Đề bài

LANGUAGE FOCUS Reported speech

3. Complete the following sentences.

(Hoàn thành những câu sau.)

1. 'I always eat lots of fresh fruit and drink lots of milk.'

My friend told me that _________________________.

2. 'I can call a taxi very quickly.'

The boy said that  _________________________.

3. 'We are going on holiday to Spain.'

They said that  _________________________.

4. 'I'll think more about your idea.'

The teacher told me that  _________________________.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. My friend told me that he / she always ate lots of fresh fruit and drank lots of milk.

(Bạn tôi nói với tôi rằng bạn ấy luôn ăn nhiều trái cây tươi và uống nhiều sữa.)

2. The boy said that he could call a taxi very quickly.

(Cậu bé nói rằng cậu ấy có thể gọi taxi rất nhanh.)

3. They said that they were going on holiday to Spain.

(Họ nói rằng họ sẽ đi nghỉ lễ ở Tây Ban Nha.)

4. The teacher told me that he would think more about my idea.

(Giáo viên nói với tôi rằng anh ấy sẽ suy nghĩ thêm về ý tưởng của tôi.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

1. Look at part of the conversation in Getting Started again. Then match Minh’s uncle’s direct speech with his reported speech.

(Xem lại một phần cuộc trò chuyện trong phần Getting Started. Sau đó nối lời nói trực tiếp của chú Minh với lời nói tường thuật của ông ấy.)

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Bài 2 :

2. Complete the second sentences using the correct verb forms.

(Hoàn thành các câu thứ hai bằng cách sử dụng các hình thức động từ đúng)

1. “I am a member of the IT club.”

Minh said that he _______ a member of the IT club.

2. “Mai will take an online course to improve her speaking.”

Nam said Mai _______ an online course to improve her speaking.

3. “I am talking to Phong on the phone.”

Tom said he __________ to Phong on the phone.

4. “They are going to send me an email.”

He said they _________ to send him an email.

5. “I don't have an iPod to listen to music.”

She said that she _________ an iPod to listen to music.

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Bài 3 :

3. Complete the second sentences with the words and phrases from the box.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai với các từ và cụm từ trong hộp)

there          that year          that day

then          the next day

1. “I'm having a science test tomorrow.” Mary said.

Mary said she was having a science test ____________.

2. “The group is working on their project now,’ Tom said.

Tom said the group was working on their project __________.

3. “Mai is reading about Thomas Edison today,” the teacher said.

The teacher said that Mai was reading about Thomas Edison __________.

4. “They will invent a smart cooker this year,” my mum said.

My mum said that they would invent a smart cooker __________.

5. “My teacher will park her car here,” said Mi.

Mi said her teacher would park her car __________.

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Bài 4 :

4. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it means the same as the first one.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai trong mỗi cặp để nó có nghĩa giống như câu đầu tiên.)

1. “We will live much longer in the future.” said the scientist.

The scientist said that ______________________________________.

2. “Our school is going to have a new laboratory here,” said our teacher.

Our teacher said that ________________________________________.

3. “They are developing technology to monitor students better,” my dad said.

My dad said that ___________________________________________________________.

4. “There are no classes tomorrow because our teacher is ill,” Tom said.

Tom said that __________________________________________________________.

5. “We want some students to join the science club next semester,” the teacher said.

The teacher said that _______________________________________________________________.

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Bài 5 :

5. GAME. He / She said that... (Anh ấy/ Cô ấy nói…)

Work in pairs. One student says a sentence and the other changes that sentence into reported speech. Then swap roles.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Một học sinh nói một câu và học sinh kia chuyển câu đó thành câu tường thuật. Sau đó hoán đổi vai trò.)

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Bài 6 :

3. Which of the underlined parts in each question is incorrect? Find and correct it.

(Phần nào được gạch chân trong mỗi câu là không chính xác? Tìm và sửa nó)

1. He said that Isaac Newton discovers gravity when an apple fell on him.

                  A                              B                                            C

2. Our teacher said that the World Wide Web is a free space for people to share knowledge.

                                                                  A              B                       C

3. The man said that Nanolearning will make students’ learning more entertaining.

                           A                            B                                                  C

4. Mike said that he can design a robot in the future.

                      A         B                           C

5. The headmaster said that his school would use voice recognition next year.

                                    A                        B                                      C

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Bài 7 :

4. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words in BOLD.

(Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng các từ in ĐẬM.)

1. "We can't connect to the Internet to work online here,” said Tom. THERE

2. "Science is becoming a more important subject in schools now", Mr Thompson said. THEN

3. "The school will use a machine to check students' attendance next year", said the headmaster. WOULD

4. "We are having a science competition this week", said the monitor to the class. THAT

5. "We don't like robot teachers at all", said the students. DIDN'T

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Bài 8 :

1. Complete each sentence with ONE word from the article on page 72.

(Hoàn thành mỗi câu với MỘT từ từ bài báo ở trang 72.)

1. The doctors told him that he ________________ walk or play the guitar.

2. Daniel told the boy's family that he ____________ donate all his money to the boy’s surgery.

3. The police said that he ____________ to return a bag with $42,000 in it to the owner.

4. The team said that people in need still ______________ access to food and resources.

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Bài 9 :

2. Choose the correct options to complete the rules.

(Chọn các tùy chọn đúng để hoàn thành các quy tắc.)


1. We use indirect speech (reported speech) to report the meaning of what is / was said. We put indirect speech in a noun clause beginning with that / this.

2. After a reporting verb in the past simple, we usually change present modals to past modals, and present tenses to past tenses / future tenses.

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Bài 10 :

3. Study the rules, then complete the following sentences.

(Nghiên cứu các quy tắc, sau đó hoàn thành các câu sau.)

1. “You have to rest for 3 months”.

The doctors told me that I ___________ to rest for 3 months.

2. “Honey can prevent the growth of bacteria”.

Some scientists said that honey ___________ prevent the growth of bacteria.

3. “I am raising some money for my poor students.”

She told me that she _____________ some money for her poor students.

4. “When you spread kindness, you may feel good about yourselves.”

Our teacher said that when we ______________ kindness, we __________ feel good about ourselves.

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Bài 11 :

4. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.

(Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong các câu.)

1. He said that it isn’t a good idea.

2 They didn’t tell me that they will visit Ha Long Bay.

3. The dentist told that his tooth needed filling.

4. Lien said that she may be absent from the meeting.

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Bài 12 :

5. USE IT! Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Take turns to report what your mother said to you in these photos.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Nhìn vào những bức ảnh. Thay phiên nhau tường thuật những gì mẹ của bạn nói với bạn trong những bức ảnh này.)

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Bài 13 :

a. Read about reported speech for statements and fill in the blanks.

(Đọc về câu tường thuật bố và điền vào chỗ trống.)

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Bài 14 :

a. Read the notes and examples on the left, then fill in the blanks.

(Đọc các ghi chú và ví dụ bên trái, sau đó điền vào chỗ trống.)

1. Joshua: I ride horses in my free time.

(Tôi cưỡi ngựa khi rảnh rỗi.)

William: He said that he rode horses in his free time.

2. Deborah: My father doesn't like expensive cars.

(Bố tôi không thích những chiếc xe hơi đắt tiền.)

William: She told me                      didn't like expensive cars.

3. Alex: I'm not a celebrity.

(Tôi không phải người nổi tiếng.)

William: He said he                a celebrity.

4. Andrew: My pet snake is dangerous.

(Anh ấy nói với tôi rằng nguy hiểm.)

William: He told me that                dangerous.

5. Jenny: I can't fly a helicopter.

(Tôi không thể lái trực thăng.)

William: She said that                        a helicopter.


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Bài 15 :

b. Complete the sentences to report what these people said.

(Hoàn thành các câu để báo cáo những gì những người này nói.)

1. Michelle: I have a pet snake.

(Tôi có một con rắn cưng.)

William: She said that she had a pet snake.

(Cô ấy nói rằng cô ấy có một con rắn cưng.)

2. Robert: My sister is a famous musician.

(Em gái tôi là một nhạc sĩ nổi tiếng.)

William: He told                                             .

3. Amanda: My father doesn't like his new mansion.

(Bố tôi không thích biệt thự mới của ông ấy.)

William: She told                                             .

4. Jacob: I can't live without my sports car.

(Tôi không thể sống thiếu chiếc xe thể thao của mình.)

