Đề bài

b. Complete each gap in the sentences below with no more than THREE words taken from the passage.

(Hoàn thành mỗi chỗ trống trong các câu dưới đây với không quá BA từ lấy từ đoạn văn.)

1. Fewer people nowadays want to move to the city than _____ ago.

2. The bigger cities often have _____ living costs.

3. Congested traffic and building sites can cause _____ pollution in neighbourhoods.

4. People living in noisy and dusty areas may have problems with stress, _____ and _____.

5. Many people live in small apartment blocks because of high _____.

6. It takes a long time for the authorities to _____ these city problems.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. twenty years

2. higher

3. noise and air

4. sleep – breathing

5. house prices

6. overcome

1. twenty years

Fewer people nowadays want to move to the city than twenty years ago.

(Ngày nay ít người muốn chuyển đến thành phố hơn hai mươi năm trước.)

Thông tin: Twenty years ago, people tried to leave the suburbs for cities but nowadays many people are reluctant to make such a move.

(Hai mươi năm trước, người ta cố gắng rời vùng ngoại ô để lên thành phố nhưng ngày nay nhiều người không muốn di chuyển như vậy.)

2. higher

The bigger cities often have higher living costs.

(Các thành phố lớn hơn thường có chi phí sinh hoạt cao hơn.)

Thông tin: The bigger the city is, the higher the living cost is.

(Thành phố càng lớn thì chi phí sinh hoạt càng cao.)

3. noise and air

Congested traffic and building sites can cause noise and air pollution in neighbourhoods.

(Giao thông tắc nghẽn và các địa điểm xây dựng có thể gây ra tiếng ồn và ô nhiễm không khí ở các khu vực lân cận.)

Thông tin: Apart from that, city people seem to suffer from more noise and air pollution.

(Ngoài ra, người dân thành phố dường như phải chịu đựng nhiều tiếng ồn và ô nhiễm không khí hơn.)

4. sleep – breathing

People living in noisy and dusty areas may have problems with stress, sleep and breathing.

(Những người sống ở khu vực ồn ào và bụi bặm có thể gặp vấn đề về căng thẳng, giấc ngủ và việc hít thở.)

Thông tin: These are harmful to people’s health, such as increasing their stress levels, disturbing their sleep and making them suffer from breathing problems.

(Những điều này có hại cho sức khỏe con người, chẳng hạn như làm tăng mức độ căng thẳng, làm rối loạn giấc ngủ và khiến họ gặp các vấn đề về hô hấp.)

5. house prices

Many people live in small apartment blocks because of high house prices.

(Nhiều người sống trong các khu chung cư nhỏ vì giá nhà cao.)

Thông tin: House prices are high in the city, so people tend to live in smaller houses or in apartment blocks.

(Giá nhà ở thành phố cao nên mọi người có xu hướng sống trong những ngôi nhà nhỏ hơn hoặc trong các khu chung cư.)

6. overcome

It takes a long time for the authorities to overcome these city problems.

(Phải mất một thời gian dài chính quyền mới khắc phục được những vấn đề này của thành phố.)

Thông tin: The cities’ authorities are trying to overcome these problems.

(Chính quyền các thành phố đang cố gắng khắc phục những vấn đề này.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

10. Lovers of Jane Potters books should also walk to the Green Valley woods, which have not changed since Jane Potter ______  her stories there one hundred years ago.

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Bài 2 :

9. “Wendy’s Gift shop where you can find lots of unusual gifts made ______ hand by local artists.

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Bài 3 :

8. Tatter bridge has a number of interesting shops ________ excellent cake shop

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Bài 4 :

7. lt also has a gift shop where you can buy ______ and books.

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Bài 5 :

6. Jane Potter’s home is now a museum and tea shop, and is a well _________  visit just for its wonderful gardens.

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Bài 6 :

5.  stories of Benjamin Bear ____ loved by adults and children around the world.

