Đề bài

3. Read the article again. Match the headings (1-3) with the paragraphs (A-B). There is ONE extra heading.

(Đọc lại bài viết. Nối các tiêu đề (1-3) với các đoạn văn (A-B). Có MỘT tiêu đề bị thừa.)

1. Getting vocational training (Học nghề)

2. Earning a salary while studying (Kiếm tiền khi đang học)

3. Going to college or university (Đi học cao đẳng hoặc đại học)

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. Getting vocational training: Paragraph B

(Học nghề - Đoạn B)

3. Going to college or university: Paragraph A

(Đi học cao đẳng hoặc đại học – Đoạn A)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Planning our education

(Kế hoạch giáo dục của chúng ta)

1. Listen and read. 

(Nghe và đọc.)

Ms Hoa: Good moming, class. There was an education fair last weekend. Did anyone go?

Nam: Yes, Mai and I did. The fair was great, and we got a lot of useful information.

Ms Hoa: I'm glad to hear that. Would you like to share some of it with the class?

Mai: Sure. After finishing school, we mainly have two education options. For example, we can get into university if we earn high grades or pass the university entrance exam.

Nam: That's true, but academic education isn’t everything. The other option is going to a vocational school where we can learn skills for particular jobs.

Ms Hoa: That sounds interesting. So what are your plans for the future?

Mai: I'm hoping to go to university. Having won several biology competitions, I want to study biology and become a scientist.

Ms Hoa: Great! It’s really important to follow your dream, Mai.

Mai: My mum still regrets not having gone to university. So I want to make her proud of me. How about you, Nam?

Nam: Well, I don’t think university is for me. I want to go to a vocational school because I want to become a car mechanic. My father owns a car repair shop. Having watched him work very hard for many years helped me make my decision.

Ms Hoa: That's very sensible, Nam! I hope you can help him grow his business.

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Bài 2 :

2. Read the conversation again. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc đoạn hội thoại một lần nữa. Quyết định xem những câu sau đây là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)




1. School-leavers only have the option of academic education.



2. Good grades at school can help students get into university.



3. Vocational schools are for those who want to develop job skills.



4. Nam wants to work at his father’s car repair shop after leaving school


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Bài 3 :

3. Find phrases in the conversation that mean the following.

(Tìm các cụm từ trong đoạn hội thoại có nghĩa như sau.) 

1. an event at which students can talk to representatives of universities or vocational schools about their study options.


2. an exam that someone takes to be accepted into a school or university


3. Studying at school or university to gain knowledge and develop thinking skills.


4. a place that teaches skills needed for particular jobs.


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Bài 4 :

4. Complete the sentences using phrases from 1.

(Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng các cụm từ từ 1.)

1. ___________ several biology competitions, Mai wants to study biology and become a scientist.

2. Mai’s mum still regrets not ___________ to university.

3. ___________ father work very hard for many years helped Nam make his decision.

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Bài 5 :

2. Read the article. Match the highlighted words with their meanings.

(Đọc bài viết. Nối các từ được đánh dấu với ý nghĩa của chúng.)


This month, Teen Talk magazine has received many letters from secondary school students asking about the different options for school-leavers. We've talked to educational experts, and they think that young people should either continue their studies at a college or university or go to a vocational school.

A. ______________________

Higher education is really for people who want formal learning in order to get an academic degree. If you are good at certain subjects and need a degree related to those subjects, then university is the right choice for you. Besides studying, university students also have the opportunity to live independently, make new friends, and join different clubs. Many students still manage to work part-time during their university years. In addition, college or university students usually have an advantage over students from vocational schools when it comes to further studies after a degree. They will also have broader career options and an advantage in the job market.

B. ______________________

If you are not interested in traditional academic subjects and want to work in a specific trade, then vocational education is the right choice for you. You will gain the practical skills and knowledge necessary for a specific job. In addition, a vocational school may also offer you an apprenticeship. This type of training not only provides students with hands-on experience, but also gives them wages to cover their living costs. Most importantly, vocational training is usually much shorter than a college or university course. After getting their vocational qualifications, graduates can immediately start work and earn a salary.

