Đề bài

2. Read the Learn this! box. Complete the rules with a/ an, the, or no article(-).

(Đọc hộp Learn this! Hoàn thành các quy tắc với a/an, the hoặc không có mạo từ.)

LEARN THIS! Articles

a. We use (1) _____ to talk about something for the first time.

There’s a interactive whiteboard in our classroom.

b. We use (2) _____ when we mention something again.

Our teacher often uses the interactive whiteboard

c. We use (3) _____ when it is clear what we are talking about, or when there is only one of something.

We play basketball in the gym. (The gym at school)

The sun is shining.

d. We use (4) _____ to say what someone's job is.

My mum's a teacher.

e. Note these set phrases

- (5) _____: listen to the radio, go to the cinema, play the guitar

- (6) _____: watch TV. listen to music, in/ to bed, to/ at / from school, at home / work, in hospital

Lời giải chi tiết :

a. We use (1) a/an to talk about something for the first time.

(Chúng ta sử dụng “a/an” để nói về thứ gì đó lần đầu tiên.)

There’s a interactive whiteboard in our classroom.

(Có một cái bảng tương tác trong lớp chúng ta.)

b. We use (2) the when we mention something again.

(Chúng ta sử dụng “the” khi nhắc về thứ gì đó lần nữa.)

Our teacher often uses the interactive whiteboard.

(Giáo viên thường dùng bảng tương tác.)

c. We use (3) the when it is clear what we are talking about, or when there is only one of something.

(Chúng ta dùng “the” khi thứ ta đang nói rất rõ ràng hoặc khi thứ đấy chỉ có duy nhất một cái.)

We play basketball in the gym. (The gym at school)

(Chúng tôi chơi bóng rổ trong nhà thi đấu. (Nhà thi đấu ở trường.))

The sun is shining.

(Mặt trời đang chiếu sáng.)

d. We use (4) a/an to say what someone's job is.

(Chúng ta dùng a/an để nói về nghề nghiệp của một người.)

My mum's a teacher.

(Mẹ tôi là giáo viên.)

e. Note these set phrases (Chú ý các cụm từ cố định)

 - (5) the: listen to the radio, go to the cinema, play the guitar.

                 (nghe đài radio, đi rạp chiếu phim, chơi ghi-ta)

- (6) no article: watch TV. listen to music, in/ to bed, to/ at / from school, at home / work, in hospital

(xem TV, nghe nhạc, trên/ lên giường, đến/ tại/ từ trường, tại nhà/ nơi làm việc, trong bệnh viện)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

3. Read the text in exercise 2 again. Match each of the highlighted words with a rule in the Learn this! box.

(Đọc đoạn văn trong bài 2 lần nữa. Nối mỗi từ được đánh dấu với một quy tắc trong hộp Learn this! box.)

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Bài 2 :

4. Complete the dialogue. Use a/an or the. Explain your choices.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại. Sử dụng a/an hoặc the. Giải thích lựa chọn của bạn.)

Martha: I go to school (1) the city centre.

Jake: Really? What’s (2) _____ name of (3) _____ school?

Martha: St Mark’s. It’s (4) _____ private school.

Jake: I know (5) _____ girl who goes there. Alice Smith.

Martha: There’s (6) _____ Alice Smith in my class. I wonder if it’s (7) _____ same one.

Jake: She's got blue eyes, long wavy hair and (8) _____ nice smile.

Martha: That's her! Which school do you go to?

Jake: Hadfield College.

Martha: Oh. My dad's (9) _____ maths teacher there: John Chapman.

Jake: You're joking! He's my teacher!

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Bài 3 :

5. Read the Look out! box. Are the sentences below generalisations or not? Circle the correct words.

(Đọc hộp Chú ý! Những câu bên dưới có phải là câu khái quát hóa không? Khoanh tròn vào cụm từ đúng.)


We do not use “the” when we make generalisations.

I don't like history. (the history)

I like playing basketball at school. (the basketball)

1. Dogs /The dogs are more intelligent than cats /the cats.

2. Weather /The weather is nice today.

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Bài 4 :

ID. Articles (Mạo từ)

6. Complete the sentences with a/ an, the or no article.

(Hoàn thành các câu với a, an/ the hoặc để trống.)

