Đề bài

6. Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với một từ cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

A: Are there 1) any fish fingers in the fridge?

B: No, 2) __________ aren't.

A: Is there 3) __________ ice cream?

B: Yes, there's 4) __________ chocolate ice cream.

A: How 5) __________ ice cream is there?

B: There's a 6) __________ of ice cream - two litres!

A: How 7) __________ apples are there?

B: There 8) __________ many apples - only two.

Lời giải chi tiết :

2. there

3. any

4. some

5. much

6. lot

7. many

8. aren’t

A: Are there 1) any fish fingers in the fridge?

(Có thanh cá tẩm bột chiên giòn nào trong tủ lạnh không?)

B: No, 2) there aren't.

(Không có.)

A: Is there 3) any ice cream?

(Có kem không?)

B: Yes, there's 4) some chocolate ice cream.

(Vâng, có một số kem sô cô la.)

A: How 5) much ice cream is there?

(Có bao nhiêu kem?)

B: There's a 6) lot of ice cream - two litres!

(Có rất nhiều kem - hai lít!)

A: How 7) many apples are there?

(Có bao nhiêu táo?)

B: There 8) aren’t many apples - only two.

(Không có nhiều táo - chỉ có hai quả.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

3. Fill each blank with a, any, some, much, or many.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với a, any, some, much, hoặc many.)

1. How__________books are there in your bag?

2. There isn't__________milk in the fridge.

3. How__________sugar do you need for your tea, Mum?

4. We need to buy__________new furniture for the house.

5. There is__________big cave in this area. 

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Bài 2 :

some / any for amount 

(some / any để chỉ lượng)

4. Complete the sentences with some or any.

(Hoàn thành câu với some hoặc any.)

1. - What do you need to decorate your room?

   - I need________colour paper and________pictures.

2. - Do you have________free time for sports?

  - Yes, I do.

3. - Are there________interesting activities here during Tet?

   - Yes, there are_________ traditional games like human chess, running and cooking.

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Bài 3 :

5. Workin pairs. Look at the fridge. Make sentences with the words / phrases provided, using some or any.

(Làm việc theo nhóm. Nhìn tủ lạnh. Viết câu với các từ / cụm từ được cho, sử dụng some hoặc any.)

Examples: (Ví dụ: )

ice cream

=> There is not any ice cream. 

(Không có kem.)


=> There are some cucumbers. 

(Có một vài quả dưa chuột.)

1. eggs => ...........................................

2. fruit juice => ....................................

3. apples => .........................................

4. bread => ..........................................

5. banana => .......................................

6. cheese => ........................................

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Bài 4 :

4. Read the passage and fill the blanks with some or any.

(Đọc đoạn văn và điền vào chỗ trống với some hoặc any.)

My room is ready for Tet. By the window are (1)________balloons. There is a picture I made from  (2) ________ old magazines. It's colourful, but I didn't use  (3) ________ paint or colour pencils. I love flowers, but I don't have (4) ________yet. Oh, look at this new plant. It needs (5) ________ water, but it doesn't need (6) ________sunlight. It can live in a room.

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Bài 5 :

3. Look at the sentences in exercise 2 and choose the correct words in Rules 1-3.

(Hãy nhìn vào các câu trong bài tập 2 và chọn từ đúng trong Quy tắc 1-3.)


1. We use much/ many with uncountable nouns.

2. We use much/ many with countable nouns.

3. We often use any, much and many in questions and negative/affirmative sentences.

4. We use some, any and a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns.

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Bài 6 :

4. Complete question 1-5 with much and many. Then choose the correct words in the answers.

(Hoàn thành câu hỏi từ 1 đến 5 với much và many. Sau đó chọn các từ đúng trong các câu trả lời.)

1. How.......... meat do vegetarians eat? They don't eat any / much / many meat.

2. How.......... vitamins are there in  white rice? There aren't many / much / some vitamins in white rice.

3. How........... fat is there in chocolate? There's a lot of / much / many fat in chocolate.

4. How.......... fruit is there in fizzy drinks? There isnt usually much / many / some fruit in fizzy drinks.

5. How.......... people can't eat nuts? There are some / much / any people who can't eat nuts.

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Bài 7 :

5. USE IT! What do you usually eat and drink every week? Complete the sentences. Then compare with other people in the class. Are they the same or different?

(Bạn thường ăn uống gì hàng tuần? Hoàn thành các câu. Sau đó so sánh với những người khác trong lớp. Chúng giống nhau hay khác nhau?)


1. I eat some .......................


2. I never eat any .......................


3. I don't eat many / much .......................


4. I drink a lot of .......................

5. I don't drink much ......................


6. I never drink any .......................

- I eat some vegetables every day. What about you?

