Đề bài

5. Work in pairs. Ask your partner five questions about his / her daily routine and make notes of his / her answers. Then report your questions and your partner’s answers to the class.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi đối tác của bạn năm câu hỏi về thói quen hàng ngày của anh ấy/cô ấy và ghi chú câu trả lời của anh ấy/cô ấy. Sau đó báo cáo câu hỏi của bạn và câu trả lời của đối tác của bạn cho cả lớp.)

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. I asked A what time he got up in the morning and he told me (that) he got up at 7 a.m.

(Tôi hỏi A mấy giờ cậu ấy dậy thì cậu ấy nói rằng cậu ấy dậy lúc 7 giờ.)

2. I asked A what time he had breakfast and he told me he had breakfast at 7.15 a.m.

(Tôi hỏi A mấy giờ cậu ấy ăn sáng thì cậu ấy nói rằng cậu ấy ăn sáng lúc 7 giờ 15.)

3. I asked A what time he went to school and he told me that he went to school at 7.30 a.m.

(Tôi hỏi A mấy giờ cậu ấy đến trường thì cậu ấy nói rằng cậu ấy đến trường lúc 7 rưỡi.)

4. I asked A what time he took a shower in the evening and he told me that he took a shower at 8.30 p.m.

(Tôi hỏi A mấy giờ cậu ấy tắm vào buổi tối thì cậu ấy nói rằng cậu ấy đến trường lúc 7 rưỡi.)

5. I asked A what time he went to bed and he told me that he went to bed at 9 p.m.

(Tôi hỏi A mấy giờ cậu đi ngủ thì cậu ấy nói rằng cậu ấy đi ngủ lúc 9 giờ tối.) 

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

1. Underline the correct word or phrase for each sentence.

(Gạch dưới từ hoặc cụm từ đúng cho mỗi câu.)

1. He phoned to ask his mother what she was doing now / then.

2. Ann wondered what plants Vietnamese people grow / grew for food.

3. Peter phoned the shop to ask what specialities they are selling there / here.

4. The student asked his professor what forms of life can / could exist on Mars.

5. He wanted to know how many planets there were / were there in our solar system.

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Bài 2 :

2. Put the words and phrases in the correct order to make reported questions.

(Sắp xếp các từ và cụm từ theo đúng thứ tự để đặt câu hỏi tường thuật.)

1. how many moons / My little brother / asked me / had / Venus / .

2. which / She / planet / the closest / wanted to know / was / to the sun / .

3. asked the scientists / The journalist / what / for / were using / telescopes / in space / they / .

4. wanted to know / when / The scientists / travel to Mars / would be able to / humans /.

5. He / what / were / asked the professor / to have life / for a planet / the conditions / on it /.

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Bài 3 :

3. Change the following questions into reported questions.

(Thay đổi các câu hỏi sau thành câu hỏi gián tiếp.)

1. “Who will be the first to step on Mars?” Mary asked the scientist.

2. “How fast can a UFO travel?” I asked my father.

3. The student asked his friend, “How many craters does the moon have?”

4. The pupils asked the teacher, “Where can we find information about the solar system?”

5. “What is the weather on Mars like?” l asked my teacher.

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Bài 4 :

4. Report the conversation between An and Mai.

(Tường thuật cuộc nói chuyện giữa An và Mai)

An: What are you reading, Mai?

Mai: I'm reading Aliens, and I’m almost done.

An: What kind of book is it?

Mai: It's science fiction.

An: What's it about?

Mai: It's about three aliens who try to take over Earth.


An asked Mai what she was reading.

Mai told An that she was reading ...

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Bài 5 :

3. Rewrite each sentence so that it is closest in meaning to the original one.

(Viết lại mỗi câu sao cho gần nghĩa nhất với câu gốc.)

1. “What is this novel about?” said Mary.

Mary wanted to know _________________.

2. “Who's your favourite actor, Nick?” I said.

l asked Nick _________________________.

3. “What time does the next train leave?” Mai said to me.

Mai asked me _______________________.

4. “How do the scientists observe the other planets?” the students asked.

The students wondered ______________.

5. Mai wondered, “Why can't humans live on Mars?”

Mai wondered _______________________.

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Bài 6 :

4. Which of the underline parts in each questions is incorrect? Find and correct it.

(Phần nào gạch chân trong mỗi câu hỏi là không chính xác? Tìm và sửa nó.)

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Bài 7 :

5. Change these sentences into reported speech.

(Chuyển những câu này thành câu tường thuật)

1. “What planet do you want to visit?” my friend asked me.

(“Bạn muốn ghé thăm hành tinh nào?” bạn tôi hỏi tôi.)

2. “I'm now reading a book about future ways of communication,” she told me.

(“Bây giờ tôi đang đọc một cuốn sách về những cách giao tiếp trong tương lai,” cô ấy nói với tôi.)

3. “How will teachers check attendance in the future?” Lan asked Nam.

(“Trong tương lai, giáo viên sẽ kiểm tra việc đi học như thế nào?” Lan hỏi Nam.)

4. “We are having a video conference with other clubs next week,” our club president said.

(“Chúng tôi sẽ tổ chức một cuộc họp video với các câu lạc bộ khác vào tuần tới,” chủ tịch câu lạc bộ của chúng tôi cho biết.)

5. l asked my mum, “When will there be a full moon?”

(Tôi hỏi mẹ: “Khi nào thì có trăng tròn?”)

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Bài 8 :

a. Read about reported speech for questions and fill in the blanks.

(Đọc về bài phát biểu được báo cáo cho các câu hỏi và điền vào chỗ trống.)

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Bài 9 :

b. Listen and check your answers. Listen again and repeat.

(Lắng nghe và kiểm tra những câu trả lời của bạn. Nghe và nhắc lại.)

