1 Hanoi is _______ beautiful and exotic.

A either

B also

C nor

D both

2 We_______ solar panels since 2019.

A used

B using

C have used

D use

3 _______ you ever flown to Laos?

A Have

B Do

C Did

D Has

4 It stopped raining an hour _______

A before

B since

C ago

D for

5 Neither Jane nor Pete _______ to Thailand.

A haven't been

B hasn't been

C has been

D have been

6 How long _______ Ann worked on this project?

A have

B has

C did

D has been

7 We _______ to London in 2019.

A moving

B has move

C moved

D have moved

8 We can _______ go to the temple or visit the opera house.

A neither

B either

C both

D not only

9 This is the first time she _______ organic food.

A grows

B have grown

C grew

D has grown

10 She _______  them since she joined the environmental group.

A knows

B have known

C knew

D has known

11 Either Lucy or Mary _______ coming with us on the tour to Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary.

A are

B has

C is

D has been

12 _______ my parents but also my aunt has visited the ancient city of Chan Chan in Peru.

A Either

B Both

C Not only

D Neither

13 Do you know where the _______ desk is?

A check out

B checkout

C checking out

D check-out

14 Have you _______ Ann?

A seen

B see

C saw

D seeing

15 They went on a _______ tour of Ho Chi Minh City.

A one day

B day one

C one-day

D one day's

16 The flood _______ damage to the village last week.

A was causing

B caused

C cause

D has caused

17 They haven't _______ the cathedral restoration yet.

A finish

B finishing

C been finished

D finished

18 The _______ bridge is 2,457 metres long.

A rail way

B rail-way

C rail's way

D railway

19 We _______ reusable cups for years now.

A have been used

B used

C have used

D are using

20 Not _______ James but also Sam will install solar panels.

A either

B also

C only

D neither

21 Both Angkor Wat and Bayon Temple _______ in Cambodia.

A is

B have been

C are

D are being

22 Neither Hanuman Temple _______ Qutub Minar is in Laos.

A not

B nor

C or

D but

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Bài 11 :

Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences. (6 pts)

(Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau.)

17. It was _____________ I saw some amazing caves.

A. in Ha Long Bay that

B. from Ha Long Bay which

C. Ha Long Bay that

D. Ha Long Bay which

18. I admitted _____________ many spelling mistakes in my essay.

A. made

B. being made

C. having made

D. make

19. It was _____________ taught me important life skills when I was at university.

A. Ms Mai whom

B. Ms Mai who

C. from Ms Mai that

D. by Ms Mai whom

20. _____________ all my options, I decided to go to a vocational school instead of applying to university.

A. Having considered

B. Consider

C. Considered

D. Being considered

21. My brother wants to go to the best university _____________ for an engineering degree.

A. study

B. to study

C. having studied

D. to studying

22. My university was the first one _____________ money-management courses.

A. to offer

B. offer

C. offering

D. having offered

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Bài 12 :

Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the letter for it and correct the mistake. (6 pts)

(Tìm lỗi sai trong mỗi câu. Khoanh tròn chữ cái cho nó và sửa lỗi sai.)

23. I remembered having visit the historic site, but I didn’t remember exactly the time.

                                 A                        B              C                       D

24. It was 1993 that The Complex of Hue Monuments was recognised as a World Heritage Site by

                   A     B                                                           C                                                             D


 25. Have finished secondary school, my brother decided to attend one of the best universities in

               A                                                                                B                         C                       D

 the country.

26. It was the museum shop that I bought the photos of Hoi An Ancient Town.

                           A                              B                      C                    D

27. Minh was the only student answer all of the test questions.

                 A                                  B          C                      D

28. My sister is going to go to Paris discover the beautiful architecture of the city.

                           A           B                    C                                     D

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Bài 13 :

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. (7 pts)

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa tương tự với câu thứ nhất.)

44. My brother had studied very hard, so he passed the exam easily.

→ Having __________________________________________________.

