Đề bài

1. Label the photos with the words in the box. Then listen, check and repeat.

(Gắn nhãn các bức ảnh với các từ trong hộp. Sau đó nghe, kiểm tra và lặp lại.)

linguistics                  geology                  marine biology                 archaeology                   psychology                                  conservation

Lời giải chi tiết :

A. archaeology (khảo cổ học)

B. geology (địa chất)

C. linguistics (ngôn ngữ học)

D. conservation (bảo tồn)

E. marine biology (sinh vật biển)

F. psychology (tâm lý học)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Inventions (Những phát minh)

Unscramble the underlined letters in these words. Use the pictures below and the glossary (page 127) to help you.

(Sắp xếp lại các chữ cái được gạch dưới trong những từ này. Sử dụng các hình ảnh dưới đây và bảng chú giải thuật ngữ (trang 127) để giúp bạn.)


experiment (thí nghiệm)






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Bài 2 :


1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ trong hộp.)

                   button                                      charge                                              stain

1. Press the _________to start the device.

2. There is a dirty ______on your smartphone. Wipe it away.

3. You need to __________your mobile phone. The battery is very low.

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Bài 3 :

a. Look at the pictures and the descriptions. Write the correct word on the line.

(Nhìn vào hình ảnh và mô tả. Viết từ đúng trên dòng.)


telescope: We use this device to look at faraway objects.

(kính thiên văn - chúng ta sử dụng thiết bị này để nhìn các vật thể ở xa.)


ballpoint pen: a pen with a very small ball at the end that rolls ink onto paper

(bút bi - một cây bút có một viên bi rất nhỏ ở đầu dùng để lăn mực lên giấy)


microscope: a device we use to make very small things look larger

(kính hiển vi - một thiết bị chúng ta sử dụng để làm cho những thứ rất nhỏ trông lớn hơn)


Band-Aid: People often use one of these if they have a small cut.

(băng dán - mọi người thường sử dụng một trong số này nếu chúng có một vết cắt nhỏ.)


rocket: This device moves very fast and can be used for space travel.

(tên lửa - thiết bị này di chuyển rất nhanh và có thể được sử dụng để du hành vũ trụ.)


thermometer: a device we use to measure temperature

(nhiệt kế - một thiết bị chúng ta sử dụng để đo nhiệt độ)

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Bài 4 :

a. Circle the correct definitions for the underlined words. Listen and repeat.

(Khoanh tròn các định nghĩa đúng cho các từ được gạch chân. Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

1. I like this laptop. It's small and light and very portable. You really can take it anywhere.

a. easy to carry and move

b. easy to use

2. My computer goes into sleep mode automatically if I don't use it for ten minutes.

a. without needing a person to control it 

b. with taking a long time to work

3. The hotel is very nice. Every room has a private bathroom.

a. for everyone to use

b. for one person/one group of people to use

4. The flight was terrible! I had to strap myself in really tight.

a. fasten somebody or something in place

b. let somebody or something move around

5. He buys new clothes all the time and he always wants to look the same as everyone else. He's so fashionable!

a. following any style

b. following a popular style

6. You need to attach the printer to the computer with this cable.

a. join one thing to another

b. take one thing away from another thing

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Bài 5 :

1. Listen and repeat. Match the inventions/ discoveries (1–8) to their uses (A–H).

(Nghe và lặp lại. Nối các phát minh / khám phá (1–8) với mục đích sử dụng của chúng (A – H).)

A reduce air pollution

B notice problems with our heart

C protect our homes

D treat infections

E access information quickly

F entertain people at home

G communicate with friends

H transport people long distances

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Bài 6 :

4. a) Listen and repeat. How does each invention (1–6) help? Match.

(Nghe và nhắc lại. Mỗi phát minh (1–6) giúp ích như thế nào? Nối.)

a allows you to watch a film whenever, as many times as you want to

b creates three-dimensional objects (e.g. medical implants, clothes, cars, etc.)

c allows you to communicate with others on the move, watch videos, listen to songs, etc.

d is able to sense other cars around it to prevent car crashes

e controls other smart home devices

f help us to connect with people from all over the world

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Bài 7 :

1. Choose the correct verb. Then complete the sentences to make them true for you.             

(Chọn động từ đúng. Sau đó, hoàn thành các câu để làm cho chúng đúng với bạn.)

1. The first thing I do when I visit/go online is ...

2. The person I'd like to watch / follow on social networking sites is ...

3. The website I visit / go in the most is....

4. The last music I downloaded / followed was...

5. The last comment I posted/ sent on social media was ...

6. The last time I updated/ revised my social media profile was...

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Bài 8 :

2. Complete the job descriptions with the jobs in the box. Then listen, check and repeat.

(Hoàn thành mô tả công việc với các công việc trong hộp. Sau đó nghe, kiểm tra và lặp lại.)

