Đề bài

4. Complete the dialogues.

(Hoàn thành các cuộc hội thoại.)


Myra: How 1 _______ meat do you eat each week?

Pete: I love meat, so I eat a 2 ______ of it. Twice a day in fact.

Myra: That’s 3 _______ much meat!


Simon: Do you eat 4 _______ fruit?

Maria: I think so. I eat a 5 ________ pieces of fruit every evening. But my mum says it’s 6________ enough.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. much

2. lot

3. too

4. enough

5. few

6. not

Giải thích:

(1) "meat" (thịt) là danh từ không đếm được => how much (bao nhiêu)

(2) Cụm từ "a lot of" (nhiều)

(3) Đã có lượng từ "much" cần thêm trạng từ => too much (quá nhiều)

(4) "fruit" (trái cây/ hoa quả) là danh từ không đếm được, xét về nghĩa của câu => enough (đủ)

(5) "pieces" (mảnh/ miếng) là danh từ số nhiều, đã có mạo từ "a" => few (chút/ ít)

(6) Đã có tính từ "enough" và động từ "is", theo nghĩa của câu => not enough (không đủ)


Myra: How 1much meat do you eat each week?

(Bạn ăn bao nhiêu thịt mỗi tuần?)

Pete: I love meat, so I eat a 2lot of it. Twice a day in fact.

(Tôi thích thịt, vì vậy tôi ăn rất nhiều thịt. Thực tế là hai lần một ngày.)

Myra: That’s 3too much meat!

(Vậy là quá nhiều thịt!)


Simon: Do you eat 4 enough fruit?

(Bạn có ăn nhiều trái cây không?)

Maria: I think so. I eat a 5few pieces of fruit every evening. But my mum says it’s 6not enough.

(Tôi nghĩ vậy. Tôi ăn vài miếng trái cây mỗi tối. Nhưng mẹ tôi nói nó là không đủ.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Choose the best answer.

Don’t worry about the lunch. I’ve bought ______sandwiches.

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Bài 2 :

Choose the best answer.

Is there ______ apple juice in the fridge?

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Bài 3 :

Choose the best answer.

There aren’t ______ good restaurants in this town.

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Bài 4 :

Choose the best answer.

________ of famous dishes in Southern Vietnam are Hu Tieu Nam Vang, Bun Mam, fried rice, flour cake, and many kinds of puddings.

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Bài 5 :

Choose the best answer.

You need ______ scissors to cut the paper.

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Bài 6 :

Choose the best answer.

We should decorate our living room with _____ orange banner. We also need ________  ribbons, balloons, party hats and costume.

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Bài 7 :

Choose the best answer.

I think you should buy _____  pack of mineral water instead. And you can also buy _____  snacks such as potato crisps, 3 kilos of mandarins, 2 kilos of apples, 3 bunches of bananas, ______  cookies and soft candies.

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Bài 8 :

1. Complete the sentences with the quantifiers in the box. There is one extra quantifier.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các lượng từ trong hộp. Có một từ định lượng bị thừa.)

     a few          a little          a lot of          enough                 many (x2)            much (x2)

1. That’s too ______ hungry children.

2. There are ______ hungry people in the world, but only _______ people are trying to do something about it.

3. We’ll need to provide _______ protein.

4. Insects don’t need as _______ space or water.

5. How ________ people will eat insects in the future?

6. How ________ food made with insects will you eat?

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Bài 9 :

2. Answer the questions in the rules with the words in exercise 1.

(Trả lời các câu hỏi trong quy tắc bằng các từ ở bài tập 1.)


1. Which quantifiers can we use with countable nouns?

2. Which quantifiers can we use with uncountable nouns?

3. Which quantifiers can we use to say there are small quantities of something?

4. Which quantifiers can we use to say there are large quantities of something?

5. Which quantifier means “sufficient”?

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Bài 10 :

3. Read the tips for reducing waste. Then choose the correct options.

(Đọc các mẹo để giảm lãng phí. Sau đó chọn các lựa chọn chính xác.)

Reduce your waste in 4 easy steps

Does your family throw away too 1much / many food? Here are a few tips you can follow to reduce waste.

TIP 1. Make a shopping list before going shopping.

2A lot of / A few food goes in the bin as 3not enough / a little people write down exactly what they need to buy at the shops.

TIP 2. Check the fridge and food cupboards before you shop and buy only what you really need.

It's amazing 4how many / how much things we buy that we already have. We throw away 5too many / enough things just to make room for new products.

TIP 3. Buy the freshest food you can.

You may spend 6a little / a few pounds more, but fresh food is much better for you.

TIP 4. Take 7a lot of / a little time to create a menu for the week. You can do it quickly, and it means that you won't buy things you don't need.

