Đề bài


1. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1 Exercise _______ boost your energy levels.

A must                        C can

B has to                                   D should

2 Kate _______ take her medicine every day because she has heart disease.

A might                                   C could

B can                           D has to

3 Eric _______  join the basketball club. He's

not sure yet.

A may                         C should

 B must                                    D has to

4 You _______  cheat in exams. It's against the rules.

A don't have to            C couldn't

B mustn't                     D aren't able to

5 I _______  eat a more balanced diet to get fit. It's my obligation.

A could                                   C must

B am able to    D might

6 They _______  buy tennis racquets. Their school has some for them to borrow.

A don't have to            C mustn't

B couldn't                   D can't

7 Danny hurt his foot, so he _______  play in the football match last Sunday.

A can                           C could

B was able to  D wasn't able to

8 Laura  _______ play basketball when she started secondary school, but now she is the best player in the team.

A shouldn't                  C mustn't

B couldn't                   D didn't have to

9 She _______ play rollerblading very well when she was five.

A can                           C could

B is able to                  D may

10 Nelson _______ wash his football kit. His mum did it for him.

A didn't have to           C mustn't

B shouldn't                  D was able to

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. Exercise can boost your energy levels. (Tập thể dục có thể tăng mức năng lượng của bạn.)

2. Kate has to take her medicine every day because she has heart disease. (Kate phải uống thuốc hàng ngày vì cô ấy bị bệnh tim.)

3. Eric may join the basketball club. He's not sure yet. (Eric có thể tham gia câu lạc bộ bóng rổ. Anh ấy vẫn chưa chắc chắn.)

4. You mustn't cheat in exams. It's against the rules. (Bạn không được gian lận trong thi cử. Nó trái với quy định.)

5. I must eat a more balanced diet to get fit. It's my obligation. (Tôi phải ăn một chế độ ăn uống cân bằng hơn để có được thân hình cân đối. Đó là nghĩa vụ của tôi.)

6. They don't have to buy tennis racquets. Their school has some for them to borrow. (Họ không phải mua vợt tennis. Trường học của họ có một số thứ cho họ mượn.)

7. Danny hurt his foot, so he wasn't able to play in the football match last Sunday. (Danny bị đau chân nên anh ấy không thể thi đấu trận bóng đá vào Chủ nhật tuần trước.)

8. Laura didn't have to play basketball when she started secondary school, but now she is the best player in the team. (Laura không phải chơi bóng rổ khi bắt đầu học cấp hai, nhưng giờ cô ấy là cầu thủ giỏi nhất trong đội.)

9. She could play rollerblading very well when she was five. (Cô ấy có thể chơi trượt patin rất giỏi khi mới 5 tuổi.)

10. Nelson didn't have to wash his football kit. His mum did it for him. (Nelson không cần phải giặt bộ quần áo bóng đá của mình. Mẹ anh ấy đã làm điều đó cho anh ấy.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Choose the best answer.

Your grandparents live far from you, so you  _______ talk to them on the phone regularly.

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Bài 2 :

Choose the best answer.

You _____ stay up at night, which is not good for your health.

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Bài 3 :

Choose the best answer.

I can watch TV and play computer games on Sunday because I _____ go to school that day.

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Bài 4 :

Choose the best answer.

I ______ stay overnight at my friend’s house. My parents are very strict about this.

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Bài 5 :

Choose the best answer.

You ______ stare at the computer screen for too long. It is really bad for your eyesight.

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Bài 6 :

Choose the best answer.

My friend says: "You ____ drink champagne. You can have a coke or fruit juice instead.

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Bài 7 :

Choose the best answer.

You_______ drink if you're going to drive afterwards.

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Bài 8 :

Choose the best answer.

She_______ speak English well because her current job needs it.

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Bài 9 :

Choose the best answer.

I ______ go home now to finish my homework.

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Bài 10 :

Choose the best answer.

You ______  pick up Tom at the airport because Judy will pick him up.  

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Bài 11 :

Choose the best answer.

She_____ stay at home to look after her children because there is no one to help her.

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Bài 12 :

Choose the best answer.

You _____ become more responsible by sharing the housework with other people in our family.

