Đề bài

b. Choose the correct answers.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1. My mother ____________ to let me go to the party . She said I couldn’t go because I had to do my homework.

A. offered

B. tried

C. refused

2. Mike _____________ to go swimming with his little brother this afternoon. His brother was very happy.

A. liked

B. promised

C. began

3. Jo is such a good friend. She ________ to help Molly finish her project.

A. arranged

B. needed

C. offered

4. Going canoeing and going horse riding both sounded fun. In the end, we _____________ to go canoeing.

A. decided

B. promised

C. enjoyed

5. What time did you ___________ to meet Luke and Sarah? I want to get some snacks before we meet them.

A. arrange

B. offer

C. prefer

6. John didn’t like the idea very much, but in the end, he ___________ to go running with us every morning.

A. offered

B. agreed

C. began

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. A

6. B

1. C

My mother refused to let me go to the party. She said I couldn’t go because I had to do my homework.

(Mẹ tôi từ chối cho tôi đi dự tiệc. Cô ấy nói rằng tôi không thể đi vì tôi phải làm bài tập về nhà.)

2. B

Mike promised to go swimming with his little brother this afternoon. His brother was very happy.

(Mike hứa sẽ đi bơi với em trai nhỏ của anh ấy vào chiều nay. Anh trai anh đã rất hạnh phúc.)

3. C

Jo is such a good friend. She offered to help Molly finish her project.

(Jo quả là một người bạn tốt. Cô ấy đề nghị giúp Molly hoàn thành dự án của mình.)

4. A

Going canoeing and going horse riding both sounded fun. In the end, we decided to go canoeing.

(Đi ca nô và cưỡi ngựa đều có vẻ vui. Cuối cùng, chúng tôi quyết định đi ca nô.)

5. A

What time did you arrange to meet Luke and Sarah? I want to get some snacks before we meet them.

(Bạn đã sắp xếp lúc mấy giờ để gặp Luke và Sarah? Tôi muốn lấy một ít đồ ăn nhẹ trước khi chúng ta gặp họ.)

6. B

John didn’t like the idea very much, but in the end, he agreed to go running with us every morning.

(John không thích ý tưởng này lắm, nhưng cuối cùng, anh ấy đã đồng ý chạy cùng chúng tôi mỗi sáng.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

4. VOCABULARY Add three words from the dialogue in exercise 2 to each list.

(Thêm 3 từ trong đoạn hội thoại trong bài 2 vào mỗi danh sách.)

Sports and hobbies

School subjects

board games



IT (information technology)







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Bài 2 :

a. Number the pictures. Listen and repeat.

(Đánh số các hình ảnh tương ứng. Nghe và lặp lại.)

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Bài 3 :

1. Listen and repeat.

(Nghe và lặp lại.)

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Bài 4 :

2. Which activities in Exercise 1 do/don’t you enjoy?

(Những hoạt động nào trong bài tập 1 mà bạn thích/ không thích?) 

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Bài 5 :

4. Listen and repeat. Match the types of performances (1–6) to the descriptions (A–F).

(Nghe và lặp lại. Nối các loại hình biểu diễn (1-6) với các đoạn mô tả (A-F).)   

____ A. a musical play in which performers sing most of the words while a live orchestra plays music

____ B. a performance with a sad ending

____ C. a serious play usually about an emotional tale

____ D. a play that tells a story with the help of song and dance

____ E. a play that makes the audience laugh

____ F. a play that tells a story with the help of dance

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Bài 6 :

4. Think of words related to each event in Exercise 3 and make notes in your notebook.

(Nghĩ về các từ liên quan đến từng sự kiện trong Bài tập 3 và ghi chú vào tập.)

Graduation: student, party, speech, dance

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Bài 7 :

A. What do you do in your free time? Check (ü) the activities on the list.

(Bạn sẽ làm gì trong thời gian rảnh rỗi? Đánh dấu (ü) các hoạt động trong danh sách.)


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Bài 8 :

a. Unscramble the words, then fill in the blanks with go, do, play or hang out.

(Sắp xếp lại các từ, sau đó điền vào chỗ trống với đi, làm, chơi hoặc đi chơi.)

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Bài 9 :

b. Fill in the blanks using the words in Task a. 

(Điền vào ô trống sử dụng các cụm từ ở Phần a.)

1. My brother started doing ________ last week. He likes the music and the fast movements.

2. I used to hang out ____________ every weekend when we lived near a park. We had picnics and chatted for hours.

3. Katie started doing __________ when she was eight. Doing martial arts helps her become stronger and more confident.

4. The first thing my dad does when he gets the newspaper is solving the __________.

5. _____________ can be difficult for new players. You have to use your imagination, and it isn’t easy to come up with good story right away.

6. My mom and I sometimes go ____________ on the weekends at a lake. The water is beautiful 

7. My soccer coach wants me to go ___________ everyday. He says it will make my legs and heart stronger.

8. I like to go ________ on the weekends. My dad bought me a new bike, so I can ride it to school, too. 

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Bài 10 :

a. Look at this code and write the correct words.

(Nhìn vào đoạn mã này và viết những từ chính xác.)

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Bài 11 :

Places in town (Các địa điểm trong thị trấn)

2. Match the definitions (1-8) with the places below.

(Nối các định nghĩa 1 – 8 với các địa điểm bên dưới.)

bank                                 sports centre                  cinema                  shopping centre                   museum                            police station                stadium                   hospital

1. You watch a film there.              

2. You see a doctor there.  

3. You change money there.   

4. You meet policemen.  

5. You watch a football match there.  

6. You see statues there. 

7. You buy new clothes there.  

8. You practise karate there.   









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Bài 12 :

1. a) Match the columns to make activities.

