Đề bài

6 VOCABULARY Find five underlined compound adjectives in the text. Then complete the sentences with them.

(Tìm năm tính từ ghép được gạch chân trong văn bản. Sau đó hoàn thành các câu với chúng.)

Compound adjectives

1 Although she was tall, she was slim and ________ and didn't weigh much.

2 Try this ________ jam. It's much better than the ones you buy in shops.

3 Suddenly, we heard the ________ roar of a lion calling out to its mate.

4 The stranger had ________ eyes that were close together, giving him a menacing look.

5 After six months of travelling, the men were all ________ and bearded.

Phương pháp giải :

*Nghĩa của các tính từ ghép

homemade (adj): nhà làm

thin-boned (adj): xương nhỏ

low-set (adj): thấp

deep-throated (adj): giọng ấm

long-haired (adj): tóc dài

Lời giải chi tiết :

1 Although she was tall, she was slim and thin-boned and didn't weigh much.

(Mặc dù cô ấy cao nhưng cô ấy lại mảnh khảnh, xương gầy và không nặng mấy.)

2 Try this homemade jam. It's much better than the ones you buy in shops.

(Hãy thử món mứt tự làm này. Nó tốt hơn nhiều so với những thứ bạn mua ở cửa hàng.)

3 Suddenly, we heard the deep-throated roar of a lion calling out to its mate.

(Đột nhiên, chúng tôi nghe thấy tiếng gầm gừ sâu thẳm của một con sư tử đang gọi bạn tình của nó.)

4 The stranger had low-set eyes that were close together, giving him a menacing look.

(Kẻ lạ mặt có đôi mắt trũng sâu, gần nhau, nhìn hắn có vẻ đầy đe dọa.)

5 After six months of travelling, the men were all  long-haired and bearded.

(Sau sáu tháng đi du lịch, những người đàn ông đều để tóc dài và để râu.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

6 VOCABULARY Match the compound adjectives below with definitions (1-10).

(Nối các tính từ ghép dưới đây với định nghĩa (1-10).)

Compound adjectives











1 having confidence in yourself and your abilities

2 thinking only about the thing that you want to achieve

3 not easily upset by negative comments

4 relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying

5 behaving in a way that is acceptable

6 able to think in a fast way

7 cheerful and without problems

8 rude and not showing respect

9 willing to accept other ideas and ways of doing things

10 putting a lot of effort into something

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Bài 2 :

4 Underline the compound adjectives in sentences (1-6) and match them with definitions (a-f). Then answer the questions.

(Gạch dưới các tính từ ghép trong câu (1-6) và nối chúng với định nghĩa (a-f). Sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1 Would you describe yourself as single-minded?

2 Do you ever buy second-hand goods?

3 When did you last watch a light-hearted film?

4 Which school subjects do you find most straightforward?

5 Do you think it's better to be good-looking or talented?

6 Were you a high-spirited child?

a attractive

b easy

c not new

d determined

e energetic

f not serious

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Bài 3 :

Dictionary Strategy

Compounds adjectives made up of an adjective + noun + -ed or a noun + -ing form usually have their own dictionary entries. However, compound adjectives made up of an adverb + past participle do not have their own entries, as the meaning is similar to the meaning of the headword.

Tạm dịch

Chiến lược từ điển

Tính từ ghép được tạo thành từ tính từ + danh từ + -ed hoặc danh từ + -ing thường có mục từ điển riêng. Tuy nhiên, tính từ ghép được tạo thành từ trạng từ + quá khứ phân từ không có mục riêng vì nghĩa tương tự như nghĩa của từ đầu.

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Bài 4 :

5 DICTIONARY WORK Read the Dictionary Strategy. Which of the compound adjectives below are likely to have their own entry? Check your answers in a dictionary.

(Đọc Chiến lược từ điển. Những tính từ ghép nào dưới đây có khả năng có mục riêng? Kiểm tra câu trả lời của bạn trong từ điển.)

densely populated






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Bài 5 :

6 Complete the compound adjectives with the words below. Use a dictionary to help you.

(Hoàn thành các tính từ ghép với các từ dưới đây. Hãy sử dụng từ điển để giúp bạn.)






1 Sarah often forgets things because she's absent-___________.

2 The microwave is one of the best time- -___________ devices ever invented.

3 The cakes at the baker's were so mouth--___________ that I wanted to eat them all!

4 That decision could have far--___________ consequences for us.

5 Singapore is one of the most densely -___________ places in the world.

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Bài 6 :

4. Rewrite the following descriptions using compound adjectives. Use a dictionary if necessary.

(Viết lại các mô tả sau bằng cách sử dụng tính từ ghép. Sử dụng từ điển nếu cần thiết.)

1. A young woman with rosy cheeks

(Thiếu nữ đôi má hồng hào)

2. A child with curly hair

(Đứa trẻ có mái tóc xoăn)

3. An old man with thin lips

(Ông già môi mỏng)

4. A young sportsman with broad shoulders

(Vận động viên trẻ với bờ vai rộng)

5. A high jumper with long legs

(Vận động viên nhảy cao với đôi chân dài)

6. A teenager with a kind heart

(Một thiếu niên có trái tim nhân hậu)

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Bài 7 :

5. Match the adjectives in purple in the review with the definitions in the LANGUAGE FOCUS box. Is each one positive, negative, or a matter of taste?

(Nối các tính từ màu tím trong bài đánh giá với các định nghĩa trong hộp TẬP TRUNG NGÔN NGỮ. Mỗi điều là tích cực, tiêu cực hay là vấn đề sở thích?)