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Bài 13 :

Choose the best answer.

My grandparents live in the suburbs, so whenever we visit them, we ______ take a bus.

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Bài 14 :

Choose the best answer.

We _____ buy souvenirs for Sally. She doesn't like them.

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Bài 15 :

Choose the best answer.

If you are a member of the club, you ______ pay to use these facilities because they are included in the membership fee.

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Bài 16 :

 may, might, could, can, must (có thể, phải)

1. Read examples 1-5. What do the modal verbs in blue mean? Write possibly, definitely or definitely not.

(Đọc ví dụ 1-5. Các động từ khuyết thiếu màu xanh có nghĩa là gì? Viết “possibly” (có khả năng), “definitely” (chắc chắn) hoặc “definitely not” (chắc chắn không).)

1. They could be expressing sadness. _____

2. The evidence suggests that animals must feel something. _____

3. They can’t simply be like robots. _____

4. We may know more in the future. _____

5. They might, perhaps, have emotions. _____

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Bài 17 :

2. Choose the correct options to complete the rules.

(Chọn các phương án đúng để hoàn thành các quy tắc.)

RULES (Quy tắc)

1. We use may, might and could to express possibility / certainty.

2. We use must and can’t when we are certain / not certain about things.

3. The modal verbs in exercise 1 change / don’t change in the he, she and it forms.

4. We always / never use to after modal verbs.

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Bài 18 :

3. Complete the sentences with appropriate modal verbs.


(Hoàn thành câu với động từ khuyết thiếu thích hợp.)

1. She’s smiling, so she _____ be unhappy.

2. I’m not sure, but they _____ live in Huế.

3. You’re going to Canada? You _____ be excited!

4. Orcas are rare here, but you _____ see one if you’re lucky.

5. It _____ be frightening to see a shark when you’re swimming.

6. England aren’t a great football team. They _____ not win the match tomorrow.

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Bài 19 :


4. Work in pairs. Exchange opinions about ideas 1-6 using words from the box and the modal verbs.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Trao đổi ý kiến về các ý 1-6 bằng cách sử dụng các từ trong khung và các động từ khuyết thiếu.)

be frightening – be fun – be intelligent – be surprising – have feelings – have fun

1. horse riding (cưỡi ngựa)

2. elephants (voi)

3. this film (bộ phim này)

4. my exam results (kết quả bài kiểm tra của tôi)

5. swimming with dolphins (bơi cùng cá heo)

6. spiders (nhện)


A: Horse riding might be fun. (Cưỡi ngựa có thể rất thú vị.)

B: Really? I think it must be frightening. (Thật sao? Tôi nghĩ nó hẳn là đáng sợ.)

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Bài 20 :

Write five sentences about the animal emotions using modal verbs.

(Viết năm câu về cảm xúc của động vật sử dụng động từ khiếm khuyết.)

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Bài 21 :

 Ability: can, could, be able to (Khả năng: can, could, be able to)

Study the examples and choose the correct options to complete the rules.

(Nghiên cứu các ví dụ và chọn các phương án đúng để hoàn thành các quy tắc.)

- You can’t turn down drums. (Bạn không thể làm giảm tiếng trống.)

- I couldn’t hear you. (Tôi đã không thể nghe thấy bạn.)

- One day you’ll be able to play the whole song. (Một ngày nào đó bạn sẽ có thể chơi được toàn bộ bài hát.)

RULES (Quy tắc)

1. We use can / could to express an ability in the past.

2. We use can / could to express an ability in the present.

3. We use be able to / could to express an ability in the future.

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Bài 22 :

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could or be able to.

(Hoàn thành các câu với dạng đúng của “can”, “could” hoặc “be able to”.)

1. Why don’t you turn up the music. Then we’ll all _____ sing along.

2. I’m going to have singing lessons. Then I might _____ join a band.

3. We _____ turn on the TV because it was broken.

4. I really _____ exercise at the moment. I’m too tired.

5. _____ you speak English when you were three?

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Bài 23 :

3. Make sentences using phrases from the boxes.

(Đặt câu bằng cách sử dụng các cụm từ trong khung.)

- I’m sure that people will be able to speak with animals in the future.