William: He said                                             .

5. Betty: I don't have an expensive yacht.

(Tôi không có du thuyền đắt tiền.)

William: She told                                             .

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Bài 16 :

c. In pairs: Take turns reporting what these people said to you.

(Làm việc theo cặp: Thay phiên nhau báo cáo những gì những người này đã nói với bạn.)

He told me that he wasn't a millionaire

 (Anh ấy nói với tôi rằng anh ấy không phải là triệu phú.)

A: "I'm not a millionaire."

(Tôi không phải là triệu phú.)

B: “I have a really big jet."

(Tôi không thích xe thể thao.)

C: "I don't like sports cars"

(Tôi có một chiếc máy bay phản lực rất lớn.)

D: "My mansion has a home theater."

(Biệt thự của tôi có một rạp hát gia đình.)

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Bài 17 :

a. Point, ask, and answer about what the people said using reported speech.

(Chỉ, hỏi và trả lời về những gì mọi người đã nói bằng cách sử dụng câu tường thuật.)

This is a nice home! Tell me about it

(Đây là một ngôi nhà đẹp! Nói cho tôi nghe về nó đi)

What can't you live without?

(Bạn không thể sống thiếu gì?)

Do you go to school? How do you get there?

(Bạn có đi học không? Bạn đi học bằng gì?)

Do you have any pets?

(Bạn có nuôi con gì không?)

What do you do in your free time?

(Bạn sẽ làm gì trong thời gian rảnh rỗi?)


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Bài 18 :

b. Use your own ideas to make similar sentences about yourself and tell your partner. Then, report your partner's statements to another student.

(Sử dụng những ý tưởng của riêng bạn để tạo ra những câu tương tự về bản thân và nói với bạn của bạn. Sau đó, báo cáo câu tường thuật của bạn cho một bạn khác.)

Nghi told me she loved singing in her free time.

(Nghi nói với tôi rằng cô ấy thích ca hát khi rảnh rỗi.)

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Bài 19 :

b. Complete the sentences to report what these people said.

(Hoàn thành các câu để báo cáo những gì những người này nói.)


1. Nancy: I have a new sports car.


(Tôi có một chiếc xe thể thao mới.)


Me: She told ___________________


2. George: My father is an engineer.


(Bố tôi là kỹ sư.)


Me: He said ___________________


3. Lily: My sister doesn't like her new yacht


(Em gái tôi không thích du thuyền mới của cô ấy.)


Me: She told ___________________


(Cô ấy nói với tôi (rằng) em gái cô ấy không thích chiếc du thuyền mới của cô ấy.)


4. Amanda: I can't live without my guitar.


(Tôi không thể sống thiếu cây đàn của mình.)


Me: She said ___________________


5. Joseph: I'm not a good musician.


(Tôi không phải là một nhạc sĩ giỏi.)


Me: He told me ___________________

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Bài 20 :

1 Read the statements and write D (direct speech) or R (reported speech).

(Đọc các câu và viết D (câu trực tiếp) hoặc R (câu tường thuật).)

1 The astronaut said that life in space was hard.

(Phi hành gia nói rằng cuộc sống trong không gian thật khó khăn.)

2 Lily said to me, "The Moon is beautiful."

(Lily nói với tôi, "Mặt trăng thật đẹp.")

3 My teacher told me that astronauts ate special foods.

(Giáo viên của tôi nói với tôi rằng các phi hành gia đã ăn những thức ăn đặc biệt.)

4 "I want to visit a space station," Jen said.

("Tôi muốn đến thăm một trạm vũ trụ," Jen nói.)

5 He told us that the view of the solar system was amazing.

(Anh ấy nói với chúng tôi rằng quang cảnh của hệ mặt trời thật tuyệt vời.)

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Bài 21 :

3 Fill in each gap with said or told.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với said hoặc told.)

1 Max               to us that he enjoyed reading about the Earth.

2 I                     Jake that I was going to the space museum.

3 Janet              that she would give a presentation about the Moon.

4 The shop assistant                 them that the toy rocket was on sale.

5 The astronaut                        us that life in space was difficult.

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Bài 22 :

4 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

(Viết lại các câu thành câu tường thuật.)