Adjectives for reviews (Tính từ để đánh giá)

Use a range of adjectives to make your review interesting.

(Sử dụng nhiều tính từ để làm cho bài đánh giá của bạn trở nên thú vị.)

1. very funny = hilarious

2. impossible to forget =

3. extremely frightening =

4. exciting =

5. emotional about the past =

6. liked by critics=

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Bài 8 :

6 Complete the sentences with compound adjectives.

(Hoàn thành câu với tính từ ghép.)

1 We went to a restaurant with Andy last night and he was rude and unpleasant to everyone! He's always been b__________ -m__________.

2 You'd have to be very t__________ -s__________ not to be upset by his insensitive remarks.

3 She devotes all her time to her training. She's very  ambitious and s__________ -m__________ when it comes to achieving her goals.

4 We saw a romantic comedy at the theatre last weekend which was fun and quite l__________ -h__________.

5 Lily was very s__________ -c__________ before the exam because she'd studied a lot and knew she would do well.

6 I've met quite a few relaxed people in my life, but I've never known anyone as e__________ -g__________as Mark.

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Bài 9 :

1. Match the sentence halves.

(Nối hai nửa câu.)

1. It was such a far-

2. We're taking a much- 

3. My uncle used to be a highly

4. She's so single- 

5. Your actions could have far-

6. The film is a light- 

7. Being absent-

8. She made a half-

a. hearted look at the world of fashion.

b. needed break in the country next weekend.

c. reaching consequences for all of us.

d. minded, I often forget things.

e. fetched story that no one believed him.

f. hearted effort, but wasn't really trying.

g. trained athlete many years ago.

h. minded that you won't change her decision.

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Bài 10 :

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

(Hoàn thành câu với các từ dưới đây.)

1 We had a ________ taking view from the top of the mountain.

2 This phone is considered very ________-fashioned nowadays.

3 I'd never eaten such ________-watering dishes before I visited Thailand.

4 Last night's TV fashion documentary was informative and ________-provoking.

5 If you don't like ________-spirited dogs, I don't recommend this breed.

6 Despite all the ________-saving devices I own, I always seem to be busy!

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Bài 11 :

3 Complete the sentences with compound adjectives formed from the words in brackets.

(Hoàn thành câu với tính từ ghép được tạo thành từ những từ trong ngoặc.)

1 It may be an interesting article, but it's not very _______ (write).

2 If Zoe's as _______ (look) as her sister, she must be really beautifull

3 This job's only suitable for people from _______ (speak) countries such as the UK or Australia.

4 Japan is a very _______ (populated) country.

5 Travelling into space must be a _______ (blow) experience!

6 I'm always _______ (eye) until I've had some coffee.

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Bài 12 :

4 Choose the correct options (a–c) to complete the text above.

It may be surprising, but scientists still have no 1_____ explanation for why we dream. There are plenty of 2_____ facts about dreams, but little agreement about their purpose. Many 3_____ scientists think that dreams allow a 4_____  opportunity for the brain to clear its 'hard disk' while we sleep. Others are more interested in the meaning of dreams, and although it may seem 5_____, some people are said to have predicted the future while dreaming. There is much that is 6_____ about dreams, so when you next wake up 7_____ from a good night's sleep, why not try writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up? Because apparently, 95% of what you dream is forgotten before you get out of bed!

1 a single-minded

b straightforward

c far-reaching

2 a well-known

b good-looking

c well-written

3 a mind-blowing

b highly respected

c badly paid

4 a time-saving

b second-hand

c much-needed

5 a far-fetched

b half-hearted

c high-spirited

6 a upcoming

b thought-provoking

c old-fashioned

7 a light-hearted

b bleary-eyed

c absent-minded

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Bài 13 :


Not all compound adjectives, especially those formed from adverb + past participle, appear in a dictionary because they are formed from other words. You should be able to work out the meaning of most of them from the words which form them. For example, a highly paid person is someone who is paid a lot of money.


Không phải tất cả các tính từ ghép, đặc biệt là những tính từ được hình thành từ trạng từ + quá khứ phân từ, đều xuất hiện trong từ điển vì chúng được hình thành từ những từ khác. Bạn sẽ có thể tìm ra ý nghĩa của hầu hết chúng từ những từ tạo nên chúng. Ví dụ, người được trả lương cao là người được trả nhiều tiền.)

5 Read the Vocab boost! box. Then complete the second part of each sentence with an explanation. Try not to repeat the words from the compound adjective.

(Đọc khung Tăng từ vựng! Sau đó hoàn thành phần thứ hai của mỗi câu với lời giải thích. Cố gắng không lặp lại các từ trong tính từ ghép.)

1 A short-sighted person is someone _____________________________

2 A cold-blooded animal is an animal _____________________________

3 A last-minute decision is a decision _____________________________

4 A world-famous tourist attraction is one _____________________________

5 A well-behaved child is a child _____________________________

6 An open-minded person is someone _____________________________

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Bài 14 :

6. Choose the correct option to complete the news headlines.

1. Kind/ Cold-hearted woman adopts seven abandoned puppies.

2. These are made-up / makeup government claims, because they haven’t checked the facts,’ say experts.

3. ‘My fame was short-faced / lived - I should have won the competition,’ complains X-Factor loser.

4. ‘Consumers ill-hearted / advised to borrow more money,’ says finance minister.

5. ‘There will be a crack-down/ backup on crime,’ police chief promises.

6. Story / News anchor braves storm to report for TV station!

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