1. There's _ zoo and _ wildlife park near my home, but_ wildlife park isn't open in the winter.

2. Don't use_ DVD player, it's broken.

3. Can you pass me my sunglasses, please? They're on _ table

4. I've got _ computer and _ laptop, but I have to share _ laptop with my brother.

5. My sister is at _ home. She's playing _ guitar.

6. My dad is _ teacher and my mum is _ doctor.

7. There's _ CD player in my room so I can lie in _ bed and listen to music.

8. Do you want to go to _ cinema this evening, or watch _ TV at home?

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Bài 5 :

7. Complete the sentences with the or no article. Remember: we do not use the with generalisations...

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với the hoặc để trống: Nhớ rằng ta không dùng the với các danh từ khái quát.)

1. Children need _ milk for healthy teeth and bones.

2. I love the UK, but I don't like _ weather here.

3. On holiday, I prefer to stay in _ nice hotels.

4. I'm not a sports fan, but _ table tennis is fun.

5. It's freezing, but the children are enjoying _ snow.

6. At school, students learn how to use _ computers.

7. I'm not interested in _ science fiction films.

8. These dancers are great but I don't really like _ music.

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Bài 6 :

a. Listen and repeat. (Nghe và lặp lại.)

Meaning and Use (Ý nghĩa và Cách sử dụng)

Articles are the words a, an, and the. They come before nouns and are used to define if something is specific or general. (Các mạo từ là các từ a, an và the. Chúng đứng trước danh từ và được sử dụng để chỉ một cái gì đó cụ thể hoặc chung chung.)

For some nouns or noun phrases, we don't use an article. We call this the zero article. (Đối với một số danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ, chúng ta không sử dụng mạo từ. Chúng ta gọi đây là mạo từ rỗng.)

Have you ever been to a basketball game? (Bạn đã bao giờ đi xem một trận bóng rổ chưa?)

Yes, I went to the basketball championship game last year. (Vâng, tôi đã tham dự trận đấu vô địch bóng rổ năm ngoái.)

Let's go and play basketball in the park. (Hãy đi và chơi bóng rổ trong công viên.)

Form (Cấu trúc)


the: before singular, plural, or uncountable nouns (the: trước danh từ số ít, số nhiều hoặc không đếm được)

It is clear from the situation which one(s) we mean or there is only one of that thing. (Rõ ràng là ta muốn nói đến một (các) tình huống nào hoặc chỉ có một trong số đó.)

Let's eat at the restaurant. (Hãy ăn ở nhà hàng.)

(We can see only one restaurant.)

(Ta chỉ có thể thấy một nhà hàng.)

There are great views of the river. (Có tầm nhìn tuyệt vời ra sông.)

(Usually, there's only one river in a town or city.)

(Thông thường, chỉ có một con sông trong một thị trấn hoặc thành phố.)

We have mentioned it/them before. (Ta đã đề cập đến nó/ chúng trước đây.)

I bought a ticket to see a concert in Brazil. (Tôi đã mua một vé để xem một buổi hòa nhạc ở Brazil.)

The concert was fantastic. (Buổi hòa nhạc thật tuyệt vời.)

We say which ones we mean later in the sentence. (Ta đề cập đến cái ta muốn nhắc đến sau đó trong câu.)

Tell Tom about the castle we visited yesterday. (Kể cho Tom nghe về lâu đài mà chúng ta đã đến thăm ngày hôm qua.)

a/an: before singular,

countable nouns (a/an: trước số ít,

danh từ đếm được)

We can use this when we talk about one thing that isn't specific or we are mentioning for the first time. (Ta có thể sử dụng mạo từ này khi ta nói về một điều không cụ thể hoặc đề cập đến lần đầu tiên.)

There is a great museum in that town. (Có một bảo tàng tuyệt vời trong thị trấn đó.)

I visited an aquarium yesterday. (Tôi đã đến thăm một thủy cung ngày hôm qua.)

zero article (mạo từ rỗng)

When we talk about things in general. (Khi ta nói về những điều chung chung.)