(Tôi chắc chắn rằng con người sẽ có thể nói chuyện với động vật trong tương lai.)

I don’t think that

(Tôi không nghĩ rằng)

I doubt that (Tôi nghi ngờ rằng)

I’m sure that (Tôi chắc rằng)

In the past, (Trong quá khứ)

When I was younger,

(Khi tôi còn nhỏ)

One day soon, (Một ngày không xa)

I (tôi)

my best friend

(bạn thân nhất của tôi)

my parents (bố mẹ tôi)

people (mọi người)

this class (lớp học này)

scientists (các nhà khoa học)



will be able to

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Bài 24 :

 Advice and obligation: should, must, have to

(Lời khuyên và nghĩa vụ: should, must, have to)

4. Read examples 1-6. Write A (advice), O / P (obligation or prohibition) or N / O (no obligation).

(Đọc ví dụ 1-6. Viết A (lời khuyên), O / P (nghĩa vụ hoặc cấm đoán) hoặc N / O (không bắt buộc).)

1. You must be careful. _____

(Bạn phải cẩn thận.)

2. You mustn’t listen to music when you’re cycling. _____

(Bạn không được nghe nhạc khi đạp xe.)

3. You have to concentrate if you’re on the road. _____

(Bạn phải tập trung khi đang di chuyển trên đường.)

4. You don’t have to practise all day every day. _____

(Bạn không cần phải luyện tập cả ngày.)

5. You should look where you’re going. _____

(Bạn nên nhìn xem mình đang đi đâu.)

6. You could have a break sometimes. _____

(Đôi khi bạn có thể nghỉ ngơi.)

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Bài 25 :

6. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những lựa chọn đúng.)

1. You mustn’t / shouldn’t wake her up. She looks so peaceful.

2. You don’t have to / mustn’t help, but you can if you’ve got time.

3. You must / should turn off all music after midnight. That’s the law.

4. I mustn’t / don’t have to eat chocolate. I’m allergic to it.

5. You have to / don’t have to be in bed to feel relaxed.

6. We shouldn’t / don’t have to distract her. She’s concentrating.

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Bài 26 :


7. Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hoàn thành các câu với ý tưởng của riêng bạn.)

For the world to be a peaceful place, ... (Để thế giới trở thành một nơi hòa bình, ...)

1. we should ... (chúng ta nên)

2. we shouldn’t ... (chúng ta không nên)

3. we must ... (chúng ta phải)

4. we mustn’t ... (chúng ta không được)

5.  we don’t have to ... (chúng ta không cần phải)

To be in a good mood every day, ... (Để có tâm trạng tốt mỗi ngày, …)

6. you should ... (bạn nên)

7. you shouldn’t ... (bạn không nên)

8. you have to ... (bạn phải)

9. you don’t have to ... (bạn không phải)

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Bài 27 :

can/may/might (Possibility)

I may/might start exercising today. I can improve my health by doing exercise. (It’s possible.)

should/shouldn’t (Advice)

You should exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. (I advise you to.)

You shouldn’t spend too much time online. (I advise you not to.)

must/have to/had to (Obligation/Necessity)

I must exercise every day to boost my energy. (It’s my obligation.)

You have to/had to be on time for badminton practice. (It is/was a rule.)

She has to/had to go jogging every day to lose weight. (It is/was necessary.)

don’t have to/didn’t have to (Lack of necessity)

You don’t have to pay to join the sports club; it’s free. (It isn’t necessary.)

He didn’t have to go to football practise yesterday. (It wasn’t necessary.)

mustn't (Prohibition)

We mustn't leave our personal belongings at the gym. (It’s against the rules/laws.)

Tạm dịch:

can/may/might (khả năng)

Tôi có thể/có thể bắt đầu tập thể dục ngay hôm nay. Tôi có thể cải thiện sức khỏe của mình bằng cách tập thể dục. (Có thể.)

should/shouldn’t (Lời khuyên)

Bạn nên tập thể dục ít nhất 30 phút mỗi ngày. (Tôi khuyên bạn nên.)