1 "My father is an astronaut," I said to Jane.

I told Jane

2 "I want to see a rocket go into space," she told me.

She told me

3 Robert said, "I don't enjoy watching films about space travel." Robert said

Robert said

4 "We're preparing dinner now," they said.

They said

5 The teacher told us, "An astronaut is coming to our school tomorrow."

The teacher told us

6 "I must do my homework about the solar system tonight," said Luke.

Luke said

7 Margaret said, "We're going to visit a space museum this Sunday."

Margaret said

8 My sister said to me, "I won't learn about space this year."

My sister said to me

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Bài 23 :

5 Whisper a sentence to a student in the group. Then, this student reports what you said to the other students in the group.

(Nói thầm một câu với một học sinh trong nhóm. Sau đó, học sinh này báo cáo những gì em đã nói với các học sinh khác trong nhóm.)

A: I like films about space.

(Tớ thích những bộ phim về không gian.)

B: He/She said that he/she liked films about space.

(Anh ấy/Cô ấy nói rằng anh ấy/cô ấy thích những bộ phim về không gian.)

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Bài 24 :

4 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

(Viết lại các câu dưới dạng câu tường thuật.)

1 Her dad said to her, "You can listen to music on your MP3 player."

2 Sue said, "I don't like this games console."

3 "I usually look for information on the Internet," Emily told me.

4 He asked me, "Are you chatting online now?"

5 "Who has my tablet?" she asked me.

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Bài 25 :

3 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

(Viết lại các câu trong bài dưới dạng câu tường thuật.)

1 "I am watching TV now," said Jim.

2 They said, "We can't enter this room."

3 She said, "I don't play video games very often."

4 "How long does the battery last?" Lan asked me.

5 He asked me, "Can I use your tablet?"

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Bài 26 :

Reported speech

1 Underline ONE mistake in each sentence and correct it.

(Gạch chân MỘT lỗi sai trong mỗi câu và sửa lại.)

1 Diane asked her teacher if there was a full moon today.

2 She asked to me whether I was looking for a new laptop.

3 The teacher told me that I had to fill up this form.

4 Pat said to me that people can jump very high on the Moon.

5 She asked me when would I give her that tablet.

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Bài 27 :

2 Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các đáp án đúng.)

1 "I'm writing an email to Maya now," said Liam.

a Liam said that he was writing an email to Maya then.

b Liam said that he's writing an email to Maya then.

2 "Do you have a smartphone?" Sally's friend asked her.

a Sally's friend asked her if you have a smartphone.

b Sally's friend asked her if she had a smartphone.

3 "When will you be home tonight?" Alex asked his mum

a Alex asked his mum when she would be home tonight.

b Alex asked his mum when she would be home that night.

4 "Can I use your MP3 player tomorrow?" Patrick asked his sister.

a Patrick asked his sister if he could use her MP3 player the next day.

b Patrick told his sister that he could use her MP3 player the next day.

5 "You are watching a video online in class this afternoon," the teacher told us

a The teacher told us that you were watching a video online in class that afternoon.

b The teacher told us that we were watching a video online in class that afternoon.

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Bài 28 :

3 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

(Viết lại câu dưới dạng câu tường thuật.)

1 The astronaut said, "The rocket is flying into space tomorrow."

The astronaut said

2 "You can see the stars better from here." Tommy said to his sister.

Tommy told his sister

3 "Why are you pressing this button?" Sam's father asked her.

Sam's father asked her

4 Mike said to his teacher, "I want to be a scientist."

Mike told his teacher

5 "You must study hard for these exams," my parents said to me.

My parents told me

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Bài 29 :

2. Complete the examples in the Grammar box using the correct form.

(Hoàn thành các ví dụ trong hộp Ngữ pháp bằng cách sử dụng đúng mẫu.)

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Bài 30 :

3. Find one mistake in each of the following sentences.

(Tìm một lỗi sai trong mỗi câu sau.)

1. Mai said some farmers in Việt Nam still use traditional farming practices.

2. Đào tell us that her mother wore her traditional costume to Bắc Hà Market.

3. My teacher said their traditional costumes are very colourful.

4. People asked do we had some H’mông handicrafts.

5. Thúy said it is difficult to live in the mountainous regions 10 years before. 

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