Đề bài

4. Complete the sentences with some of the words on this page and your own ideas.

(Hoàn thành các câu với một số từ trên trang này và ý tưởng của riêng bạn.)

I couldn't live without a calculator because I'm not very good at doing maths in my head.

1. I could live without __________ because __________.

2. The most popular technology in our home is __________ because __________.

3. The technology that I use the most is __________ because __________.

4. When I write essays, I always use a __________ because __________.

Lời giải chi tiết :

I couldn't live without a calculator because I'm not very good at doing maths in my head.

(Tôi không thể sống thiếu máy tính vì tôi không giỏi làm toán trong đầu.)

1. I could live without video calling because I use messenger to chat to friends.

(Tôi có thể sống mà không cần gọi điện video vì tôi sử dụng messenger để trò chuyện với bạn bè.)

2. The most popular technology in our home is satellite TV because we all watch it.

(Công nghệ phổ biến nhất trong gia đình chúng ta là truyền hình vệ tinh vì tất cả chúng ta đều xem nó.)

3. The technology that I use the most is my games console because I love gaming.

(Công nghệ tôi sử dụng nhiều nhất là máy chơi game vì tôi thích chơi game.)

4. When I write essays, I always use a spellchecker because I sometimes make mistakes.

(Khi viết luận, tôi luôn sử dụng công cụ kiểm tra chính tả vì đôi khi tôi mắc lỗi.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2. Match eight words from the box with photos 1-8.

(Ghép tám từ trong khung với các bức ảnh 1-8.)

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Bài 2 :

1. Complete the table with the words.

(Hoàn thành bảng với các từ.)

calculator        games console             HD TV

high-speed broadband             satellite TV

spellchecker                video calling               VR headset




high-speed broadband




Films/ Programmes







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Bài 3 :

2. Choose the correct words.

(Chọn những từ chính xác.)

We used to get lost all the time before we had a GPS.

1. I'd like to watch that nature programme on HD TV / GPS / video calling.

2. Pilots use VR headsets / spellcheckers / calculators to practise flying planes.

3. Some athletes exercise using remote controls / satellite TV / wearables to get information about their fitness.

4. Our internet connection at home is too slow. We need HD TV / high-speed broadband / video calling.

5. He's got a cool new app / GPS / translator for editing photos on his phone.

6. You can't change the TV channel without the translator / satellite TV / remote control.

7. They often use remote controls / video calling / HD TV to talk to their cousins.

8. We can use a games console / spellchecker / calculator to help us in our maths exam.

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Bài 4 :

3. Complete the information article with words from exercises 1 and 2.

(Hoàn thành bài viết thông tin với các từ trong bài tập 1 và 2.)

Old technology - new technology

Before the invention of digital technology, people still used 'technology' to help them do things - it was just different!

In Mesopotamia, in 2400 BC, people used to add numbers with an abacus. Now, we use a calculator.

The first English dictionary appeared in 1604. Today, a (1) _____ can help us to write words correctly.

Sailors from ancient Greece used the stars to help them find their position at sea. Nowadays, sailors use a (2) _____.

The first entertainment film was shown in Paris in 1895. Now, we can watch excellent quality films at home on (3) _____.

The game Monopoly became popular in the 1930s. Nowadays, we can play on a (4) _____ in our free time.

Native Americans used to use smoke signals to communicate messages. Today, we can use (5)  _____ and see the person's face.

The Roman Emperor Claudius made one of the first bilingual dictionaries. Now, language learners can also use a (6) _____.

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