Đề bài

5. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the given one.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa không đổi với câu cho trước.)

1. Unless you go now, you won't see the opening ceremony of the celebration.

If _________________________________. 

2. I will attend Songkran celebration if I am in Thailand when it takes place.

Provided that _________________________________. 

3. Fiona has been to Vietnam before, but she has never celebrated the Lunar New Year there.

Although _________________________________.    

4. I was driving to Susan's coming-of-age celebration when I saw a car accident.

While _________________________________. 

5. The music started playing at the moment the bride entered the room.

When _________________________________.    

6. We will attend the Viking Festival only if we have time during our trip.

As long as _________________________________.    

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. If you don't go now, you won't see the opening ceremony of the celebration.

(Không đi bây giờ sẽ không xem được lễ khai mạc lễ hội.)

2. Provided that I am in Thailand when Songkran takes place, I will attend its celebration.

(Với điều kiện là tôi đang ở Thái Lan khi Songkran diễn ra, tôi sẽ tham dự lễ kỷ niệm của lễ hội đó.)

3. Although Fiona has been to Vietnam before, she has never celebrated Lunar New Year there.

(Mặc dù Fiona đã từng đến Việt Nam nhưng cô ấy chưa bao giờ đón Tết Nguyên đán ở đó.)

4. While I was driving to Susan's coming-of-age celebration. I saw a car accident.

(Khi tôi đang lái xe đến dự lễ trưởng thành của Susan. Tôi đã nhìn thấy một vụ tai nạn xe hơi.)

5. When the bride entered the room, the music started playing.

(Khi cô dâu bước vào phòng, nhạc bắt đầu vang lên.)

6. As long as we have time during our trip, we will attend the Viking Festival.

(Miễn là chúng tôi có thời gian trong chuyến đi, chúng tôi sẽ tham dự Lễ hội Viking.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Adverbial clauses of condition and comparison

(Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện và so sánh)

1. Combine the sentences using adverbial clauses of condition or comparison. Use the conjunctions in brackets and make any necessary changes.

(Nối các câu sử dụng mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện hoặc so sánh. Sử dụng các liên từ trong ngoặc và thực hiện bất kỳ thay đổi cần thiết nào.)

1. You must release the sea turtle into the sea. Otherwise, it will die soon. (if)

(Bạn phải thả rùa biển về biển. Nếu không nó sẽ chết sớm.)

=> ________________________________________________________

2. Raising people's awareness is important to preserve wildlife. Imposing strict laws is also important. (as... as)

(Nâng cao nhận thức của người dân là điều quan trọng để bảo tồn động vật hoang dã. Việc áp đặt luật nghiêm ngặt cũng rất quan trọng.)

=> ________________________________________________________

3. We must stop poaching. Otherwise, many endangered species will become extinct. (unless)

(Chúng ta phải chấm dứt nạn săn trộm. Nếu không, nhiều loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng sẽ bị tuyệt chủng.)

=> ________________________________________________________

4. A monkey is very intelligent. You may not think it is. (more... than)

(Khỉ rất thông minh. Bạn có thể không nghĩ là như vậy.)

=> ________________________________________________________

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Bài 2 :

2. Work in pairs. Make sentences about endangered animals using adverbial clauses of condition or comparison.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Đặt câu về các loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng bằng cách sử dụng các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ tình trạng hoặc so sánh.)

Example: (Ví dụ)

Punishment for hunting endangered animals is not as harsh as it should be.

(Hình phạt cho việc săn bắt động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng không quá khắc nghiệt như đáng lẽ nó phải có.)

If we don't protect giant pandas, they will soon become extinct.

(Nếu chúng ta không bảo vệ loài gấu trúc khổng lồ, chúng sẽ sớm bị tuyệt chủng.)

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Bài 3 :

Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of the following sentences.

(Chọn câu kết hợp tốt nhất mỗi cặp câu sau.)

1. People continue to buy clothes made of wild animal skins. This will encourage poaching and illegal trade in body parts.

A. If people continue to buy clothes made of wild animal skins, this will encourage poaching and illegal trade in body parts.

B. If poaching and illegal trade in body parts are encouraged, people will continue to buy clothes made of wild animal skins.

C. Unless people continue to buy clothes made of wild animal skins, this will encourage

poaching and illegal trade in body parts.

D. Unless people are encouraged to poach and trade body parts illegally, they will continue to buy clothes made of wild animal skins.

