Đề bài

2. Read the passage and match the highlighted words with their meanings.

(Đọc đoạn văn và nối những từ được đánh dấu với nghĩa của chúng.)

1. give                  2. give and receive            3. every month              4. pleased                       5. teach

Bright Future school has many community activities for students. The school believes that a good way for students to develop themselves is through community service. All students can join any of these different projects:

- Tutoring: Upper grade students tutor lower grade students.

- Postcard-to-Help: Students make and sell postcards to raise money for local children.

- Visit-to-Read: Students visit a nursing home monthly and read books to the elderly.

- Garden-to-Give: Students grow vegetables and donate them to local schools.

- Paper-Plant-Exchange: Students collect paper and exchange it for plants. They then look after the plants in their school garden.

Students learn that they can help people and the world around them when they do community service. They feel useful and proud because they do good things.

Phương pháp giải :

Tạm dịch: 

Trường Bright Future có nhiều hoạt động cộng đồng dành cho học sinh. Nhà trường tin rằng cách tốt để học sinh phát triển bản thân là thông qua dịch vụ cộng đồng. Tất cả học sinh có thể tham gia bất kỳ dự án nào trong số các dự án khác nhau này:

- Phụ đạo: Học sinh lớp trên dạy kèm học sinh lớp dưới.

- Postcard-to-Help: Học sinh làm và bán bưu thiếp để gây quỹ cho trẻ em địa phương.

- Visit-to-Read: Học sinh đến thăm viện dưỡng lão hàng tháng và đọc sách cho người già.

- Garden-to-Give: Học sinh trồng rau và quyên góp cho các trường học địa phương.

- Paper-Plant-Exchange: Học sinh thu thập giấy và đổi lấy cây. Sau đó, họ chăm sóc cây trong vườn trường của họ.

Học sinh học được rằng họ có thể giúp đỡ mọi người và thế giới xung quanh khi họ làm dịch vụ cộng đồng. Họ cảm thấy có ích và tự hào vì mình làm được những điều tốt đẹp.


1. give (v): cho đi

2. give and receive: cho và nhận

3. every month: mỗi tháng

4. pleased (adj): hài lòng

5. teach (v): dạy

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. give (cho đi) – donate (quyên góp)

2. give and recieve (cho và nhận) – exchange (trao đổi)

3. every month (mỗi tháng) – monthly (hàng tháng)

4. pleased (hài lòng) – proud (tự hào)

5.  teach (dạy) – tutor (hướng dẫn)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

THINK! When do animals need humans to help them?

(SUY NGHĨ! Khi nào động vật cần con người giúp đỡ?)

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Bài 2 :

 1. Read the story. Where was the rescue? What was the writer doing?

(Đọc câu truyện. Cuộc giải cứu ở đâu? Tác giả đang làm gì?)

An exciting rescue

I took this photo while we were on a safari holiday in Kenya last February. It was an amazing rescue and I was lucky to see it. It happened while we were taking photos of wild animals. We were driving slowly when we saw a bulldozer. There was a group of people and they were looking at something. There was an elephant. It was in a mud hole and it couldn’t get out. The elephant wasn’t moving, but it was alive. A bulldozer was breaking the sides of the hole. Assoon as it was possible, the elephant climbed out. After a few minutes, it walked away. The elephant was very lucky to be alive after twelvehours in the hole. The rescuers were very pleased and one of them posted a video of the rescue online.

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Bài 3 :

 a. Read the article and choose the best headline.

(Đọc bài viết và chọn tiêu đề phù hợp nhất. )

1. Help Us Bring Happiness to Children!

(Giúp chúng ta mang lại hạnh phúc cho trẻ em!) 

2. Charity Event Ideas to Raise Money

(Ý tưởng sự kiện từ thiện để gây quỹ)

The United Nations says that all children under 18 have the right to live, be healthy and happy, and much more*, but some poor children don't have these rights. They don't have enough food, and can't go to school. So, please join us in helping poor children. We are going to do these activities next month to raise money: 

• Craft Fair (May 15th - 16th). Many talented artists will be there! You'll find lots of cool things like cute stuffed animals and pretty paintings. There will also be arts and crafts workshops in the afternoons. 

• Bake Sale (May 22nd – 23rd). Come buy cookies, cupcakes, pies, and more! Don't miss the cupcake decorating competition on May 23rd! 

