Đề bài

2. Listen to a talk about Phở, a famous dish in Việt Nam. Then read aloud. Pay attention to the underlined words or phrases. 

(Nghe bài nói về Phở, một món ăn nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam. Sau đó đọc to. Chú ý đến các từ hoặc cụm từ được gạch chân.)

Well, today I'd like to talk about a very famous dish in Việt Nam today - Phở. Phở is a type of Vietnamese soup which comes in different flavours such as sweet, sour, and salty. Uhm, the special thing about Phở is the broth. It can be cooked for hours. Some types of Phở use a chicken broth and the others use beef broth. People like Phở because they can eat it with different herbs and vegetables. Vietnamese people can eat Phở at any time of the day. I mean, they can have Phở for breakfast, lunch, or dinner in any restaurants around where they live or they can cook Phở at home.

Lời giải chi tiết :

Tạm dịch:

Hôm nay tôi xin nói về một món ăn rất nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam hiện nay - Phở. Phở là một loại canh của Việt Nam có nhiều hương vị khác nhau như ngọt, chua và mặn. Uhm, điều đặc biệt của Phở là nước dùng. Nó có thể được nấu trong nhiều giờ. Một số loại Phở sử dụng nước luộc gà và một số loại khác sử dụng nước luộc bò. Người ta thích Phở vì họ có thể ăn kèm với các loại rau thơm khác nhau. Người Việt Nam có thể ăn Phở vào bất kỳ thời điểm nào trong ngày. Ý tôi là, họ có thể ăn Phở vào bữa sáng, bữa trưa hoặc bữa tối ở bất kỳ nhà hàng nào xung quanh nơi họ sống hoặc họ có thể nấu Phở ở nhà.

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2. Read the text. Are these sentences about the people who took part in the survey true or false? Write T or F.

(Đọc văn bản. Những câu này về những người đã tham gia khảo sát là đúng hay sai? Viết T (đúng) hoặc F (sai).)

a. Most have a positive view of the British overall. _____

b. More than half have a better opinion of the British now that they live in the country. _____

How foreigners see the British

What is a typical British person like? People who come to Britain from other countries probably have a few expectations: British people are polite, rather reserved, and enjoy drinking tea and standing in queues! But how accurate is this stereotype? In an online survey of 1402 foreign nationals living in the UK, just over half said that the British matched their expectations.

The survey also asked which aspects of the British character the foreign nationals liked and disliked. British people's good manners were popular with 49% and 40% liked the ability to queue. Many agreed that the British are reserved and for 32% this was a good quality but for 19% it was negative. Other negative aspects were the British sense of humour (31%) and British culture in general (28%). However, 77% said they liked British people in general and 61% said that their opinion of the British got better as a result of living in the UK. 

A spokesman for the researchers said: People probably come to Britain with a stereotype of what to expect. It’s good to see that, for the majority, the reality is better than the stereotype.'


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Bài 2 :

3. Complete the labels for the charts with the words below. Use information from the text to help you.

(Hoàn thành các nhãn dán cho biểu đồ với các từ bên dưới. Sử dụng thông tin từ văn bản để giúp em.)

better             culture            good manners            reserve                 reserve                 sense of humour             the same or worse


Description automatically generated

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Bài 3 :

2. Look at the pictures and the title. What information do you think the text will include? Listen and read to find out.

(Nhìn vào các bức ảnh và tiêu đề. Bạn nghĩ văn bản sẽ bao gồm những thông tin nào? Nghe và đọc để nhận ra.)

The Mường people

In the mountains of Northern Vietnam live the Mường people, one of the largest ethnic groups in the country. The Mường often live in stilt houses in villages. They live mainly by growing rice and raising poultry and cattle. They have their own language and traditions and are known as friendly and welcoming people.

In modern life, many of the Mường people still make their clothes themselves. They need to be very creative, talented and patient because their clothes have colourful patterns on them, which are difficult to make and take a lot of skill and time. Mường women often wear a long black skirt, a white shirt and a plain or colourful headscarf. Men often wear a long white shirt with dark trousers.

The Mường people have their own style of music and they play the gong, one of the traditional musical instruments of the Mường culture. There are songs for special occasions, such as moving into a new home, and songs with stories about the history of the Mường. The Mường people are proud of their traditions and culture.

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Bài 4 :

3. Read the text again. For questions (1–3), choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

(Đọc lại văn bản. Đối với câu hỏi (1–3), chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C).)