2. Sharks are not dangerous. People think they are dangerous.

A. Sharks are as dangerous as people think.

B. Sharks are not as dangerous as people think.

C. Sharks are more dangerous than people think.

D. Sharks are thought to be more dangerous.

3. We should try our best to conserve wildlife in the area. Otherwise, many wild animals may not survive.

A. Unless many wild animals survive, we will try our best to conserve wildlife in the area.

B. If we try our best to conserve wildlife in the area, many wild animals may not survive.

C. Unless we try our best to conserve wildlife in the area, many wild animals may not survive.

D. If we do not try our best to conserve wildlife in the area, many wild animals may survive.

4. The baby gibbon grew very quickly. We didn't expect that.

A. The baby gibbon didn't grow quickly as we expected.

B. The baby gibbon grew as quickly as we expected.

C. The baby gibbon expected that it would grow quickly.

D. The baby gibbon grew more quickly than we expected.

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Bài 4 :

3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences.

(Đánh dấu chữ A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu dưới đây.)

1. There are (A) many endangered (B) species in the region (C) that the local authority has decided (D) to create more protected areas.

2. The (A) cost of advertising on (B) the Internet is (C) equally low as (D) that of using printed brochures.

3. Visitors can safely (A) take photos (B) of wild animals in the park (C) unless they quietly (D) move around the area.

4. My manager (A) has decided (B) to have the company's computer software (C) update (D) at least once a month.

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Bài 5 :

a.     Read about adverbial clauses of comparison, then fill in the blanks. 

(Đọc về mệnh đề trạng từ so sánh, sau đó điền vào chỗ trống.)

Meeting in person is (1) ____fun____instant messaging on social media.

I agree. However, it isn't  (2)______ convenient ____instant messaging.

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Bài 6 :

b. Listen and check. Listen again and repeat

(Nghe và kiểm tra. Nghe lại và lặp lại)

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Bài 7 :

c. Choose the correct conjunctions.

(Chọn các liên từ đúng)

1. People aren't as/than kind on social media as they are in real life.

2. Do you think its much easier to meet people in person as/than it used to be?

3. Cyberbullying is more serious as/than it has ever been.

4.1 think online forums aren't than/as trustworthy as blogs and social media.

5. People feel less embarrassed to do silly things on social media as/than in real life.

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Bài 8 :

d. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences.

(Chọn câu gần nghĩa nhất với mỗi câu sau.)

1. People are more unkind on social media than in person.

A People are as unkind on social media as they are in person.

B. People are as kind on social media as they are in person.

C. People are kinder in person than on social media.

(Mọi người tàn nhẫn trên mạng xã hội hơn là gặp trực tiếp.

A Mọi người không tử tế trên mạng xã hội như ngoài đời thực.

B. Mọi người tử tế trên mạng xã hội như ngoài đời thực.

C. Mọi người ở ngoài đời tử tế hơn trên mạng xã hội.)

2. Its easier to be anonymous online than in person. 

A. Being anonymous online is easier than in person.

B. Being anonymous online is as easy as in person.

C. Being anonymous online isn't as easy as in person.

(Ẩn danh trực tuyến dễ dàng hơn trực tiếp.

A. Ẩn danh trực tuyến dễ dàng hơn trực tiếp.

B. Ẩn danh trực tuyến cũng dễ dàng như gặp trực tiếp.

C. Ẩn danh trực tuyến không dễ dàng như gặp trực tiếp.)

3. It isn’t as easy to get advice in person as it is on social media.

A Getting advice in person is more difficult than on social media

B. Getting advice in person isn't as difficult as on social media.

C. Getting advice on social media is as difficult as in person.

(Nhận lời khuyên trực tiếp không dễ như trên mạng xã hội.

A Nhận lời khuyên trực tiếp khó hơn trên mạng xã hội

B. Nhận lời khuyên trực tiếp không khó như trên mạng xã hội.

C. Nhận lời khuyên trên mạng xã hội cũng khó như gặp trực tiếp.)

4. People feel more embarrassed to express themselves in person than on social media.

A. It’s less embarrassing expressing yourself in person than on social media.

B. People don't like to express themselves on social media because they feel more embarrassed.

C. Expressing yourself on social media isn't as embarrassing as in person.

(Mọi người cảm thấy xấu hổ khi thể hiện bản thân trực tiếp hơn là trên mạng xã hội.

A. Việc thể hiện bản thân trực tiếp sẽ ít xấu hổ hơn so với trên mạng xã hội.

B. Mọi người không thích thể hiện bản thân trên mạng xã hội vì họ cảm thấy xấu hổ hơn.

C. Thể hiện bản thân trên mạng xã hội không xấu hổ như gặp trực tiếp.)

5.It's just as convenient to meet people in person as it is on social media.

