Đề bài

2. Look at the photos and read two descriptions of different school systems. Decide which text describes a school in Finland and in Japan. 

(1) Our school is quite informal – we can call our teachers by their first names. We don't move up to secondary school when we're eleven because we attend the same comprehensive school from seven to sixteen. All our classes are mixed ability. The curriculum not only includes academic subjects but also art, music and PE, with only about thirty minutes of homework every day. We're lucky that we don't have to pay tuition fees to do a degree at university.

(2) English is a compulsory subject in my school. It is my favourite subject, but I can't keep up with all the homework! We have to learn lists of vocabulary by heart. At elementary school, the timetable includes earthquake practice. If there's an earthquake when children are outside, they have to line upin the playground. At the end of the day, we have to clean our classroom. Most of my classmates will go to university. In my country, 50 percent of the population are university graduates.

Phương pháp giải :

Tạm dịch:

(1) Trường học của chúng tôi khá thân mật - chúng tôi có thể gọi giáo viên của chúng tôi bằng tên của họ. Chúng tôi không chuyển lên trung học khi mười một tuổi vì chúng tôi học cùng một trường toàn diện từ bảy đến mười sáu. Tất cả các lớp của chúng tôi là lớp học hỗn hợp. Chương trình học không chỉ bao gồm các môn học mà còn có nghệ thuật, âm nhạc và thể dục, chỉ với khoảng ba mươi phút làm bài tập mỗi ngày. Chúng tôi may mắn là chúng tôi không phải trả học phí để lấy bằng đại học.

(2) Tiếng Anh là môn học bắt buộc ở trường tôi. Đó là môn học yêu thích của tôi, nhưng tôi không thể theo kịp tất cả các bài tập về nhà! Chúng tôi phải học thuộc lòng danh sách từ vựng. Ở trường tiểu học, thời khóa biểu bao gồm cả thực hành động đất. Nếu có động đất xảy ra khi trẻ em ở bên ngoài, chúng phải xếp hàng trong sân chơi. Vào cuối ngày, chúng tôi phải dọn dẹp lớp học của mình. Hầu hết các bạn cùng lớp của tôi sẽ vào đại học. Ở đất nước tôi, 50 phần trăm dân số là sinh viên tốt nghiệp đại học.

Lời giải chi tiết :

 Text 1: Finland (Đoạn 1: Phần Lan)

 Text 2: Japan (Đoạn 2: Nhật Bản)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

New learning activities

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Long: Hi, Nick. What are you doing?

Nick: I’m watching the video that my geography teacher uploaded on Eclass.

Long: Really? What is it about?

Nick: It’s about global warming. My teacher asked us to watch the video and find more information about this topic.

Long: So, is watching the video part of your homework?

Nick: Yes, then next week, we’ll work in groups and discuss the topic in class.

Long: Sounds interesting. You can watch the video many times and also search for more information at home.

Nick: You’re right. I’m not good at taking notes in class, you know. So I prefer this way of learning. It gives me a chance to discuss with my classmates, who may have original ideas on the topic.

Long: Does your teacher often ask you to prepare materials at home and discuss in class, Nick?

Nick: Yes, she does. We’re doing a lot of projects that help us understand the lessons better. This way of studying, which gives us more control over our own learning, is quite useful.

Long: You’re lucky. My teachers use very traditional methods of teaching at my school. I wish I could try these new learning activities.

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Bài 2 :

 2. Read the conversation again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc lại đoạn hội thoại và quyết định xem các câu sau là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)




1. Nick is preparing for his next geography class.


2. Nick’s note taking skills are quite good.


3. Nick’s class is working on many projects now.

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Bài 3 :

 3. Match the verbs with the nouns to make phrases in 1.

(Ghép các động từ với danh từ để tạo thành các cụm từ trong bài 1.)

1. upload

a. notes

2. do

b. a video

3. find

c. a project

4. take

d. information

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Bài 4 :

 4. Complete each of the following sentences with ONE word from the conversation.

(Hoàn thành mỗi câu sau với MỘT từ trong cuộc hội thoại.)

1. Nick is watching the video _______ his geography teacher uploaded on Eclass.

2. This way of learning gives him a chance to discuss with his classmates, ______ may have original ideas on the topic.

3. They are doing a lot of projects _______ help them understand the lessons better.

4. That way of studying, _______ gives them more control over their own learning, is quite useful.

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Bài 5 :

2. Read the texts. What are the two students talking about? Choose the correct answer.

(Đọc văn bản. Hai học sinh đang nói về điều gì? Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

A. Ways of helping students

B. Ways of learning

C. How to enjoy learning


I think face-to-face learning is better than online learning because I can communicate with teachers and other classmates immediately and directly when I have questions. In class, I can work in groups and discuss with friends. This helps me understand the lessons better. When I have a problem, I can ask for answers or help immediately. I can't do this in online classes. I have to email my teachers and wait for their reply. Learning in a traditional classroom also has fewer distractions than learning online. My teachers have many strategies to keep us focused on the lessons. I really enjoy my lessons and learn a lot.