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Bài 7 :

4. The beautiful village of Tatter bridge was _________to the children's writer Jane Potter.

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Bài 8 :

3. This brochure will tell you what you can see if you _______ a short bus ride out of the city.

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Bài 9 :

2. Few people go outside the city, and so they miss out on  _______ the scenery and the fascinating history of this beautiful area.

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Bài 10 :

1. Many visitors come to Tatter bridge to see the wonderful art _____ and museums, the beautiful buildings and the fantastic parks.

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Bài 11 :

How is your city?

(Thành phố của bạn thế nào?)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Trang: Hi, Ben. Sorry I couldn't get online earlier. I got stuck in a traffic jam and came home late

Ben: No problem, Trang. Did you go by bus?

Trang: No. My dad picked me up. I rarely use the bus. It's slow and packed with people.

Ben: I mostly get around by underground. It’s more reliable than the bus.

Trang: That's great.

Ben: But traffic congestion is terrible in London. You know, the more crowded the city gets, the more congested the streets are.

Trang: Yeah... and the more polluted they may become. There's a construction site in my neighbourhood. It's dusty, so people easily get itchy eyes.

Ben: It must be noisy, too. The noise probably makes people feel stressed sometimes.

Trang: That's right. But new buildings make the city look modern and attractive. Do you remember the grand building downtown?

Ben: Of course. How's it now? When I left Viet Nam, they nearly finished it.

Trang: Well, it's now a shopping mall. Teens like it because it's modern and fun.

Ben: Do you often go there?

Trang: Sometimes. I watch movies there with my sister. I want to go there more often, but it's a bit pricey.

Ben: It's expensive here in London, too...

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Bài 12 :

2. Read the conversation again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc lại đoạn hội thoại và quyết định xem những câu sau đây là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)




1. The bus in Trang's city is slow and crowded.



2. The underground system in Ben's city is unreliable.



3. There is a dusty and noisy construction site near Trang's house.



4. Trang thinks new buildings make the city look ugly.



5. Both Trang and Ben find shopping malls expensive.



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Bài 13 :

3. Match the words / phrases with their pictures.

(Nối các từ/cụm từ với hình ảnh của chúng.)

1. congested road

2. construction site

3. the underground

4. itchy eyes

5. entertainment centre

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Bài 14 :

4. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B, C hoặc D.)

1. I like getting around by _______ I hate the smell of car exhaust.

A. underground

B. private car

C. taxi

D. bus

2. Road dust may badly affect our _______.

A. stomach

B. back

C. eyes

D. leg

3. There's a _______ in my neighbourhood. It's noisy and dusty.

A. building

B. construction site

C. hospital

D. lake

4. The road is narrow, so _______ often occurs at rush hour.

A. traffic light

B. traffic flow

C. traffic congestion

D. traffic safety

5. Many teens fancy spending their weekends in an entertainment _______.

A. industry

B. value

C. business

D. centre

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Bài 15 :

Transport in the city

(Giao thông vận tải trong thành phố)

3. Work in pairs. Read the descriptions of three teenagers about their favourite means of transport. Then complete the table below.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Đọc mô tả của ba thiếu niên về phương tiện giao thông yêu thích của họ. Sau đó hoàn thành bảng dưới đây.)

Hoang: I live in the suburbs of Ha Noi. I use my bike to get around. It's convenient because I can ride it to places where the bus line doesn't reach. Going by bike might be a bit slow, but I can avoid traffic jams.

Cholada: My favourite means of transport in Bangkok is the sky train. It's crowded at rush hour, but it's always on time. It doesn't get stuck in traffic jams, so I can save time travelling.

Kathy: I love the tram in Melbourne. It offers a discount for students. Sometimes the tram is late, but it always updates its arrival on a smartphone app, so I know in advance and arrange my time easily.

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Bài 16 :

4. Make notes about a means of transport you are using.

(Ghi chú về phương tiện giao thông bạn đang sử dụng.)