A. It’s less convenient to meet people on social media than in person.

B. Meeting people on social media is as convenient as in person.

C. Social media makes meeting people online more convenient than in person.

(Việc gặp gỡ trực tiếp mọi người cũng thuận tiện như trên mạng xã hội.

A. Gặp gỡ mọi người trên mạng xã hội sẽ kém thuận tiện hơn gặp trực tiếp.

B. Gặp gỡ mọi người trên mạng xã hội cũng thuận tiện như gặp trực tiếp.

C. Phương tiện truyền thông xã hội giúp việc gặp gỡ mọi người trực tuyến thuận tiện hơn gặp mặt trực tiếp.)

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Bài 9 :

e. In pairs: Make sentences with adverbial clauses of comparison about different kinds of media. 

(Theo cặp: Đặt câu với mệnh đề trạng từ so sánh về các loại phương tiện truyền thông khác nhau.)

... than            as ... as less ... than      not as ... as

It’s easier to learn new things online than it used to be.

(Việc học những điều mới trực tuyến dễ dàng hơn trước đây.)

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Bài 10 :

a. Read about adverbial clauses of condition, then fill in the blank.

____ people keep leaving trash at the beach, water pollution will keep getting worse.

OK. Let’s volunteer for a clean-up. 

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Bài 11 :

b. Listen and check. Listen again and repeat.

(Nghe và kiểm tra. Nghe lại và lặp lại.)

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Bài 12 :

c. Underline the mistakes and write the correct words on the lines.

(Hãy gạch dưới những lỗi sai và viết những từ đúng vào các dòng.)

1. We can protect marine life, as long as we teach children about the importance of recycling.

(Chúng ta có thể bảo vệ sinh vật biển miễn là chúng ta dạy trẻ em về tầm quan trọng của việc tái chế.)

2. Unless we stopping the destruction of habitats, more species will become endangered.

(Trừ khi chúng ta ngăn chặn việc phá hủy môi trường sống, nhiều loài sẽ gặp nguy hiểm hơn.)

3. The beach will remain beautiful as long they organize a monthly clean-up.

(Bãi biển sẽ vẫn đẹp miễn là họ tổ chức dọn dẹp hàng tháng.)

4. I'll collect the donations, in case you're busy with training volunteers.

(Tôi sẽ thu tiền quyên góp trong trường hợp bạn bận đào tạo tình nguyện viên.)

5. Populations will continue to decrease if we won't stop cutting down trees.

(Dân số sẽ tiếp tục giảm nếu chúng ta không ngừng chặt cây.)

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Bài 13 :

d. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences.

(Chọn câu gần nghĩa nhất với mỗi câu sau.)

1. Unless we breed endangered animals, they will go extinct.

(Trừ khi chúng ta nhân giống các loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng, chúng sẽ bị tuyệt chủng.)

A. If we treed endangered animals, they will go extinct.

(Nếu chúng ta trồng những loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng, chúng sẽ bị tuyệt chủng.)

B. If we don't breed endangered animals, they will go extinct.

(Nếu chúng ta không nhân giống các loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng, chúng sẽ bị tuyệt chủng.)

C. In case we breed endangered animals, they won't go extinct.

(Trong trường hợp chúng ta nuôi các loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng thì chúng sẽ không bị tuyệt chủng.)

2. Rescuers won't reintroduce injured animals to their habitats unless they get better.

(Lực lượng cứu hộ sẽ không đưa động vật bị thương trở lại môi trường sống của chúng trừ khi chúng khỏe hơn.)

A. As long as rescuers reintroduce injured animals to their habitats, they will get better.

(Chỉ cần những người cứu hộ đưa những động vật bị thương trở lại môi trường sống của chúng, chúng sẽ khỏe lại.)

B. If the animals get better, rescuers will reintroduce them to their habitats.

(Nếu động vật khỏe hơn, lực lượng cứu hộ sẽ đưa chúng trở lại môi trường sống của chúng.)

C. Provided that animals are reintroduced to habitats, they will get better.

(Với điều kiện là động vật được đưa trở lại môi trường sống, chúng sẽ khỏe hơn.)

 3. As long as we protest about people overfishing, we will save the fish populations.

(Miễn là chúng ta phản đối việc người dân đánh bắt quá mức, chúng ta sẽ cứu được quần thể cá.)