(Tôi ăn một ít rau củ mỗi ngày. Còn bạn thì sao?)

- I don't eat many vagetables, but I eat an apple every day.

(Tôi không ăn nhiều rau củ, nhưng tôi ăn một quả táo mỗi ngày.)

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Bài 8 :

LANGUAGE FOCUS: some, any, much, many and a lot of + countable and uncountable nouns

3. Choose the correct words.

(Chọn từ đúng.)

1. There aren't ..... sweets in this bag.

a. some            b. much          c. many

2. I haven't got ...... cheese with my burger.

a. any                b. some            c. many

3. My sister eats ...... unhealthy snacks.

a. much            b.a lot of          c. any

4. There isn't ..... soup in your bowl.

a. some           b. much            c. many

5. Are there ..... nice dishes on the menu?

a. any              b. much             c. a lot

6. We've got ...... nice black grapes.

a. some           b. any                c. much

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Bài 9 :

b. Fill in the blanks. Use a, an, some, or any.

(Điền vào chỗ trống. Sử dụng a, an, some, hoặc any.)

1. I’d like some chicken pasta.

2. I’d like__________ hamburger.

3. I’d like__________ orange juice.

4. I’d like__________ cheese sandwich.

5. I’d like__________ cola.

6. I’d like__________ egg sandwich.

7. We don’t have__________ fries left.

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Bài 10 :

4. Fill in the gaps with some or any.

(Điền vào chỗ  trống với some hoặc any.)

1. Are there _______books on the desk?

2. There are_______ pillows on the bed.

3 There aren't_______ posters on the wall.

4. There are_______cupboards in the kitchen.

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Bài 11 :

3. Choose the correct word.

(Chọn từ đúng.)

1. Is there some/any sugar?

2. There isn't some/any flour left.

3. Would you like a/an biscuit?

4. I need some/any milk for my cereal.

5. There's a/an apple on the table.

6. Can I have some/any chips, please?

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Bài 12 :


Countable nouns

(Danh từ đếm được)

Uncountable nouns

(Danh từ không đếm được)

How mnay biscuits are there?

(Có bao nhiêu bánh quy?)

There are too many biscuits.

(Có quá nhiều bánh quy.)

There are a lot of/ lots of biscuits.

(Có nhiều bánh quy.)

There are some/ a few biscuits.

(Có một vài/ một số bánh quy.)

There are (very) few/ not many biscuits.

(Có rất ít/ không nhiều bánh quy.)

There aren’t any / are no biscuits.

(Không có cái bánh quy nào cả.)

How much milk is there?

(Có bao nhiêu sữa?)

There is too much milk.

(Có quá nhiều sữa.)

There is a lot of/ lots of milk.

(Có nhiều sữa.)

There is some / a little milk.

(Có một chút sữa.)

There is (very) little/ not much milk.

(Có rất ít / không nhiều sữa.)

There isn’t any/ is no milk.

(Không có chút sữa nào cả.)

- I want to make a cake. How much flour have we got?

(Mình muốn làm bánh. Chúng ta có bao nhiêu bột mỳ?)

- A bag. But there are very few eggs. Let’s go and buy some.

(Một túi. Nhưng chúng ta còn rất ít trứng. Hãy đi và mua một ít.)

5. Read the theory box. Then choose the correct word.

(Đọc khung lý thuyết. Sau đó chọn từ đúng.)

1. There isn't many/much milk left.

2. How much/many bread is in the cupboard?

3. How many/much eggs go in the cake mix?

4. He's got a lot of/a little sweets in his bag.

5. There is many/lots of sugar in this ice cream.

6. We haven't got many/much orange juice.

7. There are a few/a little apples. Let's make an apple pie.

8. There's very few/little butter left.

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Bài 13 :


3. Choose the correct word.

(Chọn từ đúng.)

1. How much/How many apples do we need? Not much/Not many.

2. There isn't many/much pasta. Can you buy a can/packet, please?

3. Can I please have any/some tea? A cup/ bowl is fine.

4. There are a few/a little oranges in the fridge. We can make some/an orange cake.

5. There aren't some/any oranges. Let's go and buy a little/some.

6. There isn't some/any milk. Would you like any/some apple juice?

7. Can you please buy a jar/loaf of bread and two bars/cartons of milk?

8. There's a few/a little yoghurt. Would you like a few/some?

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Bài 14 :

3. Study the Grammar B box. Find examples of quantifiers in the dialogue.

(Nghiên cứu khung Ngữ pháp B. Tìm các ví dụ của từ chỉ định lượng trong bài hội thoại.)

Grammar B


(Lượng từ)


Countable nouns

(Danh từ đếm được)

Uncountable nouns

(Danh từ không đếm được)


How many apples are there?

(Có bao nhiêu quả táo?)

