Đề bài

1. a) Match the verbs (1–6) to the phrases (A–F). Then listen and check.

(Nối các động từ (1–6) với các cụm từ (A – F). Sau đó lắng nghe và kiểm tra.)












look after             






pick up                 


A. a skill you have

B. a stray dog

C. chores for an elderly person

D. food for a homeless person

E. for a working parent

F. rubbish

Phương pháp giải :


Lời giải chi tiết :

1. E

3. C

5. D

2. A

4. B

6. F

babysit for a working parent: trông trẻ cho phụ huynh đi làm

teach a skill you have: dạy một kỹ năng mà bạn có

do chores for an elderly person: làm việc nhà cho người cao tuổi

look after a stray dog: chăm sóc một con chó hoang

make food for a homeless person: làm đồ ăn cho người vô gia cư

pick up rubbish: nhặt rác


Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

a. Circle the correct definitions for the underlined words. Listen and repeat.

(Khoanh tròn các định nghĩa đúng cho các từ được gạch chân. Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

1. The population has increased from 1 million to 1.2 million.

(Dân số đã tăng từ 1 triệu lên 1,2 triệu.)

a. become bigger in size, number, or amount 

(trở nên lớn hơn về kích thước, số lượng hoặc lượng)

b. become smaller in size, number, or amount 

(trở nên nhỏ hơn về kích thước, số lượng hoặc lượng)

2. The number of new students decreased from 750 to 650 this year. 

(Số lượng sinh viên mới giảm từ 750 xuống 650 trong năm nay.)

a. become bigger in size, number, or amount

(trở nên lớn hơn về kích thước, số lượng hoặc lượng)

b.   become smaller in size, number, or amount 

(trở nên nhỏ hơn về kích thước, số lượng hoặc số lượng)

3. The place has developed from a small fishing village into a famous tourist resort. 

(Nơi này đã phát triển từ một làng chài nhỏ thành một khu du lịch nổi tiếng.)

a. grow or become bigger or more advanced 

(phát triển hoặc trở nên lớn hơn hoặc cao cấp hơn)

b. get smaller or become less advanced

(nhỏ hơn hoặc trở nên kém tiên tiến hơn)

4. In the 1990s, many people moved away and went to live in bigger cities. 

(Vào những năm 1990, nhiều người đã chuyển đi và đến sống ở các thành phố lớn hơn.)

a. become different 

(trở nên khác biệt)

b. go to a different place for work or to live 

(đi đến một nơi khác để làm việc hoặc để sống)

5. After the earthquake destroyed the town, it took ten years to rebuild the whole area. 

(Sau khi trận động đất phá hủy thị trấn, phải mất mười năm để xây dựng lại toàn bộ khu vực.)

a. make something for a second time 

(làm một cái gì đó lần thứ hai)

b. begin making something 

(bắt đầu làm một cái gì đó)

6. The town has actually changed a lot in the last twenty years. Most small stores closed, and now we have big supermarkets.

(Thị trấn đã thực sự thay đổi rất nhiều trong hai mươi năm qua. Hầu hết các cửa hàng nhỏ đóng cửa, và bây giờ chúng tôi có các siêu thị lớn.)

a. stay the same (giữ nguyên)

b. become different (trở nên khác biệt)

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Bài 2 :

b. Circle the correct definitions for the underlined words. Listen and repeat.

(Khoanh tròn các định nghĩa đúng cho các từ được gạch chân. Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

1. I want to book a hotel room for my vacation tomorrow. I'll book it online because it's so easy.

a.  arrange to stay in a place at a future time

b.  ask someone to meet you in the future

2. I forgot to return books to the library on time. I had to pay three dollars because I was late.

a.  use something for a long time

b.  give something back

3. I keep my umbrella, raincoat, and school books in my bag.

a.  put something in one place for a time

b.  forget where you put something

4. It costs two dollars to rent the rackets and balls.

a.  pay to use and then return to the owner afterwards

b.  pay to use and take home afterwards

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Bài 3 :


Community service activities (Các hoạt động phục vụ cộng đồng)

 1. Listen and repeat.

(Nghe và lặp lại.)