We'll use the money from these events to buy clothes, books, and toys for children. We also need volunteers to help organize the events. Please contact brendajohnson@foreverychild.org for more information.

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Bài 4 :

b. Now, read and write Yes, No, or Doesn't say.

(Bây giờ, đọc và viết Có, không hoặc không đề cập tới.)

1. Every child has the same 18 rights. -> Doesn’t say

(Mọi trẻ em có 18 quyền như nhau.)

2. The charity events will happen this month. 

(Sự kiện từ thiện sẽ xảy ra vào tháng này.)

3. You can join arts and crafts workshops in the morning on May 15th. 

(Bạn có thể tham gia hội thảo nghệ thuật và thủ công vào sáng 15/5.)

4. You can also decorate cupcakes at the bake sale.

(Bạn có thể trang trí cupcake ở sự kiện bán bánh gây quỹ.)

5. Volunteers will help organize both the craft fair and bake sale.

(Tình nguyện viên sẽ giúp tổ chức cả hội chợ thủ công và bán bánh gây quỹ.)

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Bài 5 :

a. Read Jane's email to Dan. Would Jane like to take part in future clean-ups?

(Đọc email của Jane gửi cho Dan. Jane có muốn tham gia việc dọn dẹp trong tương lai không?)

1. Yes (có)                                         

2. No (không)

To: dan123@abcmail.com

Subject: My vacation

Hi Dan,

Let me tell you about my vacation. I did something really different this year. I took part in a beach clean-up and it was great!

I arrived at Pebble Beach in Somerton on Tuesday morning. It was really dirty and the smell was horrible.

There were plastic bags and trash everywhere so we had to clean it up. Over 150 volunteers took part. We worked for eight hours and picked up over five tonnes of trash! The beach looked amazing after we finished.

Save The Beaches organized the event. It organizes at least five clean-ups every year. They are all over the country. I want to do another one next year. Would you like to come? Let me know.

See you,



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Bài 6 :

b. Now, read and write True or False.

(Bây giờ, đọc và viết True (đúng) hoặc False (sai).)

1. Jane's vacation wasn't the same as last year.  _________

2. She didn't enjoy cleaning up the beach.  _________

3. The beach looked really bad when she arrived. _________

4. They get money for cleaning up the beach. _________

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Bài 7 :

Look and read. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Nhìn và đọc. Chọn đáp án đúng (A, B hoặc C).)

Example: (Ví dụ)

A. The craft fair lasts two days. 

(Hội chợ thủ công kéo dài 2 ngày.)

B. You can buy bracelets and rings here. 

(Bạn có thể mua vòng và nhẫn ở đây.)

C. You can visit the craft fair in the morning.

(Bạn có thể đến hội chợ thủ công vào buổi sáng.)


A. You don't need to sign up to take part in this event. 

(Bạn không cần đăng ký để tham gia sự kiện.)

B. You can sign up at Maddy Hill Farm. 

(Bạn có thể đăng ký ở nông trại Maddy Hill.)

C. They organize this event to celebrate Earth Day.

(Họ tổ chức sự kiện này để kỷ niệm Ngày Thế giới.)


A. The car wash raises money for local poor students.

(Rửa xe ô tô gây quỹ dành cho học sinh khó khăn.)

B. Volunteers wash a big car for a $15 donation.

(Tình nguyện viên rửa một chiếc ô tô lớn sẽ có 15 dola quyên góp.)

C. You can only visit the charity car wash in the morning.

(Bạn có thể chỉ đến rửa xe gây quỹ vào buổi sáng.)


A. The soup kitchen needs volunteers for the weekend.

(Súp gà cần tình nguyện viên vào cuối tuần.)

B. Volunteers work for two hours every day.

(Tình nguyện viên làm việc khoảng 2 tiếng mỗi ngày.)

C. You can choose when to volunteer from Monday to Friday.

(Bạn có thể chọn khi làm tình nguyện từ thứ Hai đến thứ Sáu.)

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Bài 8 :

1. How can we preserve ancient wonders? Listen and read to find out.

(Chúng ta bảo tồn các di tích như thế nào? Nghe và đọc để tìm hiểu.)


How to preserve our sites

It’s very sad when people damage a place of natural beauty or an accident monument. Sometimes they may do this without knowing. To make sure this isn’t you, follow these rules. 

Leave everything as you find it.

Scientists can learn more about the past when objects stay where they are. Never take anything away from historic sites, even a stone.