I like castles. (Use the plural or uncountable form when generalizing not a castle.) 

(Tôi thích lâu đài. (Sử dụng hình thức số nhiều hoặc không đếm được khi khái quát không phải là một lâu đài.))

When we talk about sports, games, meals, and school subjects. (Khi ta nói về thể thao, trò chơi, bữa ăn và các môn học ở trường.)

Let's have dinner. (Đi ăn tối nào.)

Let's play soccer. (Hãy đi chơi bóng đá.)

When we use names of people, villages, cities, and countries. (Khi chúng ta sử dụng tên người, làng, thành phố và quốc gia.)

I visited Paris yesterday. (Tôi đã đến thăm Paris ngày hôm qua.)

I went to Japan last week. (Tôi đã đến Nhật Bản vào tuần trước.)

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Bài 7 :

b. Fill in the blanks using a, an, the, or the zero article Ø. (Điền vào chỗ trống bằng cách sử dụng mạo từ a, an, the hoặc mạo từ rỗng Ø.)

1. When you visit Paris, you should have __Ø__  dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

2. In this town, there is a big theater and museum. __________ museum is very interesting.

3. I really want to visit __________ London because I want to see Big Ben.

4. Going to see __________ lions in Africa would be so exciting.

5. I want to go to __________ art gallery when we visit London next month.

6. __________ town we visited yesterday was really beautiful.

7. Lots of people want to visit __________ Leaning Tower of Pisa when they travel to Italy.

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Bài 8 :

c. Match the articles in Task b. with their uses. Write the numbers 1-7 in the blanks. (Ghép các bài trong Task b. với công dụng của chúng. Viết các số từ 1-7 vào ô trống.)

___ there's only one

___ it was mentioned before

___ talking about things in general

___ before names of people, countries, cities, towns

_1_ talking about sports, games, meals, school subjects

___ saying which one we mean later in the sentence

___ one thing that isn't specific

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Bài 9 :

Circle the correct answers.

(Khoanh tròn các câu trả lời đúng.)

1. We went to a/Ø café in Landmark 81, a/the tallest building in Ho Chi Minh City. The view from a/the café was amazing.

2. It was raining/rained in the morning when we were leaving/left our home.

3. We went for a walk along the beach. While we were walking/walked, we were finding/found a box buried in the sand.

4. Nam: Do you have any plans for tonight?

    Ben: Yes. I am going to/will do this e-learning course about coding.

5. I think artificial intelligence is going to/will replace jobs in the future.

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Bài 10 :

6. Complete each gap with the or - .

(Hoàn thành mỗi chỗ trống với “the” hoặc “-“.)

1. They spent three months trekking in __________ Himalayas.

2. Pollution is affecting the stones of __________ Taj Mahal in India.

3. I learned a lot from __________ Bình, our tour guide.

4. __________ Forest Floor Lodge is an eco-friendly hotel.

5. How long have you lived in __________ Ho Chi Minh City?

6. This is the palace where __________ King of France lived.

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Bài 11 :

3. Read the LANGUAGE FOCUS. Put a, an, the in the appropriate place. Some sentences require two articles. 

(Đọc TRỌNG TÂM NGÔN NGỮ. Đặt a, an, the vào vị trí thích hợp. Một số câu yêu cầu hai mạo từ.)


Use a / an when talking about things in general. 

(Sử dụng a / an khi nói về mọi thứ nói chung.)

Use a for things that begin with a consonant sound, and use an for things that begin with a vowel sound. 

(Sử dụng a cho những thứ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm và sử dụng một cho những thứ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm.)

Use the when talking about particular things. 

(Sử dụng the khi nói về những điều cụ thể.)

1. Has your family ever Cooked bánh chưng for Tết holidays?

2. Do you want to join the house-warming party next week? 

3. I went on tour to Hùng King Temple. 

4. We need to take some fruits to the temple. So, I'll take apples and oranges. 

5. I went to traditional Vietnamese wedding last week. bride and groom were really happy. 

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Bài 12 :

4. Read the dialogue and circle the correct choice (0 means there is no article). 

Mai: I'm glad you came over. Would you like 1. (a / an / the / 0) cup of tea? 