(Nối các cột để tạo thành các hoạt động.)

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Bài 13 :

b) Write the activities in Exercise 1a under the correct pictures.

(Viết những hoạt động trong bài 1a dưới những bức tranh chính xác).

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Bài 14 :

Vocabulary Entertaining activities

(Từ vựng Các hoạt động giải trí)

1. Read what each person (1-4) says. Match them to the correct entertaining activity (A-D).

(Đọc những gì  mỗi người nói (1-4). Nối chúng với hoạt động giải trí chính xác A - D)

1 ____ Some people like going to museums to learn about the history of a place. I prefer coming here though, walking around looking at all the paintings. It’s so much fun!

2 ____ All my friends love rock or dance music. I much prefer the sound of an orchestra. The experience of hearing all these musicians playing together is breathtaking.

3 ____ It’s my favourite place to go at the weekend. In my opinion, looking at ancient statues and learning about their history is much more interesting than a trip to cinema.

4 ____ We saw that film about a haunted art gallery. The actors were amazing and the special effects were excellent.

A. go to an art exhibition (đi xem triển lãm nghệ thuật)

B. go to the cinema (đi xem phim)

C. attend a classical performance (tham dự một buổi biểu diễn cổ điển)

D. visit a local museum (tham quan một bảo tàng địa phương)

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Bài 15 :


4. Fill in each gap with stage, surface, ballet, orchestra, comedy, musical, opera, or amusing.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với stage, surface, ballet, orchestra, comedy, musical, opera, or amusing.)

1. We really enjoyed the film yesterday. The story was interesting and the jokes were _______.

2. Jeff studied classical music, so he enjoys the _________ and the musical theatre.

3. The puppets seem like they dance on the ___________ of the water.

4. Our seats were so close to the ___________ that the sound was amazing.

5. The actor is always nervous before appearing on __________.

6. Okiahoma is my favourite ___________. The songs are just so easy to sing.

7. My friends and I went to the ____________ last night. The dancing was incredible.

8. There’s a new __________ at the Victoria Theatre. If you love to laugh, I recommend it.

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Bài 16 :

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

(Hoàn thành các câu với dạng đúng của các động từ dưới đây.)

cause              do              express              get              have              make              provide              take part in              use

1. I often ____________________ online games like Minecraft with my friends.

2. Video games can ____________________ many benefits, such as improving memory and creativity.

3. The scientists ____________________ a lot of research on the topic and published the results yesterday.

4. I prefer to ____________________ a smartphone rather than a computer.

5. Video games can sometimes ____________________ a positive effect on teenagers.

6. The amount of violence in video games can ____________________ concern for a lot of parents.

7. Newspapers sometimes claim that video games are bad for children, and parents often ____________________ the same opinion.

8. Playing computer games in groups can help you to work together with other people and to ____________________ decisions more quickly.

9. Do you think playing computer games helps you to ____________________ better grades?

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Bài 17 :

1. Complete the social activities with a, e, i, o, u and y.

(Hoàn thành các hoạt động xã hội với a, e, i, o, u và y.)

1. g_ for a b_k_ r_d_

2. g_ sh_pp_ng

3. m_ _t fr_ _nds _n t_wn

4. pl_ _ b_sk_tb_ll

5. h_v_ a c_ff_ _

6. l_st_n to m_s_c

7. pl_ _ t_bl_ t_nn_s

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Bài 18 :

5. Read the letter. Replace the adjectives (1-4) in bold, using talented, famous, colorful and fantastic.

(Đọc bức thư. Thay thế các tính từ từ (1-4) trong ngoặc, sử dụng các từ talented, famous, colourful và fantastic.)

Hi Judy,

How was your weekend? I went to a 1)very good music festival with my sister yesterday.

It's an art festival with theater performances, comedy shows and music concerts. It takes place every year and lasts for 5 whole days! There were different outdoor stages and areas for 2) good musicians. The main stage was huge and had 3) nice lights, TV screens and speakers! There were also lots of stalls that sold food, snacks and even camping supplies. The music performances were the most exciting feature of the festival. Everyone was enjoying the music! There were also new bands and singers that weren't as 4) good.

I'm sure you'll love it! Don't miss this amazing festival!

Write back soon.


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Bài 19 :

1. Complete the sentences with words from the box. There are two extra items.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ trong hộp. Có hai mục bổ sung.)

box office            comic books      costumes 

documentary       horrors             photographer 

sculpture             special effects

1. The special effects in this science fiction film are amazing. 

2. Fiona's uncle was a ____________. He took pictures of some of the biggest stars in the 1960s. 

3. My grandpa has had a very interesting life. He worked as a fashion designer for some years and then he got a job making ___________for films. 

4. Peter will collect the cinema tickets from the _________ this afternoon. 

5. Bob has a large collection of ______________ He has some with Superman and Batman from the 1960s. 

6. There's an interesting ______________ on telly tomorrow. It's about the life of the artist Claude Monet.

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Bài 20 :

3. Add three more items to the word maps for play and listen to.

(Thêm ba mục nữa vào bản đồ từ cho động từ play và listen to.)

1. play (chơi)

- together (cùng nhau)

- computer games (trò chơi vi tính)

- music (nhạc)

- (a) ____________

- (b) ____________

- (c)   ____________

2. listen to (nghe)

- my MP3 player (máy phát MP3)

- your parents (bố mẹ)

- music (nhạc)

- (d) ____________

- (e) ____________

- (f) ____________

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Bài 21 :

No longer did Pokémon Go become the widespread ____ in Viet Nam.

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Bài 22 :

He practically ____ a comic style called stand-up comedy in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience.

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