- Name of the means of transport

(Tên của phương tiện giao thông)

- Its advantage(s) and drawback(s)

(Lợi ích và bất lợi của nó)

- Why you choose to use it

(Vì sao bạn chọn nó)

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Bài 17 :


1. Work in pairs. Match the words / phrases with their pictures.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Nối các từ/cụm từ với hình ảnh của chúng.)

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Bài 18 :

2. Read part of an announcement about the Teenovator competition. Match the topics in the competition with their winners. There is one extra topic.

(Đọc một phần thông báo về cuộc thi Teenovator. Hãy nối các chủ đề trong cuộc thi với người chiến thắng. Có một chủ đề thừa.)

List of topics:

(Danh sách các chủ đề)

A. The street-safe city

(Thành phố với đường phố an toàn)

B. The teen-friendly city

(Thành phố thân thiện với thanh thiếu niên)

C. The food-smart city

(Thành phố thực phẩm thông minh)

D. The waste-free city

(Thành phố không rác thải)

Teenovator competition

Teenovator is an annual competition by the City Teen Council. We ask teens to find problems of the city and suggest solutions. Here are this year's winners

1. _________: Central School

They see that the more developed a city is, the more food people throw away. They suggest carrying out a project which turns food waste into energy. Students would sort their leftovers at school canteens. A nearby farm would come to take the food waste and process it into biogas.

2. _________: Bookworm Team

This team feels that many public amenities, particularly the city library, are not teen-friendly. They suggest a list of changes so that the library can attract more teens. Some of them include designing lively learning spaces for teens and having teen's favourite desserts in the cafeteria.

3. _________: Helena Wilson

Helena realises that there are too many vehicles around school gates. This is unsafe for children who walk to school. She suggests that the city authorities not allow cars at school gates at drop-off and pick-up times. In addition, they should not let motorbikes park on the pavement near school gates.

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Bài 19 :

3. Read the announcement again. Choose the correct answer.

(Đọc lại thông báo. Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. How often does the City Teen Council organise the Teenovator competition?

A. Once a year.

B. Twice a year.

C. Every two years.

D. Every three years.

2. Who would partner with Central School in Topic 1?

A. The city council.

B. The university's canteen.

C. A biogas factory.

D. A nearby farm.

3. What does the word "them" in Topic 2 refer to?

A. Teen users.

B. Changes

C. Learning spaces

D. Libraries.

4. Which topic has an individual winner?

A. Topic 1.

B. Topic 2

C. Topic 3.

D. All topics.

5. Which of the following is INCORRECT about Helena Wilson?

A. She suggests banning bikes at school gates

B. She wants the city authorities to take action.

C. She thinks cars moving near school gates can cause accidents to children.

D. Her concern is road safety around school for children.

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Bài 20 :

a. Read Lisa's blog post about two interesting solutions. What problems do they solve?

(Đọc bài đăng trên blog của Lisa về hai giải pháp thú vị. Họ giải quyết những vấn đề gì?)

1. people not following traffic laws and pollution

2. poor pedestrian safety and littering


Sep 13, 2023

Lisa Thompson

Hey, everyone! Today I want to talk about something different. I got the idea for this after I saw something last Friday.

I was walking home when I saw some tourists struggling to cross the street. People were driving fast, and those tourists were scared someone would hit them. This happens every day to tourists, kids, and old people. What can we do?

The city of Tuscon, Arizona, USA found that its streets were becoming more dangerous for pedestrians, and it had a creative solution. It created beautiful paintings on some crosswalks and sidewalks so that cars would see them better and avoid pedestrians. A study showed that this solution reduced accidents involving pedestrians by up to 50%.

Pollution is another problem in my city, so I looked into what other cities did. London and Edinburgh, UK found a fun solution. They were having problems with people littering. They used clear trash cans with fun questions like "Which came first? Chicken or Egg?", and people answered by putting trash in the can with the answer they agreed with. Littering reduced up to 18%!

I think these solutions are simple and interesting, and my city should use them. What other creative solutions do you know?

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Bài 21 :

b. Now, read and fill in the blanks.

(Bây giờ hãy đọc và điền vào chỗ trống.)