There are a lot of educational opportunities for school-leavers today. You can choose from hundreds of vocational schools or higher education institutions to continue your educational journey. 

1. formal

a. a job that requires special training and skills

2. manage

b. a period of time working for and leaning from a skilled person

3. trade

c. to succeed in doing something difficult

4. apprenticeship

d. important organisations that have a particular purpose

5. institutions

e. received in a school, college, or university, with lessons, exams, etc.

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Bài 6 :

4. Read the article again and complete each gap with ONE word.

(Đọc bài viết một lần nữa và hoàn thành mỗi khoảng trống với MỘT từ.)

College or university

Vocational school

For students who want (1) _____________

Get a (2) _____________ related to an academic subject

Join different clubs

For students who want to work in a specific (3) _____________

Can offer an (4) ____________

Finish their (5) ___________ quickly and start earning a salary.

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Bài 7 :

1. Read the text and complete the table below with information from the text. Use no more than TWO words or a number in each gap.

(Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành bảng dưới đây với thông tin từ văn bản. Sử dụng không quá HAI từ hoặc một số trong mỗi khoảng trống.)


In the UK, students can choose to end their formal education at 16, but in England they must stay in full-time education or do a training course until the age of 18.

Many 16-year-old students go on to study at different vocational colleges. Vocational education usually lasts up to three years. During this time, students learn job-specific skills. That is why vocational education is often referred to as career education or technical education. Many students still go on to higher education after receiving their vocational qualifications.

Alternatively, students can go toa sixth-form college or stay at their secondary school if it offers a sixth form for two more years. Students usually focus on three or four subjects that they are interested in or related to the degree they want to study at university. Exams are taken at the end of the two-year course, and the grades are used to apply for university courses. Not all students leaving sixth form go to university. Some prefer to get into a vocational course or find a job.

At university, students study for at least three years in order to get a bachelor’s degree. After the first degree, they can study for one to two years to get a master’s degree, and three to five years to get a doctorate. 

UK education after secondary school

Age at end of formal education

- 16 in the UK

- stay until the age of (1) ________ in full-time education or do training in England

Vocational education

- lats up to three years

- also called career education or (2) _________

- some students still go on to (3) _________

Sixth form

- lasts two years

- students study subjects they are interested in or subjects related to higher education.

- grades are used to apply for (4) _________

University education

students study to get a (5) ________, a master’s degree, or a doctorate

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Bài 8 :

1. Read the text and choose the best answers.

Lam’s educational journey

Lam completed secondary education when his parents were over 55. They were both farmers with a very low income. He had good grades, but he knew that it would be very difficult for his parents to (1) __________ his university costs. Lam talked to his teachers about his future plans and asked them for (2) __________. He also attended several education (3) ______________ for school-leavers and met representatives from different educational institutions. He realised that vocational training could help him (4) __________ a job faster because most vocational school courses are much shorter than those at traditional universities.

He also found out that the factory in the nearest town was in need of (5) __________. The factory also closely worked with a local vocational school that (6) __________ different training courses. So Lam decided to (7) __________ a one-year course in machinery mechanics. After finishing the course, Lam was immediately offered a(n) (8) __________ in the factory. He still thinks that vocational training was the right choice for him. Now he can even give his parents a portion of his salary as a way of showing respect and gratitude to them for raising him.

1. A. cover

B. buy

C. spend

D. get

2. A. permission

B. advice

C. help

D. payment

3. A. shops

B. institutions

C. fairs

D. markets

4. A. run

B. make

C. do

D. get

5. A. mechanics

B. managers

C. doctors

D. scientists

6. A. employs

B. provides

C. stays

D. pays

7. A. visit

B. apply

C. attend

D. go

8. A. degree

B. apprentice

C. salary

D. job

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Bài 9 :

2. Read the text and complete each sentence on page 66 with no more than THREE words from the text.

(Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành mỗi câu ở trang 66 với không quá BA từ trong văn bản.)

