Đề bài

4. Read the text again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc lại bài đọc và xác định những câu sau đúng (T) hay sai (F).)




1. Green living is now compulsory for many people.



2. Turning off electrical appliances is an easy way to save energy.



3. It takes a long time for plastic waste to break down.



4. The use of refillable water bottles is not encouraged.



Lời giải chi tiết :

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

1. F

Green living is now compulsory for many people.

(Sống xanh hiện nay là điều bắt buộc đối với nhiều người.)

Thông tin: It is a choice we make to change to a greener and more sustainable lifestyle.

(Đó là một sự lựa chọn mà chúng ta thực hiện để thay đổi sang một lối sống xanh hơn và bền vững hơn.)

2. T

Turning off electrical appliances is an easy way to save energy.

(Tắt các thiết bị điện là một cách dễ dàng để tiết kiệm năng lượng.)

Thông tin: This is one of the easiest ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint.

(Đây là một trong những cách dễ nhất để tiết kiệm năng lượng và giảm lượng khí thải carbon của bạn.)

3. T

It takes a long time for plastic waste to break down.

(Phải mất một thời gian dài để rác thải nhựa phân hủy.)

Thông tin: This really helps the environment because it takes many years for plastic waste to break down into small pieces.

(Điều này thực sự giúp ích cho môi trường vì phải mất nhiều năm rác thải nhựa mới phân hủy thành các mảnh nhỏ.)

=> T

4. F

The use of refillable water bottles is not encouraged.

(Việc sử dụng các chai nước có thể tái sử dụng không được khuyến khích.)

Thông tin: Bring a reusable bag when you go shopping, and your own refillable bottle instead of buying bottled water.

(Mang theo túi có thể tái sử dụng khi bạn đi mua sắm và chai có thể tái sử dụng của riêng bạn thay vì mua nước đóng chai.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Go Green Club

(Câu lạc bộ sống xanh)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Mike: What are you going to do this weekend, Nam?

Nam: I’m going to attend the first meeting of my school’s Go Green Club.

Mike: Really? Can you tell me about the club, please?

Nam: Well, it was set up by the Youth Union in my school. Its aim is to improve our environment and encourage people to adopt a greener lifestyle.

Mike: Sounds interesting. What’s the first thing you are going to do?

Nam: We’re going to clean up the school right after the ceremony.

Mike: Do you have any other planned events?

Nam: Not yet, but I think we’ll organise more activities to raise local people’s awareness of environmental issues.

Mike: I’m keen to reduce my carbon footprint, but I don’t know what to do. Can I join the club?

Nam: Sure. The club welcomes all students in the area. I hope we’ll be able to do a lot to protect our environment.

Mike: Great. Can you please give me the time and place of the club meeting?

Nam: OK. I’ll text them to you. See you then.

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Bài 2 :

2. Read the conversation again and answer the following questions.

(Đọc lại bài hội thoại và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

1. Who set up the Go Green Club?

(Ai đã thành lập câu lạc bộ Go Green?)

2. What does the club want to achieve?

(Câu lạc bộ muốn đạt được điều gì?)

3. What does Nam think the club will do in the future?

(Nam nghĩ câu lạc bộ sẽ làm gì trong tương lai?)

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Bài 3 :

3. Match the verbs or phrasal verbs in A with suitable nouns or noun phrases in B.

(Nối các động từ hoặc cụm động từ trong cột A với danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ phù hợp trong cột B.)



1. raise

a. a club

2. reduce

b. a greener lifestyle

3. clean up

c. awareness

4. adopt

d. your carbon footprint

5. set up

e. the school

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Bài 4 :

4. Complete the following sentences based on the conversation in 1.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau đây dựa trên đoạn hội thoại ở bài 1.)

1. The club ________ by the Youth Union in Nam’s school.

2. The club members ________ clean up the school right after the ceremony.

3. Nam thinks they ________ organise more activities to raise local people’s awareness of environmental issues.

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Bài 5 :

2. Read the following text and choose the best title for it.

(Đọc bài đọc sau và lựa chọn tiêu đề hay nhất.)

1. Green living (Sống xanh)

2. Green issues (Các vấn đề xanh)

3. Green products (Các sản phẩm xanh)

More and more people adopt a green lifestyle. It is a choice we make to change to a greener and more sustainable lifestyle. There are many things you can do to become an eco-friendly person. Here are some of them.