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Bài 11 :

LANGUAGE FOCUS - Quantifiers

10. Complete the dialogue with the words.

(Hoàn thành cuộc đối thoại với các từ.)

   a little               enough                   few                    lot of                      many                        not enough

Jason: How much sugar have we got? I want to make a cake today.

Adele: Only 1 _________, I'm afraid. Maybe 50 g.

Jason: That’s 2 __________. I need 250 g. How about eggs? How 3 ___________ are there?

Adele: We've got a 4___________ those. I think there are six.

Jason: Great, that’s 5 ____________ and have we got any apples? I want to put a 6 ___________ of them into the cake.

Adele: Yes. There are three in the blue bowl.

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Bài 12 :

a. Read about quantifiers with countable/ uncountable nouns and fill in the blanks.

(Đọc về lượng từ với danh từ đếm được/không đếm được và điền vào chỗ trống.)

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Bài 13 :

b. Listen and check your answers. Listen again and repeat.

(Lắng nghe và kiểm tra những câu trả lời của bạn. Nghe lại và lặp lại.)

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Bài 14 :

a. Read the examples on the left and circle the correct words.

(Đọc các ví dụ bên trái và khoanh tròn các từ đúng.)

1. There are too much/many vehicles on the road.

2. There aren't/isn't enough facilities in this village.

3. There is/are too much noise in my town.

4. This city doesn't have enough/many fresh air.

5. There isn't enough things to do/entertainment here.

6. There is lots of nature/vehicles here in the country.

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Bài 15 :

b. Write sentences using the prompts.

(Viết câu sử dụng các gợi ý.)

1. There/lots/peace and quiet/my village

There is lots of peace and quiet in my village.

(Có rất nhiều yên bình và yên tĩnh trong làng của tôi.)

2. My town/not/have/enough/entertainment


3. This city/have/much/pollution


4. There/many/vehicles/my street


5. There/lot/room/people/play/my city


6. There/not/many/things/do/my village


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Bài 16 :

c. In pairs: Talk about your town using lots of/a lot of, not enough, too many, and too much.

(Làm việc theo cặp: Nói về thị trấn của bạn bằng cách sử dụng lots of/a lot of, not enough, too many, và too much.)

There are lots of vehicles in my hometown.

(Có rất nhiều xe cộ ở quê tôi.)

My city has too much noise.

(Thành phố của tôi có quá nhiều tiếng ồn.)

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Bài 17 :

Underline the mistakes and write the correct words on the lines.

(Gạch chân những lỗi sai và viết những từ đúng vào các dòng.)

1. There are too much vehicles in the city

(Có quá nhiều phương tiện trong thành phố.)

2. There are more nature and fresh air in the country.

(Vùng nông thôn có nhiều thiên nhiên và không khí trong lành hơn.)

3. I don't like tug of war. I prefer pick flowers

(Tôi không thích kéo co. Tôi thích hái hoa hơn.)

4. Where do they like hang out?

(Họ thích đi chơi ở đâu?)

5. There aren't many hospital or schools in the country.

(Không có nhiều bệnh viện hay trường học ở vùng nông thôn.)

6. Who usually do you play spinning tops with?

(Bạn thường chơi con quay với ai?)

7. There aren't enough entertainment in the country.

(Không có đủ giải trí ở vùng nông thôn.)

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Bài 18 :


5 Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1 My school is small, so there are ____ after-school activities.

A little      B few        C much       D many

2 My teacher gave us               homework yesterday.

A many          B any         C lots of           D a few

3 This month, we don't have to study for ___ tests.

A many             B some           C much          D little

4           money did you spend at the mall?

A How much            B How many               CA little         D Any

5 There are                   programmes on TV. I can't decide what to watch.

A few      B any         C much         D lots of

6 Can you find ___ information about the topic?

A few       B many         C any             D some

7 ___ students were on the school trip?

A How much           B How many                 C Some          D Any

8 A: Liam, I need ___ advice on how to prepare for the exams.

B: Sure, I can help you.

A few         B any        Cmany          D some

9 A: Are you ready for your presentation? There isn't ___ time left.

B: I’m almost ready. Don't worry!

A many       B much       C few       D little

10 How about going to the cinema tonight?

B: Maybe next week. We have ___ money to spend this week.

A much          B a lot of               C little          D few

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Bài 19 :

6 Talk about your school life and free-time activities using the quantifiers.

(Nói về cuộc sống ở trường và các hoạt động trong thời gian rảnh của em bằng cách sử dụng các từ định lượng.)

A: I do lots of homework every day, so I don’t have much time to watch TV or read books.