From a school-leaver to an award-winning teacher

We spoke with Mai Ha, an award-winning teacher, who grew up in a poor mountainous area. It’s amazing what she’s achieved and how much she’s contributed to her community.

Hi Mai Ha! Tell us about your education.

My parents always supported my studies, and I left school with high grades. Several top universities offered me a place, but I wanted to become a teacher of English, so I chose the University of Languages and International Studies.

I joined the university English language club, practising my English with native speakers and taking part in cultural exchanges. I also worked as a teaching assistant, which helped me improve my teaching skills. So after graduation, I got several job offers in Ha Noi.

But you returned to your home town. Why?

I think my old school needed me more than some big school in the city. English gave me lots of opportunities, and I wanted other young people in my town to learn the language and connect to the world.

You’re also involved in other initiatives. Can you tell us about them?

I became a member of several international teaching communities, and learnt a lot from experts and other English teachers. So I introduced an online platform to students at my school. They use it to communicate in English with teenagers from around the world. Our school even teamed up with a school in Manchester, and students from both schools worked on several projects together.

You've just won the Teacher of the Year award. Congratulations! How do you feel about it?

Thank you! I’m very proud of winning the award, but I’m prouder of my students, who work very hard to achieve their goals and learn new things. There is nothing more inspiring than seeing my students start to believe in themselves.

(Từ một học sinh vừa rời ghế nhà trường đến một giáo viên đoạt giải thưởng

Trò chuyện với chúng tôi Mai Hà, một giáo viên từng đoạt nhiều giải thưởng, lớn lên ở một vùng nghèo miền núi. Thật đáng kinh ngạc với những gì cô ấy đã đạt được và cô ấy đã đóng góp bao nhiêu cho cộng đồng của mình.

Chào Mai Hà! Hãy cho chúng tôi biết về giáo dục của bạn.

Bố mẹ tôi luôn ủng hộ việc học của tôi, và tôi rời trường với điểm số cao. Một số trường đại học hàng đầu đã mời tôi vào học, nhưng tôi muốn trở thành một giáo viên dạy tiếng Anh, vì vậy tôi đã chọn Đại học Ngôn ngữ và Nghiên cứu Quốc tế.

Tôi tham gia câu lạc bộ tiếng Anh của trường đại học, luyện tập tiếng Anh với người bản ngữ và tham gia các hoạt động giao lưu văn hóa. Tôi cũng từng làm trợ giảng, điều này giúp tôi cải thiện kỹ năng giảng dạy của mình. Vì vậy, sau khi tốt nghiệp, tôi nhận được nhiều lời mời làm việc tại Hà Nội.

Nhưng bạn đã trở về thành phố quê hương của bạn. Tại sao?

Tôi nghĩ ngôi trường cũ của tôi cần tôi hơn một ngôi trường lớn nào đó trong thành phố. Tiếng Anh đã cho tôi rất nhiều cơ hội và tôi muốn những người trẻ tuổi khác trong thị trấn của tôi học ngôn ngữ này và kết nối với thế giới.

Bạn cũng tham gia vào các sáng kiến khác. Bạn có thể cho chúng tôi biết về họ?

Tôi đã trở thành thành viên của một số cộng đồng giảng dạy quốc tế và học hỏi được nhiều điều từ các chuyên gia và giáo viên tiếng Anh khác. Vì vậy, tôi đã giới thiệu một nền tảng trực tuyến cho học sinh ở trường của tôi. Họ sử dụng nó để giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh với thanh thiếu niên từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. Trường của chúng tôi thậm chí còn hợp tác với một trường học ở Manchester, và học sinh của cả hai trường đã cùng nhau thực hiện một số dự án.