Turning off your appliances when they are not in use

This is one of the easiest ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. It also helps reduce energy bills and prevent any dangerous situations such as a fire or an explosion.

Buying products that are grown using more natural organic methods

This helps reduce the use of harmful chemicals in food. Organic food is better for us because it is safer and healthier. It also tastes better.

Cutting down on plastic use

This really helps the environment because it takes many years for plastic waste to break down into small pieces. Bring a reusable bag when you go shopping, and your own refillable bottle instead of buying bottled water.

Recycling as much as possible

This prevents pollution because it reduces the need to collect new raw materials and protects natural resources such as water and trees. So don't throw away your used household items, but sort and recycle them.

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Bài 6 :

Carbon footprint (Dấu chân cac-bon)

1. Read the text and complete the table.

(Đọc bài đọc và hoàn thành bảng.)

A carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 produced by human activities. It often also includes the emissions of other greenhouse gasses. Although calculating your carbon footprint can be difficult, you can still estimate it based on how big your family is, how much electricity your appliances use, how much you drive or fly, or how much you recycle.

Globally, the average carbon footprint per person is more than 4 tons per year. Too much CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere can cause serious problems. It can lead to increasing global temperatures and air pollution, and destroy the natural world.

It's not difficult to reduce your carbon footprint. You can do it by making your daily activities eco-friendly. For example, you can take shorter showers. The less hot water you use, the less energy is needed to heat the water. Instead of using your personal car or motorbike, you should use public transport, walk or cycle as much as possible.

These simple activities can help reduce your carbon footprint and your impact on the environment.

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Bài 7 :

1. Read the text below. Then work in pairs to complete the crossword with three words from the text.

(Đọc văn bản dưới đây. Sau đó làm việc theo cặp để hoàn thành ô chữ có ba từ trong văn bản.)


Water is essential for life. Therefore, the methods of collecting water are important for meeting its growing need.

The traditional method involves collecting rainwater and storing it for later use. Rainwater is collected from a roof and sent to a container. Collected rainwater is an excellent source of water for people, animals, and plants.

There is also a new method of collecting water. It can turn the tiny drops of water in the air into drinking water. Air-to-water technology creates from air and releases it all the time. It uses the sun’s energy and works well even in dry conditions.


3. the mixture of gases surrounding the earth that we breathe

4. a source of power that can be used to provide light and heat, or drive machines

5. a way of living that is good for the environment


1. the natural world in which people, animals, and plants live

2. a liquid without colour or smell that falls as rain and is used for drinking, washing, etc.

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Bài 8 :

2. Read the text again and give short answers to the following questions.

(Đọc lại văn bản và trả lời ngắn gọn cho các câu hỏi sau.)

1. What’s important for meeting the growing need for water?

(Điều gì quan trọng để đáp ứng nhu cầu ngày càng tăng về nước?)

2. What’s the traditional method of collecting rainwater?

(Phương pháp thu thập nước mưa truyền thống là gì?)

3. What’s the new method of creating water?

(Phương pháp tạo nước mới là gì?)

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Bài 9 :

B. Read the article and answer the questions.

(Đọc bài viết và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

Urban Farming

Mario Wezel is a German photographer who takes photos for National Geographic. Mario is interested in urban farming, so many of his photos show farmers and gardeners. However, urban farming is different from traditional farming. It's when people farm and garden in the middle of the city.

Mario traveled to urban farms all over the US. In Boston, one man has bees on the roof of the Lenox Hotel. The hotel uses honey from the bees in its restaurant. In San Francisco, there's a small farm next to the Giants' baseball stadium. When people watch the game, they can also buy sandwiches from the farm with fresh vegetables! And in Washington, D.C., volunteers can help in a garden at the White House.

For Mario, the most surprising urban farm is at San Quentin State Prison, in California. The prison has a garden and, once a week, prisoners can take a gardening class. They learn how to grow plants and flowers. Working in the garden is also therapeutic.

Mario's photos are all of the US, but you can find urban farms in a lot of different countries and large cities, such as Tokyo, Lima, and Perth. That's because about 3.5 billion people (half the world's population) live in cities today and they want fresh, healthy food. And more and more people think urban farming is the answer to the world's food shortages, as well as to making our cities greener and more relaxing.

shortages (n) situations in which there is not enough of something

1. Who is the photographer?

(Ai là nhiếp ảnh gia?)