1. Tourists, kids, and old people struggle to cross the street in Lisa's city.

(Khách du lịch, trẻ em và người già chật vật băng qua đường ở thành phố của Lisa.)

2. The city of Tuscon, Arizona saw its streets becoming less safe for _______

3. Paintings on _______ reduced accidents by up to 50%.

4. People in London and Edinburgh were _______.

5. The cities installed _______ and used fun questions to encourage people to put trash in the right place.

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Bài 22 :

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

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Bài 23 :

a. Read the passage about the city of Johannesburg and choose the best title.

(Đọc đoạn văn về thành phố Johannesburg và chọn tựa đề đúng nhất.)

1. How the City Is Improving

2. The Perfect City

3. How Can We Fix the City?


I believe all humans have the right to live in a safe and clean place. However, that need solutions. Johannesburg, South Africa, is one of these cities. I will explain some of its problems and potential solutions below.

A big problem is that crime is high in the city. There are so many criminals that life for normal people is beginning to break down. They may move away from the city. For this reason, the government should provide more police officers on the streets.

Another problem is that the population is rising quickly. It might make more people homeless. Having more homeless people can cause many problems. The government should build more apartments around the city.

The final problem is that air pollution is getting worse. Because of this, more people will need medical help. This could make hospitals very busy. To improve this, the government should ask people to ride bicycles more and use cars less.

To conclude, the number of criminals, the population growth, and air pollution are problems in Johannesburg. However, there are solutions the government can implement. They should train more police officers, build more apartments, and ask people to ride bicycles instead of using cars.

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Bài 24 :

b. Now, read and choose the correct answers.

(Bây giờ hãy đọc và chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. The word They in paragraph 2 refers to

A. cities

B. people living in Johannesburg

C. criminals

D. government

2. What does the writer say people may not be able to do because of criminals?

A. move away

B. live normal lives

C. rob people

D. raise children safely

3. Which of the following is true about Johannesburg?

A. There won't be enough homes for people in the future.

B. There aren't enough jobs for people.

C. Johannesburg doesn't have any homeless people anymore.

D. There aren't many apartment buildings in Johannesburg now.

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to paragraph 4?

A. Air pollution isn't so bad in Johannesburg right now.

B. Encouraging people to ride bicycles more would help.

C. People will get sick if things continue.

D. Air pollution is getting worse in Johannesburg.

5. Which of the following can you infer from the passage?

A. Johannesburg will improve by itself.

B. Johannesburg is becoming a nice place to live.

C. The government are making a lot of improvements.

D. The government has a lot of work to do.

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Bài 25 :

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

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Bài 26 :

Read the email to the city mayor. Choose the correct answers.

(Đọc email gửi thị trưởng thành phố. Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

Dear Ms. Mayor,

I am writing to ask for your support to help our great city in three different ways.

First, I was walking to work yesterday along Main Street when I had an accident. Motorbike owners parked all over the sidewalk. I had to walk in the street and I fell over. Also, pedestrians couldn’t use the crosswalk on Main Street because motorbikes were taking up too much space on the sidewalk. Can you please send more traffic officers to the area?

Second, many streets in the city center are getting so congested that it will be impossible to travel around without sitting in traffic for hours. My son was taking the bus to school last week when he got stuck in a traffic jam for over two hours. I think we should ban cars in the city center and increase public transportation.

Finally, the population in the city is dropping so quickly that I’m afraid there won’t be enough people to work. I am a teacher, and there are fewer and fewer new students every year. The number of old people, on the other hand, is rising quickly. I think we should encourage young people to build families by giving them access to better housing and free child care.

I love our city, and I hope you will do something to make it a better place.


Matthew Walker


0. Mr. Walker wrote this email to request the mayor to ____.

(Ông Walker đã viết email này để yêu cầu thị trưởng ____.)