Bạn vừa giành được giải thưởng Giáo viên của năm. Chúc mừng! Bạn cảm thấy thế nào về nó?

Cảm ơn! Tôi rất tự hào vì đã giành được giải thưởng, nhưng tôi còn tự hào hơn về các học sinh của mình, những người đã làm việc rất chăm chỉ để đạt được mục tiêu và học hỏi những điều mới. Không có gì truyền cảm hứng hơn là nhìn thấy học sinh của tôi bắt đầu tin tưởng vào bản thân.)

1. After leaving school, Mai Ha went to university and trained to become a __________.

2. Mai Ha joined the English language club at her university. She also worked as a __________.

3. After graduation, she returned to her home town to teach English at her __________.

4. Mai Ha’s students use __________ to connect with teenagers from other countries and improve their English.

5. Mai Ha is very pleased when her hard-working students __________ and learn new things.

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Bài 10 :

Read the text and choose the best answers. (7 pts)

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Advantages of vocational training

A vocational school offers post-secondary training for a specific job, often in healthcare, technical, or other hands-on areas. Vocational schools are different from typical threeor four-year universities because their courses are less (29) _____________ and more practical. Their goal is to provide students with the skills they need to (30) ____________ in a specific trade.

Each vocational course is different since every job requires different skills. (31) _____________, a graphic designer will learn very different things from a fashion designer. Vocational training is very (32) _____________ for career development. Its advantage over other types of colleges is that its (33) _____________ is usually shorter. As training is highly focused and specific, some vocational courses can be completed in under a year or even in several months. In addition, vocational training is not only cheaper than university education, but graduates can also start earning a (34) _____________ in their chosen job or trade immediately.

In sum, vocational schools offer career-training opportunities so that people can be (35) _____________ in the job market and start doing what they love sooner.

29. A. academic

B. educational

C. informal

D. useful

30. A. work

B. study

C. leave

D. graduate

31. A. However

B. For example

C. As a result

D. Because

32. A. attractive

B. formal

C. interesting

D. important

33. A. duration

B. cost

C. experience

D. system

34. A. qualification

B. degree

C. salary

D. money

35. A. competitive

B. skilful

C. responsible

D. careful

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Bài 11 :

Read the text and choose the best answers. (4 pts)

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Making the leap from school to university

Getting into university is an important event for young people. While most students are excited about it, they should also be aware of the difference between university and school.

At school, most of your learning is done in the classroom. Teachers give you regular assignments and provide support and resources to help you complete them. Meanwhile, most of your learning at university involves self-studying and project work that you need to plan and complete by a certain date. It is your responsibility to review lecture notes, read textbooks, and do research to find information in the library or online.

Your relationships at school are often limited to schoolmates or classmates. You interact with them mostly in a school environment; therefore, your group of friends is small and very familiar. By contrast, at university, you not only have more contacts, but you also meet people from different backgrounds. Therefore, you need better social skills to deal with any conflict you may come into when interacting with other people.

As a secondary school student, you also live with your parents who provide you with the daily care and support you need. You don’t have to worry about things such as shopping or cooking for yourself. You have your parents take care of your physical and mental well-being. Once you go to university, you will probably move away from home and start to live independently. You need to improve your life skills so that you can manage your own life.

36. What is the text mainly about?

A. A comparison between school life and university life.

B. An explanation why university life is more interesting.

C. Advice on how to leap into university life.

D. A report on the difficulties of university life.

37. What does the word ‘them’ in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. classrooms

B. teachers

C. assignments

D. resources

38. The word ‘contacts’ in paragraph 3 mostly means _____________.

A. people you know

B. physical interactions you have

C. people you want to contact

D. social benefits you have

39. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. Students will know more people from different places at university.

B. At school, students rarely receive support from teachers to complete their homework.

C. At university, students need to be more responsible for their own learning.

D. Students need good life skills to live independently at university.

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