(Tôi làm rất nhiều bài tập về nhà mỗi ngày, vì vậy tôi không có nhiều thời gian để xem TV hay đọc sách.)

B: I sit a lot of exams at school. In my free time, I listen to some music and play sports.

(Tôi phải thi rất nhiều kỳ thi ở trường. Trong thời gian rảnh rỗi, tôi nghe nhạc và chơi thể thao.)

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Bài 20 :

3 Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1 Do you take part in               after-school activities?

A much

B few

C little

D any

2 I'm stressed because I have to sit                  exams this month.

A few

B a lot of

C much

D any

3 I have            homework to finish this evening.

A some

B many

C any

D few

4 There aren’t              science books in the library.

A a little

B much

C a few

D many

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Bài 21 :


5 Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các đáp án đúng.)

1 Do you have              information about the maths exam?

A few          C little

B any           D many

2 How              money do I have to pay for the club membership?

A many                 C many of

B much                  D much of

3 We have                    butter. We can't make a cake.

A little

B a little

C few

D a few

4 Would you like                     water?

A little      B many         C some        D lots

5                       parents came to the school performance last week.

A Any            B Lots of             C Little           D Much

6 There aren't               books in the classroom because we do lessons on computer.

A many

B much

C few

D a few

7 Sit down! I've got                 news to tell you.

A some

B any

C many

D few

8 Jim's got                    friends in his new class already. He's so happy!

A little

B a little

C few

D a few

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Bài 22 :

6. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.

(Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi câu.)

1. The Tay serve this kind of cake with ______.

A. a lot of honey                                            B. some honeys

C. a honey                                                      D. honeys

2. The air _______ thinner when you go higher up the mountains.

A. become                                                      B. becomes

C. became                                                       D. becoming

3. In our area, _______ not much land for growing crops.

A. there are                                                                 B. it has

C. it is                                                                         D. there is

4. _______ provide free Khmer language classes.

A. Those temples                                           B. The temple

C. A temple                                                                D. A few temple

5. Do you have _______ about ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam?

A. a few books                                               B. a lot of books

C. any books                                                  D. any book

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Bài 23 :

1 Complete the table with the quantifiers.

(Hoàn thành bảng với các định lượng.)

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Bài 24 :

2 Cross out the incorrect word.

(Gạch bỏ từ sai.)

There weren’t many people / food / presents at the birthday part.

1 How much time / money / pounds did you spend on this?

2 There is enough / a few / not enough food for everyone here.

3 There are a lot of space / people / boxes in the room at the moment.

4 I haven’t got many / enough / a lot of money.

5 They’re planted a few / enough / much new trees in the forest.

6 The children next door make a lot of / a few / too much noise when they’re playing.

7 I think there are too much / too many / enough stories about the environment in the news!

8 Have you read a lot of / a few / a little newspaper articles about food waste?

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Bài 25 :

3 Complete the dialogue with the words.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với các từ.)

Emily: I’m reading an article about food waste. How much food do you think we throw away every year?

Harry: I don’t know. It must be more than 1 ………….. food. Maybe 20%?

Emily: No, 20% isn’t high 2 …………! We waste fifteen million tonnes a year! That’s around 35% of the food we buy!

Harry: Wow! That’s 3 …………… food!

Emily: Also, 4 ……….. of the food products that the supermarkets throw away are still OK for us to eat.

Harry: Oh, that’s terrible, isn’t it?

Emily: Yes, it is. There are 5 ……….. charity programmes for us unsold food, but that’s 6 ……….. .

Harry: No, it isn’t. Did you know that in France all the food that supermarkets don’t sell goes to charity? It’s the law.

Emily: What a great idea! Why can’t we do that?

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Bài 26 :

4 Write one or two sentences about the topics using quatifiers.

(Viết một hoặc hai câu về chủ đề bằng cách sử dụng từ định nghĩa.)

the time you spend doing homework (thời gian bạn dành để làm bài tập về nhà)

We usually have a lot of homework. I spend a few hours a week doing it.

(Chúng tôi thường có rất nhiều bài tập về nhà. Tôi dành một vài giờ một tuần để làm việc đó.)

1 the money you spend on clothes (số tiền bạn chi cho quần áo)


2 the different foods you eat (loại thực phẩm khác nhau mà bạn ăn)


3 the money that people earn in different jobs (số tiền mà mọi người kiếm được trong công việc khác nhau.)


4 the things for teenagers to do in your area (điều thanh thiếu niên nên làm trong khu vực của bạn)


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Bài 27 :

4. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. How much / many people went on the school theatre trip?

2. Jake's got many / lots of money!

3. I'm sorry I haven't got some / any apple juice.

4. There isn't much / many food left.

5. I've seen a few / little good films this year.

6. My dad gets very a few / little time off work.

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