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Bài 4 :

2. You are organising a charity day at school. What can you do to raise money? Choose from the ideas in Exercise 1.

(Bạn đang tổ chức một ngày từ thiện ở trường. Bạn có thể làm gì để gây quỹ? Chọn từ các ý trong Bài tập 1.)

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Bài 5 :

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence.

Volunteers For Peace Viet Nam (VPV) is a ______, non-governmental organization that was founded in 2005 to provide help and education to people in both urban and rural Viet Nam.

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Bài 6 :

a. Unscramble the words. 

(Sắp xếp lại từ.)

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Bài 7 :

b. Find the words from Task a. in the word search.

(Tìm các từ trong Task a. trong tìm kiếm từ.)

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Bài 8 :


1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list below.

(Điền vào khoảng trống bằng các từ trong danh sách dưới đây)

•  donate       •  have      •  organise      •  collect      •  sell  

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Bài 9 :

5. Fill in each gap in the article with improve, provide, raise, or support.

(Điền vào chỗ trống trong bài viết với improve, provide, raise or support)

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, or UNICEF, is a special programme of the United Nations. It is an international organisation whose original aim was to 1) ______________ emergency food and healthcare to children in Europe after World War II. These days, UNICEF works to 2) _________ children's lives by giving them what that they need to live a happy and healthy life! Do you want to help UNICEF 3) __________ money? There are many ways to 4) ________ the work of UNICEF, from donating money to volunteering with events.

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Bài 10 :

1. Read the text and fill in each gap (1-6) with teach, babysit, look after, make, do or pick up.

(Đọc văn bản và điền vào mỗi khoảng trống (1-6) với các từ sau teach, babysit, look after, make, do, or pick up)

We all know that little things we do can make a big difference. So, here are a few ideas to help you to become a more active member of your community.

• First, you can find out about charity organisations in your area and donate clothes, toys or books. By doing this, other people can use the things you no longer need.

• You can also get together with a group of friends and 1) _____________ food for the homeless people in your area. You could also collect food to donate to a soup kitchen.

• Would you rather help people directly? Then why not offer to 2) ________________ for a working parent you know or 3) _________________ some chores for an elderly neighbour?

• You could also 4) __________________ any stray dogs in your area and 5) ____________________ any rubbish you see on the streets or in your local park.

• Another way to give back to the community is to coach a sport. If you have a skill, why not 6) _________ it?

There are lots of ways you can help people in need and make your community a better place. Which one are you going to do?

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Bài 11 :

3. Complete the sentences with the given phrases. 

(Hoàn thành các câu với các cụm từ cho sẵn.)

donate blood        donate money                 plant trees 

collect rubbish      volunteer at a hospital 

1. Local council encourages people to ______________ to help sick people. 

2. There are good reasons to _____________ to charity. They need to buy many household goods for the poor. 

3. You need some skills to ________________ such as taking care of the elderly.

4. We should _________________ to make the air fresh and clean. 

5. One of the activities you can do this summer is to ________________ on the beach. 

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Bài 12 :

4. Choose the best answer. 

(Hãy chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. There are a lot of opportunities for you to _____________ to rural kids.

A. organize activities 

B. teach English

C. take care 

2. If you are interested in _____________, please contact us at helptheelderly@hanoi.org.vn. 

A. help the elderly 

B. helping elderly

C. helping the elderly 

3. They need both warm clothes and _______________. Please bring them along with you! 

A. medical supplies 

B. medical supply

C. medical things 

4. We are going to organize a show to ________________ for the needy.

A. collect money 

B. raise money

C. ask for money 

5. Volunteers can set tables, prepare coffee, and help with clean-up at the _________.

A. old people centre 

B. old centre 

C. senior centre

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Bài 13 :

1. Match the words (1-5) with their meanings (a-e). 

(Nối các từ (1-5) với nghĩa của chúng (a-e).)