A linguist                          A geologist                        A marine biologist 

A psychologist                   An archaeologist                A conservationist

1. ____________studies and often speaks a lot of languages.

2. ________ studies the ways of protecting the environment.

3. ________studies rocks and the history of the Earth.

4. __________studies how people behave and how their minds work.

5. _________studies people who lived thousands of years ago."

6. _________ studies, observes and protects oceans.

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Bài 9 :

5. Match the words in blue in the text with the definitions.

(Ghép các từ màu xanh lam trong văn bản với các định nghĩa.)

1 tests done in order to learn something or to discover if something works or is true 

2 skilled and able to do or finish something successfully

3 introducing something to buyers and encouraging them to buy more

4 a legal right to make or sell an invention 

5 someone who are closely related to others as a companion, a friend or a business partner 

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Bài 10 :

2 Read the sentences below and choose the best option.

(Đọc các câu dưới đây và chọn phương án tốt nhất.)

1 The Internet/TV became popular during the 1980s and 1990s and gained its popularity until today.

2 While working on the experiments/ patents, Thomas Edison found out the material that could serve as a long-lasting filament.

3 When the first smart TV came out, people realized was a combination of a TV and a computer/mobile phone. 

4 As soon as the first smart phone was released for purchase in 1994/1984, everyone was surprised at what it could do.

5 I think the popularity of land phones/ mobile phones will continue until the end of this century.

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Bài 11 :

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

(Chọn từ đúng để hoàn thành các câu.)

1. The website that I often visit/go in a day is a news website

2. What do you often do when you go/get online?

3. What kinds of music do you often download/follow in this website?

4. Please think twice before you post/send a comment on Facebook.

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Bài 12 :

2.  Complete the texts with suitable compound nouns. The first and last letters are given.

(Hoàn thành các bài văn với danh từ ghép thích hợp. Các chữ cái đầu tiên và cuối cùng được đưa ra.)

@ COMPUCLEAN, we clean all kinds of computers including (1) laptops and (2) d__________ c__________s.

Call us now on 073 123 345 456 for more information.

howitworks.com - Internet searches

To use the Internet, you need to have a (3) w__________b b__________r. Then, you can use the touch screen on your phone or the (4) k__________d on your computer to put a word or phrase into a (5) s__________h e__________e such as Google.


You can use a (6) l__________r p__________r to print your personal daily wordlist, so you can study anytime, anywhere!

our comments on the topic of teenage communication

will 328 say:

Most young people do not use their phones for speaking to people. We either look for information on the Internet or send (7) t__________t m__________s to family and friends.

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Bài 13 :

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 

(Hoàn thành các câu với dạng đúng của các từ viết hoa.)

1. Charles Darwin, the world famous biologist, travelled to many exotic places such as the Galapagos Islands. BIOLOGY 

2. Galileo Galilei, a famous ___________, was the first person to see the rings of Saturn. ASTRONOMY 

3. The famous ___________ Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day 1642. PHYSICS 

4. Euclid was a ___________ and many people call him the Father of Geometry. He wrote one of the first textbooks for teaching maths. MATHEMATICS

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Bài 14 :

 4. Choose the correct answer.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1.I can't enter the website. Something is wrong. Am I using the correct ______ ?

A keyboard B password C text message

2. I’ve started using a new ______. I type in what I’m looking for on the Internet and it finds the websites I want really quickly.

A keyboard B username C search engine

3, Kevin wants to be a computer ______ when he is older.

A science B scientist C biologist

4. Ben emailed the document to me. I made a copy of it on paper with the ______ for you.

A keyboard B web browser C laser printer

5. I need a new ______ for my desktop computer. The “Enter” key doesn’t work.

A keyboard B laptop C username

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Bài 15 :

 3. Choose the word which does not form a collocation. Use a dictionary if necessary. 

(Chọn từ không tạo thành cụm từ. Sử dụng từ điển nếu cần thiết.)

1. explore     oceans / planets / people / countries 

(khám phá đại dương / hành tinh / người / quốc gia)

2. analyse chemistry / data / evidence / research 

(phân tích    hóa học / dữ liệu / bằng chứng / nghiên cứu)

3. do experiments / solutions / research / business 

(làm thí nghiệm / giải pháp / nghiên cứu / kinh doanh)

4. collect evidence / signatures / information / science 

(thu thập bằng chứng / chữ ký / thông tin / khoa học)

5. protect marine life / the environment / wildlife / biology

(bảo vệ sinh vật biển / môi trường / động vật hoang dã / sinh học)

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Bài 16 :

4. Complete the sentences with the missing verbs in the correct form. The first letters are given. 

(Hoàn thành các câu với các động từ còn thiếu ở dạng đúng. Những chữ cái đầu tiên được đưa ra.)

1. Allan analysed the data yesterday and sent me the results this morning. 

2. It's important to c__________ lots of data before making any hypothesis. 

3. Everybody is responsible for helping to p__________ the environment. So turn off the computer when you are not using it! 