45. Good life skills can help students become more independent at university.

→ It is at university _____________________________________.

46. I had considered my options carefully, and I decided to apply to a university in the UK next year.

→ Having ____________________________________________.

47. Mai won the first prize in the singing competition. She is the youngest person who has

done so.

→ Mai is the youngest person ________________________________________.

48. The non-profit organisation collected money to help restore the historic monument in

the city.

→ It was the non-profit organisation _________________________________________.

49. Nam decided to go to medical school because he wanted to become a surgeon.

→ Nam decided to go to medical school _______________________________________.

50. Higher education can help students develop their critical thinking skills.

→ It is critical thinking skills __________________________________________.

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Bài 14 :

Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the letter and correct the mistake. (12 pts)

(Tìm lỗi sai trong mỗi câu. Khoanh tròn chữ cái và sửa lỗi sai.)

17. Although conservation efforts, many endangered species remain at risk.

             A                               B                        C                                  D

18. Because poor wildlife management, many rare species in the national park may not survive.

           A                              B                                       C                            D

19. I need to revise for my English exam. In addition that, I’m working on my social awareness

                      A                                                               B           C           D


20. Spreading lies about others on the Internet is an example of cyberbully.

             A                 B               C                                                       D

21. The best way to help prevent bullying is to build your self’s confidence.

       A                       B                                        C                              D

22. Nature's reserves are protected areas of land where rare animals and plants are kept safe.

                   A                        B                                 C                                                          D

23. Body-shame is the practice of using offensive language about a person’s appearance.

              A                                        B           C                                         D

24. Despite suffer from physical and mental damage, many victims of bullying often find it hard

                      A                                                                           B                                         C

to stand up to their bullies.


25. His proposal was very interesting. Moreover, it was rejected because of lack of money.

                  A                             B                C                                     D

26. City life can be stressful because of the noise and lack of space. With contrast, life in the

                                     A             B                                              C        D

countryside is quiet and peaceful.

27. In addition to we should enjoy our national parks, we should learn to protect them for future

      A                                  B                                                                            C               D


28. Spraying plants with chemicals to kill insects can negatively affect our own health through the

           A                                              B                              C

food’s chain.


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Bài 15 :

Choose the sentence(s) which has/have the closest meaning to the original one(s). (7 pts)

(Chọn (những) câu có nghĩa gần nhất với (những) câu gốc.)

44. Her plan for an awareness campaign is very interesting, but it will be difficult to carry out.

A. Because her plan for an awareness campaign is very interesting, it will be difficult to carry out.

B. Her plan for an awareness campaign is very interesting. Moreover, it will be difficult to carry out.

C. Her plan for an awareness campaign is very interesting. However, it will be difficult to carry out.

D. We won’t carry out her interesting awareness campaign because it will be difficult to carry out.

45. The national park has a wide variety of plants, and different butterfly species are found there.

A. In addition to a wide variety of plants, the national park also has different butterfly species.

B. A wide variety of plants and some butterflies are found in the national park.

C. Different butterfly species, but not plant varieties, can be found in the national park.

D. The national park includes a wide variety of plants, and some butterfly species are found there.

46. All living and non-living things in an ecosystem depend on one another, so any change to one element will affect another element.

A. Because all living and non-living things in an ecosystem depend on one another, any change to one element will affect another element.

B. All living and non-living things in an ecosystem depend on one another. However, any change to one element will not affect another element.

C. Any change to one element in an ecosystem will affect another element. However, living and non-living things don’t depend on one another.

D. All elements in an ecosystem depend on one another and any change to one living thing will affect another living thing.

47. Although the school has anti-bullying policies, there are still victims who suffer in silence.

A. Because of the lack of anti-bullying policies, there are still victims who suffer in silence.

B. Because there are still victims who suffer in silence, the school has anti-bullying policies.

C. Victims of bullying still suffer in silence because there are no anti-bullying policies.

D. In spite of the anti-bullying policies at the school, there are still victims who suffer in silence.

48. While overpopulation is an issue in many countries, some nations must deal with the problem of aging and shrinking populations.

