Đề bài

Exercise 4. Choose the best option to complete each sentence.

My family often have a tradition of holding a family ______at Christmas.

  • A.


  • B.


  • C.


  • D.


Đáp án : A

Phương pháp giải :

Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Lời giải chi tiết :

reunion (n): sự đoàn tụ

work (n): công việc

meal (n): bữa ăn

party (n): bữa tiệc

My family often have a tradition of holding a family reunion at Christmas.

(Gia đình tôi thường có truyền thống tổ chức họp mặt gia đình vào dịp Giáng sinh.)

Chọn A

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Choose the best answer.

______ people in the countryside are not rich, they often have a peaceful and happy life.

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Bài 2 :

Choose the best answer.

My family is going to come back to the hometown to _____ a visit to our grandparents.

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Bài 3 :

Choose the best answer.

_______ is an area of  land with hills or mountains.

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Bài 4 :

Choose the best answer.

Several large fish live in the ______.

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Bài 5 :

Choose the best answer.

In Vietnam, farmers start ______ in the spring.

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Bài 6 :

Choose the best answer.

If I had lived in the city, I might understand more about the other types of people and _____ they think and interact.

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Bài 7 :

Choose the best answer.

Except for some minor changes, life in my hometown has generally remained at a slow _____.

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Bài 8 :

Choose the best answer.

Which one do you prefer, life in the _____ area or life in a modern town?

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Bài 9 :

Mono danced ________than Mr Buong, my teacher.

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Bài 10 :

             youngest boy has just started going to            school.

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Bài 11 :

_________ does Hung Temple Festival take place? – In Phu Tho.

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Bài 12 :

She _________ sore eyes if she spends too much time on the computer.

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Bài 13 :

She wanted to prepare for the exam;______, she turned off her mobile phone.

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Bài 14 :

Children in the countryside enjoy _________ cattle in the field.

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Bài 15 :

I am crazy about my children.

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Bài 16 :

4. Match the activities (1 - 6) that people living in the countryside often do with the pictures (a - f).

(Nối các hoạt động (1 - 6) mà những người sống ở nông thôn thường làm với các bức tranh (a - f).)

Can you add some more activities?

(Bạn có thể thêm những hoạt động khác không?)

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Bài 17 :


1. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

(Khoanh tròn vào từ đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau.)

1. We helped the farmers herd cattle / poultry.

2. They are helping their parents pick plants / fruit in the orchard.

3. At harvest time farmers are busy cutting and collecting food / crops.

4. The driver loaded / unloaded the rice from the back of the truck.

5. People here live by catching / holding fish from nearby lakes and ponds.

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Bài 18 :

2. Match the following adjectives with their definitions.

(Nối các tính từ sau với định nghĩa của chúng.)

1. vast

a. pretty, especially in a way that looks old-fashioned

2. hospitable

b. having something near or around

3. well-trained

c. extremely large in area, size, amount, etc

4. surrounded

d. pleased to welcome guests; generous and friendly to visitors

5. picturesque

e. having received good or thorough training

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Bài 19 :

3. Complete the sentences with the words from 2.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ ở bài 2.)

1. The local people are kind and _____ to visitors.

2. Our factory needs a lot of _____ workers.

3. While travelling up the mountain, people always stop and take photos of the _____ scenery.

4. The Sahara is a _____ desert that covers parts of eleven countries in northern Africa.

5. The lake is _____ by a lot of trees.

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Bài 20 :


1. Write the phrase from the box under the correct picture.

(Viết cụm từ từ hộp dưới hình ảnh đúng.)

unloading rice         

ploughing fields         

milking cows         

feeding pigs         

catching fish         

drying rice

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Bài 21 :

2. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. There is a huge cloud _____ as far as the eye can see.

A. surrounded            

B. stretching               

C. vast

2. People in my village are really _____; they are always generous and friendly to visitors.

A. well-trained                       

B. funny                     

C. hospitable

3. The development of cities destroys _____ areas of countryside.

A. vast                        

B. much                      

C. stretching

4. The workers in our factory are very _____ because they took a lot of good training courses.

A. hospitable              

B. kind                       

C. well-trained

5. The area around the village is famous for its _____ landscape.

A. picturesque            

B. boring                    

C. dull

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Bài 22 :

a. Read the definitions, then fill in the blanks with the new words. Listen and repeat.

(Đọc những định nghĩa, sau đó điền vào chỗ trống những từ mới. Nghe và nhắc lại.)

entertainment - things people can use or do for fun

(giải trí - những thứ mọi người có thể làm để vui vẻ)

nature - animals, plants, and things not made by people

(tự nhiên - động vật, thực vật và những thứ không làm ra từ con người)

noise - unpleasant and/ or loud sounds

(tiếng ồn - âm thanh khó chịu hoặc lớn)

peace - the state of being calm or quiet

(bình yên - trạng thái bình tính hoặc lặng yên)

fresh - clean or cool (e.g. water, air)

(tươi - sạch hoặc mát (ví dụ: nước, không khí))

vehicle - a thing used for transporting people or things from one place to another, such as a car or a truck

(xe cộ - một thứ được sử dụng để vận chuyển người hoặc vật từ nơi này sang nơi khác, chẳng hạn như ô tô hoặc xe tải)

room - available empty space to use

(phòng - có sẵn không gian trống để sử dụng)

facility - a building, service, piece of equipment, etc. with a particular purpose

(trang thiết bị - một tòa nhà, dịch vụ, thiết bị, v.v. với một mục đích cụ thể)

 1. I want a big garden because I need room to grow vegetables.

(Tôi muốn có một khu vườn lớn vì tôi cần chỗ để trồng rau.)

