Đề bài

IA Word families

1   Word families are groups of words formed from a base word. Complete the chart.

(Từ loại là nhóm từ được hình thành từ một từ gốc. Hoàn thành biểu đồ.)













































Lời giải chi tiết :

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2   Use the chart in exercise 1 to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

(Sử dụng biểu đồ ở bài tập 1 để hoàn thành câu với dạng đúng của từ.)

1   Because of your laz_____, we’ll never get finished in time.

2   I must say, I find your attitude a little sur______.

3   He really does play the piano beaut_______.

4   She’s far too clever. She does everything annoy_______ well.

5   We have to solve this problem fast. We need to think creat_______.

6   He never even gave me a birthday card and that sad_______ me.

7   Take two of these tablets. It’ll help to eas_______ the pain.

8   They spent a very pleas_______ hour in the park walking and talking.

9   I’ve eaten John’s cake, but hop_______ he won’t notice!

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Bài 2 :

4H Word building patterns

(Các mẫu cấu tạo nên từ)

LEARN THIS!  Word building patterns

We use suffixes to form new words.

+ (t)ive / ative makes an adjective from a verb, e.g.act active

+ (t)ion makes a noun from a verb, e.g. pollute pollution

+ er / or makes a noun from a verb for a person who does an activity, e.g. write writer

Tạm dịch

LEARN THIS! Các mẫu cấu tạo nên từ

Chúng ta sử dụng hậu tố để tạo thành từ mới.

+ (t)ive / ative tạo tính từ từ một động từ, ví dụ:hoạt động →  năng động

+ (t)ion tạo danh từ từ một động từ, ví dụ: gây ô nhiễm →  ô nhiễm

+ er/ hoặc tạo danh từ từ động từ chỉ người thực hiện một hoạt động, ví dụ: viết → nhà văn

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Bài 3 :

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the given words.

1. Taylor Swift's _____ spirit made her continuously strive to impress audiences, strengthening her status as a prominent figure in the music industry. (COMPETE)

2. Beethoven was very _____ because he consistently thought outside the box and came up with innovative ideas which revolutionized the world of music. (CREATE)

3. My brother is _____. He doesn't like to work hard and he always procrastinates and avoids tasks. (INDOLENCE)

4. Nguyen Du is very _____. His poems are filled with beautiful imagery and captivating storytelling, which can transport readers to rich and imaginative worlds. (ART)

5. Elon Musk's innovative mindset has made him highly _____ in industries such as electric vehicles and space exploration. (SUCCEED).

6. I always find my uncle when I need advice or information because he is highly _____ and always has insightful perspectives to share. (INTELLECT)

7. My sister is incredibly _____; she always makes sure that tasks are completed and takes accountability for her actions. (RESPONSIBILITY)

8. Zendaya is very _____ because she doesn't rely on a large team to help her with her makeup. She prefers to express her personal style by herself. (DEPEND)

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Bài 4 :

3. Complete the pairs of sentences with the correct forms of the words in capitals.

(Hoàn thành các cặp câu sau với dạng đúng của các từ viết hoa.)


I think it's (a) stupid to fork out 50 euros extra for the same pair of shoes in a different colour.

In the end, his (b) stupidity cost him a severe injury and a lengthy prison sentence.


To ensure (a) _____, anyone found cheating during the exam will automatically be given a fail grade.

Do you really think it is (b) _____ to steal someone's intellectual property?


The Earth belongs to everyone and all people on it should have (a) _____ rights.

Denmark has an impressive record on gender (b) _____.


This is an (a) _____ vote so please do not write your name on the voting paper.

To ensure (b) _____, the famous actor only walked through the city streets late at night.


One (a) _____ friend is worth a thousand acquaintances.

The next song I'd like to sing is about the importance of friendship and (b) _____.


The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 will remain a (a) _____ unless the wreckage is found.

The (b) _____ disappearance of Lord Lucan, the aristocrat suspected of murder, has never been solved.

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