A. Protesting about the fish populations will reduce overfishing.

(Phản đối quần thể cá sẽ làm giảm việc đánh bắt quá mức.)

B. If we stop overfishing, we can increase fish populations.

(Nếu chúng ta ngừng đánh bắt quá mức, chúng ta có thể tăng số lượng cá.)

C. We can save the fish populations if we protest about people overfishing.

(Chúng ta có thể cứu quần thể cá nếu chúng ta phản đối việc người ta đánh bắt quá mức.)

4. If we don't boycott it, the company will continue to test products on animals.

(Nếu chúng tôi không tẩy chay, công ty sẽ tiếp tục thử nghiệm sản phẩm trên động vật.)

A. The company will stop testing products on animals unless we boycott them.

(Công ty sẽ ngừng thử nghiệm sản phẩm trên động vật trừ khi chúng tôi tẩy chay chúng.)

B. As long as we boycott them, the company will start testing products on animals.

(Chỉ cần chúng ta tẩy chay chúng, công ty sẽ bắt đầu thử nghiệm sản phẩm trên động vật.)

C. The company won't stop testing products on animals unless we boycott them.

(Công ty sẽ không ngừng thử nghiệm sản phẩm trên động vật trừ khi chúng ta tẩy chay chúng.)

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Bài 14 :

e. In pairs: Talk about environmental problems near where you live using adverbial clauses of condition and the prompts below. 

(Theo cặp: Nói về các vấn đề môi trường gần nơi bạn sống bằng cách sử dụng các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện và các gợi ý bên dưới.)

... unless the government ...   (trừ khi chính phủ)

        ... unless we start ...  (trừ khi chúng ta bắt đầu)

     .. in case they don't ... (trong trường hợp họ không)

As long as we keep ... (Miễn là chúng tôi tiếp tục)

           Provided that companies stop ... (Miễn là các công ty dừng lại       

As long as we build ... (Miễn là chúng ta xây dựng)

The land will stay polluted unless the government has someone clean it.

(Đất sẽ bị ô nhiễm trừ khi chính phủ có người làm sạch nó.)

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Bài 15 :

5. Choose the correct answer. (Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. During the parade, Laura was dancing _____ she was a professional.

A. just as           B. as though    C. than               D. while

2. This is _____ enjoyable Songkran Festival I've been to in ages!

A. most             B. the most      C. more             D. so

3. The celebrations will continue _____ the sun comes up.

A. before          B. as if                C. until              D. so

4. I will go to Sarah's baby shower _____ this heavy rain stops.

A. just as           B. as soon as   C. while             D. until

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Bài 16 :

6. Make complete sentences using the following prompts.

(Tạo các câu hoàn chỉnh dùng các gợi ý sau.)

1. Sue/dress up/as though / she / be / host / last week's cultural event.

2. Yesterday's firework display / be / good / than / we / expect.

3 I think / Dia de los Muertos / the most / amusing / festival / in Mexico.

4. They /spend /days/ decorate / their homes/ before / the festival / begin / yesterday.

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Bài 17 :

3. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the given one.

(Chọn đáp án (A, B, C hoặc D) để chỉ ra câu có nghĩa gần nhất với câu cho trước.)

1. If you participate in traditions and customs, it will help preserve your cultural identity.

A. As long you participate in traditions and customs, it will help preserve your cultural identity.

B. Unless you participate in traditions and customs, it will be difficult to preserve your cultural identity.

C. Provided that you participate in traditions and customs, it will be difficult to preserve your cultural identity.

D Even though you participate in traditions and customs, it won't help preserve your cultural identity.

2. The traditional dance performance lasted longer than the modern dance performance.

A. The modern dance performance was as long as the traditional dance performance.

B. The traditional dance performance was not as long as the modern dance performance.

C. The modern dance performance was shorter than the traditional dance performance.

D. The traditional dance performance was shorter than the modern dance performance.

3. Although it was raining during the parade, it didn't stop the celebrations.

A. The rain caused the celebrations to stop.

B. There was rain after the celebrations had stopped.

C. Even though there was rain during the parade, the celebrations didn't stop.

D. Provided that there was rain, the celebrations stopped.

4. You should participate in local customs and traditions in order that you fully experience the cultural festival. A. If you participate in the local customs and traditions, you will fully experience the cultural festival.

