Đề bài

Name five inventions from the last 100 years and five inventions from previous centuries.

(Kể tên 5 phát minh trong 100 năm qua và 5 phát minh từ các thế kỷ trước.)

Lời giải chi tiết :

Five inventions from the last 100 years: Internet, smartphone, personal computer, antibiotics, and DNA sequencing.

(Năm phát minh trong 100 năm qua: Internet, điện thoại thông minh, máy tính cá nhân, thuốc kháng sinh và trình tự DNA.)

Five inventions from previous centuries: printing press (15th century), steam engine (18th century), telegraph (19th century), light bulb (19th century), and compass (11th century).

(Năm phát minh từ các thế kỷ trước: máy in (thế kỷ 15), động cơ hơi nước (thế kỷ 18), điện báo (thế kỷ 19), bóng đèn (thế kỷ 19) và la bàn (thế kỷ 11).)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

1. Complete the gaps in the stories about discoveries 1-8 with the words in the box. Which sentence do you think is false?

(Hoàn thành những chỗ trống trong câu chuyện về những khám phá từ 1-8 bằng những từ trong khung. Theo bạn câu nào là sai?)

capsule – drug – electricity – headaches – life – microchip – radar – species


People invented the wheel more than 5,000 years ago. Recently, in a survey of the most important inventions of all time, people chose the wheel, the internet and _____.


Before Robert Watson- Watt designed a modern _____ system, people had more primitive methods for detecting an enemy.


John Pemberton was a pharmacist who hoped to cure _____ with a mixture of coca leaves and cola nuts. An assistant accidentally added water, creating a drink which later became Coca-Cola.


We have been exploring space since the 1960s. Nowadays, scientists are researching how we can adapt to _____ in space in the future.


In 1865, Jules Verne wrote From the Earth to the Moon. In this story, he imagined astronauts travelling from Florida to the moon in an aluminium _____. In 1969, that really happened.


People sometimes experiment with their own bodies. Professor Kevin Warwick implanted a _____ into his arm and into his wife’s arm. Now, when she feels something, he feels it too.


When researchers develop a new _____ they often use animals to test it, but they also pay people - ‘human guinea pigs’. These people stay in comfortable clinics and receive good care while they do this risky job.


Scientists identify approximately 18,000 new _____ every year. In 2015, they discovered this beautiful sea creature near Japan. They also found the fossil of a unicorn, which has become extinct.

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Bài 2 :

 STUDY STRATEGY (Chiến lược học tập)

Learning new words in families (Học từ mới theo các họ từ)

When you learn a new word, study other words in the same family in your dictionary. Learning words in families makes them more memorable and helps you learn a lot of words quickly.

(Khi bạn học một từ mới, hãy nghiên cứu những từ khác cùng họ trong từ điển của bạn. Học từ theo gốc khiến chúng dễ nhớ hơn và giúp bạn học được nhiều từ một cách nhanh chóng.)


Study the words in blue in the stories about discoveries. Copy and complete the table with the base form of each verb and a noun for each of the verbs.

(Nghiên cứu những từ màu xanh lam trong những câu chuyện về khám phá. Sao chép và hoàn thành bảng với dạng cơ bản của mỗi động từ và một danh từ cho mỗi động từ.)

Verb (base form) (Động từ (dạng cơ bản))

Noun (Danh từ)

invent (phát minh)

design (thiết kế)

invention (sự phát minh)

design (mẫu thiết kế)

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Bài 3 :

VOCABULARY PLUS (Từ vựng thêm)

3. Find the noun form of words 1-5 in the text. Which four suffixes can you identify?

(Tìm dạng danh từ của các từ 1-5 trong văn bản. Bạn có thể xác định được bốn hậu tố nào?)

1. explore (v) _____.

2. develop (v) _____.

3. advance (v) _____.

4. invent (v) _____.

5. communicate (v) _____.

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Bài 4 :

1. Complete the sentences with one of the words from each pair.

(Hoàn thành câu với một trong các từ trong mỗi cặp.)

adapt / adaptation – create / creation – discover / discovery

explore / exploration – imagine / imagination – invent / invention

1. Scientists now think that there is water on Mars. That’s an amazing _____.

2. Ava developed some great ideas for our design project. She has a fantastic _____.

3. Scientists want to _____ the Amazon and look for new types of animals and plants.

4. Hezârfen Ahmed Çelebi created a new _____ in the 17th century – it was a set of special ‘bird wings’ that he could fly with.

5. Could you _____ to living in space?

6. The two governments want to work together and _____ a space programme.

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Bài 5 :

2. Complete the sentences with the noun form of the words in brackets.

(Hoàn thành câu với dạng danh từ của từ trong ngoặc.)

1. The _____ of space has led to numerous scientific breakthroughs. (explore)

2. The _____ of technology has significantly impacted our daily lives. (develop)

3. The _____ in digital technology have improved the way we perform daily tasks such as navigating traffic. (advance)

4. Alexander Graham Bell’s _____ of the telephone led to modern telecommunications technology. (invent)

5. Effective _____ plays an important role in building strong relationships. (communicate)

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Bài 6 :

1. Match the words with photos 1-5.

(Ghép các từ với hình ảnh từ 1-5.)

design           discover        experiment           explore         imagine         invent



1. _____________


2. _____________


3. _____________


4. _____________


5. _____________

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Bài 7 :

2. Match the verbs in the box with the definitions. Then write the noun form of each verb.

(Ghép các động từ trong hộp với định nghĩa. Sau đó viết dạng danh từ của mỗi động từ.)

adapt             become extinct        create           cure

develop         test

when a scientist or designer thinks of a new idea and makes it successful develop (v) development (n)

1. when a person makes something new  

_____ (v) _____ (n)

2. when a doctor or scientist makes an illness go away

_____ (v) _____ (n)

3. when an animal or a person changes their behaviour because they are in a new situation

_____ (v) _____ (n)

4. when a scientist uses or looks at something carefully to see how well it works

_____ (v) _____ (n)

5. when an animal or a plant no longer exists

_____ (v) _____ (n)

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Bài 8 :

3. Complete the questions with discovery and invention nouns. Then choose the correct answers.

(Hoàn thành các câu hỏi với những danh từ chỉ sự khám phá và phát minh. Sau đó chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

Quiz: Science and nature

NASA has an exploration programme for a planet in our solar system. Which one is it?

a. Mars        b. Jupiter       c. Neptune

1. In 1483, Leonardo da Vinci created an early d_____ for something. What was it?

a. a trainb. a parachute          c. a computer

2. The chameleon is an animal that can make an a_____ to its body. What can it change?

a. its weight   b. its length   c. its colour

3. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell created a useful new i_____. What was it?

a. the telephone        b. the radio    c. the television

4. Which animal is in danger of e_____?

a. the European rabbit        b. the greater flamingo

c. the mountain gorilla

5. Alexander Fleming made an important scientific d_____ in 1928. What was it?

a. the use of X-rays            b. penicillin

c. the vaccine for polio

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Bài 9 :

4. Complete the sentences about discoveries and inventions. Use some of the words on this page and your own ideas.

(Hoàn thành các câu về khám phá và phát minh. Sử dụng một số từ trên trang này và ý tưởng của riêng bạn.)

Cars are essential in the modern world. I think it's hard to imagine life without the invention of the wheel because it's so important for transport.

1. I use the internet every day. _____ are at the top of my list of useful inventions because _____

2. Some diseases and illnesses no longer exist in the world. An important goal now is _____

3. My smartphone always runs out of battery. I can't think of anything better than _____

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