A. Some nations must deal with the problem of aging and shrinking populations. However, overpopulation is still a global issue.

B. Overpopulation is a problem for many nations. By contrast, some nations must deal with the issue of aging and shrinking populations.

C. Overpopulation is a problem for many nations. Therefore, these countries don’t have to deal with the problem of aging and shrinking populations.

D. Not all nations must deal with the problem of aging and shrinking populations. By contrast, there is the issue of overpopulation in many countries.

49. Because the government has strict environmental conservation laws, many rich ecosystems are protected.

A. Many rich ecosystems are protected. In addition, the government has strict environmental conservation laws.

B. The government has strict environmental conservation laws. As a result, many rich ecosystems are protected.

C. The government has strict environmental conservation laws. However, many rich ecosystems are not protected.

D. The government has strict environmental conservation laws. Moreover, many rich ecosystems are protected.

50. There are more police officers on the streets now. This has resulted in less crime.

A. There are more police officers on the streets now, but there is still more crime.

B. There are more police officers on the streets now although there has been less crime.

C. There has been less crime. Therefore, there are not that many police officers on the streets now.

D. There are more police officers on the streets now. Therefore, there has been less crime.

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Bài 16 :

Grammar and vocabulary

4. Choose the correct answers.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

Paralysed man walks again

A paralysed man 1______ to walk again, thanks to a new technique developed by British scientists. Bulgarian Darek Fidyka, who 2______ be a fireman, was injured during a knife attack. He was left with no feeling or movement from the waist down, and he 3______ that he would ever walk again. But then he had surgery to repair his spinal cord, which his attacker's knife 4______ through completely. A top Polish surgeon, Dr Tabakow, performed 5______ operation, which involved using cells from inside the patient's nose to reconnect his spinal cord. As a result, Darek is now back on his feet. with the help of a frame, and is delighted that he 6______ the treatment. The scientists who developed the technique are 7______ that more patients will benefit from the treatment soon. Over the next three to five years, the medical team 8______ three more patients if there is enough money. Meanwhile, they 9______ the new technique with other researchers to create an international team. They hope that in the near future, the team 10______  a cure for paralysis to help the millions of people in the world who suffer from this condition.

1 a has started

b have started

c had started

2 a got used to

b used to

c was used to

3 a didn't think

b hadn't thought

c wasn't thinking

4 a cut

b had cut

c was cutting

5 a a

b an

c the

6 a fitted in with

b got away with

c went through with

7 a hopeful

b hopefully

c hopeless

8 a treat

b treated

c will treat

9 a share

b will be sharing

c will have shared

10 a find

b will be finding

c will have found

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Bài 17 :

Grammar and vocabulary

4. Choose the correct answers.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)


When it comes to cooking, current trends show that people are spending 1_______ time in the kitchen than ever before. Even those who know how to prepare a meal have moments when they wish they 2_______ to make the dinner. Of course, if these people 3_______ a robot at home that could cook, they wouldn't have to do it themselves. However, that is easier said than done. It 4_______ a long time to programme a robot to cook, basically because there are so 5_______ different decisions involved. The biggest of these is 6_______ up your mind about what to cook in the first place! However, a team of American and Australian scientists has come up with a new idea for teaching a robot to cook: by showing it videos on YouTube. Now, not everyone is aware 7_______ the educational values of YouTube, but the site has thousands of videos that teach all sorts of things. One of 8_______ useful skills you can learn is cooking, and this is what caught the researchers' attention. After using data from 88 different YouTube videos, their robot was successful 9_______ identifying all of the objects and actions on the screen. Although the team is pleased 10_______ these results, they admit there is still a long way to go before the technique is perfected.