Bạn không nên dành quá nhiều thời gian trực tuyến. (Tôi khuyên bạn không nên.)

must/have to/had to (nghĩa vụ/sự cần thiết)

Tôi phải tập thể dục mỗi ngày để tăng cường năng lượng. (Đó là nghĩa vụ của tôi.)

Bạn phải/phải đến đúng giờ để tập cầu lông. (Đó là/đã là một quy tắc.)

Cô ấy phải/phải chạy bộ mỗi ngày để giảm cân. (Nó là/cần thiết.)

don’t have to/didn’t have to (Thiếu cần thiết)

Bạn không phải trả tiền để tham gia câu lạc bộ thể thao; nó miễn phí. (Nó không cần thiết.)

Hôm qua anh ấy không phải đi tập bóng đá. (Nó không cần thiết.)

mustn't (Cấm)

Chúng ta không được để đồ đạc cá nhân ở phòng tập. (Nó trái với các quy tắc/luật.)

1. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những lựa chọn đúng.)

1. I must/mustn’t work out regularly to have good physical and mental health.

2. I may/must go swimming after after school tomorrow. I’ll think about it.

3. You shouldn’t/don’t have to exercise right after eating a big lunch.

4. Mike mustn’t/didn’t have to buy new running shoes; he already had some.

5. Neil had to/should walk in the rain after football practice yesterday.


A: I might/have to go swimming this afternoon. I’m thinking about that.

B: But, you mustn’t/don’t have to swim in the pool a swimming suit. Let’s buy one first.


A: Can I/Do I have to buy a membership for a fitness class at the community centre?

B: No, you mustn’t/don’t have to pay for those classes.

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Bài 28 :

2. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings. Use the modals in brackets.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi. Sử dụng các phương thức trong ngoặc.)

1. I advise you to work out more often to strengthen your body. (SHOULD)

You should work out more often to strengthen your body.

2. It’s a rule that all gym members sign in at the front desk. (HAVE TO)


3. It isn’t necessary for teens to be perfect at a sport right away. (DON’T HAVE TO)


4. It’s possible that regular exercising helps prevent some diseases. (MAY)


5. It’s necessary for me to eat more fruit and vegetables to control my weight. (MUST)


6. It’s against the rule for us to sign up for more than one fitness class each day. (MUSTN’T)


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Bài 29 :

3. Use the modals in the theory box to talk about playing sports and exercising.

(Sử dụng các thể từ trong khung lý thuyết để nói về việc chơi thể thao và luyện tập.)

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Bài 30 :


can/be able to; can’t/not be able to (General ability in the present)

She can/is able to lay basketball very well.

He can’t/isn’t able to finish a 2000-metre race. It’s too tiring for him.

could/be able to; couldn’t/not be able to (Ability in the past)

He could/was able to/couldn’t/wasn’t able to ride a bike when he was six.

They couldn’t/weren’t able to win the football match because they didn’t practise much.

was able to (Specific ability in the past in a particular situation)

John had a headache, but he was able to finish his workout.

Tạm dịch:

can/be able to; can’t/not be able to (Khả năng chung ở hiện tại)

Cô ấy có thể/có khả năng chơi bóng rổ rất giỏi.

Anh ấy không thể/không thể hoàn thành cuộc đua 2000 mét. Nó quá mệt mỏi đối với anh ấy.

could/be able to; couldn’t/not be able to (Khả năng trong quá khứ)

Anh ấy có thể/có thể/không thể/không thể đi xe đạp khi anh ấy sáu tuổi.

Họ không thể/không thể thắng trận bóng đá vì họ không luyện tập nhiều.

was able to (Khả năng cụ thể trong quá khứ trong một tình huống cụ thể)

John bị đau đầu nhưng anh ấy vẫn có thể hoàn thành bài tập của mình.

4. Fill in each gap with can, could or be able to in the correct form. Some sentences have two possible answers.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với can, could hoặc be could ở dạng đúng. Một số câu có thể có hai câu trả lời.)

1. Duy _______ play rugby. He doesn’t know the rules.

2. My grandma _______ ice skate when she was young.

3. I _______ play tennis well, but I’m better at playing football.

4. Bob _______ attend badminton practice last night because he had to study.

5. Jeremy had an injury during the basketball game, but he _______ finish it.

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