I think online learning has more advantages than disadvantages. My school is trying to change from face-to-face to blended learning, so sometimes we have online classes. I don't have to go to school, but I don't feel I'm missing any lessons by taking online classes. Furthermore, I think I learn online as much as I learn in a traditional class. I can't talk to my teacher and classmates, but I can email them at any time. I also have an online discussion board where I can exchange comments and ideas about my projects with my classmates. The only disadvantage is I really need to have a fast Internet connection.

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Bài 6 :

3. Read the texts again and decide who mentions the following by putting a tick (✓) in the correct box.

(Đọc lại văn bản và quyết định xem ai sẽ đề cập đến nội dung sau bằng cách đánh dấu ✓ vào ô đúng.)

This person …



1. thinks that online learningisn't as good as face-to-face learning.


2. gains the same knowledge in both ways of learning.


3. has more direct conversations and discussions.


4. uses emails to contact classmates.


5. can pay more attention in class.


6. needs to have access to high-speed Internet.

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Bài 7 :

1. Read a text about modern schools and answer the questions.

(Đọc một văn bản về trường học hiện đại và trả lời các câu hỏi.)


Modern schools are designed to help each student to be successful. Teachers play the role of a guide for them and prepare them for lifelong learning. They encourage and challenge them to become responsible and confident individuals.

Class discussion is a main feature of modern schools. Students are expected to take part in discussions and express personal opinions. It is also important to ask questions in class if students do not understand any point or instruction. Group learning is another common feature. Students may work in small groups on a project task.

In class, teachers and students use computers to access digital learning resources. Teachers use technology and audio-visual materials to support their lessons. Outside the classroom, students have a chance to participate in field trips to famous landmarks such as museums, hospitals, and industry locations. These trips give them real-world experiences. Students also attend school camps to make friends with other students and to develop life skills in unfamiliar environments.

1. What is the role of teachers in modern schools?

(Vai trò của giáo viên trong trường học hiện đại là gì?)

2. What are two common features of modern schools?

(Hai đặc điểm chung của trường học hiện đại là gì?)

3. How do students use computers in the learning process?

(Học sinh sử dụng máy tính như thế nào trong quá trình học tập?)

4. How do students learn about the real world?

(Làm thế nào để học sinh tìm hiểu về thế giới thực?)

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Bài 8 :

a. Read the article and choose the best headline. (Đọc bài báo và chọn tiêu đề tốt nhất.)

1. Technology in Schools (Công nghệ trong trường học)

2. The Future of Learning (Tương lai của việc học)

3. No More Schools? (Không còn trường học?)


We asked two experts. Here's what they said:

Patrick K. Fletcher, futurologist 

“Learning in 2050, say, will probably be very different to how it is now.

I don't think the education system we have today will still exist. In my opinion, education will focus on e-learning, and students will attend virtual classrooms. I think students will connect to the internet using artificial intelligence, so they won't need to remember facts anymore. Actual schools and classrooms will probably be very rare. I believe the few schools that still exist will be for children from rich families, and they will mainly have robot teachers. But children with special needs will still go to school with actual teachers because I don't think robots can take care of the children yet.”


Shara Nguyễn, Vice Principal, Everlake School

“We started testing a variety of e-learning technologies about a year ago to find out what really works. For example, we tried a variety of apps for giving and marking assignments. Our studies showed that both teachers and students found these very useful, and the cost was reasonable, so I think we're going to see a lot of schools doing this in future. We also had good success with interactive whiteboards, but right now they are too expensive, and most schools in our area can't afford more than one or two for the whole school. We're definitely not going to see them in all schools for a long time.”

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Bài 9 :

b. Now, read and circle True or False. (Bây giờ, hãy đọc và khoanh tròn Đúng hoặc Sai.)

1. Patrick thinks students will mainly study online.                                True  False

2. Patrick thinks there won't be many schools in 2050.                          True  False

3. Shara says not many schools are going to use apps.                          True  False

4. Shara predicts interactive whiteboards will be common soon.              True  False

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Bài 10 :

a. Read the instructions below and match the headings in the box with the correct steps.