Are there any bananas?

(Có quả chuối nào không?)

How much milk is there?

(Có bao nhiêu sữa?)

Is there any milk?

(Có chút sữa nào không?)


There's an apple (a banana).

(Có một quả táo/ một quả chuối.)

There are some apples.

(Có một vài quả táo.)

There are a lot/lots of apples.

(Có nhiều quả táo.)

There's some milk.

(Có một chút sữa.)

There's a lot/lots of milk.

(Có nhiều sữa.)



There aren't any biscuits.

(Không có cái bánh quy nào cả.)

There aren't many bananas.

(Không có nhiều quả chuối.)

There isn't any cola.

(Không có chút nước ngọt nào cả.)

There isn't much water.

(Không có nhiều nước.)

Sol: Are you hungry?

Max: Yes, I'm starving!

Sol: Are there any crisps?

Max: No, there aren't, and there aren't any biscuits. But there's a lot of celery and there's some ketchup.

Sol: No, thanks! Is there any cheese?

Max: Yes, there is.

Sol: How much cheese is there?

Max: Eh... Oh! There isn't much cheese. But there are some eggs. And there are a lot of potatoes.

Sol: How many eggs are there?

Max: Seven. Catch! Oops! Six!

Sol: OK, let's make a Spanish omelette!

Max: Can you do that?

Sol: Of course I can.

Max: There aren't many onions. Just two small ones.

Sol: That's fine.

Max: Oh no! There isn't any oil! Here it is.

Sol: OK, I've got the potatoes. Can you do the onions?

Max: Yeah.

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Bài 15 :

4. Choose the correct option. Listen and check.

(Chọn phương án đúng. Nghe và kiểm tra.)

Sol: OK, banana bread ... Is there (1) a /any butter?

Max: Yes, there (2) is/are.

Sol: How (3) any/much butter is there?

Max: There's (4) a lot of /many butter - half a kilo. It's very hard.

Sol: (5) Are / Is there any bananas?

Max: Yes, (6) are / there are.

Sol: (7) Are / How many bananas are there?

Max: There aren't (8) many / much bananas - just three.

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Bài 16 :

5. Write about food and drink in your kitchen. Then, in pairs, ask and answer to find out what's in your partner's kitchen. 

(Viết về đồ ăn và đồ uống trong bếp của bạn. Sau đó, theo cặp, hỏi và trả lời để tìm ra xem có gì trong bếp của bạn bè của bạn.)


In my kitchen, there's some milk but there isn't ...

(Trong bếp nhà tôi, có một ít sữa nhưng không có...)

Is there any ..... in your fridge? 

(Có ... trong tủ lạnh nhà bạn không?)

How much ... is there?

(Có bao nhiêu ... vậy?)

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Bài 17 :

1. Circle the correct item. 

(Khoanh tròn vào mục đúng.)

1 There is a / an cooker in the kitchen. 

2 There aren't some / any lamps in the bedroom. 

3 There are some / any curtains in the living room.

4 There is a / an orange in the fridge.

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Bài 18 :

2. Complete the sentences with a/an, some or any. 

(Hoàn thành các câu với a / an, some hoặc any.)

1. There are ______ books in the bookcase. 

2. There is ______ armchair in the living room. 

3. There isn't ______ sink in the bathroom. 

4. There aren't ______ chairs in the bedroom.

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Bài 19 :

3. Tick (✔) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong ones. 

(Đánh dấu (✔) vào các câu đúng. Sửa những câu sai.)

1. There are any pictures in Jill's living room.


2. There aren't any pillows on the bed.

3. There are some books on the desk.

4. Is there any armchair in your bedroom?

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Bài 20 :

11. Fill in the gaps with some or any. Which words contain blended consonants? 

(Điền vào chỗ trống với some hoặc any. Những từ nào chứa các phụ âm pha trộn?)

1 There are ______ beautiful cottages in the countryside. 

2 Are there ______ parks in your neighbourhood? 

3 There are ______ posters on the wall. 

4 Are there ______ chairs in the living room? 

5 There are ______ books on the table. 

6 There aren't ______ students in the classroom.

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Bài 21 :

2. Complete the sentences with a/an, some or any.

(Hoàn thành các câu với a / an, some hoặc any.) 

1. There are some eggs in the bowl. (Có một số trứng trong bát.)

2. There isn't ____ milk in my coffee.

3. There's ____ banana on the table.

4. There aren't ____ crisps for lunch.

5. There is ____ butter in the fridge.

6. There is ____ onion for the omelette.

7. There are ____ biscuits on the plate.

8. There isn't ____ bread for the sandwiches.

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Bài 22 :

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. How (much) / many oil  (is) / are there? (Có bao nhiêu dầu ăn?)