Don’t touch displays.

Natural oils on your hands can damage them.

Watch where you rest.

Don't touch or write on any walls. Treat ancient wonders carefully because you can easily damage them.

Pay your fees.

It may not seem like much but your entrance fee helps support important work. It also helps keep the site in a good condition.

Don’t spoil the path.

Stay on the paths to protect the soil around them. Once stepped on, this can take years to regrow.

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Bài 9 :


Where did you get that?

In 2019, in the UK, people throw away over 800,000 tonnes of clothing. While recycling cloth is a great start, it is 1) __________ better for the environment if we actually reuse our old clothes first. Here are a 2) __________  ways.

⊳ Before you decide to throw your favourite old white T-shirt in the rubbish, think about 3)__________ you could change it yourself. Paint it, embroider it, stamp it, dye it, the options are limitless.

⊳ Now you don't 4) __________ to say goodbye to your old blue jeans. Using the most basic sewing skills, a few buttons, ribbons and lace you can quickly make a fantastic denim handbag.


⊳ We all know that inexpensive high street fashion is the easiest 5) __________ to update your wardrobe, but these clothes wear out very quickly. When you can, buy clothes that are high-quality or buy vintage clothes.

embroider: thêu

stamp: tem

dye: nhuộm

sewing: may vá

lace: ren 

vintage: cổ điển

2. Read the text again. Fill in each gap with ONE appropriate word. Compare with your partner.

(Đọc lại đoạn văn bản. Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp. So sánh với bạn của bạn.)

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Bài 10 :

Sounds like great work!

(Nghe có vẻ là công việc hay đó!)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Minh: Hi, Tom. Are you back in Ha Noi?

Tom: Yes, I came back yesterday. Can we meet up this Sunday morning? I bought you a board game.

Minh: Sure, I can’t wait! But our Green School Club will have some community activities on that morning.

Tom: What activities does your club do?

Minh: Well, we pick up litter around our school and plant vegetables in our school garden.

Tom: School gardening? That’s fantastic!

Minh: Yes. We donate the vegetables to a nursing home. Does your school have any activities like these?

Tom: Yes. We donate books to homeless children. We also have English classes. Last summer, we taught English to 30 kids in the area.

Minh: Sounds like great work!

Tom: Thanks.

Minh: … So, let’s meet in the afternoon then.

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Bài 11 :

2. Read the conversation again and tick (✓) the appropriate box.

(Đọc lại đoạn hội thoại và đánh dấu ✓ vào ô đúng.)

Community activity

Minh’s club

Tom’s club

1. picking up litter



2. planting vegetables



3. donating books



4. donating vegetables



5. teaching English



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Bài 12 :

Changing our neighbourhood

(Việc thay đổi trong khu phố của chúng tôi)

3. Work in pairs. Read the poster about the volunteer activities for teenagers at Lending Hand. Write the project number (1-3) next to its benefit (A - E).

(Làm việc theo cặp. Đọc tờ áp phích về các hoạt động tình nguyện dành cho thanh thiếu niên trong chương trình Lending Hand. Viết số của dự án 1-3 bên cạnh lợi ích của nó A-E.)


(Chào mừng đến với Lending Hand)

Here are some activities you can do when you join our projects:

(Dưới đây là một số hoạt động bạn có thể làm khi tham gia các dự án của chúng tôi)

1. Protect the environment: (Bảo vệ môi trường)

- You can plant trees in your environment. (Bạn có thể trồng cây trong môi trường của bạn.)

- You can join clean-up activities. (Bạn có thể tham gia các hoạt động dọn dẹp.)

2. Help street children: (Giúp đỡ trẻ em đường phố)

- You can donate food and clothes. (Bạn có thể quyên góp thực phẩm và quần áo.)

- You can teach street children to read and write. (Bạn có thể dạy trẻ em đường phố đọc và viết.)

3. Help old people: (Giúp đỡ người già)

You can sing and dance with the elderly in a nursing home.

(Bạn có thể hát và nhảy với những người già trong viện dưỡng lão.)


_________ A. making the elderly less lonely.

_________ B. making the neighbourhood greener

_________ C. helping feed children

_________ D. helping children have a better future

_________ E. making the neighbourhood cleaner

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Bài 13 :


1. Work in pairs. Circle the activities you would like to do at your school.

(Làm việc theo nhóm. Khoanh tròn hoạt động bạn thích làm ở trường.)