2. Many people visit Hawaii for its               . It has lots of beautiful beaches and mountains with trees and colorful birds.

3. My favorite thing about the library isn't the books. It's the              and quiet.

4. The air outside is so                . Let's go for a walk!

5. I live near an airport, and I can't sleep at night because the               is so loud!

6. I have to use public transportation every day because I don't have a               .

7. Amusement parks and theaters are two examples of               in my city.

8. I think that the new hospital is the most important               in our town.

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Bài 23 :

Life in the city/countryside

(Cuộc sống ở thành thị/nông thôn)

1. Listen and repeat. Complete the table with the items from the lists above. You can add your own ideas.

(Nghe và lặp lại. Hoàn thành bảng với các mục từ danh sách trên. Em có thể thêm ý tưởng của riêng em.)


Life in the city

Life in the countryside







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Bài 24 :


Features of the city/countryside (Đặc điểm của thành phố/nông thôn)

4. a) Listen and repeat.

(Nghe và đọc lại.)

friendly              busy                    calm                   crowded                 quiet              historic                peaceful                 modern

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Bài 25 :

b) Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1. There are a lot of historic/crowded buildings in Ha Noi, so you can learn about the local history and culture.

2. It’s relaxing to take a boat ride on a modern/calm river.

3. I love talking to the friendly/crowded local people on my holidays.

4. Local people in my village live a historic/peaceful life.

5. The town isn't calm/crowded. It has a population of about over 3,000 people.

6 The streets in my city are usually busy/friendly.

7. It’s really quiet/busy here in the morning. The only sound comes from the birds in the trees.

8. Hồ Chí Minh City is famous for its historic/modern lifestyle.

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Bài 26 :


1. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1. There are twelve wards/provinces in my district.

2. We spoke to the friendly/historic local people our trip to a village in the UK.

3. Hà Nội is one of the biggest cities/villages in Việt Nam.

4. I would love to spend the summer in a noisy/calm village in the countryside.

5. I love the countryside because it has beautiful scenery/traffic.

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Bài 27 :

2. Fill in each gap with entertainment, countryside, buildings, pollution or scenery.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với entertainment, countryside, buildings, pollution or scenery.)

1. Quang likes taking photos of the beautiful                           at the beach.

2. Life in the city is exciting because there’s a lot of              .

3. I prefer life in the                             . It’s quiet and relaxing.

4. My friends suggested moving away from the city and going somewhere without                       

5. The                            in New York are very tall.

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Bài 28 :

3. Study the Vocabulary box. In pairs, answer the questions below using the phrases from the Vocabulary box.

(Nghiên cứu hộp từ vựng. Làm theo cặp, trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây bằng cách sử dụng các cụm từ trong hộp Từ vựng.)


(Từ vựng)

Life in the countryside

(Cuộc sống ở đồng quê)

Verb phrases: (Cụm động từ)

herd buffaloes (chăn trâu)

feed the animals (cho động vật ăn)

dry the rice (phơi lúa)

play hide and seek (chơi trốn tìm)

milk the cows (vắt sữa bò)

throw cans (ném lon)

Noun phrases: (Cụm danh từ)

paddy field (ruộng lúa)

harvest time (mùa gặt)

1. Where do farmers grow rice?

(Nông dân trồng lúa ở đâu?)

2. When do farmers harvest rice?

(Khi nào người nông dân thu hoạch lúa?)

3. What do you call giving the animals food?

(Bạn gọi thức ăn cho động vật là gì?)

4. What do farmers do with rice after they harvest it?

(Nông dân làm gì với lúa sau khi thu hoạch?)

5. How do farmers get milk?

(Làm thế nào để nông dân có sữa?)

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Bài 29 :

4. Match the words on the left with the words on the right that have the opposite meanings.

(Nối các từ bên trái với các từ bên phải có nghĩa trái ngược nhau.)

1. slow (chậm chạp)

a. deserted (vắng vẻ)

2. relaxing (thư giãn)

b. fast (nhanh)

3. crowded (đông đúc)

c. peaceful (yên bình)

4. dangerous (nguy hiểm)

d. stressful (căng thẳng)

5. low (thấp)

e. high (cao)

6. noisy (ồn ào)

f. safe (an toàn)

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Bài 30 :

1. Which words / phrases can be used to …

(Những từ/cụm từ nào có thể dùng để…)

1. describe a lifestyle? 

2. describe a place? 

3. describe activities in the countryside? 

4. describe activities in children’s games?

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