Đề bài

6. Read the sentences. Then write questions for the given answers.

(Đọc các câu sau. Sau đó viết các câu hỏi cho câu trả lời cho sẵn)

1. Jack gave his old bike to his sister

Q: What did Jack give his sister?

A: His old bike

2. Sam had dinner early because he was hungry

Q: _____________________________________?

A: He was hungry

3. Mason and Tyler went to London together.

Q: _____________________________________?

A: He went with Tyler.

4. Grace listened to three Lady Gaga CDs.

Q: _____________________________________?

A: Three.

Phương pháp giải :

Mục đích của các từ để hỏi:

How often: mức độ thường xuyên

What: cái gì

When: khi nào

Where: ở đâu

Which: cái nào

Who: ai

Why: tại sao 

Câu hỏi dạng Wh- trong quá khứ:

Wh- + did + S + Vo…?

Wh- + was / were + S +…?

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. Jack gave his old bike to his sister.

(Jack đã đưa chiếc xe cũ của anh ấy cho em gái.)

Q: What did Jack give to his sister?

(Jack đã đưa gì cho em gái của anh ấy?)

A: His old bike.

(Chiếc xe cũ của anh ấy.)

2. Sam had dinner early because he was hungry.

(Sam đã ăn tối sớm bởi vì anh ấy đói bụng.)

Q: Why did Sam have dinner early?

(Tại sao Sam đã ăn tối sớm?)

A: He was hungry.

(Anh ấy đói bụng.)

3. Mason and Tyler went to London together.

(Mason và Tyler đã đi đến London cùng với nhau.)

Q: Who did Mason go to London with?

(Mason đã đi đến London với ai?)

A: He went with Tyler.

(Anh ấy đi với Tyler.)

4. Grace listened to three Lady Gaga CDs.

(Grace đã nghe ba đĩa CD của Lady Gaga.)

Q: How many Lady Gaga CDs did Grace listen to?

(Grace đã nghe bao nhiêu đĩa CD của Lady Gaga?)

A: Three.


Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

4. Complete the questions using the question words below. Then take turns to ask and answer the questions in pairs.

(Hoàn thành các câu hỏi bằng các từ để hỏi bên dưới. Sau đó thay phiên nhau hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi theo cặp.)

1. How was the doctor shocked when he saw Ashlyn's eye injury?

2. _____ didn’t Ashlyn cry when she was a baby?

3. _____ watched Ashlyn carefully in the playground at school?

4. _____ did Ashlyn’s story first appear in newspapers?

5. _____ is the cause of Ashlyn’s medical condition?

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Bài 2 :

1D. Question words (Từ dùng để hỏi)

7. Complete the questions with the words below.

(Hoàn thành các câu hỏi với các từ bên dưới.)

How   How often   What   When   Where   Who

1. _____ do you live?

2. _____ did you do on Saturday evening?

3. _____ did you get up this morning?

4. _____ did you travel to school this morning?

5. _____ do you go to the cinema?

6. _____ do you sit next to in English lessons?

 1. Where

 2. What

 3. When

 4. How

 5. How often

 6. Who

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Bài 3 :

9. Read the answers and complete the questions.

(Đọc các câu trả lời và hoàn thành câu hỏi.)

1. What are you thinking about?

I'm thinking about my next holiday.

2. Who _____?

She danced with Tom

3. Who _____?

I'm looking for Zoe

4. Where _____?

They walked to the beach

5. What _____?

He's worried about his exams.

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Bài 4 :


Wh-questions (Câu hỏi với Wh)

4. Fill in each gap with who, what, where, when or how old.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với who, what, where, when hoặc how old.)

Alex: Hi! I’m Alex. 1)________ ’s your name?

Jenny: I’m Jenny. I’m 15 years old. 2)_________ are you, Alex?

Alex: I’m 15, too! I’m from Brisbane in Australia. 3)_________ are you from?

Jenny: Auckland in New Zealand.

Alex: 4)_________ is this boy?

Jenny: He is my cousin, Jack. We go to school together.

Alex: 5)_________ does school start?

Jenny: At 8:30.

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Bài 5 :

5. Act out a dialogue similar to the one in Exercise 4.

(Thực hiện một đoạn hội thoại tương tự như trong bài tập 4.)

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Bài 6 :

4. Form wh-questions based on the text in Exercise 2, then answer them.

(Đặt câu hỏi dạng - wh dựa vào văn bản bài tập 2, sau đó trả lời.)

 A: What time does Pete wake up every day?

(Mỗi ngày Pete thức dậy vào lúc mấy giờ?)

B: He wakes up at 6:30 a.m.

(Anh ấy thức dậy vào lúc 6 giờ rưỡi sáng.)

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Bài 7 :

G. Make Wh- questions for these answers.

(Đặt câu hỏi có từ để hỏi cho các câu trả lời sau.)

1. I’m from South Korea. Where are you from?

2. My English teachers are Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Gomez. ___________

3. Her name is Karina Lopez. ___________

4. She’s 32 years old. ___________

5. They’re Canadian. ___________

6. The doctor is nice and friendly. ___________

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Bài 8 :

H. In pairs, ask for personal information. Ask and answer five Wh- questions.

(Luyện tập theo cặp, hỏi lấy thông tin cá nhân. Hỏi và trả lời 5 câu hỏi có từ để hỏi.)

- What’s your name? (Tên bạn là gì?)

- How old are you? (Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi?)

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Bài 9 :

I. Work in pairs. Student A chooses a card below. Student B asks Yes / No and Wh- questions to find out which card Student A has.

(Luyện tập theo cặp. Học sinh A chọn một tấm thẻ bên dưới. Học sinh B hỏi các câu hỏi Yes / No và câu hỏi có từ để hỏi để tìm xem học sinh A đang cầm tấm thẻ nào.)