1. orphaned (adj) 

2. abandoned (adj) 

3. shelter (n) 

4. donate (v) 

5. charity (n) 

a. give money or goods to help people 

b. a building / place to stay 

c. help, especially in the form of money or goods, given to people in need 

d. having no parents because they have died 

e. receiving no care because their parents have left them

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Bài 14 :

 4. Complete part of the conversation with ONE WORD for each blank. Listen to this part again and check.

(Hoàn thành một phần của cuộc trò chuyện với MỘT LỜI cho mỗi ô trống. Nghe lại phần này và kiểm tra.)

This home was built and run by a man with a very big (1) ____________. With his family, he has (2) ___________ a 2,500 square metre land plot to build (3) ________ and provide (4) _________ for orphaned and (5) __________ children in the city. There is a playground, a swimming pool, and bedrooms for children of different age groups.

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Bài 15 :

 1. Write the correct phrases under the pictures.

(Viết các cụm từ đúng dưới các bức tranh.)

collect rubbish             donate blood 

help the needy            donate money

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Bài 16 :

 2. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Exercise 1. 

(Hoàn thành các câu với các cụm từ trong Bài tập 1.)

1. Our task is to _____________ in the park. 

2 How can I _______________ for Covid-19 vaccines? 

3. You can join us in a project to _____________________.

4. Call us today to ________________ and saves lives. 

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Bài 17 :

 3. Match the pictures with the correct activities.

(Ghép tranh với các hoạt động đúng.)

a. donate money (vp): ủng hộ tiền

b. volunteer at a hospital (vp): tình nguyện trong bệnh viện

c. plant trees (vp): trồng cây 

d. donate blood (vp): hiến máu

e. collect rubbish (vp): nhặt rác
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Bài 18 :

6. Complete the sentences with the given word / phrases.

(Hoàn thành các câu với từ / cụm từ cho sẵn.)

senior centre raise money homeless 

benefit charity work

1. One ___________ of volunteering is to meet people and make new friends. 

2. I like taking part in ___________ because I enjoy helping the needy. 

3. At the _________ we cooked meals for the elderly and talked to them. 

4. We made postcards and sold them to ___________ to help children with cancer. 

5. A lot of people have become _________ after the storm.

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Bài 19 :

7. Complete the words in the sentences. The first letter has been given.

(Hoàn thành các từ trong câu. Bức thư đầu tiên đã được đưa ra.)

1. Giving back to your c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can help teenagers develop important l _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _.

2. If you want to know more about our v----------- p------, please visit our website. 

3. We are going to participate in a marathon to r _ _ __ m _ _ _ _ for charity. 

4. If you don't have money, you can d______ y_____ t______.

5. l have donated all my savings to the c_____  to buy foods for h____ children.

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Bài 20 :

3. Complete the sentences with words/ phrases from the box.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ / cụm từ trong ô trống.)

a happier and healthier life                   a good way

the importance of giving happiness       less stress

1. Donating to charity teaches kids ______________.

2. Charitable givers have __________ than those who don't. 

3. With our help, many people can have ____________.

4. There is a link between making a donation to charity and increased _________.

5. Charity is _____________ to show that love still exists.

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Bài 21 :

Choose the best answer.

Jane bought some food and drink _____________ a homeless man yesterday.

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Bài 22 :

Choose the best completed sentence.

He/ be/ creative, patient/ and/ have/ great love/ children.

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Bài 23 :

Choose the best answer.

Volunteers become well ____ of the problems facing the world.

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Bài 24 :

When we were on a voluntary tour, we ___ to public places to collect rubbish every day.

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Bài 25 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Many people who do volunteer work think they are more fortunate than others.

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Bài 26 :

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

I got the teaching job in the Happy Child Charity Centre just by chance.

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Bài 27 :

A/an ____ is a person who needs others to take care of him/her, because of illness that he/she had for a long time.

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