1 a fewer

b less

c little

2 a don't have

b didn't have

c wouldn't have

3 a had

b has

c have

4 a does

b makes

c takes

5 a many

b most

c much

6 a doing

b making

c taking

7 a about

b for

c of

8 a more

b most

c the most

9 a about

b in

c on

10 a for

b to

c with

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Bài 18 :

Grammar and vocabulary

5. Choose the correct answers.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

Bibliotherapy: a novel idea

We often think of novels as places in 1______ to lose ourselves, but the truth is that reading can have a much more far-reaching effect. If you find 2______ in trouble, there's always a book to remind you that others have been there before. It's just a question of finding the right book. And that is where bibliotherapy comes in: the use of books to help people deal with their problems, whatever they 3______ be. The treatment has become more 4______ more common in recent years, and today it is practised 5______ psychologists - and librarians - all over the world. There is also scientific evidence in favour of the technique. Researchers at Sussex University in the UK have found that reading is a more effective way of relieving stress than listening to music, going for a walk or sitting down 6______ with a cup of tea. After just six minutes with a book - any book - the people in the study found their stress levels 7______ reduced by up to 68%. This suggests that the therapy could help people 8______ lives have become meaningless leading them to fall into depression. If they have the right book recommended to 9______, they may get over their  illness quicker. Bibliotherapy can certainly 10______ no harm. At the very least, a patient will discover some great new titles to read.

1 a where

b which

c who

2 a you

b your

c yourself

3 a can

b may

c will

4 a and

b in

c than

5 a by

b for

c of

6 a anywhere

b everywhere

c somewhere

7 a are

b been

c were

8 a which

b whose

c who

9 a themselves

b they

c them

10 a do

b make

c take

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Bài 19 :

Grammar and vocabulary

4. Choose the correct answers.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)


A Liverpool man has become the first person 1_______ all 201 countries in the world without 2_______ a plane. Thirty-three-year-old Graham Hughes started his epic journey in Uruguay, South America. On his budget of $100 a week, he could not 3_______ to buy many luxuries, and he often had to depend on the kindness of strangers. Not everything went smoothly on the trip. He was arrested when he was trying 4_______ Russia, and he was accused of being a spy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Also, the boat 5_______ him to Cape Verde was in very bad condition, so Hughes had a very worrying four days. If the boat had sunk, he 6_______. Despite all of the setbacks, Hughes managed 7_______ the last country on his list after 1,426 days and 160,000 km. Journalists were waiting to greet him in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, a country which did not exist when he set out. When they asked Hughes why he had made the journey, he said it was because he loved travelling and there were a lot of wonderful landscapes 8_______ when travelling. Hughes went on 9_______ everyone he had met for helping him on his way. Now he plans to spend some more time 10_______ around Africa before he eventually flies home.

1 a visit

b visiting

c to visit

2 a board

b boarding

c to board

3 a afford

c to afford

b affording

4 a enter

b to enter

c entering

5 a taking

b take

c to take

6 a would die

b had died

c would have died

7 a to reach

b reaching

c reach

8 a enjoy

b to enjoy

c enjoying

9 a thank

b thanking

c to thank

10 a travel

b travelling

c to travel

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Bài 20 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án thích hợp nhất.)

1 They concentrate on ________ the homeless.

A support

B will support

C to support

D supporting

2 Send me some details on the project, ________?

A won't you

B do you

C shall you

D will you

3 Look at this train. It ________ crash.

A is going to

B is likely

C will

D likely to

4 Let's join the community organisation, ________ ?

A will they

B shall we

C do we

D won't they

5 ________ those in need is good.

A Helping

B Helps

C Help

D Will help

6 Cyborg guides ________ possible in the future.

A certainly will be

B will certainly be

C will be certainly

D be will certainly

7 She is used ________ long distances now.

A travelling

B to travel

C to travelling

D travel

8 It is likely that there ________ floating buildings in the near future.

A will being

B be

C being

D will be

9 John knows about the Jobs Galore website, ________?

A isn't he

B doesn't he

C is he

D does he

10 It ________ that drone deliveries will become popular soon.

A is likely

B is going to

C will be

D may be

11 We look forward ________ the charity.

A join

B joining

C to join

D to joining

12 People________ in underground cities in the future.

A probably won't live

B won't probably live

C won't live probably

D don't probably live

13 ________ we will have vacuum tube stations soon.