Ryan: Oh, no thanks. I don't drink 2. (a / an / the / 0) tea. But I'll have 3. (a / an / the / 0) iced-coffee, if you have one. 

Mai: Sure. How was your trip to Hà Nội? Did you see 4. (a /an/ the / 0) Temple of Literature? 

Ryan: I didn't get a chance to see it, but I did see 5. (a / an the / 0) Hương Pagoda Festival. 

Mai: Oh, how was it? 

Ryan: It was fantastic. I saw 6. (a / an/ the / 0) boat race and a procession.

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Bài 13 :

4. Read the text about Tết Festival and write a, an, the, or 0

(Đọc văn bản về Tết và điền các mạo từ  a, an, the, hoặc 0.)

Tết Festival is (1)____  most important holiday in Việt Nam. It is (2) ____time for family gatherings. Vietnamese prepare for this special day by cleaning and decorating their homes. People also visit (3) ____temples and pagodas during this time to pray for a good year. There are not many people in (4) ____big cities, because most of them have come back to their hometowns. During Tết, (5) ____interesting place to visit is Ngoc Son Temple. 

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Bài 14 :

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence below.

We are looking for _______ place to spend ________ night.

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Bài 15 :

1. Match sentences a-f with uses of the article or no article (1-6).

(Ghép câu a-f với cách sử dụng mạo từ hoặc không có mạo từ (1-6).)

1. it is clear what we are talking about
2. saying what someone’s job is
3. something mentioned for the first time
4. the only one of something
5. a generalization
6. something mentioned for the second time

 a. There is a strange man in our street.

 b. Chad has a new car. The car is black and silver.

 c. The moon is very bright tonight.

 d. We meet in the café after school.

 e. Gemma is a shop assistant.

 f. I’m really interested in (-) science.
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Bài 16 :

2. Complete the gaps with the or no article (-).

(Hoàn thành các khoảng trống với mạo từ “the” hoặc không có mạo từ (-).)

1. I enjoy walking in __________ rain – it’s so peaceful.

2. Some young people don’t see __________ point of studying __________ history.

3. I’ll meet you at __________ railway station at 6 o’clock.

4. Do you like __________ action films?

5. I don’t like to see __________ young children playing __________ violent sports like rugby.

6. It’s likely I’ll be late for __________ school tomorrow.

7. I love __________ food in this restaurant, but then I always enjoy __________ Italian food.

8. All over __________world, __________ people have similar problems.

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Bài 17 :

3. Complete the gaps with a / an, the or no article (-).

(Hoàn thành các khoảng trống với mạo từ “a / an / the” hoặc không có mạo từ (-).)

1. This is ___________ school where I study English.

2. She has ___________nice car, but she wants a better one.

3. Do you watch ___________ TV often?

4. There is ___________interesting article in ___________ newspaper.

5. I want to go to ___________cinema this evening.

6. I like watching ___________ baseball.

7. She is in ___________ hospital because she had ___________ accident.

8. Julie’s mum is ___________ doctor.

9. It is so nice to see ___________ sun again!

10. Is it time to go to ___________ bed already?

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Bài 18 :

4. Complete the gaps with a / an, the or no article (-).

(Hoàn thành các khoảng trống với mạo từ “a / an / the” hoặc không có mạo từ (-).)

Hi Mason,

How are you? Are you enjoying (1)___________ winter holiday?

You asked about my school, so I’ll tell you a bit about it. It’s (2)___________ very old building – they built (3)___________ ‘new’ part in 1930! It’s very nice inside, though. (4)___________ classrooms are bright and clean, and some of them have interactive whiteboards. Of course, everyone wants to use (5)___________ classrooms with (6)___________ new whiteboards! We have lovely playing fields near the school, but there isn’t (7)___________ swimming pool.

I looked up your school online, and it looks like (8)___________ very new building from (9)___________ photographs I saw. Do you like it there?

Write to me soon.

Best wishes,


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Bài 19 :

Choose the best answer. 

Lien often plays __________ piano for the handicapped in her free time.

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