B. Experiencing the cultural festival does not require you to participate in the local customs and traditions.

C. You cannot participate in the local customs and traditions unless you fully experience the cultural festival,

D. So long as you fully experience the cultural festival, you can participate in the local customs and traditions.

5. We made extra food for the baby shower celebration in case there were more guests than expected.

A. There were more guests than expected, so we made extra food for the baby shower celebration.

B. We thought there could be more guests than expected, so we made extra food for the baby shower celebration.

C. We made extra food for the baby shower celebration, so there were more guests than expected.

D. There would be more guests at the baby shower celebration if we made extra food. 

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Bài 18 :

Adverbial clauses (concession & condition) (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ (nhượng bộ & điều kiện)

3. Fill in each gap with even though, though, while or provided that.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với even though, though, while hoặc provided that.)

1. We will hold the wedding anniversary outdoors, _____ the weather is goad.

2. _____ they were tired, they went to their friend's coming-of-age celebration.

3. She likes traditional food. She doesn't eat lentils, _____

4.  _____ I wanted to participate in the festival, I was too shy to do it. 

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Bài 19 :

4. Find and correct ONE mistake in each sentence.

(Tìm và sửa lại một lỗi trong mỗi câu sau.)

1. I’ll go to the baby shower in case I work.

2. We had a picnic if the weather was bad.

3. He would go out with his friends although he completed his homework.

4. Unless you come to my birthday party, you'll surely see my favourite aunt there!

5. She took an umbrella as long as it rained.

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Bài 20 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. If you _______ harder, you would pass all exams easily.

A. study

B. studied

C. are studying

D. have studied

2. I'll lend you the money _______ you promise to pay me back next month.

A. if

B. unless

C. although

D. because

3. She drives more carefully _______ her sister does

A. than

B. as

C. so

D. like

4. _______ you come with us, we won't be allowed to go to the beach.

A. Unless

B. Provided that

C. Otherwise

D. Because

5. This restaurant is _______  expensive _______  the one we went to last week.

A. as - than

B. more - than

C. less - as

D. so – that

6. The elephant was much _______ we had expected.

A. bigger than

B. as big as

C. as big

D. so big that

7. _______ he missed his flight, he had to reschedule his trip.

A. In case

B. Unless

C. If

D. Since

8. I like to go running _______ it's sunny outside.

A. if only

B. despite

C. whenever

D. even though

9. _______ we get there on time, we will have to cancel the reservation

A. Even if

B. Although

C. Unless

D. Because

10. I'll come to the party _______ I finish my work.

A. as soon as

B. even if

C. than

D. unless

11. _______ we finished dinner, we decided to watch a movie.

A. Until

B. Whenever

C. Despite the fact that

D. After

12. _______ their car broke down, they had to walk to the nearest town.

A. Wherever

B. Since

C. Once

D. In case

13. _______ we hurry, we'll miss the beginning of the movie.

A. If

B. Unless

C. As long as

D. As soon as

14. He treats his employees _______ they were his family.

A. as if

B. If

C. unless

D. in case

15. You should bring an umbrella _______ it starts raining.

A. in case

B. as if

C. unless

D. or else

16. _______ you submit your application by Friday, you won't be considered for the position.

A. Unless

B. If

C. In case

D. Although

17. People are allowed to swim in the bay, _______ they don't touch the coral reefs.

A. although

B. whether

C. provided that

D. unless

18. _______ the tiger recovered from its injuries, we released it into the wild

A. So that

B. Unless

C. As soon as

D. If

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Bài 21 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. If you see a lion in the wild, don't run away, but rather slowly back away while keep your eyes on the

               A                                B                                                    C                  D


2. As if you train your dog, it will obey your commands.

      A                                    B    C                 D

3. As soon as the sun will set, night-time animals like owls and bats come out to hunt for food.

                                    A                                     B                            C                          D

4. As the temperature dropped, birds will fly south to avoid the cold weather.

     A                             B                                            C                  D

5. If the weather gets too hot, many animals would seek shade and rest until it cools down again.

                           A                                        B                               C                  D

6. Unlike house cats, cats living in the wild are often afraid of humans and may run away if

       A                                                                         B                             C

approaching too quickly.


7. Unless you want to observe birds in the wild, it's best to be quiet and move slowly so as not to scare

       A                                                                            B                          C                              D

them away.

8. Just as humans need clean water to survive, so do many animals in the wild relies on freshwater

                  A                                                  B                                              C

sources for their survival.


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Bài 22 :

1. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. Unless we protect the environment, many wild animals will suffer.