2. How much / many biscuits is / are there?

3. How much / many burgers is / are there?

4. How much / many ketchup is / are there?

5. How much / many cola is / are there?

6. How much / many sandwiches is / are there?

7. How much / many eggs is / are there?

8. How much / many juice is / are there? 

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Bài 23 :

4. Choose the correct response.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. How much milk is there?

(a.) There's a lot.

b. There isn't many.

c. There are lots.

2. How many biscuits are there?

a. There isn't much.

b. There aren't any.

c. There is a lot.

3. How much cheese is there?

a. There aren't many.

b. There isn't much.

c. There aren't any.

4. How much butter is there?

a. There isn't many.

b. There isn't any.

c. There are lots.

5. How many bananas are there?

a. There aren't much.

b. There isn't many.

c. There aren't many. 

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Bài 24 :

5. Complete the sentences with one or two words in each gap.

(Hoàn thành các câu với một hoặc hai từ trong mỗi khoảng trống.)

1. How ____ money have you got?

2. There isn't ____ cola in this glass.

3. How ____ people are at Tom's party?

4. Are there ____ cheese sandwiches? I can only see chicken ones.

5. There's ____ bottle of milk in the fridge. Can you get it, please?

6. There ____ many restaurants in our town - only two.

7. There are ____ bottles of cola - two, I think, but there isn't lemonade.

8. There's ____ much ketchup on my chips. I can't eat them.

9. I haven't got ____ oil in the pan to fry three eggs.

10. There are a ____ of sausages to cook!

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Bài 25 :

Look at the food and circle a, any, or some.

( Nhìn vào món ăn và khoanh a, any, hoặc some)

1. some/a milk

2. an/some fish soup

3. a/any cheese sandwich

4. some/a fries

5. an/any egg

6. some/a cheesecake

7. a/some hamburger

8. some/a soda

9. a/any salad

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Bài 26 :

Complete the conversation using the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sử dụng các từ đã cho trong khung.)

some                   any                   a                     menu                  dessert                       and

John: Let me see what's on the (1) menu. What would you like to eat, Amy?

Amy: I'll have a cheese sandwich.

John: Sorry, they don't have (2)________cheese. They have chicken.

Amy: OK. I'll have (3)________chicken sandwich.

John: What would you like to drink?

Amy: I'll have (4)_______orange Juice.

John: They don't have any orange juice. They have soda.

Amy: That's all right. I'll have some soda.

John: Would you like some (5)_______?

Amy: Yes, please.

John: There's some cheesecake (6)________some cupcakes.

Amy: I'll have a cupcake, please.

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Bài 27 :

1: * Underline the correct word.

(Gạch chân từ đúng.)

1. How many/much milk do you need?

2. How many/mucheggs do you need?

3. How many/muchstrawberries do you need?

4. How many/muchbaking powder do you need?

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Bài 28 :

2: ** Underline the correct word.

(Gạch chân dưới câu trả lời đúng.)

1. Is there some/any sugar in the cupboard.

2. There isn’t some/any flour left.

3. Would you like some/any chocolate?

4. Can you give me a/some eggs?

5. This soup doesn’t have some/any salt in it.

6. I need some/any milk for my cereal.

7. There’s a/an apple on the table.

8. Can I have some/any water, please?

9. There is any/some milk in the fridge.

10. Are there some/any potatoes?

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Bài 29 :

3: *** Complete the exchanges. Use a lot of/lots of, any, some, much, or many.

(Hoàn thành việc trao đổi. Sử dụng các từa lot of/lots of, any, some, much, hoặc many.)

1. A: Have we got ____________milk?

    B: Yes, there’s _____________in the fridge

     How_________________ do you need?

2. A: How ____________sugar do you want in your tea?

    B: Not __________. Half a teaspoon.

3. A: There’s _____________apple pie left. Do you want ____________?

    B: No, thanks. Would you like ____________grapes? There __________them in the fridge.

4. A: How ________tomatoes do we need for the sandwiches?

    B: Not _____________. Just two. We need __________________butter, though. There isn’t __________ in the fridge. Can you buy a packet, please?

5. A: Are there __________potatoes?

    B: Not ____________. We need to buy____________.

6. A: I want to make an omelette but there aren’t ___________ peppers, either.

    B: How __________eggs do you need?

    A: Six. And get four peppers.

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Bài 30 :

10: * Underline the correct item.

(Gạch chân dưới câu trả lời đúng)

1. Is there any/some butter in the fridge?

2. There are some/any biscuits in the box.

3. Can you give me some/a cheese?

4. How much/ How many sugar is in my tea?

5. There are a lot of/a littlepotatoes.

6. There aren’t much/many eggs left.

7. There’s a little/a few milk in the fridge.

8. I need a little/ a few tomatoes for the salad.

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