A Perhaps

C Likely

B Certainly

D Probably not

14 You have never come to a fundraiser, ________?

A didn't you

B have you

C haven't you

D did you

15 It's worth ________ skills training to unemployed people.

A offer

B to offering

C offering

D to offer

16 I think drones ________ be part of the cities of future.

A will

B are going

C are likely

D may to

17 I don't think people ________ on other planets soon.

A are going to live

B might live

C may live

D will live

18 She succeeded ________ money for the poor.

A on collecting

B to collect

C in collecting

D in collect

19 It is ________ transportation will become more  environmentally friendly.

A likely that

B definitely

C perhaps

D certainly

20 He insisted ________ shelters for the homeless.

A build

B on building

C to build

D building

21 You have sent all the cash donations, ________?

A haven't you

B hadn't you

C have you

D didn't you

22 I apologised ________ rudely to the homeless man.

A to behave

B for behave

C to behaving

D for behaving

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Bài 21 :

2. Choose the most appropriate option.

(Chọn phương án thích hợp nhất.)

1 I think I ____________ spend more time outdoors.

A have to

B has to

C must

D ought

2 ____________ on some cream, Denise's rash went away.

A Have put

B Having putting

C Having put

D Having to put

3 You've broken your leg. You ____________ to go to hospital.

A have

B has

C must

D should

4 The chocolate____________ the healthiest ingredients is dark chocolate.

A contains

B is containing

C containing

D to contain

5 Kate ____________ run in the hospital corridors. It's forbidden.

A shouldn't

B mustn't

C doesn't have to

D ought not

6 The boy thanked Lucy for ____________ him when he got a nosebleed on the bus.

A having helped

B to help

C have helped

D having help

7 You ____________ lose more weight - you're at the perfect weight!

A don't have to

B mustn't

C doesn't have to

D oughtn't

8 Jordan was the first person in his family ____________ a marathon!

A running

B to run

C run

D runs

9 Having ____________ avocados for some months, Fiona's skin got healthier and smoother.

A eat

B to eat

C eaten

D eating

10 Debbie ____________ eat that food - it's very hot and she'll burn her mouth.

A shouldn’t

B doesn't have to

C ought not to

D had better not

11 The man ____________ travel sickness is my brother.

A who having

B to have

C has

D having

12 The salad ____________ by Lucy is healthy and delicious.

A having made

B made

C is made

D making

13 If your sister is stressed, she ____________ try yoga perhaps she'll like it.

A should

B had better to

C ought

D must

14 We ____________ to buy an exercise bike for our home gym, don't you think?

A ought

B had better

C should

D must

15 The only person in the class ____________ leafy greens is Alvin!

A liking

B to like

C is liking

D likes

16 It ____________ cost so much to join a sport centre!

A better not

B shouldn't

C ought not

D doesn't have to

17 The boy ____________ the blueberries is my brother.

A eats

B to eat

C eating

D is eating

18 Honey juice ____________ by my mum is the best.

A making

B that makes

C made

D having made

19 All children in the pool under the age of seven ____________ have an adult with them.

A must

B should to

C has to

D had better

20 Salmon ____________ by my cousin is always delicious.

A cooking

B to cook

C cooked

D is cooked

21 The woman ____________ to my mum is my yoga teacher.

A who is talking

B who talking

C who talks

D that talking

22 Frances ____________ join a gym - she has a home gym.

A mustn't

B shouldn't

C doesn't have to

D had better not

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Bài 22 :

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Some scientists say that it is still not too late to minimize the effects of climate change_____enough money and effort are invested in correct projects.

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