(Đọc hướng dẫn bên dưới và khớp các tiêu đề trong hộp với các bước chính xác.)

How to leam a new language with native speakers on Hi-Hola

The best way to become fluent in a language is to speak it. Hi-Hola is a language exchange app that will let you chat with native speakers of the language you're learning.

Step 1: _______________

Download the app and follow the steps to create an account. You can choose up to two languages to learn in the free version.

Step 2: _______________

• The app will show you people whose language pair matches yours. For example, if you're a Vietnamese speaker who's learning English, it'll show you English speakers who are learning Vietnamese.

• Tap on their profiles to see more information and send them a friend request. You can only talk to people who accept your friend requests.

Step 3: _______________

When you talk with a friend, tap a message to use these functions:

1. Correct: correct any mistakes that your friend makes

2. Translate: translate your friend's message

3. Listen: listen to how it's said

Step 4: _______________

• Tap on the Moments tab and tap on the pen icon to share an update. Here you can ask questions, share pictures, or videos.

• When you share a post, all the native speakers of the language you're learning will be able to see and comment on it. They can help you fix spelling and grammar mistakes in your post.

You can now practice with native speakers!

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Bài 11 :

b. Now, read and fill in the blanks with one or two words from the instructions.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và điền vào chỗ trống với một hoặc hai từ trong hướng dẫn.)

1. Hi-Hola will let you practice ____________ languages for free.

2. You need to send a ____________ before you can start chatting with a language partner.

3. You can use the app to ____________ any sentences in the chat that you don't understand.

4. If you're learning French and post a Moment post, French ____________ can comment on your post.

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Bài 12 :

The people below want to try a new way of learning. On the right, there are descriptions of different ways of learning. Decide which way of learning would be the most suitable for each person below. For each question, choose the correct answer (A-D).

(Những người dưới đây muốn thử một cách học mới. Ở bên phải, có mô tả về các cách học khác nhau. Hãy quyết định cách học phù hợp nhất với mỗi người dưới đây. Đối với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng (A-D).)

1. Nina wants to practice her listening skills and have fun while she does it. She has a fast internet connection and enjoys role-playing games.

A. This Robot's Life

An audio podcast series set in 2100 about a robot who wants to become human. A new episode is uploaded every week.

B. The Wanderings of Wotan

You are the legendary Wotan in this epic fantasy game. Explore a world full of exciting adventure and characters you will remember forever.

2. David likes to learn by listening to things. He's really interested in the future of computing and wants to listen to regular news on this topic.

C. Patrick K. Fletcher's Fascinating Futures 

Award-winning writer presents his monthly podcast looking at developments in computer technology.

D. Class of the Titans

This app gamifies learning. Each lesson you teach becomes an exciting adventure and each test your students take ends with an epic boss battle.

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Bài 13 :

2. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1–5) is T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi khẳng định (1–5) là T (đúng), F (sai) hay DS (không nói).)

1. The first apps appeared over 50 years ago. ______

2. You can only use educational apps on smartphones. ______

3. Some apps already use augmented reality. ______

4. AR apps make lessons boring. ______

5. Everyone believes apps will make us lazy. ______

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Bài 14 :

3. Read the text again and identify the author’s purpose. Choose the best answer.

(Đọc lại văn bản và xác định mục đích của tác giả. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất.)

The author’s purpose is to ...

(Mục đích của tác giả là)

A give us information about how apps are developing.

(cung cấp cho chúng ta thông tin về cách các ứng dụng đang phát triển.)

B explain predictions about future technology in education.

(giải thích những dự đoán về công nghệ tương lai trong giáo dục.)

C inform us how to use the apps on our phones more efficiently. 

(cho chúng ta biết cách sử dụng các ứng dụng trên điện thoại hiệu quả hơn.)

D give us tips on choosing which new apps to download.

(cho chúng ta mẹo về việc chọn ứng dụng mới để tải xuống.)

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Bài 15 :

2. Listen and read the dialogue. What does Amy suggest?

(Nghe và đọc đoạn đối thoại. Amy đề nghị gì?)

Amy: What are you doing on your phone, Greg?

Greg: I’m looking at online courses. I want to learn English.

Amy: That’s great! Have you found anything?

Greg: Not really. They’re all very expensive.

Amy: How about using an e-learning app? A lot of them are free.

Greg: That sounds good.

Amy: I recommend downloading the one I used to learn French. Here – let me show you.

Greg: Thanks!

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Bài 16 :

4. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1–5) are T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi khẳng định (1–5) là T (đúng) hay F (sai).)