B: How old are you?    

B: Are you a pilot?    

B: What’s your nationality?  

B: Is your name Pablo? 

A: 28 years old.

A: No, I’m not.

A: Argentinian.

A: Yes, it is!

Name: Andrew

Nationality: American

Age: 28

Job: Pilot

Name: Ji-won

Nationality: Korean

Age: 23

Job: Architect

Name: Soo-bin

Nationality: Korean

Age: 30

Job: Architect

Name: Pablo

Nationality: Argentinian

Age: 28

Job: Doctor

Name: Helen

Nationality: American

Age: 30

Job: Doctor

Name: Anh

Nationality: Vietnamese

Age: 28

Job: Teacher

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Bài 10 :

E. Complete the questions for a questionnaire about a café.

(Hoàn thành các câu hỏi cho một bảng câu hỏi về một quán cà phê.)

1. _________ do you normally order at our café?

2. _________ do you normally visit?

3. _________ do you choose our café?

4. _________ do you come here?

5. _________ are you with our customer service?

6. _________ you _________ our café to your friends?

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Bài 11 :

Lesson B

C. Write the correct question word and form of Be.

(Viết đúng từ để hỏi và dạng đúng của động từ Be)

1. A: What’s your name? B: My name’s Piotr.

2. A: _____ he from? B: Indonesia.

3. A: _____ your friend? B: She’s 17.

4. A: _____ she? B: She’s my sister.

5. A: _____ your job?

    B: lt’s interesting.

6. A: _____ Gabriela’s nationality?

    B: She’s Costa Rican.

7. A: _____ your names?

    B: I’m Diego and this is Rita.

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Bài 12 :

2. B. Match the questions to the answers.

(Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời.)

1. What do you do?                                        c

2. Do you live in Tokyo?                                _____

3. Where do you study English?                    _____

4. Does Eric work here?                                 _____

5. What time does Helen catch the bus?        _____

6. Do they watch TV?                                    _____

a. Yes, he does.                                                           d. At a language school.

b. No, they don’t.                                                        e. No, I don’t. I live in Kyoto.

c. I work in a bank.                                                     f. At twelve o’clock.

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Bài 13 :

Lesson A

1. A. Match the questions and the answers. 

(Ghép câu hỏi và câu trả lời)

1. Where are you going to have lunch today? _____

a. Yes, I am. He loves dancing.

2. Are you going to invite Nam to the party? _____

b. Maybe. You should take an umbrella.

3. What are you going to do on Saturday? _____

c. At Susan’s.

4. When is Nicola going to arrive? _____

d. We’re going to go ice skating.

5. Is it going to rain tonight? _____

e. Her plane arrives at five o’clock.

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Bài 14 :

4. Complete the dialogue with the question words below.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với những từ để hỏi bên dưới.)

how often   what   when   where   which   who   why

Mia        Hi, Henry. (1)__________ did you do at the weekend?

Henry     I went to the beach on Saturday.

Mia        That’s nice. (2)__________did you go with?

Henry    Matt and Alex. 

Mia        Alex West? (3)__________do you see him?

Henry    Only two or three times a year. He doesn’t live near here any more.

Mia       (4) __________ does he live now?

Henry    In London.

Mia        Does he? (5)__________part of London?

Henry    I’m not sure. North London. I think.

Mia        (6)__________ did he move?

Henry    I think his mum got a new job. Anyway, (7)_______did you last see him?

Mia       Oh, about two years ago.
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Bài 15 :

5. Put the words in order to make questions. Then write answers that are true for you.

(Sắp xếp các từ để tạo thành câu hỏi. Sau đó viết câu trả lời đúng với bạn)

1. homework/ how much/ last/ did/ you/ night/ do/ ?



2. with/ travel/ did/ to/ school/ you/ who/ today/?



3. best/ meet/ where/ you/ did/ friend/ your/?



4. first/ teacher/who / your/ was/ English/?      



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Bài 16 :



3. Complete the following exchanges with the correct question words: Who, Where, Which, Whose, When, How many, How long, How often or How much.

(Hoàn thành những câu trao đổi với từ để hỏi chính xác: Who, Where, Which, Whose, When, How many, How long, How often hoặc How much.)

1. A: ___________ bicycle is this?

    B: It’s Jack’s.

2. A: ___________ colour do you prefer, red, or blue?

   B: Blue. It’s my favourite colour.

3. A: _______________ is the final excam?

    B: Next Tuesday.

4. A: ________________ does it take to get home?

    B:About 30 minutes by bus

5. A: ________________ do you go to the beach?

    B: Once a month.

6. A: ________________ is at the door?

    B: It’s Mrs Jenkins from next door.

7. A: _____________ milk would you like?

    B: Oh, no milk for me, thanks.

8. A: ______________ people are at the park now?

    B: Not many.

9. A: _________________ is Michael?

   B: He’s still in his bedroom doing his homework.

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Bài 17 :

3. Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f.

(Ghép câu hỏi 1-6 với câu trả lời a-f.)

1. How often do you do housework? 

2. What are your housework duties?

3. What are the chores that you like? 

4. What are the chores that you don't like? 

5. What do you think about doing housework?

6. Do you think that people in a family should divide the household duties?


a. I can’t stand washing the dishes. I feel exhausted after doing it.

b. As the oldest child in the family, I have to do the chores every day.

c. I don’t like doing chores very much, but I find some chores like feeding the dog and watering the plants quite enjoyable.

d. Even though I don’t like doing housework, I think it is needed because everyone wants to live in a clean and bright house.

e. Every family member should definitely share the housework to reduce the burden of the chores.

f. I am responsible for doing the washing up, taking the rubbish out, watering the plants and feeding the pet.

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