4. The teacher sat with the students to e__________ the causes of their failure. 

5. Besides regular lessons, students can also d__________ research with their teachers.

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Bài 17 :

1. Fill in the blanks with the given words.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ cho sẵn.)

invention          experiments          inventor 

 patent             assistant

1. The __________ of the computer was a milestone in the history of man. 

2. The scientist needed an __________ to help him with his invention. 

3. A number of __________ have been done on animals to develop a vaccine for COVID-19. 

4. Thomas Edison was known as the __________ of the electric light bulb. 

5. A __________ is a document which claims the right to be the only person or organization to make, use or sell an invention.

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Bài 18 :

3. Fill in the blanks with the given words.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ cho sẵn.)

move on       thing                 will

for                addition with     cons

would like     with                   off

1. Today, I will tell you about e-readers, a great invention over the last few decades. 

2. I will start _____________ by telling you about the advantages of using an e-reader. 

3. The best _____________ about e-readers is that they are lightweight and portable. 

4. In _____________, if we lose our e-reader, our money and books are all gone.

5. Everything has its pros and _____________.

6. Although e-readers have various benefits, today I _____________  to talk about its downsides. 

7. Now let me _____________ to mention several disadvantages of e-readers.

8. _____________ me, the biggest disadvantage is that e-readers take away many feelings of a real book. 

9. To start _____________ , one of the cons is that it is difficult to lend e-readers to our friends like paper books.

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Bài 19 :

1. Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letters are given. 

(Sử dụng các từ đúng để hoàn thành câu. Những chữ cái đầu tiên được đưa ra.)

1. Sir Isaac Newton is probably the most famous physicist in the world. 

2. My favourite subject is c__________ because I love working in the lab. 

3. Phong is very good with numbers. Does he want to study m__________ at university? 

4. C__________ s__________ make a lot of money. And with robots becoming more popular, they will earn more in the future. 

5. I know I'm a plant biologist, but it's ten degrees c__________ outside. Let's stay in the lab today, OK? 

6. In January 1971, experts observed temperatures of 80 degrees b__________ zero. Now THAT is cold!

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Bài 20 :

2. Use the beginnings from the box to make words and complete the sentences.

(Sử dụng các đầu từ hộp để tạo từ và hoàn thành câu.)

archaeo-     astro-         bio-       geo-

lingui-         psycho

1. Charles Darwin is probably the most famous biologist in history. His theory of evolution revolutionized the way we understand the natural world. 

2. Many people say that John Aubrey (1626–1697) invented ___________ when he studied Stonehenge in England.

3. Philip Zimbardo is a contemporary American ___________. His 'prison experiment' showed how people behave in extreme conditions.

4. Did you know that __________ don't only work with materials on Earth? Some of them work with rocks from the moon and other planets.

5. In 1610, Galileo discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter using a telescope. For this reason, people call him the father of ___________.

6. You don't have to speak a foreign language to be a good ___________, but it probably helps.

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Bài 21 :

1. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành các câu bằng cách sử dụng các từ trong hộp.)

buttons                         charged              suitable              valuable

smartphones                     laptop            computers              stain

1. Modern _________nowadays do not have many _________ to look better.

2. Some personal_________ are not_________ for outdoor use because they are not portable.

3. The_________ is not working because you haven't_________  it yet.

4. The Internet has become a very_________ learning tool.

5. He spilled his coffee on his desk and so now there is _________a on the desk.

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Bài 22 :

2. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

(Chọn từ đúng để hoàn thành mỗi câu.)

1. Be careful when using electrical equipment / experiment.

2. Many people do not support experiments / laboratories on animals.

3. The scientists carry out important research in the laboratory / equipment.

4. You should install this hardware / software on your smartphone. It helps to make your photos more beautiful.

5. You can store thousands of songs on this experiment /device.

6. I think this is a hardware / software problem. The computer screen is broken.

7. A robot vacuum cleaner is a helpless / helpful device in your home. It makes housework less tiring.

8. The uses of Artificial / Robot Intelligence are very diverse.

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Bài 23 :

3. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences below.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây.)

1. You should _________ the batteries fully before using the smartphones.

A. apply             B. display           C.store               D. charge

2. This device _________ people to communicate by using voice commands.

A allows            B. makes            C. applies           D. lets

3. _________ cars can work with little human control.

A. Driver           B. Driven           C. Driverless      D. Non-driver

4. _________ ' means 'made by humans'.

A. valuable        B. useful            C. artificial         D. helpful

5. _________  is not part of a computer.

A. Hardware      B. Software        C. Process          D. RAM

6. This device is not_________  for children.

A. suitable         B. valuable         C. various          D. artificial

7. We do not like_________  on animals.

A experiences    B. experiments   C. exercises        D. expressions

8. They _________ a new camera in the classroom to monitor the activities

A. applied          B. installed         C. displayed       D. stored

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