1. What are the main jobs the Mường do?

 A. building houses

 B. farming

 C. collecting food for the animals

2. Mường men often wear ____________ .

 A. black shirts

 B. dark trousers

 C. long white skirts

3. The gong is a ____________ .

 A. musical instrument

 B. headscarf

 C. pattern

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Bài 5 :


1. What do the title and the pictures tell you? Read the text to find out.

(Tiêu đề và những bức hình cho bạn biết điều gì? Đọc văn bản để nhận ra.)

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Bài 6 :

2. a) Match the headings (1–4) to the paragraphs (A–C). There is one extra heading.

(Nối các tiêu đề (1–4) với các đoạn văn (A – C). Có một tiêu đề bị dư.)

1. Travel & Communication

2. Entertainment

3. Clothes

4. Day-to-day life

Native Americans

Thousands of years before the Europeans came to America, the people now called Native Americans lived there.



 The Native Americans lived in tents called tepees, which they made from animal skins and tree branches. They hunted animals for food, such as deer and buffalo, and were also excellent farmers. They even grew different plants to make medicine. They also made beautiful pottery and jewellery.



The Native Americans enjoyed music. They played drums and wooden flutes. Dancing was important to their culture, too. When the weather was too hot and dry, they would come together for a ‘rain dance’, which they believed made the rain fall.



Native Americans did not travel on horseback until the 1600s, when Europeans brought over horses on ships. Before this, Native Americans did not travel. They sent messages to each other from far away by using smoke signals. They used this system to communicate with people up to 50 miles away!

Today, there are only around five million Native Americans living in the United States. Although they have a more modern lifestyle, they still try to keep their traditions alive.

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Bài 7 :

3. Read the text again and decide if each of the statements (1–4) is T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc lại văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi câu (1–4) là T (đúng) hay F (sai).)

1. The Native Americans were hunters and farmers. ________

2. The Native Americans did the ‘rain dance’ when it was raining. ________

3. The Native Americans used smoke to communicate. ________

4. Today, there are no more Native Americans. ________

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Bài 8 :

3. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1–5) is T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi khẳng định (1–5) là T (đúng) hay F (sai).)

Glastonbury Festival

The UK has some fantastic music festivals, but which one is the favourite of British fans? It’s definitely Glastonbury! It takes place at the end of June every year in Pilton, Somerset, England.

The first festival happened in 1970. It lasted two days and tickets cost just £1 each – plus every festivalgoer got free milk from the farm! Only 1,500 people came that year, but it was the start of something very special. These days, a ticket to stay the whole five days costs over £200. The price doesn’t put people off, however – around 200,000 people attend every year, and tickets sell out in about 30 minutes!

The great music is only part of the Glastonbury experience. Festival-goers camp in tents around the farm and stay up all night dancing. Of course, they have to be prepared for the British weather. It often rains, and there is a lot of mud, so a pair of wellies* is essential! But at Glastonbury, people don’t mind the bad weather. They love nature and care about the environment. In fact, Glastonbury has been a plasticfree festival since 2019, when the organisers decided to stop selling food and drinks in plastic containers.

It’s hard to say what makes Glastonbury a better music festival than all the others. Is it the bands, or perhaps the location? British singer Elly Jackson (La Roux) thinks it’s the atmosphere. “Festivals all have one,” she says, “but Glastonbury has something other festivals will never have.”

*wellies: waterproof boots, short for Wellington boots

1. Glastonbury is an arts festival. _____

2. Tickets for the first festival in 1970 were free. _____

3. The festival now lasts five days. _____

4. The festival doesn’t take place in bad weather. _____

5. Since 2019, organisers haven’t sold food and drinks in plastic containers at the festival. _____

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Bài 9 :

3. Read the texts below. Then match the festivals with the correct statements. 

(Đọc văn bản bên dưới. Sau đó nối các lễ hội với câu đúng.)

The Lim Festival is held around the 12th and 13th day of the first lunar month in Bắc Ninh. People offer incense and flowers at the pagoda to worship Nguyễn Đình Diễn, who started the festival. The festival is famous for its Quan Họ singing.

The Hương Pagoda Festival takes place in Hà Nội. The pagoda is decorated for three months every year. It is located near rice fields and beautiful mountains. People come here to pray atHương Tích Cave. The pagoda has become a famous place that welcomes thousands of visitors every year.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is mainly for children and celebrated with lion dancers, mooncakes, lanterns and colourful masks. It is celebrated in the middle of the 8th lunar month. Some streets in Hà Nội and Hội An become very crowded with families. At night, children can light up lanterns and visit their neighbours' houses.