A. growing vegetables in the school garden (trồng rau trong vườn trường)

B. tutoring other students (dạy kèm các học sinh khác)

C. collecting books for the school library (sưu tầm sách cho thư viện trường)

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Bài 14 :

3. Read the passage again and tick (✓) T (True) or F (False).

(Đọc lại đoạn văn và chọn () T (Đúng) hoặc F (Sai).)




1. Community service allows students to develop themselves.



2. Each student can join only one project.



3. They tutor younger students.



4. Local children receive postcards from the Postcards-to-Help project.



5. Students receive plants when they give paper.



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Bài 15 :


4. Work in pairs. Read about these students. Write the names of the projects you think they should join in the Projects column.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Đọc về những học sinh này. Viết tên của những dự án mà em nghĩ họ nên tham gia vào cột Dự án.)

A. Tutoring (Dạy kèm)                 

B. Postcard-to-Help (Bưu thiếp giúp đỡ)                 

C. Visit-to-Read (Thăm hỏi và đọc sách)               

D. Garden-to-Give (Khu vườn cho đi)

E. Paper-Plant-Exchange (Trao đổi cây xanh và giấy)




1. Nick likes reading books. He has a very nice voice, and he is also patient.


2. Ann is very good at maths and literature. She also loves children.


3. Minh loves collecting and making postcards.


4. Mark loves nature. He likes watching programmes about plants. He also likes being outdoors.


5. Tome likes collecting newspapers.


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Bài 16 :

4. Read Tom's email to Nam about his school activities last summer.

(Đọc email của Tom gửi cho Nam về các hoạt động ở trường của cậu ấy vào mùa hè năm ngoái.)

To: nam@webmail.com

Subject: School activities last summer

Dear Nam,

How are things? Did your school have any community activities last summer?

We did some very interesting activities. We collected rubbish in a nearby park. We also planted trees. Then we watered them every day, and it was enjoyable to watch them grow up. We also had a lot of fun and learnt some skills.

Please write to me and tell me about your school activities.



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Bài 17 :

1. Choose the correct word (A, B or C) to fill in each blank in the following passage.

(Chọn từ đúng (A, B hoặc C) để điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn dưới đây.) 

My school has a number of volunteer activities every summer. The activities include donating books to village children, (1) ______ kids in the neighborhood, teaching English to primary students, reading books or cooking food for the (2) ______Our school staled this programme five years ago. Every student can join one or two activities. In the beginning, we thought about (3) ______we should join in these activities. We then thought about what (4) ______we wanted to do. Those who like reading could choose to collect and donate (5) ______Those who are good at English could (6) ______ primary students. Finally, we signed up for the activities we chose. Our teachers often encourage us to (7) ______committed. They also help us when we need it. We have a lot of fun and learn many things from (8) ______the activities.


A. tutor 

B. tutored

C. tutoring


A. rich

B. needy

C. young


A. what

B. when

C. why


A. activities

B. jobs          

C. work


A. clothes

B. books

C. vegetables


A. learn           

B. talk

C. tutor


A. live           

B. stay

C. work


A. doing           

B. working

C. playing

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Bài 18 :

2. Read the text and do the exercises.

(Đọc đoạn văn và làm các bài tập.)

People first used the word ‘volunteer’ in 1795, but in England, there were at least 500 volunteer hospitals long before that. The YMCA in London became the first volunteering organization in 1844. It provided help to needy people and held classes to help people develop skills. The Red Cross became the first international charity organization in 1863. Volunteer work is becoming more and more popular in the world. For example, in the USA, about one-fifth of the population does volunteer work. In Europe, thousands of volunteer programmes are run in different countries. 

Everyone can do volunteer work to help their community. Volunteer activities include donating food and clothes, joining clean-up projects, tutoring children, protecting wild animals, etc. Volunteers work not for money but to help people in need and to connect with others.

a. Match each word or phrase highlighted in the text with its meaning.

(Nối mỗi từ hoặc cụm từ được bôi đậm trong đoạn văn với nghĩa của nó.)

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Bài 19 :

b. Tick (√) T (True) or F (False)

(Tích (√) T (Đúng) hoặc F (Sai))

1. People first used the word ‘volunteer’ in the 18th century.

2. The YMCA held classes that taught people skills.

3. The Red Cross is an American charity organisation. 

4. Volunteers work to help and connect with others.

5. One example of volunteer work is donating clothes. 

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Bài 20 :

3. Read the passage and answer the questions by circling A, B or C. 

(Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi bằng cách khoanh tròn A, B hoặc C.)