    A. make food cheaper (làm thức ăn rẻ hơn )

    B. stop making changes (ngừng thực hiện thay đổi)

    C. implement changes (thực hiện thay đổi)

    D. attend a meeting (tham dự một cuộc họp)

1. He said that ___ couldn’t use the sidewalk on Main Street.

A. crosswalks

B. motorbikes

C. motorbike owners

D. pedestrians

2. The streets in the city are becoming very ___.

A. congested

B. traffic

C. impossible

D. public

3. Mr. Walker suggested ___ cars from driving in the city center.

A. increasing

B. decreasing

C. stopping

D. improving

4. There are ___ in the schools every year.

A. more teachers

B. fewer teachers

C. more children

D. fewer children

5. He thinks the city should ___ to encourage people to have children.

A. make school cheaper

B. make child care free

C. make families rich

D. make safer roads

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Bài 27 :

5. Think: Listen and read the text quickly. What do you think the text is about?

(Suy nghĩ: Nghe và đọc nhanh văn bản. Bạn nghĩ văn bản nói về điều gì?)


Life is different in urban and rural areas. Urban areas are typically crowded areas with cities or towns, whereas rural areas are more connected to the countryside. Both places have their advantages, but they also have challenges for those who live there.

Urban areas have a lot of advantages and opportunities for a better life. Many good schools, universities and companies here offer excellent education and job opportunities. Besides, the city provides modern facilities and good public services. Also, easy access to a healthcare system and the support of police, firefighters and other public servants give urban people a sense of security. Unfortunately, they are facing the problems of heavy traffic, a high cost of living and a large population.

Life in urban areas can be exhausting for people who like peace and quiet, but rural areas are perfect places for them. It is because rural areas have beautiful scenery, fresh food and friendly people. However, there are fewer education and job opportunities in rural areas than in urban areas. Also, the lack of facilities and public services in another disadvantage. Therefore, life in rural areas is not so convenient as life in urban areas for some people.



public servant

sense of security




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Bài 28 :

6. Read the text again and complete the sentences (1-5). Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

(Đọc lại đoạn văn và hoàn thành các câu (1-5). Viết KHÔNG QUÁ BA TỪ cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

1. Rural areas and urban areas have both advantages and _______.

2. Urban areas offer lots of education and job _______.

3. It is _______ to access the healthcare system in urban areas.

4. Life in urban areas can make people who like _______ feel exhausted.

5. For some people, life in rural areas is less _______ than life in urban areas.

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Bài 29 :

7. Read the text again and answer the questions (1-4).

(Đọc lại đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi (1-4).)

1. What are the facilities like in urban areas? (Tiện ích ở khu đô thị như thế nào?)


2. What gives urban people a sense of security? (Điều gì mang lại cho người dân thành thị cảm giác an toàn?)


3. What are the disadvantages of urban areas? (Nhược điểm của đô thị là gì?)


4. What are the advantages of rural areas? (Nông thôn có những lợi thế gì?)


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Bài 30 :

1. Think: What makes a city green? Look at the picture and guess. Listen and read to check.

(Hãy suy nghĩ: Điều gì làm cho một thành phố trở nên xanh? Nhìn vào bức tranh và đoán. Nghe và đọc để kiểm tra.)


What makes a city green? how do cities become green? Read about the two cities below to learn more.


Singapore is a city which has a lot of the features of a green city because the city planners try to reduce pollution in many ways. For instance, it has hundreds of electric charging stations for vehicles. At some of these stations, people can even charge their electric vehicles for free. Singapore has a lot of walking paths and cycling path; this makes it easy for people to get around without using cars. Since Singapore is a small island without much rural space, city planners also developed urban farming to provide the residents with fresh food.


Sydney tries to make it a good living environment for all people who live there. This means that low-cost housing, which is affordable for those with limited incomes, is a priority. Besides, green buildings are also important. One example of a green building is the large Central Park, which has flats, shops, offices and more. It runs on thermal energy, which does nit pollute the air. The city planners, who have many ideas for the future, are transforming streets into greener spaces in the hope of making Sydney one of the top green cities in the world.



thermal energy



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