1. This is a festival for children. ____

2. At this festival, people go to a pagoda to pray for good health and happiness.___

3. This festival features Quan Ho singing._____ 

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Bài 10 :

4. Complete the text below with the words highlighted in Exercise 3. 

(Hoàn thành văn bản dưới đây với các từ được đánh dấu trong Bài tập 3.)

1. Cold Food Festival is _______ on the 5th of the fifth lunar month. 

2. At Hương Pagoda Festivals, pagodas are colourfully _______ and people bring offerings. 

3. Vietnamese people _______ their ancestors in their houses. 

4. The old town of Hội An is _______ beautiful lanterns. 

5. People _______ incense and various dishes and fruits when they visit pagodas. 

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Bài 11 :

2. Read the text. Which text contains the following information? Put a tick (✓). 


 The house-warming ritual is very important to the Vietnamese. According to tradition, the homeowner invites people to celebrate a new house. Traditionally, the Vietnamese believe new houses are cold and need to be warmed up with occupants. The purpose of the ritual is to bring warmth and good luck. Guests generally bring useful gifts and offer good wishes. The host introduces the guests to the rooms, functions of each room, materials, and the design of the new house. After that, they enjoy a feast together.


In the US, new homeowners often throw a house-warming party. They invite family, friends, and new neighbours to come. The parties are held 2-3 weeks after the new owner moves in. The house should be ready and look like a nice place to live. Generally, the homeowners send out invitations which should include the date and time of the event. However, they are careful not to invite too many guests, so people have a place to gather.  


Text 1

Text 2

1. Guests bring gifts.


2. Guests offer good wishes. 


3. Owners move in the new house. 


4. Owners consider the number of guests. 


5. Owners send out invitations. 

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Bài 12 :

3. Decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). 

(Quyết định xem các câu sau là đúng (T), sai (F) hay không đề cập (NG).)

1. In Việt Nam, the house-warming party is held to bring happiness and health to the owner. ____

(Ở Việt Nam, tiệc tân gia được tổ chức nhằm mang lại hạnh phúc và sức khỏe cho gia chủ.)

2. The feast is often celebrated in two days. ___

(Lễ thường được cử hành trong hai ngày.)

3. The house-warming party in the US is held a few months after the owner moves. ____ 

(Tiệc tân gia ở Mỹ được tổ chức vài tháng sau khi chủ nhân chuyển đi.)

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Bài 13 :

4. Fill in the blanks. Use the words and phrases below. 

(Điền vào chỗ trống. Sử dụng các từ và cụm từ bên dưới.)

give out

good luck

good wishes 


offer prayer 


1. We will _______ many people to our house-warming party next month. 

2. I wish you _______ with your studies. 

3. My grandmother went to the temple to _______.

4. They offered us _______ at the party. 

5. She will _______ presents to the children.

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Bài 14 :

1. Choose the best title for the following dialogue. 

(Chọn tiêu đề hay nhất cho đoạn hội thoại sau.)

1. Mexican Festivals 

2. Festivals for Remembering Our Ancestors 

3. The Day of the Dead Festival 

Nam: We went to Mexico last month and saw the Day of the Dead Festival. 

Mai: I've never heard of it. What happens at this festival? 

Nam: It's a three-day event that starts on Oct 31st, Mexicans decorate altars, and they attend costume parties. They bake a special kind of bread and light candles. They also tell stories about their dead relatives, so their children will remember them. 

Mai: Do they pay respects to their ancestors like we do? 

Nam: Somehow. They visit cemeteries, but they also do fun things. They buy sweets and have carnival rides for children. 

Mai: It sounds like a giant party. 

Nam: Actually, it is. Families gather together, and they enjoy the favourite food and drink for their dead relatives. 

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Bài 15 :

2. Read or listen to a talk about the celebration of Tet holidays in Việt Nam. Tick (✓) the information mentioned in the text. 

(Đọc hoặc nghe bài nói chuyện về lễ Tết ở Việt Nam. Đánh dấu (v) thông tin được đề cập trong văn bản.)