The Benefits of E – LEARNING

The digital revolution has changed the learning process and how education is accessed, used and shared. This has many benefits for all of us.

The main benefit is that e-learning is available to everyone whenever they want it, including at weekends or in the evenings. And that’s not all! Unlike in the classroom, with e-learning, you can access the content as many times as you want. This is especially useful when you are preparing for an exam. In traditional learning, if you can’t attend a lesson, then you have to prepare on your own. Not to mention that traditional textbooks cannot be updated with new information, as fast as online information is.

What if you are a fast learner? Then, you can work at your own speed instead of following the speed of the whole group. Furthermore, you can choose which parts you want to study and you can skip certain areas you do not want to learn. In addition, e-learning saves you time as you do not need to travel to a school or college.

So, there you have it – e-learning has become popular and important all over the world because it helps students learn better. No one can deny that the future of learning is online!

1. You can access e-learning at any time. ________

2. E-learning is only for people preparing for exams. ________

3. Online information is more up to date than information in books. ________

4. Groups of online students all learn at the same speed. ________

5. Online students can save the extra hours they normally spend travelling to and from the school. ________

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Bài 17 :

1. Read UK TODAY. What is a gap year? Discuss whether you think it's a good thing to do. Give reasons for your answers. 

(Đọc UK TODAY. Gap year là gì? Thảo luận xem bạn có nghĩ đó là điều tốt nên làm hay không. Đưa ra lý do cho câu trả lời của bạn.)


Did you know that about 10 percent of students in the UK do a gap year between leaving school and going to university? 

What do they do? 

• travel abroad 

• go backpacking

• do volunteer work 

Where do they go? 

• Africa 

• Southeast Asia 

• Australia and New Zealand

• South America 

How much does it cost? 

Usually about £4,000. 

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Bài 18 :

2. Read the text and check your ideas in Exercise 1. 

(Đọc văn bản và kiểm tra ý tưởng của bạn trong Bài tập 1.)

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Bài 19 :

3. Read the text again. Match questions 1-5 with the people described in the text. Write MK for Michael Phelps, TG for Temple Grandin, and KK for Keira Knightley. 

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Nối câu hỏi 1-5 với những người được mô tả trong văn bản. Viết MK nếu là  Michael Phelps, TG nếu là Temple Grandin và KK nếu là  Keira Knightley.)

1. Which person had an early interest in sports? 

(Người nào đã sớm quan tâm đến thể thao?)

2. Who became better at something when learning about his / her favourite subject? 

(Ai trở nên giỏi hơn ở lĩnh vực nào đó khi học về môn học yêu thích của mình?)

3. Who changed in a positive way thanks to getting over his/her learning difficulties? 

(Ai đã thay đổi theo hướng tích cực nhờ vượt qua khó khăn trong học tập?)

4. Who was an Olympic champion? 

(Ai là nhà vô địch Olympic?)

5. Which person got over his/her difficulties to have a job of his/her dreams?

(Người nào đã vượt qua khó khăn để có được công việc mơ ước của mình?)

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Bài 20 :

4. Fill in the gaps with blue words from the reading text. Then work with a partner to complete the sentences with your own ideas.

(Điền vào các khoảng trống bằng các từ màu xanh trong bài đọc. Sau đó, thảo luận với bạn để hoàn thành các câu với ý tưởng của riêng bạn.)

1. I find it difficult to ___when ___.

2. The best way of dealing with someone who _____ you is_____.

3. The school subject I_____with the most is____.

4. A person I know who I'd like as a ____is____.

5. I'd like to become an _____on ________.

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Bài 21 :

1. Read Mai's email of enquiry. Put the following ideas in the order they appear (1–3). 

(Đọc email yêu cầu của Mai. Xếp các ý tưởng sau theo thứ tự xuất hiện (1–3).)

1. Polite questions about the information you need 

(Câu hỏi lịch sự về thông tin bạn cần)

2. What you would like the reader to do 

(Bạn muốn người đọc làm gì)

3. Information about yourself and why you are writing the email 

(Thông tin về bản thân bạn và lý do bạn viết email)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a sixteen-year-old Vietnamese student, and I am writing to enquire about an English course at your school next summer. I am particularly interested in doing the Cambridge First Certificate exam. I got good marks in my English exam this year, and I think I am at B2 level now. Could you tell me how long I will need to study and how much it will cost? 

I would also like to know if you can arrange accommodation for me. Could you tell me what kind of accommodation you provide, and how much it costs? 

Finally, I would be grateful if you could send me details of how to book a course and how to pay for it. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Yours faithfully, 

Mai Nguyễn

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