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Bài 10 :

a. Read the notes and examples above, then circle the correct words.

(Đọc các ghi chú và ví dụ trên, sau đó khoanh tròn các từ đúng.)

1. Sam → Mary: "What do you like to eat?"

Sam → Tom: I asked her what she like / liked to eat."

2. Ben → Logan & Lily: "What do you usually wear?"

Logan & Lily → Lisa: "He asked us what we usually wear/wore."

3. Ella & Linda → Paul: "Do you live in Vietnam?"

Ella & Linda → Carol: "We asked him whether he lives/lived in Vietnam"

4. Sofia → Jacob: "What do you do for fun?"

Sofia → Ethan: "I asked him what he does/did for fun.

5. Mia → Don: "Do you have any interesting traditions?”

Ken → Joe: “Mia asked him if he has/had any interesting traditions"

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Bài 11 :

b. Complete the sentences to report what these people asked.

(Hoàn thành các câu để báo cáo những gì những người này yêu cầu.)

1. "Do you make any crafts?"

(Bạn có làm đồ thủ công nào không?)

He asked her if she made any crafts.

(Anh ấy hỏi cô ấy có làm đồ thủ công nào không.)

2. "What do you grow in the fields?"

(Bạn ra ruộng trồng gì?)

She                         him                        .

3. "When do you eat dinner in your house?"

(Khi nào bạn ăn tối ở nhà?)

She                         them                        .

4. "Are you married?"

(Bạn đã kết hôn chưa?)

They                         Michael                        .

5. "Do you wear any traditional clothes?"

(Bạn có mặc trang phục truyền thống nào không?)

He                         us                        .

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Bài 12 :

b. Complete the sentences to report what the people asked.

(Hoàn thành các câu để báo cáo những gì mọi người yêu cầu.)

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Bài 13 :

1 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

(Viết lại các câu dưới dạng câu tường thuật.)

1 "Are you fixing my tablet tomorrow?" I asked him.

2 "Why are you so sad?" Olivier asked me.

3 "Can I use your laptop tonight?" Dylan asked his sister.

4 Finn asked me, "Whose is this MP3 player?"

5 Jack asked Kim, "Do you usually go on social media?"

6 "How often do you play computer games?" she asked me.

7 He asked Jane, "Will you send me an email?"

8 John asked me, "What are you doing on your smartphone?"

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Bài 14 :

2 Whisper a question to a student in the group. Then, this student reports what you asked him/her to the other students in the group.

(Nói thầm một câu hỏi với một bạn học sinh trong nhóm. Sau đó, bạn học sinh này sẽ tường thuật những gì em đã hỏi bạn ấy với các bạn học sinh khác trong nhóm.)

A: Do you play games on your tablet?

(Bạn có chơi game trên máy tính bảng không?)

B: He/She asked me if/whether I played games on my tablet.

(Cậu ấy hỏi tôi có chơi trò chơi trên máy tính bảng không.)

C: How long do you go on social media each day?

(Bạn truy cập mạng xã hội bao lâu mỗi ngày?)

D: He/She asked me how long I went on social media each day.

(Cậu ấy hỏi tôi mỗi ngày tôi lên mạng xã hội bao lâu.)

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Bài 15 :

3 Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các đáp án đúng.)

1 "I'm getting a new laptop tomorrow," she said.

a She said that she is getting a new laptop the next day.

b She said that she was getting a new laptop the next day.

2 Peter said, "This games console is fantastic."

a Peter said that that games console was fantastic.

b Peter said that this games console was fantastic.

3 "What are you doing after school today?" he asked me.

a He asked me what I was doing after school that day.

b He asked me what I am doing after school that day.

4 The shop clerk said to me, "I can't fix your tablet."

a The shop clerk told me that he didn't fix my tablet.

b The shop clerk told me that he couldn't fix my tablet.

5 "I go on social media one hour each day," she said to us.

a She said to us that she went on social media one hour each day.

b She said to us that I went on social media one hour each day.

6 I asked my dad, "Will you get me a smartphone for my birthday?"

a I asked my dad if would he get me a smartphone for my birthday.

b I asked my dad if he would get me a smartphone for my birthday.

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Bài 16 :

5 You and your partner act out a short dialogue about electronic devices. A student in the group takes notes and then reports the dialogue to the other students in the group.

(Embạn cặp của mình diễn một đoạn hội thoại ngắn về các thiết bị điện tử. Một học sinh trong nhóm ghi chép và sau đó báo cáo cuộc đối thoại cho các học sinh khác trong nhóm.)

A: What's your favourite electronic device?

(Thiết bị điện tử yêu thích của bạn là gì?)

B: My favourite electronic device is my laptop.

(Thiết bị điện tử yêu thích của tớ là máy tính xách tay.)

C: A asked B what his/her favourite electronic device was. B told A that his/her favourite electronic device was his/her laptop.

(A hỏi B thiết bị điện tử yêu thích của cậu ấy là gì. B nói với A rằng thiết bị điện tử yêu thích của cậu ấy là máy tính xách tay.)

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Bài 17 :

4 Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1 "This website is great," said Paul.

a Paul said that that website was great.

b Paul said that this website was great.

2 Ellie asked me, "Where are you going for your holiday?"

a Ellie asked me where I was going for my holiday.

b Ellie asked me where I was going for your holiday.

3 "Can I use your phone?" he asked me.

a He asked me if he could use my phone.

b He asked me if he used my phone.

4 "You must turn off your tablet," said Jack's mum.

a Jack's mum said that he has to turn off his tablet.

b Jack's mum said that he had to turn off his tablet.

5. The astronaut told the students, "Life in space is exciting."

a The astronaut told the students that life in space was exciting.

b The astronaut told the students if life in space was excite

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