1. Time 

2. Place 

3. Popular foods

4. Customs and traditions 

Tết is one of the most important events in a year for Vietnamese people. It takes place from the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar (around late January or early February) until at least the third day. People prepare for Tết by cooking special holiday food and cleaning the house. Many customs and traditions are practised during Tết, such as exchanging New Year's wishes, giving lucky money to children and elderly people, opening a shop, and visiting relatives, friends and neighbours. It is also an occasion for family reunions.

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Bài 16 :

2. Read the following text about Japanese eating habits. Check your guesses in Exercise 1. 

(Đọc văn bản sau về thói quen ăn uống của người Nhật. Kiểm tra các dự đoán của bạn trong Bài tập 1.)

The Japanese people have one of the healthiest diets in the world. They eat three meals in a day, but breakfast is their biggest meal of the day. They eat a well-balanced diet of fish, vegetables, fruit, soy, and rice. They do not like packaged and canned food as well as processed food and instant food as they are not good for their health. Besides eating fresh food, they also do not use much oil in their cooking. They often stew, steam, and grill their food rather than to deep-fry it. Vegetable broth is known as the base of many dishes. Japanese people rarely eat desserts. If they do, they like to have healthy ingredients like red beans. Finally, they do not overeat. They prefer to have small portions and are more likely to eat little pieces slowly. Eating is more like a ritual than a feast. 

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Bài 17 :

3. Read the text again. Choose the correct option. 

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. The Japanese diet is considered ______.

(Chế độ ăn kiêng của người Nhật được coi là ______.)

A. fattening (vỗ béo)

B. healthy (khỏe mạnh)

C. unhealthy (không khỏe mạnh)

2. The largest meal of the day in Japan is ______.

(Bữa ăn lớn nhất trong ngày ở Nhật Bản là ______.)

A. breakfast (bữa ăn sáng)

B. lunch (bữa trưa)

C. dinner (bữa tối)

3. The Japanese eat a lot of ______.

(Người Nhật ăn rất nhiều _____.)

A. deep fried food (đồ chiên giòn)

B. fish (cá)

C. desserts (món tráng miệng)

4. Which type of food is more popular in Japan? 

(Loại thực phẩm nào phổ biến hơn ở Nhật Bản?)

A. canned food (đồ ăn đóng hộp)

B. fresh food (thức ăn sạch)

C. processed food (thực phẩm đã qua chế biến)

5. Japanese desserts often have ______.

(Các món tráng miệng của Nhật Bản thường có ______.)

A. fish (cá)

B. red beans (đậu đỏ)

C. vegetables (rau)

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Bài 18 :

3. Read the text. Answer the following questions.

(Đọc văn bản. Trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

1. What topics are water puppet shows often about? 

(Múa rối nước thường nói về những chủ đề gì?)

2. Where are the puppeteers while the water puppet show is on? 

(Những người múa rối ở đâu trong khi chương trình múa rối nước đang diễn ra?)

3. What is the main theme of Quan Họ Bắc Ninh Folk Songs? 

(Chủ đề chính của Dân ca Quan họ Bắc Ninh là gì?)

4. What can you learn about if you see the folk games at the museum? 

(Bạn có thể học được gì nếu xem các trò chơi dân gian ở bảo tàng?)

The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

If you visit the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Cầu Giấy District, Hà Nội, Việt Nam,here are the top three things you should do:

1. Watch a water pupet show

Water puppetry has been a unique form of art in Vietnamese culture. Puppets forms of art performed by couples of men are made of wood and controlled by and women. The main theme is about love or puppeteers. At the Vietnam Museum friendship. At the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, water puppet shows are held regularly to serve the visitors of the museum. The content of the shows often reflect the daily activities and spiritual life of Vietnamese people. Whether you are local or foreign tourists, you will definitely feel amazed at the skills of the puppeteers standing in the pool behind the scene. You will also love the meaningful folktale stories told by the puppets.

2. Listen to Quan họ Bắc Ninh

Quan Họ Bắc Ninh Folk Songs are traditional forms of art performed by couples of men and women. The main theme is about love or friendship. At the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, there are singing sessions for visitors who want to have a taste in Vietnamese traditional music. You can interact with the singers in the show too!

3. Learn about Vietnamese folk games

Many folk games of ethnic groups in Việt Nam are on display at the museum. You can see games such as throwing cotton ball game (ném còn) and swaying back and forth game (đánh du) and learn more about how ethnic people in Việt Nam entertain on special  occasions. If you love Vietnamese culture and visit the museum, you cannot miss this  opportunity!

Taking part in these activities, you will find the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology really worth the visit.

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