A. Unless the environment is protected, many wild animals will suffer.

B. If we protect the environment, many wild animals will suffer.

C. If we don't protect the environment, many wild animals will survive.

D. Unless the environment is protected, many wild animals will survive.

2. The cheetah runs faster than any other land animals.

A. The cheetah is the fastest runner of all living creatures.

B. The cheetah is a faster runner on land.

C. No other land animal runs as fast as the cheetah.

D. No other animal runs as quick as the cheetah

3. If the local government doesn't take immediate action, pollution in the river will get worse.

A. If the local government takes no action, pollution in the river will improve.

B. Pollution in the river will get worse unless the local government acts immediately.

C. Unless the local government takes immediate action, pollution in the river will not get worse.

D. Pollution in the river will not get better if the local government takes immediate action.

4. If you follow the safety guidelines, you will have a great experience at the nature reserve.

A. If you ignore the safety guidelines, you will have a great experience at the nature reserve.

B. Provided that you follow the safety guidelines, you will not have a great experience at the nature reserve.

C. Unless you observe the safety rules, you will have a great experience at the nature reserve.

D. As long as you observe the safety rules, you will have a great experience at the nature reserve.

5. Like all mammals, dolphins cannot breathe underwater.

A. Like all mammals, dolphins cannot breathe easily underwater.

B. Dolphins, similar to all mammals, are not able to breathe underwater.

C. Similar to mammals and fish, dolphins cannot hold their breath underwater.

D. Dolphins are like all mammals that cannot breathe underwater.

6. Pandas only eat bamboo.

A. Pandas don't eat anything other than bamboo.

B. Pandas eat everything, except bamboo.

C. Pandas eat nothing, including bamboo.

D. Pandas eat a lot of bamboo.

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Bài 23 :

2. Use the words and phrases below, and add some words where necessary to make meaningful sentences. You can change the forms of verbs if necessary.

(Sử dụng các từ và cụm từ bên dưới và thêm một số từ khi cần thiết để tạo thành câu có nghĩa. Bạn có thể thay đổi dạng động từ nếu cần.)

1. The lion / know / the king / of the jungle / because / its beautiful appearance and powerful roar.

2. The cheetah,/ consider/ the fastest land animal / can reach / speeds/up to /70 miles per hour.

3. Elephants / have/remarkable memory/and/can remember / their family members/ many years.

4. Climate change / could cause / many species / animals / become / endangered / and / face / the risk / extinction.

5. Tiger/have/distinctive/stripes/which/help/them/blend/their surroundings/hunt/ more successfully.

6. Polar bear/rely / sea ice/for/hunting / and /be/greatly affected / the melting / the Arctic ice cap.

7. The migration / wildebeest / Africa / be / one of /most / spectacular / natural events/ the world.

8. Sharks/often / misunderstood / and /portrayed/ ruthless killers/in/ popular culture. / but/play/a vital role/maintain / the health / ocean ecosystems.

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Bài 24 :

2. Combine the sentences using the words in brackets.

(Kết hợp các câu sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.)

1. We can hold the wedding on the beach. We can do it if the weather is nice. (AS LONG AS)

2. Sarah doesn't like crowds. She enjoyed herself at the festival. (EVEN THOUGH)

3. Peter had known the couple for many years. He bought them an expensive wedding gift. (SEEING THAT)

4. Molly wanted to buy a new dress for the baby. She went to the mall. (BECAUSE)

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Bài 25 :

3. Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. Provided that/Even though Sophie could get a costume in time, she would go to the Viking Festival.

2. It was so/such a great party that they forgot all about the time, and they missed the last bus home.

3. Since/Although Mark had offered to buy her ticket, Jane decided to go with him to the festival.

4. I'll keep some soup for Susan as long as/ in case she gets hungry at night.

5. We didn't go to the baby shower in order that/because we didn't receive an invitation. 

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Bài 26 :

Adverbial clauses of comparison, manner and time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự so sánh, thái độ và thời gian.)

4. Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. The Songkran celebration was _____ than Ann expected it to be.

A. as exciting                                                  B. just as exciting

C. much more exciting                                   D. most exciting

2. Michael talks about Carnevale _____ he has been there many times before.

A. as soon as               B. as if                         C. so as                        D. just as

3. We don't know if we are going to the festival _____ the tickets arrive.

A. so as                       B. as though                C. as soon as               D. until

4. _____ the marriage ceremony, the bride and groom left for their honeymoon.

A. Before                    B. After                       C. While                      D. Until

5. _____ the festival ends, lots of the festivalgoers stay behind and help dean up the fields.

A. When                      B. As though               C. While                      D. Just as 

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