Choosing to volunteer takes up some of your time. Some people say that they do not have time to help others, so they don’t volunteer. But scientists say giving time to help others benefits us.

The first benefit of volunteering is that it helps us learn to be flexible. Volunteers have to be ready for changes and stay flexible when solving problems. Second, volunteering can improve our health because it requires us to be active. A report found that Americans who volunteer 100 hours or more a year are the healthiest people in the country. Third, volunteers have opportunities to develop more relationships. They often work in teams, and team members get to know each other and sometimes even become friends. Moreover, volunteers often help needy people, so they may feel thankful for what they have. For these reasons, volunteers are generally positive and are less likely to become depressed.

So if you have not joined a volunteer activity yet, think about it. You are likely to benefit from doing so.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. There are different types of volunteer activities.

B. What to expect when you do volunteer work.

C. There are some good reasons why you should do volunteer work.

2. Which is NOT true about volunteers?

A. They are the strongest and most active.

B. They are flexible thinkers.

C. They are generally more positive.

3. Which is a benefit of doing volunteer work?

A. You will have a happier family.

B. You can have more friends.

C. You will never feel unhappy.

4. Why are volunteers often more positive?

A. They are the healthiest people in the country.

B. They stay active.

C. They often feel they are luckier than others.

5. How many benefits are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

6. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To tell people not to join volunteer activities if they don’t have the time.

B. To encourage people to do some volunteer activities.

C. To explain the steps you should follow when you join volunteer activities.

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Bài 21 :

7. Read the text and tick (√) the appropriate boxes. (1.0pt)

(Đọc đoạn văn và tích (√) vào các hộp thích hợp.) (1.0 điểm)

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Bài 22 :

a. Read the text and choose the best summary.

(Đọc đoạn văn và chọn tóm tắt thích hợp nhất. )

1. Ways to do charity at school           

2. Ways to help the community

There are a lot of things we can do for our community. I think we should have a fun run to raise money. We can ask our teachers to help us. We can join the run from our school to any place in the town. We can use the money to help poor children in the country. We can buy books for their school. We can also collect clothes for them. We can also help the homeless animals. Cats and dogs at animal shelters often don't get the care they need. They often get sick and need medicine. We can ask our friends to give money for them. Volunteers can help take care of and play with these animals. We can also help give food to the animals and give them a bath.

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Bài 23 :

b. Now, read and circle the correct answers.

(Bây giờ hãy đọc và khoanh tròn những câu trả lời đúng. )

1. We can join the run from...            

a. the country          

b. the town              

c. the school

2. We can give poor children...

a. food                   

b. a bath                 

c. clothes

3. We can collect money for the homeless animals from...

a. our friends            

b. volunteers           

c. our teachers

4. We can give the animals...

a. money                  

b. food                    

c. medicine

5. The animals can be taken care of by...

a. volunteers             

b. teachers             

c. friends

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Bài 24 :

a. Fill in blanks using the Past Simple form of the verbs in the box.

(Điền vào chỗ trống sử dụng thì Quá khứ đơn chia động từ trong hộp.)

volunteer                      serve                organize                        raise                   plant                             clean


Teenagers can do different types of community service to help people, animals, and places around them. Last year, my friends and I (1) ___________ volunteered at a soup kitchen. We (2) __________ food and (3) __________ the dishes there. Three weeks ago, our school (4) __________ a fun run to raise money for charity. We (5) ________ more than five thousand dollars after the fun run. We also (6) __________ some trees and flowers in local parks. What did you do to help your community?

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Bài 25 :

a. Read Tim's email to Alice. Would Tim like to take part in future clean-ups?

(Đọc email của Tim cho Alice. Tim có muốn tham gia vào việc dọn dẹp trong tương lai không?)

1. Yes                 2. No
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Bài 26 :

b. Now, read and answer the questions.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. Where did the clean-up happen?  (Việc dọn dẹp xảy ra ở đâu?)

2. How many people helped to pick up trash? (Có bao nhiêu người đã giúp nhặt rác?)

3. How much trash did they pick up? (Họ đã nhặt bao nhiêu rác?)

4. Who organized the clean-up? (Ai đã tổ chức dọn dẹp?)

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