2. What do his photos show?

(Những bức ảnh của anh ấy thể hiện điều gì?)

3. Where can you eat fresh vegetables and watch baseball?

(Bạn có thể ăn rau tươi và xem bóng chày ở đâu?)

4. Who can take classes in gardening once a week?

(Ai có thể tham gia lớp học làm vườn mỗi tuần một lần?)

5. How many people live in the world’s cities?

(Có bao nhiêu người sống ở các thành phố trên thế giới?)

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Bài 10 :

C. C. Match the words from the article to the definitions.

(Nối các từ trong bài viết với các định nghĩa.)

1. urban __f__  a. a large area of land for growing food

2. farm _____  b. to put something in the ground to grow

3. garden _____ c. an area of land with flowers, fruit and vegetables

4. to grow _____ d. good for your body

5. volunteers _____ e. good for mental health

6. therapeutic _____ f. in the city

7. healthy _____ g. people who work for free

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Bài 11 :

1. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.

(Đọc văn bản và thực hiện các nhiệm vụ tiếp theo.)

There are many things you can do to help reduce plastic pollution. Firstly, you should reduce your use of plastic. You should avoid single-use plastic products such as straws or takeaway coffee cups. Instead, choose reusable products made from bamboo or metal. Besides, you should use strong, reusable shopping bags made from other materials rather than plastic. Secondly, you should reuse plastic. If you have plastic items, make sure you use them many times. For example, you can refill water bottles and reuse lunch boxes. Finally, you should recycle plastic whenever you can. Before you buy anything sold in plastic, check the recycling symbols. Always try to recycle plastic items instead of throwing them away in the rubbish bin. Remember that there are many things that are made from recycled plastic.

A. Match the highlighted words in the text with the meanings.

(Nối các từ được tô sáng trong văn bản với các nghĩa dưới đây.)

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Bài 12 :

B. Choose the best answers.

(Chọn những câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

1. What is the text mainly about?

(Văn bản chủ yếu nói về điều gì?)

A. The causes of plastic pollution

(Những nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm nhựa)

B. The possible solutions to plastic pollution

(Những giải pháp khả thi cho ô nhiễm nhựa)

C. The effects of plastic pollution

(Ảnh hưởng của ô nhiễm nhựa)

2. What should you do before you buy plastic items?

(Bạn nên làm gì trước khi mua đồ nhựa?)

A. Look for the recycling symbols

(Tìm kiếm các ký hiệu tái chế)

B. Bring a reusable bag

(Mang theo một chiếc túi có thể tái sử dụng)

C. Recycle household items

(Tái chế các vật dụng trong nhà)

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Bài 13 :

2. Read the text and choose the best answers.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

The most obvious advantage of living green is that it helps reduce environmental pollution. This is done by practising the 3Rs. The first R means choosing products very carefully to reduce waste as much as possible. Reusing involves the repeated use of items. The third R is about separating materials that can be recycled and later used for a new purpose.

There are also economic benefits to living green. Reducing the use of energy and water can help save money on household bills. Furthermore, reusing products and materials is another way to make saving. It helps save on production costs since creating new products wastes materials and is expensive. Recycled products also last longer than new ones, making them a better and more eco-friendly option.

Lastly, going green offers health benefits. It reduces air pollutants by making the air we breathe cleaner and healthier. This means fewer diseases and doctor's appointments. Another way to improve your health is to purchase organic foods and green products for your household. They don't use harmful chemicals that can lead to health issues. In turn, you are also supporting responsible farming methods that protect the environment.

1. What is the main idea of the text?

A. The pros of a green lifestyle.

B. Difficulties in adopting a green lifestyle.

C. Trends in green living.

2. According to the text, how can we practise the 3Rs?

A. By reducing waste as much as possible

B. By reusing and recycling items

C. By doing both A and B above

3. Which of the following is NOT given in the text as a benefit of living green?

A. health benefit

B. economic benefit

C. community benefit

4. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to _________.

A. creating new products

B. reusing products

C. making savings

5. The word 'purchase' in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.

A. exchange

B. sell

C. buy

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